# umami ## Getting started ### Install umami ``` git clone https://github.com/mikecao/umami.git ``` ### Go into your repo folder ``` cd umami ``` ### Create database tables Umami supports MySQL and Postgresql. Create a database for your Umami installation and install the tables with the included scripts. For MySQL: ``` mysql -u username -p databasename < sql/schema.mysql.sql ``` For Postgresql: ``` psql -h hostname -U username -d databasename -f sql/schema.postgresql.sql ``` ### Configure umami Create an `.env` file with the following ``` DATABASE_URL=(connection url) HASH_SALT=(any random string) ``` The connection url is in the following format: ``` postgresql://username:mypassword@localhost:5432/mydb mysql://username:mypassword@localhost:3306/mydb ``` ### Start the development server ``` npm run develop ``` ### Create a production build ``` npm run build ```