/* Warnings: - You are about to drop the `team_website` table. If the table is not empty, all the data it contains will be lost. */ -- AlterTable ALTER TABLE "team" ADD COLUMN "deleted_at" TIMESTAMPTZ(6), ADD COLUMN "logo_url" VARCHAR(2183); -- AlterTable ALTER TABLE "user" ADD COLUMN "display_name" VARCHAR(255), ADD COLUMN "logo_url" VARCHAR(2183); -- AlterTable ALTER TABLE "website" ADD COLUMN "created_by" UUID, ADD COLUMN "team_id" UUID; -- MigrateData UPDATE "website" SET created_by = user_id WHERE team_id IS NULL; -- DropTable DROP TABLE "team_website"; -- CreateIndex CREATE INDEX "website_team_id_idx" ON "website"("team_id"); -- CreateIndex CREATE INDEX "website_created_by_idx" ON "website"("created_by");