[![art](github/repo-banner@2x.png)](https://oceanprotocol.com) > 🐳 Ocean Protocol's assets for community distribution. All assets in this repo can also be viewed and downloaded from [oceanprotocol.com/art](https://oceanprotocol.com/art). You'll find a living styleguide there too. ## Repository Contents - [Logo](logo/) - [Banner](banner/) - [Jellyfish](jellyfish/) - [GitHub](github/) ## Typography Our branding typefaces are [Sharp Sans Medium/Bold](https://sharptype.co/typefaces/sharp-sans/#features) in use as body text, and [Sharp Sans Display No. 1 Bold](https://sharptype.co/typefaces/sharp-sans-display-no1/) for headings. Those are commercial fonts and the license doesn't allow us to distribute them. Hence you won't find them in this repository. If you're a member of the Ocean Protocol team ask a designer to hand you the font files. ## Usage It's encouraged to use this repo as a submodule within your projects to keep the assets in sync. From the root of your project folder execute the following to put the submodule under `lib/art/`: ```bash git submodule add git@github.com:oceanprotocol/art.git ./lib/art ``` Then, fom time to time, update the submodule to get latest upstream changes: ```bash # go into submodule folder cd ./lib/art git checkout master git pull # get back to your project root cd ../../ # or if you're a busy person, update all your submodules at once from the root of your project git submodule foreach git pull origin master ``` ### Usage in JavaScript/React Import the required assets into your project, which will return the file source path: ```js import Logo from './lib/art/logo/logo.svg' ``` But you usually want SVG assets to be inlined for full control over styling with CSS. To achieve that, you can incorporate [svgr](https://github.com/smooth-code/svgr) into your build process to import SVG assets as actual React components: ```js import Logo from './lib/art/logo/logo.svg' ``` And then style away in CSS: ```css .logo { fill: #141414; stroke: none; } ``` ## License All assets are licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).