import { isUuid, secret, sessionSalt, uuid } from 'lib/crypto'; import { getClientInfo } from 'lib/detect'; import { parseToken } from 'next-basics'; import { NextApiRequestCollect } from 'pages/api/send'; import { createSession } from 'queries'; import cache from './cache'; import clickhouse from './clickhouse'; import { loadSession, loadWebsite } from './load'; export async function findSession(req: NextApiRequestCollect): Promise<{ id: any; websiteId: string; visitId: string; hostname: string; browser: string; os: any; device: string; screen: string; language: string; country: any; subdivision1: any; subdivision2: any; city: any; ownerId: string; }> { const { payload } = req.body; if (!payload) { throw new Error('Invalid payload.'); } // Check if cache token is passed const cacheToken = req.headers['x-umami-cache']; if (cacheToken) { const result = await parseToken(cacheToken, secret()); if (result) { await checkUserBlock(result?.ownerId); return result; } } // Verify payload const { website: websiteId, hostname, screen, language } = payload; // Check the hostname value for legality to eliminate dirty data const validHostnameRegex = /^[\w-.]+$/; if (!validHostnameRegex.test(hostname)) { throw new Error('Invalid hostname.'); } if (!isUuid(websiteId)) { throw new Error('Invalid website ID.'); } // Find website const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId); if (!website) { throw new Error(`Website not found: ${websiteId}.`); } await checkUserBlock(website.userId); const { userAgent, browser, os, ip, country, subdivision1, subdivision2, city, device } = await getClientInfo(req, payload); const sessionId = uuid(websiteId, hostname, ip, userAgent); const visitId = uuid(sessionId, sessionSalt()); // Clickhouse does not require session lookup if (clickhouse.enabled) { return { id: sessionId, websiteId, visitId, hostname, browser, os: os as any, device, screen, language, country, subdivision1, subdivision2, city, ownerId: website.userId, }; } // Find session let session = await loadSession(sessionId); // Create a session if not found if (!session) { try { session = await createSession({ id: sessionId, websiteId, hostname, browser, os, device, screen, language, country, subdivision1, subdivision2, city, }); } catch (e: any) { if (!e.message.toLowerCase().includes('unique constraint')) { throw e; } } } return { ...session, ownerId: website.userId, visitId: visitId }; } async function checkUserBlock(userId: string) { if (process.env.ENABLE_BLOCKER && (await cache.fetchUserBlock(userId))) { await cache.incrementUserBlock(userId); throw new Error('Usage Limit.'); } }