import prisma from 'lib/prisma'; import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse'; import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery } from 'lib/db'; import { WebsiteEventDataFields } from 'lib/types'; import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/query'; import { DEFAULT_CREATED_AT } from 'lib/constants'; export async function getEventDataFields( ...args: [websiteId: string, startDate: Date, endDate: Date, field?: string] ): Promise { return runQuery({ [PRISMA]: () => relationalQuery(...args), [CLICKHOUSE]: () => clickhouseQuery(...args), }); } async function relationalQuery(websiteId: string, startDate: Date, endDate: Date, field: string) { const { toUuid, rawQuery } = prisma; const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId); const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT); if (field) { return rawQuery( `select event_key as field, string_value as value, count(*) as total from event_data where website_id = $1${toUuid()} and event_key = $2 and created_at >= $3 and created_at between $4 and $5 group by event_key, string_value order by 3 desc, 2 desc, 1 asc limit 100 `, [websiteId, field, resetDate, startDate, endDate] as any, ); } return rawQuery( `select event_key as field, data_type as type, count(*) as total from event_data where website_id = $1${toUuid()} and created_at >= $2 and created_at between $3 and $4 group by event_key, data_type order by 3 desc, 2 asc, 1 asc limit 100 `, [websiteId, resetDate, startDate, endDate] as any, ); } async function clickhouseQuery(websiteId: string, startDate: Date, endDate: Date, field: string) { const { rawQuery, getDateFormat, getBetweenDates } = clickhouse; const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId); const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT); if (field) { return rawQuery( `select event_key as field, string_value as value, count(*) as total from event_data where website_id = {websiteId:UUID} and event_key = {field:String} and created_at >= ${getDateFormat(resetDate)} and ${getBetweenDates('created_at', startDate, endDate)} group by event_key, string_value order by 3 desc, 2 desc, 1 asc limit 100 `, { websiteId, field }, ); } return rawQuery( `select event_key as field, data_type as type, count(*) as total from event_data where website_id = {websiteId:UUID} and created_at >= ${getDateFormat(resetDate)} and ${getBetweenDates('created_at', startDate, endDate)} group by event_key, data_type order by 3 desc, 2 asc, 1 asc limit 100 `, { websiteId }, ); }