require('dotenv').config(); const { PrismaClient } = require('@prisma/client'); const prisma = new PrismaClient(); const chalk = require('chalk'); const spawn = require('cross-spawn'); let message = ''; const updateMessage = `To update your database, you need to run:\n${chalk.bold.yellow( 'yarn update-db', )}`; const baselineMessage = cmd => `You need to update your database by running:\n${chalk.bold.yellow(cmd)}`; function success(msg) { console.log(chalk.greenBright(`✓ ${msg}`)); } async function checkEnv() { if (!process.env.DATABASE_URL) { throw new Error('DATABASE_URL is not defined.'); } else { success('DATABASE_URL is defined.'); } } async function checkConnection() { try { await prisma.$connect(); success('Database connection successful.'); } catch (e) { throw new Error('Unable to connect to the database.'); } } async function checkTables() { try { await prisma.account.findFirst(); success('Database tables found.'); } catch (e) { message = updateMessage; throw new Error('Database tables not found.'); } } async function run(cmd, args) { const buffer = []; const proc = spawn(cmd, args); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { proc.stdout.on('data', data => buffer.push(data)); proc.on('error', () => { reject(new Error('Failed to run Prisma.')); }); proc.on('exit', () => resolve(buffer.join(''))); }); } async function checkMigrations() { const output = await run('prisma', ['migrate', 'status']); const missingMigrations = output.includes('Following migration have not yet been applied'); const notManaged = output.includes('The current database is not managed'); if (notManaged) { const cmd = output.match(/yarn prisma migrate resolve --applied ".*"/g); message = baselineMessage(cmd[0]); throw new Error('Database is out of date.'); } else if (missingMigrations) { message = updateMessage; throw new Error('Database is out of date.'); } success('Database is up to date.'); } (async () => { let err = false; for (let fn of [checkEnv, checkConnection, checkTables, checkMigrations]) { try { await fn(); } catch (e) { console.log(`✗ ${e.message}`)); err = true; } finally { await prisma.$disconnect(); if (err) { console.log(message); process.exit(1); } } } })();