> 🐬 Ocean Protocol's brand assets for community distribution.
All assets in this repo can also be viewed and downloaded from [oceanprotocol.com/art](https://oceanprotocol.com/art). You'll find a living style guide there too.
- [Brand Assets](#brand-assets)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Typography](#typography)
- [License](#license)
## Brand Assets
- [Logo](logo/)
- [Banner](banner/)
- [Waves](waves/)
- [Creatures](creatures/)
- [GitHub](github/)
## Usage
It's encouraged to use this repo as a dependency within your projects to keep the assets in sync.
The whole repo is published as a npm module so just run for installation:
npm i @oceanprotocol/art
Then in your app, you can import the required assets:
import logo from '@oceanprotocol/art/logo/logo.svg'
function MyComponent() {
## Typography
Our branding typefaces are [Sharp Sans Medium/Bold](https://sharptype.co/typefaces/sharp-sans/#features) in use as body text, and [Sharp Sans Display No. 1 Bold](https://sharptype.co/typefaces/sharp-sans-display-no1/) for headings.
Those are commercial fonts and the license doesn't allow us to distribute them. Hence you won't find them in this repository. If you're a member of the Ocean Protocol team, ask a designer to hand you the font files.
If you only need them for use on the web, you can grab them from inside the private `site` repo's [fonts folder](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/site/tree/master/src/global/fonts).
## License
All assets are licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).