export type TrackedProperties = {
   * Hostname of server
   * @description extracted from `window.location.hostname`
   * @example 'analytics.umami.is'
  hostname: string;

   * Browser language
   * @description extracted from `window.navigator.language`
   * @example 'en-US', 'fr-FR'
  language: string;

   * Page referrer
   * @description extracted from `window.navigator.language`
   * @example 'https://analytics.umami.is/docs/getting-started'
  referrer: string;

   * Screen dimensions
   * @description extracted from `window.screen.width` and `window.screen.height`
   * @example '1920x1080', '2560x1440'
  screen: string;

   * Page title
   * @description extracted from `document.querySelector('head > title')`
   * @example 'umami'
  title: string;

   * Page url
   * @description built from `${window.location.pathname}${window.location.search}`
   * @example 'docs/getting-started'
  url: string;

   * Website ID (required)
   * @example 'b59e9c65-ae32-47f1-8400-119fcf4861c4'
  website: string;

export type WithRequired<T, K extends keyof T> = T & { [P in K]-?: T[P] };

 * Event Data can work with any JSON data. There are a few rules in place to maintain performance.
 * - Numbers have a max precision of 4.
 * - Strings have a max length of 500.
 * - Arrays are converted to a String, with the same max length of 500.
 * - Objects have a max of 50 properties. Arrays are considered 1 property.
export interface EventData {
  [key: string]: number | string | EventData | number[] | string[] | EventData[];

export type EventProperties = {
   * NOTE: event names will be truncated past 50 characters
  name: string;
  data?: EventData;
} & WithRequired<TrackedProperties, 'website'>;
export type PageViewProperties = WithRequired<TrackedProperties, 'website'>;
export type CustomEventFunction = (
  props: PageViewProperties,
) => EventProperties | PageViewProperties;

export type UmamiTracker = {
  track: {
     * Track a page view
     * @example ```
     * umami.track();
     * ```
    (): Promise<string>;

     * Track an event with a given name
     * NOTE: event names will be truncated past 50 characters
     * @example ```
     * umami.track('signup-button');
     * ```
    (eventName: string): Promise<string>;

     * Tracks an event with dynamic data.
     * NOTE: event names will be truncated past 50 characters
     * When tracking events, the default properties are included in the payload. This is equivalent to running:
     * ```js
     * umami.track(props => ({
     *   ...props,
     *   name: 'signup-button',
     *   data: {
     *     name: 'newsletter',
     *     id: 123
     *   }
     * }));
     * ```
     * @example ```
     * umami.track('signup-button', { name: 'newsletter', id: 123 });
     * ```
    (eventName: string, obj: EventData): Promise<string>;

     * Tracks a page view with custom properties
     * @example ```
     * umami.track({ website: 'e676c9b4-11e4-4ef1-a4d7-87001773e9f2', url: '/home', title: 'Home page' });
     * ```
    (properties: PageViewProperties): Promise<string>;

     * Tracks an event with fully customizable dynamic data
     * Ilf you don't specify any `name` and/or `data`, it will be treated as a page view
     * @example ```
     * umami.track((props) => ({ ...props, url: path }));
     * ```
    (eventFunction: CustomEventFunction): Promise<string>;

interface Window {
  umami: UmamiTracker;