const loadtest = require('loadtest'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const trunc = num => +num.toFixed(1); /** * Example invocations: * * npm run loadtest -- --weight=heavy * npm run loadtest -- --weight=heavy --verbose * npm run loadtest -- --weight=single --verbose * npm run loadtest -- --weight=medium */ /** * Command line arguments like --weight=heavy and --verbose use this object * If you are providing _alternative_ configs, use --weight * e.g. add --weight=ultra then add commandlineOptions.ultra={} * --verbose can be combied with any weight. */ const commandlineOptions = { single: { concurrency: 1, requestsPerSecond: 1, maxSeconds: 5, maxRequests: 1, }, // Heavy can saturate CPU which leads to requests stalling depending on machine // Keep an eye if --verbose logs pause, or if node CPU in top is > 100. // heavy: { concurrency: 10, requestsPerSecond: 200, maxSeconds: 60, }, // Throttled requests should not max out CPU, medium: { concurrency: 3, requestsPerSecond: 5, maxSeconds: 60, }, verbose: { statusCallback }, }; const options = { url: 'http://localhost:3000', method: 'POST', concurrency: 5, requestsPerSecond: 5, maxSeconds: 5, requestGenerator: (params, options, client, callback) => { const message = JSON.stringify(mockPageView()); options.headers['Content-Length'] = message.length; options.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'; options.headers['user-agent'] = 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 LoadTest'; options.body = message; options.path = '/api/collect'; const request = client(options, callback); request.write(message); return request; }, }; function getArgument() { const weight = process.argv[2] && process.argv[2].replace('--weight=', ''); const verbose = process.argv.includes('--verbose') && 'verbose'; return [weight, verbose]; } // Patch in all command line arguments over options object // Must do this prior to calling `loadTest()` getArgument().map(arg => Object.assign(options, commandlineOptions[arg])); loadtest.loadTest(options, (error, results) => { if (error) { return console.error(chalk.redBright('Got an error: %s', error)); } console.log(chalk.bold(chalk.yellow('\n--------\n'))); console.log(chalk.yellowBright('Loadtests complete:'), chalk.greenBright('success'), '\n'); prettyLogItem('Total Requests:', results.totalRequests); prettyLogItem('Total Errors:', results.totalErrors); prettyLogItem( 'Latency(mean/min/max)', trunc(results.meanLatencyMs), '/', trunc(results.maxLatencyMs), '/', trunc(results.minLatencyMs), ); if (results.totalErrors) { console.log(chalk.redBright('*'),'Total Errors:'), results.totalErrors); } if (results.errorCodes && Object.keys(results.errorCodes).length) { console.log(chalk.redBright('*'),'Error Codes:'), results.errorCodes); } // console.log(results); }); /** * Create a new object for each request. Note, we could randomize values here if desired. * * TODO: Need a better way of passing in websiteId, hostname, URL. * * @param {object} payload pageview payload same as sent via tracker */ function mockPageView( payload = { website: 'fcd4c7e3-ed76-439c-9121-3a0f102df126', hostname: 'localhost', screen: '1680x1050', url: '/LOADTESTING', }, ) { return { type: 'pageview', payload, }; } // If you pass in --verbose, this function is called function statusCallback(error, result, latency) { console.log( chalk.yellowBright(`\n## req #${result.requestIndex + 1} of ${latency.totalRequests}`), ); prettyLogItem('Request elapsed milliseconds:', trunc(result.requestElapsed)); prettyLogItem( 'Latency(mean/max/min):', trunc(latency.meanLatencyMs), '/', trunc(latency.maxLatencyMs), '/', trunc(latency.minLatencyMs), ); } function prettyLogItem(label, ...args) { console.log(chalk.redBright('*'),, ...args); }