mirror of https://github.com/oceanprotocol/barge.git synced 2024-12-02 05:57:21 +01:00
🐳 Docker Compose files for the full Ocean Protocol stack
Go to file
2018-12-11 12:02:56 +01:00
.github Standardize contrib guidelines across public repos 2018-11-30 15:46:13 +01:00
compose-files Update keeper-contracts docker, feature_docker no longer needed, latest keeper works now. 2018-12-10 01:10:25 +01:00
networks Restored networkid for spree 2018-12-07 13:33:49 +01:00
.banner add docs to script banner, remove unused images folder 2018-11-27 12:27:01 +01:00
.gitignore ignore ganache persistence files 2018-10-02 11:27:40 +02:00
brizo.env refactor more 2018-12-05 14:03:41 +01:00
cors-proxy.conf secret store api cors proxy 2018-11-16 16:37:58 +01:00
LICENSE Initial commit 2018-04-26 16:40:15 +01:00
README.md added local urls 2018-12-11 12:02:56 +01:00
start_ocean.sh updated readme 2018-12-11 11:54:06 +01:00



🐳 Docker images and Compose for the full Ocean Protocol Network stack. oceanprotocol.com

🐲🦑 THERE BE DRAGONS AND SQUIDS. This is in alpha state and you can expect running into problems. If you run into them, please open up a new issue. 🦑🐲

Table of Contents


You need to have the newest versions available of both:

Populate the following in the brizo.env file:

Get Started

Then bring up an instance of the whole Ocean Protocol network stack with the start_ocean.sh script:

git clone git@github.com:oceanprotocol/docker-images.git
cd docker-images/

screen shot 2018-10-10 at 12 20 48

This will bring up the stable versions of all components, referring to their respective master branches.

To run as a publisher, Brizo configuration must be set with valid Azure account credentials. This is done in the file brizo.env.

To get the latest versions of all components, referring to their develop branches, pass the argument --latest:

./start_ocean.sh --latest

After getting everything running, you can open the Pleuston Frontend application in your browser:


Script Options

The start_ocean.sh script provides the following options:

Option Description
--latest Get the latest versions of all components instead of stable, referring to their develop branches.
--no-pleuston Start up Ocean without an instance of pleuston. Helpful for development on pleuston.
--no-aquarius Start up Ocean without an instance of aquarius and mongodb.
--no-brizo Start up Ocean without an instance of brizo.
--no-secret-store Start up Ocean without an instance of secret-store.
--local-ganache-node Runs a local ganache node.
--local-spree-node Runs a local node of the spree network.
--local-nile-node Runs a node of the nile network and connects to the nile network.
--local-kovan-node Runs a light node of the kovan network and connects to the kovan network.
--reuse-ganache-database Runs the ganache node with a persistent database.
--purge Removes the containers, volumes, artifact folder and networks used by the script.

Docker Building Blocks

Ocean compose consist of a set of building Blocks that can be combined to form a local test environment.

Keeper Node

Controlled by the --local-*-node config switches will start a container keeper-node that uses port 8545 to expose an rpc endpoint to the Ethereum Protocol. Internal Url: http://keeper-node:8545.

Hostname External Port Internal Url Local Url Description
keeper-node 8545 http://keeper-node:8545 http://localhost:8545 An Ethereum RPC node

This node can be one of the following implementations:

Node Description
ganache Runs a local ganache-cli node that is not persistent by default. The contracts from the desired keeper-contracts version will be deployed upon launch of this node.
spree Runs a local instance of the spree network. See Spree Network for details.
nile Runs a instance of the nile network and connects to the Nile testnet. See Nile Network for details.
kovan Runs a instance of the kovan network and connects to the Kovan testnet.


Controlled by the --no-aquarius config switch will start two containers:

Hostname External Port Internal Url Local Url Description
aquarius 5000 http://aquarius:5000 http://localhost:5000 Aquarius
mongodb MongoDB used by Aquarius


Controlled by the --no-brizo config switch will start one container:

Hostname External Port Internal Url Local Url Description
brizo 8030 http://brizo:8030 http://localhost:8030 Brizo


Controlled by the --no-pleuston config switch will start one container:

Hostname External Port Internal Url Local Url Description
pleuston 3000 http://pleuston:3000 http://localhost:3000 Pleuston

You can reach it on http://localhost:3000

Secret Store

Controlled by the --no-secret-store config switch will start three containers:

Hostname External Ports Internal Url Local Url Description
secret-store 12000, 32771 http://secret-store:12000 http://localhost:12000 An instance of the Ocean Secret Store
secret-store-cors-proxy 12001 http://secret-store-cors-proxy:12001 http://localhost:12001 A nginx proxy to enable CORS on the secret store
secret-store-signing-node 9545 http://secret-store-signing-node:9545 http://localhost:9545 A parity node to sign messages for the secret store and to decrypt and encrypt

Spree Network

If you run the start_ocean.sh script with the --local-spree-node option, you will have available a keeper node instance with the following accounts enabled:

Account Password Balance
0x00bd138abd70e2f00903268f3db08f2d25677c9e node0 10000000111000111000111000
0x068ed00cf0441e4829d9784fcbe7b9e26d4bd8d0 secret 100000000
0xa99d43d86a0758d5632313b8fa3972b6088a21bb secret 100000000

Use one of the above accounts to populate PARITY_ADDRESS and PARITY_PASSWORD in brizo.env file to avoid asccount locked issues from the keeper contracts.

Nile Network



See the page titled "Ways to Contribute" in the Ocean Protocol documentation.


Copyright 2018 Ocean Protocol Foundation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.