import prisma from 'lib/prisma'; import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse'; import { runQuery, CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA } from 'lib/db'; import { EVENT_TYPE } from 'lib/constants'; export async function getPageviews(...args: [websites: string[], startAt: Date]) { return runQuery({ [PRISMA]: () => relationalQuery(...args), [CLICKHOUSE]: () => clickhouseQuery(...args), }); } async function relationalQuery(websites: string[], startAt: Date) { return prisma.client.pageview.findMany({ where: { websiteId: { in: websites, }, createdAt: { gte: startAt, }, }, }); } async function clickhouseQuery(websites: string[], startAt: Date) { const { rawQuery } = clickhouse; return rawQuery( `select website_id, session_id, created_at, url from event where event_type = ${EVENT_TYPE.pageView} and ${websites && websites.length > 0 ? `website_id in {websites:Array(UUID)}` : '0 = 0'} and created_at >= {startAt:DateTime('UTC')}`, { websites, startAt, }, ); }