bump default versions (#156)

* bump default versions

* bump to Brizo v0.3.10
This commit is contained in:
Matthias Kretschmann 2019-06-13 11:06:03 +02:00 committed by Troy McConaghy
parent aad2a11928
commit 75eda67ea7
2 changed files with 64 additions and 64 deletions

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@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ That will run the current default versions of Aquarius, Brizo, Pleuston and Keep
Options that set the versions (Docker image tags) of Aquarius, Brizo, Keeper Contracts and Pleuston:
Option | Aquarius | Brizo | Keeper | Pleuston |
(Default) | `v0.2.2` | `v0.3.1` | `v0.9.0` | `v0.3.0` |
`--latest` | `latest` | `latest` | `latest` | `latest` |
| Option | Aquarius | Brizo | Keeper | Pleuston |
| ---------- | -------- | --------- | -------- | -------- |
| (Default) | `v0.2.9` | `v0.3.10` | `v0.9.7` | `v0.4.0` |
| `--latest` | `latest` | `latest` | `latest` | `latest` |
Default is always a combination of component versions which are considered stable.
@ -85,22 +85,22 @@ Note: If you use the `--latest` option, then the `latest` Docker images will be
Other `start_ocean.sh` options:
Option | Description
----------------------------| -----------
`--no-pleuston` | Start up Ocean without the `pleuston` Building Block. Helpful for development on `pleuston`.
`--no-aquarius` | Start up Ocean without the `aquarius` Building Block.
`--no-brizo` | Start up Ocean without the `brizo` Building Block.
`--no-secret-store` | Start up Ocean without the `secret-store` Building Block.
`--elasticsearch` | Start up Ocean with ElasticSearch as DB engine for Aquarius instead of MongoDB.
`--local-ganache-node` | Runs a local `ganache` node.
`--local-spree-node` | Runs a node of the local `spree` network. This is the default.
`--local-duero-node` | Runs a local parity node and connects the node to the `duero` network.
`--local-nile-node` | Runs a local parity node and connects the node to the `nile` network.
`--local-kovan-node` | Runs a light node of the `kovan` network and connects the node to the `kovan` network.
`--reuse-ganache-database` | Configures a running `ganache` node to use a persistent database.
`--acl-contract` | Configures secret-store `acl_contract` option to enable secret-store authorization.
`--force-pull` | Force pulling the latest revision of the used Docker images.
`--purge` | Removes the Docker containers, volumes, artifact folder and networks used by the script.
| Option | Description |
| -------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `--no-pleuston` | Start up Ocean without the `pleuston` Building Block. Helpful for development on `pleuston`. |
| `--no-aquarius` | Start up Ocean without the `aquarius` Building Block. |
| `--no-brizo` | Start up Ocean without the `brizo` Building Block. |
| `--no-secret-store` | Start up Ocean without the `secret-store` Building Block. |
| `--elasticsearch` | Start up Ocean with ElasticSearch as DB engine for Aquarius instead of MongoDB. |
| `--local-ganache-node` | Runs a local `ganache` node. |
| `--local-spree-node` | Runs a node of the local `spree` network. This is the default. |
| `--local-duero-node` | Runs a local parity node and connects the node to the `duero` network. |
| `--local-nile-node` | Runs a local parity node and connects the node to the `nile` network. |
| `--local-kovan-node` | Runs a light node of the `kovan` network and connects the node to the `kovan` network. |
| `--reuse-ganache-database` | Configures a running `ganache` node to use a persistent database. |
| `--acl-contract` | Configures secret-store `acl_contract` option to enable secret-store authorization. |
| `--force-pull` | Force pulling the latest revision of the used Docker images. |
| `--purge` | Removes the Docker containers, volumes, artifact folder and networks used by the script. |
## Docker Building Blocks
@ -114,77 +114,77 @@ By default it will start one container. If Pleuston is running, you can open the
This Building Block can be disabled by setting the `--no-pleuston` flag.
Hostname | External Port | Internal Url | Local Url | Description
`pleuston` | `3000` | http://pleuston:3000 | http://localhost:3000 | [Pleuston](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/pleuston)
| Hostname | External Port | Internal Url | Local Url | Description |
| ---------- | ------------- | -------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| `pleuston` | `3000` | http://pleuston:3000 | http://localhost:3000 | [Pleuston](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/pleuston) |
### Aquarius
By default it will start two containers (one for aquarius and one for its database engine). By default Barge will use MongoDB as DB Engine. You can use option `--elasticsearch` to use ElasticSearch instead.
This Building Block can be disabled by setting the `--no-aquarius` flag.
Hostname | External Port | Internal Url | Local Url | Description
`aquarius` | `5000` | http://aquarius:5000 | http://localhost:5000 | [Aquarius](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/aquarius)
`mongodb` | | | | MongoDB used by Aquarius
| Hostname | External Port | Internal Url | Local Url | Description |
| ---------- | ------------- | -------------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| `aquarius` | `5000` | http://aquarius:5000 | http://localhost:5000 | [Aquarius](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/aquarius) |
| `mongodb` | | | | MongoDB used by Aquarius |
### Brizo
By default it will start one container. This Building Block can be disabled by setting the `--no-brizo` flag.
Hostname | External Port | Internal Url | Local Url | Description
`brizo` | `8030` | http://brizo:8030 | http://localhost:8030 | [Brizo](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/brizo)
| Hostname | External Port | Internal Url | Local Url | Description |
| -------- | ------------- | ----------------- | --------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| `brizo` | `8030` | http://brizo:8030 | http://localhost:8030 | [Brizo](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/brizo) |
### Keeper Node
Controlled by the `--local-*-node` config switches will start a container `keeper-node` that uses port `8545` to expose an rpc endpoint to the Ethereum Protocol.
You can find a detailed explanation of how to use this in the [script options](#script-options) section of this document.
Hostname | External Port | Internal Url | Local Url | Description
`keeper-node` | `8545` | http://keeper-node:8545 | http://localhost:8545 | An Ethereum RPC node
| Hostname | External Port | Internal Url | Local Url | Description |
| ------------- | ------------- | ----------------------- | --------------------- | -------------------- |
| `keeper-node` | `8545` | http://keeper-node:8545 | http://localhost:8545 | An Ethereum RPC node |
This node can be one of the following types (with the default being `spree`):
Node | Description
`ganache` | Runs a local [ganache-cli](https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-cli) node that is not persistent by default. The contracts from the desired `keeper-contracts` version will be deployed upon launch of this node.
`spree` | This is the default. Runs a local node of the Spree Network. See [Spree Network](#spree-network) for details. The contracts from the desired `keeper-contracts` version will be deployed upon launch of this node.
`duero` | Runs a local node of the Duero Network and connects to the [Duero Testnet](https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/concepts/testnets/#the-duero-testnet).
`nile` | Runs a local node of the Nile Network and connects to the [Nile Testnet](https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/concepts/testnets/#nile-testnet).
`kovan` | Runs a local node of the Kovan Network and connects to the [Kovan Testnet](https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/concepts/testnets/#kovan-testnet).
| Node | Description |
| --------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ganache` | Runs a local [ganache-cli](https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-cli) node that is not persistent by default. The contracts from the desired `keeper-contracts` version will be deployed upon launch of this node. |
| `spree` | This is the default. Runs a local node of the Spree Network. See [Spree Network](#spree-network) for details. The contracts from the desired `keeper-contracts` version will be deployed upon launch of this node. |
| `duero` | Runs a local node of the Duero Network and connects to the [Duero Testnet](https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/concepts/testnets/#the-duero-testnet). |
| `nile` | Runs a local node of the Nile Network and connects to the [Nile Testnet](https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/concepts/testnets/#nile-testnet). |
| `kovan` | Runs a local node of the Kovan Network and connects to the [Kovan Testnet](https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/concepts/testnets/#kovan-testnet). |
### Secret Store
By default it will start three containers. This Building Block can be disabled by setting the `--no-secret-store` flag.
Hostname | External Ports | Internal URL | Local URL | Description
`secret-store` | `12000`, `32771` | http://secret-store:12000 | http://localhost:12000 | An instance of the Ocean Secret Store
`secret-store-cors-proxy` | `12001` | http://secret-store-cors-proxy:12001 | http://localhost:12001 | An NGINX proxy to enable CORS on the secret store
`secret-store-signing-node` | `9545` | http://secret-store-signing-node:9545 | http://localhost:9545 | A Parity Ethereum node to `sign` messages for the secret store and to `decrypt` and `encrypt`
| Hostname | External Ports | Internal URL | Local URL | Description |
| --------------------------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------- | ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `secret-store` | `12000`, `32771` | http://secret-store:12000 | http://localhost:12000 | An instance of the Ocean Secret Store |
| `secret-store-cors-proxy` | `12001` | http://secret-store-cors-proxy:12001 | http://localhost:12001 | An NGINX proxy to enable CORS on the secret store |
| `secret-store-signing-node` | `9545` | http://secret-store-signing-node:9545 | http://localhost:9545 | A Parity Ethereum node to `sign` messages for the secret store and to `decrypt` and `encrypt` |
## Spree Network
If you run the `./start_ocean.sh` script with the `--local-spree-node` option (please see [Keeper Node](#keeper-node) section of this document for more details),
you will have available a keeper node in the local and private Spree Network with the following accounts enabled:
Account | Type | Password/Key | Balance
`0x00Bd138aBD70e2F00903268F3Db08f2D25677C9e` | key | node0 | 1000000000 Ether
`0x068Ed00cF0441e4829D9784fCBe7b9e26D4BD8d0` | key | secret | 1000000000 Ether
`0xA99D43d86A0758d5632313b8fA3972B6088A21BB` | key | secret | 1000000000 Ether
`0xe2DD09d719Da89e5a3D0F2549c7E24566e947260` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether
`0xBE5449a6A97aD46c8558A3356267Ee5D2731ab5e` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether
`0xA78deb2Fa79463945C247991075E2a0e98Ba7A09` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether
`0x02354A1F160A3fd7ac8b02ee91F04104440B28E7` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether
`0xe17D2A07EFD5b112F4d675ea2d122ddb145d117B` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether
`0xA32C84D2B44C041F3a56afC07a33f8AC5BF1A071` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether
`0xFF3fE9eb218EAe9ae1eF9cC6C4db238B770B65CC` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether
`0x529043886F21D9bc1AE0feDb751e34265a246e47` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether
`0xe08A1dAe983BC701D05E492DB80e0144f8f4b909` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether
`0xbcE5A3468386C64507D30136685A99cFD5603135` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether
| Account | Type | Password/Key | Balance |
| -------------------------------------------- | -------- | ---------------------------- | ---------------- |
| `0x00Bd138aBD70e2F00903268F3Db08f2D25677C9e` | key | node0 | 1000000000 Ether |
| `0x068Ed00cF0441e4829D9784fCBe7b9e26D4BD8d0` | key | secret | 1000000000 Ether |
| `0xA99D43d86A0758d5632313b8fA3972B6088A21BB` | key | secret | 1000000000 Ether |
| `0xe2DD09d719Da89e5a3D0F2549c7E24566e947260` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether |
| `0xBE5449a6A97aD46c8558A3356267Ee5D2731ab5e` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether |
| `0xA78deb2Fa79463945C247991075E2a0e98Ba7A09` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether |
| `0x02354A1F160A3fd7ac8b02ee91F04104440B28E7` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether |
| `0xe17D2A07EFD5b112F4d675ea2d122ddb145d117B` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether |
| `0xA32C84D2B44C041F3a56afC07a33f8AC5BF1A071` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether |
| `0xFF3fE9eb218EAe9ae1eF9cC6C4db238B770B65CC` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether |
| `0x529043886F21D9bc1AE0feDb751e34265a246e47` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether |
| `0xe08A1dAe983BC701D05E492DB80e0144f8f4b909` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether |
| `0xbcE5A3468386C64507D30136685A99cFD5603135` | mnemonic | [info here](#spree-mnemonic) | 1000000000 Ether |
Use one of the above accounts to populate `PARITY_ADDRESS` and `PARITY_PASSWORD` in `brizo.env` file to avoid account `locked` issues from the keeper contracts.

View File

@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ DIR="${DIR/ /\\ }"
# Default versions of Aquarius, Brizo, Keeper Contracts and Pleuston
export PARITY_IMAGE='parity/parity:v2.3.3'