import { Website } from 'interface/api/models'; import { NextApiRequestQueryBody } from 'interface/api/nextApi'; import { allowQuery } from 'lib/auth'; import { UmamiApi } from 'lib/constants'; import { useAuth, useCors } from 'lib/middleware'; import { NextApiResponse } from 'next'; import { methodNotAllowed, ok, serverError, unauthorized, badRequest } from 'next-basics'; import { deleteWebsite, getWebsite, updateWebsite } from 'queries'; export interface WebsiteRequestQuery { id: string; } export interface WebsiteRequestBody { name: string; domain: string; shareId: string; userId?: string; teamId?: string; } export default async ( req: NextApiRequestQueryBody, res: NextApiResponse, ) => { await useCors(req, res); await useAuth(req, res); const { id: websiteId } = req.query; if (!(await allowQuery(req, UmamiApi.AuthType.Website))) { return unauthorized(res); } if (req.method === 'GET') { const website = await getWebsite({ id: websiteId }); return ok(res, website); } if (req.method === 'POST') { const { } = req.body; if (!data.userId && !data.teamId) { badRequest(res, 'A website must be assigned to a User or Team.'); } try { await updateWebsite(websiteId, data); } catch (e: any) { if (e.message.includes('Unique constraint') && e.message.includes('share_id')) { return serverError(res, 'That share ID is already taken.'); } } return ok(res); } if (req.method === 'DELETE') { await deleteWebsite(websiteId); return ok(res); } return methodNotAllowed(res); };