/* Warnings: - The primary key for the `event_data` table will be changed. If it partially fails, the table could be left without primary key constraint. - You are about to drop the column `event_data_type` on the `event_data` table. All the data in the column will be lost. - You are about to drop the column `event_date_value` on the `event_data` table. All the data in the column will be lost. - You are about to drop the column `event_id` on the `event_data` table. All the data in the column will be lost. - You are about to drop the column `event_numeric_value` on the `event_data` table. All the data in the column will be lost. - You are about to drop the column `event_string_value` on the `event_data` table. All the data in the column will be lost. - Added the required column `data_type` to the `event_data` table without a default value. This is not possible if the table is not empty. - Added the required column `event_data_id` to the `event_data` table without a default value. This is not possible if the table is not empty. */ -- AlterTable ALTER TABLE `event_data` RENAME COLUMN `event_data_type` TO `data_type`; ALTER TABLE `event_data` RENAME COLUMN `event_date_value` TO `date_value`; ALTER TABLE `event_data` RENAME COLUMN `event_id` TO `event_data_id`; ALTER TABLE `event_data` RENAME COLUMN `event_numeric_value` TO `numeric_value`; ALTER TABLE `event_data` RENAME COLUMN `event_string_value` TO `string_value`; -- CreateTable CREATE TABLE `session_data` ( `session_data_id` VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, `website_id` VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, `session_id` VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, `event_key` VARCHAR(500) NOT NULL, `event_string_value` VARCHAR(500) NULL, `event_numeric_value` DECIMAL(19, 4) NULL, `event_date_value` TIMESTAMP(0) NULL, `event_data_type` INTEGER UNSIGNED NOT NULL, `created_at` TIMESTAMP(0) NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0), INDEX `session_data_created_at_idx`(`created_at`), INDEX `session_data_website_id_idx`(`website_id`), INDEX `session_data_session_id_idx`(`session_id`), PRIMARY KEY (`session_data_id`) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;