import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse'; import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery } from 'lib/db'; import prisma from 'lib/prisma'; export async function getEventData(...args) { return runQuery({ [PRISMA]: () => relationalQuery(...args), [CLICKHOUSE]: () => clickhouseQuery(...args), }); } async function relationalQuery(websiteId, { startDate, endDate, event_name, columns, filters }) { const { rawQuery, getEventDataColumnsQuery, getEventDataFilterQuery } = prisma; const params = [startDate, endDate]; return rawQuery( `select ${getEventDataColumnsQuery('event_data.event_data', columns)} from event join website on event.website_id = website.website_id join event_data on event.event_id = event_data.event_id where website_uuid='${websiteId}' and event.created_at between $1 and $2 ${event_name ? `and event_name = ${event_name}` : ''} ${ Object.keys(filters).length > 0 ? `and ${getEventDataFilterQuery('event_data.event_data', filters)}` : '' }`, params, ).then(results => { return Object.keys(results[0]).map(a => { return { x: a, y: results[0][`${a}`] }; }); }); } async function clickhouseQuery(websiteId, { startDate, endDate, event_name, columns, filters }) { const { rawQuery, getBetweenDates, getEventDataColumnsQuery, getEventDataFilterQuery } = clickhouse; const params = [websiteId]; return rawQuery( `select ${getEventDataColumnsQuery('event_data', columns)} from event where website_id= $1 ${event_name ? `and event_name = ${event_name}` : ''} and ${getBetweenDates('created_at', startDate, endDate)} ${ Object.keys(filters).length > 0 ? `and ${getEventDataFilterQuery('event_data', filters)}` : '' }`, params, ).then(results => { return Object.keys(results[0]).map(a => { return { x: a, y: results[0][`${a}`] }; }); }); }