import path from 'path'; import requestIp from 'request-ip'; import { browserName, detectOS } from 'detect-browser'; import isLocalhost from 'is-localhost-ip'; import maxmind from 'maxmind'; import { DESKTOP_OS, MOBILE_OS, DESKTOP_SCREEN_WIDTH, LAPTOP_SCREEN_WIDTH, MOBILE_SCREEN_WIDTH, } from './constants'; let lookup; export function getIpAddress(req) { // Custom header if (req.headers[process.env.CLIENT_IP_HEADER]) { return req.headers[process.env.CLIENT_IP_HEADER]; } // Cloudflare else if (req.headers['cf-connecting-ip']) { return req.headers['cf-connecting-ip']; } return requestIp.getClientIp(req); } export function getDevice(screen, browser, os) { if (!screen) return; const [width] = screen.split('x'); if (DESKTOP_OS.includes(os)) { if (os === 'Chrome OS' || width < DESKTOP_SCREEN_WIDTH) { return 'laptop'; } return 'desktop'; } else if (MOBILE_OS.includes(os)) { if (os === 'Amazon OS' || width > MOBILE_SCREEN_WIDTH) { return 'tablet'; } return 'mobile'; } if (width >= DESKTOP_SCREEN_WIDTH) { return 'desktop'; } else if (width >= LAPTOP_SCREEN_WIDTH) { return 'laptop'; } else if (width >= MOBILE_SCREEN_WIDTH) { return 'tablet'; } else { return 'mobile'; } } export async function getCountry(req, ip) { // Cloudflare if (req.headers['cf-ipcountry']) { return req.headers['cf-ipcountry']; } // Ignore local ips if (await isLocalhost(ip)) { return; } // Database lookup if (!lookup) { lookup = await'node_modules/.geo/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb')); } const result = lookup.get(ip); // country can not be set, fallback to registerd_country in this case return result?.country?.iso_code ?? result?.registered_country?.iso_code; } export async function getClientInfo(req, { screen }) { const userAgent = req.headers['user-agent']; const ip = getIpAddress(req); const country = await getCountry(req, ip); const browser = browserName(userAgent); const os = detectOS(userAgent); const device = getDevice(screen, browser, os); return { userAgent, browser, os, ip, country, device }; } export function getJsonBody(req) { if ((req.headers['content-type'] || '').indexOf('text/plain') !== -1) { return JSON.parse(req.body); } return req.body; }