mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 18:08:04 +01:00
Merge branch 'dev' of https://github.com/umami-software/umami into dev
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,25 +1,13 @@
import useApi from 'hooks/useApi';
import useDateRange from 'hooks/useDateRange';
import DateFilter from './DateFilter';
import styles from './WebsiteDateFilter.module.css';
export default function WebsiteDateFilter({ websiteId }) {
const { get } = useApi();
const [dateRange, setDateRange] = useDateRange(websiteId);
const { value, startDate, endDate } = dateRange;
const handleChange = async value => {
if (value === 'all' && websiteId) {
const data = await get(`/websites/${websiteId}`);
if (data) {
const start = new Date(data.createdAt).getTime();
const end = Date.now();
} else if (value !== 'all') {
return (
@ -7,14 +7,6 @@ export function EventDataTable({ data = [] }) {
const { formatMessage, labels } = useMessages();
const { resolveUrl } = usePageQuery();
function linkToView(row, cell) {
return (
<Link href={resolveUrl({ view: row.field, event: row.event })} shallow={true}>
if (data.length === 0) {
return <Empty />;
@ -22,10 +14,14 @@ export function EventDataTable({ data = [] }) {
return (
<GridTable data={data}>
<GridColumn name="event" label={formatMessage(labels.event)}>
{row => linkToView(row, row.event)}
{row => (
<Link href={resolveUrl({ event: row.event })} shallow={true}>
<GridColumn name="field" label={formatMessage(labels.field)}>
{row => linkToView(row, row.field)}
{row => row.field}
<GridColumn name="total" label={formatMessage(labels.totalRecords)}>
{({ total }) => total.toLocaleString()}
@ -5,14 +5,14 @@ import Icons from 'components/icons';
import PageHeader from 'components/layout/PageHeader';
import Empty from 'components/common/Empty';
export function EventDataTable({ data = [], field, event }) {
export function EventDataValueTable({ data = [], event }) {
const { formatMessage, labels } = useMessages();
const { resolveUrl } = usePageQuery();
const Title = () => {
return (
<Link href={resolveUrl({ view: undefined })}>
<Link href={resolveUrl({ event: undefined })}>
<Icon rotate={180}>
<Icons.ArrowRight />
@ -20,9 +20,7 @@ export function EventDataTable({ data = [], field, event }) {
{event} - {field}
@ -33,6 +31,7 @@ export function EventDataTable({ data = [], field, event }) {
{data.length <= 0 && <Empty />}
{data.length > 0 && (
<GridTable data={data}>
<GridColumn name="field" label={formatMessage(labels.field)} />
<GridColumn name="value" label={formatMessage(labels.value)} />
<GridColumn name="total" label={formatMessage(labels.totalRecords)} width="200px">
{({ total }) => total.toLocaleString()}
@ -43,4 +42,4 @@ export function EventDataTable({ data = [], field, event }) {
export default EventDataTable;
export default EventDataValueTable;
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ export function RealtimePage({ websiteId }) {
<WebsiteHeader websiteId={websiteId} />
<RealtimeHeader websiteId={websiteId} data={currentData} />
<div className={styles.chart}>
<RealtimeChart data={realtimeData} unit="minute" records={REALTIME_RANGE} />
<RealtimeChart data={realtimeData} unit="minute" />
<GridColumn xs={12} sm={12} md={12} lg={4} xl={4}>
@ -45,15 +45,7 @@ export function WebsiteChart({ websiteId }) {
return { pageviews: [], sessions: [] };
}, [data, startDate, endDate, unit, modified]);
return (
records={getDateLength(startDate, endDate, unit)}
return <PageviewsChart websiteId={websiteId} data={chartData} unit={unit} loading={isLoading} />;
export default WebsiteChart;
@ -5,20 +5,18 @@ import { EventDataMetricsBar } from 'components/pages/event-data/EventDataMetric
import { useDateRange, useApi, usePageQuery } from 'hooks';
import styles from './WebsiteEventData.module.css';
function useFields(websiteId, field, event) {
function useData(websiteId, event) {
const [dateRange] = useDateRange(websiteId);
const { startDate, endDate } = dateRange;
const { get, useQuery } = useApi();
const { data, error, isLoading } = useQuery(
['event-data:fields', { websiteId, startDate, endDate, field }],
['event-data:events', { websiteId, startDate, endDate, event }],
() =>
get('/event-data/fields', {
get('/event-data/events', {
startAt: +startDate,
endAt: +endDate,
withEventNames: true,
{ enabled: !!(websiteId && startDate && endDate) },
@ -28,15 +26,15 @@ function useFields(websiteId, field, event) {
export default function WebsiteEventData({ websiteId }) {
const {
query: { view, event },
query: { event },
} = usePageQuery();
const { data } = useFields(websiteId, view, event);
const { data } = useData(websiteId, event);
return (
<Flexbox className={styles.container} direction="column" gap={20}>
<EventDataMetricsBar websiteId={websiteId} />
{!view && <EventDataTable data={data} />}
{view && <EventDataValueTable field={view} event={event} data={data} />}
{!event && <EventDataTable data={data} />}
{event && <EventDataValueTable event={event} data={data} />}
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ CREATE TABLE umami.website_event
website_id UUID,
session_id UUID,
event_id UUID,
hostname LowCardinality(String),
browser LowCardinality(String),
os LowCardinality(String),
@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ CREATE TABLE umami.website_event
subdivision1 LowCardinality(String),
subdivision2 LowCardinality(String),
city String,
url_path String,
url_query String,
referrer_path String,
referrer_query String,
referrer_domain String,
page_title String,
event_type UInt32,
event_name String,
created_at DateTime('UTC'),
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ CREATE TABLE umami.website_event_queue (
website_id UUID,
session_id UUID,
event_id UUID,
hostname LowCardinality(String),
browser LowCardinality(String),
os LowCardinality(String),
@ -49,14 +49,14 @@ CREATE TABLE umami.website_event_queue (
subdivision1 LowCardinality(String),
subdivision2 LowCardinality(String),
city String,
url_path String,
url_query String,
referrer_path String,
referrer_query String,
referrer_domain String,
page_title String,
event_type UInt32,
event_name String,
created_at DateTime('UTC'),
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ CREATE TABLE umami.website_event_queue (
ENGINE = Kafka
SETTINGS kafka_broker_list = 'domain:9092,domain:9093,domain:9094', -- input broker list
kafka_topic_list = 'event',
kafka_topic_list = 'events',
kafka_group_name = 'event_consumer_group',
kafka_format = 'JSONEachRow',
kafka_max_block_size = 1048576,
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import {
import { getTeamUser } from 'queries';
import { getTeamWebsite, getTeamWebsiteByTeamMemberId } from 'queries/admin/teamWebsite';
import { validate } from 'uuid';
import { loadWebsite } from './query';
import { loadWebsite } from './load';
import { Auth } from './types';
const log = debug('umami:auth');
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import { ClickHouse } from 'clickhouse';
import dateFormat from 'dateformat';
import debug from 'debug';
import { CLICKHOUSE } from 'lib/db';
import { getDynamicDataType } from './dynamicData';
import { WebsiteMetricFilter } from './types';
import { FILTER_COLUMNS } from './constants';
@ -62,49 +61,6 @@ function getDateFormat(date) {
return `'${dateFormat(date, 'UTC:yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss')}'`;
function getBetweenDates(field, startAt, endAt) {
return `${field} between ${getDateFormat(startAt)} and ${getDateFormat(endAt)}`;
function getEventDataFilterQuery(
filters: {
eventKey?: string;
eventValue?: string | number | boolean | Date;
}[] = [],
params: any,
) {
const query = filters.reduce((ac, cv, i) => {
const type = getDynamicDataType(cv.eventValue);
let value = cv.eventValue;
ac.push(`and (event_key = {eventKey${i}:String}`);
switch (type) {
case 'number':
ac.push(`and number_value = {eventValue${i}:UInt64})`);
case 'string':
ac.push(`and string_value = {eventValue${i}:String})`);
case 'boolean':
ac.push(`and string_value = {eventValue${i}:String})`);
value = cv ? 'true' : 'false';
case 'date':
ac.push(`and date_value = {eventValue${i}:DateTime('UTC')})`);
params[`eventKey${i}`] = cv.eventKey;
params[`eventValue${i}`] = value;
return ac;
}, []);
return query.join('\n');
function getFilterQuery(filters = {}, params = {}) {
const query = Object.keys(filters).reduce((arr, key) => {
const filter = filters[key];
@ -150,7 +106,7 @@ function parseFilters(filters: WebsiteMetricFilter = {}, params: any = {}) {
async function rawQuery<T>(query, params = {}): Promise<T> {
async function rawQuery<T>(query: string, params: object = {}): Promise<T> {
if (process.env.LOG_QUERY) {
log('QUERY:\n', query);
log('PARAMETERS:\n', params);
@ -189,10 +145,8 @@ export default {
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ export const DEFAULT_THEME = 'light';
export const DEFAULT_DATE_RANGE = '24hour';
export const DEFAULT_WEBSITE_LIMIT = 10;
export const DEFAULT_CREATED_AT = '2000-01-01';
export const DEFAULT_RESET_DATE = '2000-01-01';
export const REALTIME_RANGE = 30;
export const REALTIME_INTERVAL = 5000;
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
import crypto from 'crypto';
import { v4, v5 } from 'uuid';
import { startOfMonth } from 'date-fns';
import { hash } from 'next-basics';
@ -12,13 +10,3 @@ export function salt() {
return hash(secret(), ROTATING_SALT);
export function uuid(...args) {
if (!args.length) return v4();
return v5(hash(...args, salt()), v5.DNS);
export function md5(...args) {
return crypto.createHash('md5').update(args.join('')).digest('hex');
@ -26,10 +26,20 @@ import {
} from 'date-fns';
import { getDateLocale } from 'lib/lang';
const dateFuncs = {
minute: [differenceInMinutes, addMinutes, startOfMinute],
hour: [differenceInHours, addHours, startOfHour],
day: [differenceInCalendarDays, addDays, startOfDay],
month: [differenceInCalendarMonths, addMonths, startOfMonth],
year: [differenceInCalendarYears, addYears, startOfYear],
export function getTimezone() {
return moment.tz.guess();
@ -43,11 +53,19 @@ export function parseDateRange(value, locale = 'en-US') {
return value;
if (value?.startsWith?.('range')) {
const [, startAt, endAt] = value.split(':');
if (value === 'all') {
return {
startDate: new Date(0),
endDate: new Date(1),
const startDate = new Date(+startAt);
const endDate = new Date(+endAt);
if (value?.startsWith?.('range')) {
const [, startTime, endTime] = value.split(':');
const startDate = new Date(+startTime);
const endDate = new Date(+endTime);
return {
...getDateRangeValues(startDate, endDate),
@ -148,17 +166,34 @@ export function parseDateRange(value, locale = 'en-US') {
export function getDateRangeValues(startDate, endDate) {
let unit = 'year';
if (differenceInHours(endDate, startDate) <= 48) {
unit = 'hour';
export function getAllowedUnits(startDate, endDate) {
const units = ['minute', 'hour', 'day', 'month', 'year'];
const minUnit = getMinimumUnit(startDate, endDate);
const index = units.indexOf(minUnit);
return index >= 0 ? units.splice(index) : [];
export function getMinimumUnit(startDate, endDate) {
if (differenceInMinutes(endDate, startDate) <= 60) {
return 'minute';
} else if (differenceInHours(endDate, startDate) <= 48) {
return 'hour';
} else if (differenceInCalendarDays(endDate, startDate) <= 90) {
unit = 'day';
return 'day';
} else if (differenceInCalendarMonths(endDate, startDate) <= 24) {
unit = 'month';
return 'month';
return { startDate: startOfDay(startDate), endDate: endOfDay(endDate), unit };
return 'year';
export function getDateRangeValues(startDate, endDate) {
return {
startDate: startOfDay(startDate),
endDate: endOfDay(endDate),
unit: getMinimumUnit(startDate, endDate),
export function getDateFromString(str) {
@ -174,14 +209,6 @@ export function getDateFromString(str) {
return new Date(year, month - 1, day);
const dateFuncs = {
minute: [differenceInMinutes, addMinutes, startOfMinute],
hour: [differenceInHours, addHours, startOfHour],
day: [differenceInCalendarDays, addDays, startOfDay],
month: [differenceInCalendarMonths, addMonths, startOfMonth],
year: [differenceInCalendarYears, addYears, startOfYear],
export function getDateArray(data, startDate, endDate, unit) {
const arr = [];
const [diff, add, normalize] = dateFuncs[unit];
@ -227,3 +254,11 @@ export function dateFormat(date, str, locale = 'en-US') {
locale: getDateLocale(locale),
export function maxDate(...args) {
return max(args.filter(n => isDate(n)));
export function minDate(...args) {
return min(args.filter(n => isDate(n)));
@ -35,3 +35,7 @@ export async function runQuery(queries) {
return queries[CLICKHOUSE]();
export function notImplemented() {
throw new Error('Not implemented.');
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import path from 'path';
import requestIp from 'request-ip';
import { getClientIp } from 'request-ip';
import { browserName, detectOS } from 'detect-browser';
import isLocalhost from 'is-localhost-ip';
import maxmind from 'maxmind';
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export function getIpAddress(req) {
return req.headers['cf-connecting-ip'];
return requestIp.getClientIp(req);
return getClientIp(req);
export function getDevice(screen, os) {
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ async function getProducer(): Promise<Producer> {
return producer;
function getDateFormat(date, format?): string {
function getDateFormat(date: Date, format?: string): string {
return dateFormat(date, format ? format : 'UTC:yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
import cache from 'lib/cache';
import { getWebsite, getSession, getUser } from 'queries';
import { User, Website, Session } from '@prisma/client';
export async function loadWebsite(websiteId: string): Promise<Website> {
let website;
if (cache.enabled) {
website = await cache.fetchWebsite(websiteId);
} else {
website = await getWebsite({ id: websiteId });
if (!website || website.deletedAt) {
return null;
return website;
export async function loadSession(sessionId: string): Promise<Session> {
let session;
if (cache.enabled) {
session = await cache.fetchSession(sessionId);
} else {
session = await getSession({ id: sessionId });
if (!session) {
return null;
return session;
export async function loadUser(userId: string): Promise<User> {
let user;
if (cache.enabled) {
user = await cache.fetchUser(userId);
} else {
user = await getUser({ id: userId });
if (!user || user.deletedAt) {
return null;
return user;
@ -73,5 +73,6 @@ export const useAuth = createMiddleware(async (req, res, next) => {
(req as any).auth = { user, token, shareToken, authKey };
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import prisma from '@umami/prisma-client';
import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import { MYSQL, POSTGRESQL, getDatabaseType } from 'lib/db';
import { getDynamicDataType } from './dynamicData';
import { FILTER_COLUMNS } from './constants';
@ -20,20 +19,8 @@ const POSTGRESQL_DATE_FORMATS = {
year: 'YYYY-01-01',
function toUuid(): string {
const db = getDatabaseType(process.env.DATABASE_URL);
if (db === POSTGRESQL) {
return '::uuid';
if (db === MYSQL) {
return '';
function getAddMinutesQuery(field: string, minutes: number) {
const db = getDatabaseType(process.env.DATABASE_URL);
const db = getDatabaseType();
if (db === POSTGRESQL) {
return `${field} + interval '${minutes} minute'`;
@ -45,7 +32,7 @@ function getAddMinutesQuery(field: string, minutes: number) {
function getDateQuery(field: string, unit: string, timezone?: string): string {
const db = getDatabaseType(process.env.DATABASE_URL);
const db = getDatabaseType();
if (db === POSTGRESQL) {
if (timezone) {
@ -65,8 +52,8 @@ function getDateQuery(field: string, unit: string, timezone?: string): string {
function getTimestampInterval(field: string): string {
const db = getDatabaseType(process.env.DATABASE_URL);
function getTimestampIntervalQuery(field: string): string {
const db = getDatabaseType();
if (db === POSTGRESQL) {
return `floor(extract(epoch from max(${field}) - min(${field})))`;
@ -77,47 +64,6 @@ function getTimestampInterval(field: string): string {
function getEventDataFilterQuery(
filters: {
eventKey?: string;
eventValue?: string | number | boolean | Date;
params: any[],
) {
const query = filters.reduce((ac, cv) => {
const type = getDynamicDataType(cv.eventValue);
let value = cv.eventValue;
ac.push(`and (event_key = $${params.length + 1}`);
switch (type) {
case 'number':
ac.push(`and number_value = $${params.length + 1})`);
case 'string':
ac.push(`and string_value = $${params.length + 1})`);
params.push(decodeURIComponent(cv.eventValue as string));
case 'boolean':
ac.push(`and string_value = $${params.length + 1})`);
params.push(decodeURIComponent(cv.eventValue as string));
value = cv ? 'true' : 'false';
case 'date':
ac.push(`and date_value = $${params.length + 1})`);
return ac;
}, []);
return query.join('\n');
function getFilterQuery(filters = {}, params = []): string {
const query = Object.keys(filters).reduce((arr, key) => {
const filter = filters[key];
@ -163,7 +109,7 @@ function getFunnelQuery(
and l0.referrer_path = $${i + initParamLength}
and l0.url_path = $${levelNumber + initParamLength}
and created_at between $2 and $3
and website_id = $1${toUuid()}
and website_id = $1
@ -197,27 +143,32 @@ function parseFilters(
async function rawQuery(query: string, params: never[] = []): Promise<any> {
const db = getDatabaseType(process.env.DATABASE_URL);
async function rawQuery(sql: string, data: object): Promise<any> {
const db = getDatabaseType();
const params = [];
if (db !== POSTGRESQL && db !== MYSQL) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Unknown database.'));
const sql = db === MYSQL ? query.replace(/\$[0-9]+/g, '?') : query;
const query = sql?.replaceAll(/\{\{\s*(\w+)(::\w+)?\s*}}/g, (...args) => {
const [, name, type] = args;
return prisma.rawQuery(sql, params);
return db === MYSQL ? '?' : `$${params.length}${type ?? ''}`;
return prisma.rawQuery(query, params);
export default {
@ -1,51 +1,28 @@
import cache from 'lib/cache';
import { getWebsite, getSession, getUser } from 'queries';
import { User, Website, Session } from '@prisma/client';
import { NextApiRequest } from 'next';
import { getAllowedUnits, getMinimumUnit } from './date';
import { getWebsiteDateRange } from '../queries';
export async function loadWebsite(websiteId: string): Promise<Website> {
let website;
export async function parseDateRangeQuery(req: NextApiRequest) {
const { id: websiteId, startAt, endAt, unit } = req.query;
if (cache.enabled) {
website = await cache.fetchWebsite(websiteId);
} else {
website = await getWebsite({ id: websiteId });
// All-time
if (+startAt === 0 && +endAt === 1) {
const { min, max } = await getWebsiteDateRange(websiteId as string);
return {
startDate: min,
endDate: max,
unit: getMinimumUnit(min, max),
if (!website || website.deletedAt) {
return null;
const startDate = new Date(+startAt);
const endDate = new Date(+endAt);
const minUnit = getMinimumUnit(startDate, endDate);
return website;
export async function loadSession(sessionId: string): Promise<Session> {
let session;
if (cache.enabled) {
session = await cache.fetchSession(sessionId);
} else {
session = await getSession({ id: sessionId });
if (!session) {
return null;
return session;
export async function loadUser(userId: string): Promise<User> {
let user;
if (cache.enabled) {
user = await cache.fetchUser(userId);
} else {
user = await getUser({ id: userId });
if (!user || user.deletedAt) {
return null;
return user;
return {
unit: (getAllowedUnits(startDate, endDate).includes(unit as string) ? unit : minUnit) as string,
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
import { secret, uuid } from 'lib/crypto';
import { secret } from 'lib/crypto';
import { getClientInfo, getJsonBody } from 'lib/detect';
import { parseToken } from 'next-basics';
import { parseToken, uuid } from 'next-basics';
import { CollectRequestBody, NextApiRequestCollect } from 'pages/api/send';
import { createSession } from 'queries';
import { validate } from 'uuid';
import cache from './cache';
import { loadSession, loadWebsite } from './query';
import { loadSession, loadWebsite } from './load';
export async function findSession(req: NextApiRequestCollect) {
const { payload } = getJsonBody<CollectRequestBody>(req);
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ export async function findSession(req: NextApiRequestCollect) {
// Verify payload
const { website: websiteId, hostname, screen, language } = payload;
// Check the hostname value for legality to eliminate dirty data
const validHostnameRegex = /^[\w-.]+$/;
if (!validHostnameRegex.test(hostname)) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
"maxmind": "^4.3.6",
"moment-timezone": "^0.5.35",
"next": "13.3.1",
"next-basics": "^0.31.0",
"next-basics": "^0.33.0",
"node-fetch": "^3.2.8",
"npm-run-all": "^4.1.5",
"react": "^18.2.0",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
import { canViewWebsite } from 'lib/auth';
import { useCors, useAuth } from 'lib/middleware';
import { NextApiRequestQueryBody } from 'lib/types';
import { NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { ok, methodNotAllowed, unauthorized } from 'next-basics';
import { getEventDataEvents } from 'queries';
export interface EventDataFieldsRequestBody {
websiteId: string;
dateRange: {
startDate: string;
endDate: string;
export default async (
req: NextApiRequestQueryBody<any, EventDataFieldsRequestBody>,
res: NextApiResponse<any>,
) => {
await useCors(req, res);
await useAuth(req, res);
if (req.method === 'GET') {
const { websiteId, startAt, endAt, field, event } = req.query;
if (!(await canViewWebsite(req.auth, websiteId))) {
return unauthorized(res);
const data = await getEventDataEvents(websiteId, new Date(+startAt), new Date(+endAt), {
return ok(res, data);
return methodNotAllowed(res);
@ -21,20 +21,13 @@ export default async (
await useAuth(req, res);
if (req.method === 'GET') {
const { websiteId, startAt, endAt, field, event, withEventNames } = req.query;
const { websiteId, startAt, endAt, field } = req.query;
if (!(await canViewWebsite(req.auth, websiteId))) {
return unauthorized(res);
const data = await getEventDataFields(
new Date(+startAt),
new Date(+endAt),
const data = await getEventDataFields(websiteId, new Date(+startAt), new Date(+endAt), field);
return ok(res, data);
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { useCors, useAuth } from 'lib/middleware';
import { NextApiRequestQueryBody } from 'lib/types';
import { NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { ok, methodNotAllowed, unauthorized } from 'next-basics';
import { getPageviewFunnel } from 'queries';
import { getFunnel } from 'queries';
export interface FunnelRequestBody {
websiteId: string;
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ export default async (
return unauthorized(res);
const data = await getPageviewFunnel(websiteId, {
const data = await getFunnel(websiteId, {
startDate: new Date(startDate),
endDate: new Date(endDate),
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
import { uuid } from 'lib/crypto';
import { useAuth, useCors } from 'lib/middleware';
import { NextApiRequestQueryBody } from 'lib/types';
import { NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { methodNotAllowed, ok, unauthorized } from 'next-basics';
import { methodNotAllowed, ok, unauthorized, uuid } from 'next-basics';
import { createReport, getReports } from 'queries';
import { canViewWebsite } from 'lib/auth';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
import { canViewWebsite } from 'lib/auth';
import { useCors, useAuth } from 'lib/middleware';
import { NextApiRequestQueryBody } from 'lib/types';
import { NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { ok, methodNotAllowed, unauthorized } from 'next-basics';
import { getInsights } from 'queries';
export interface InsightsRequestBody {
websiteId: string;
dateRange: {
startDate: string;
endDate: string;
fields: string[];
filters: string[];
groups: string[];
export default async (
req: NextApiRequestQueryBody<any, InsightsRequestBody>,
res: NextApiResponse,
) => {
await useCors(req, res);
await useAuth(req, res);
if (req.method === 'POST') {
const {
dateRange: { startDate, endDate },
} = req.body;
if (!(await canViewWebsite(req.auth, websiteId))) {
return unauthorized(res);
const data = await getInsights(websiteId, {
startDate: new Date(startDate),
endDate: new Date(endDate),
return ok(res, data);
return methodNotAllowed(res);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import isbot from 'isbot';
import ipaddr from 'ipaddr.js';
import { createToken, ok, send, badRequest, forbidden } from 'next-basics';
import { saveEvent } from 'queries';
import { saveEvent, saveSessionData } from 'queries';
import { useCors, useSession } from 'lib/middleware';
import { getJsonBody, getIpAddress } from 'lib/detect';
import { secret } from 'lib/crypto';
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { Resolver } from 'dns/promises';
import { CollectionType } from 'lib/types';
import { COLLECTION_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { saveSessionData } from 'queries/analytics/session/saveSessionData';
export interface CollectRequestBody {
payload: {
@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ export default async (req: NextApiRequestCollect, res: NextApiResponse) => {
function validateBody(res: NextApiResponse, { type, payload }: CollectRequestBody) {
const { data } = payload;
const { data } = payload || {};
// Validate type
if (type !== COLLECTION_TYPE.event && type !== COLLECTION_TYPE.identify) {
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { Team } from '@prisma/client';
import { NextApiRequestQueryBody } from 'lib/types';
import { canCreateTeam } from 'lib/auth';
import { uuid } from 'lib/crypto';
import { uuid } from 'next-basics';
import { useAuth } from 'lib/middleware';
import { NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { getRandomChars, methodNotAllowed, ok, unauthorized } from 'next-basics';
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { canCreateUser, canViewUsers } from 'lib/auth';
import { ROLES } from 'lib/constants';
import { uuid } from 'lib/crypto';
import { uuid } from 'next-basics';
import { useAuth } from 'lib/middleware';
import { NextApiRequestQueryBody, Role, User } from 'lib/types';
import { NextApiResponse } from 'next';
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import moment from 'moment-timezone';
import { NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { badRequest, methodNotAllowed, ok, unauthorized } from 'next-basics';
import { getEventMetrics } from 'queries';
import { parseDateRangeQuery } from 'lib/query';
const unitTypes = ['year', 'month', 'hour', 'day'];
@ -25,7 +26,8 @@ export default async (
await useCors(req, res);
await useAuth(req, res);
const { id: websiteId, startAt, endAt, unit, timezone, url, eventName } = req.query;
const { id: websiteId, timezone, url, eventName } = req.query;
const { startDate, endDate, unit } = await parseDateRangeQuery(req);
if (req.method === 'GET') {
if (!(await canViewWebsite(req.auth, websiteId))) {
@ -35,8 +37,6 @@ export default async (
if (!moment.tz.zone(timezone) || !unitTypes.includes(unit)) {
return badRequest(res);
const startDate = new Date(+startAt);
const endDate = new Date(+endAt);
const events = await getEventMetrics(websiteId, {
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import { canViewWebsite } from 'lib/auth';
import { useAuth, useCors } from 'lib/middleware';
import { SESSION_COLUMNS, EVENT_COLUMNS, FILTER_COLUMNS } from 'lib/constants';
import { getPageviewMetrics, getSessionMetrics } from 'queries';
import { parseDateRangeQuery } from 'lib/query';
export interface WebsiteMetricsRequestQuery {
id: string;
@ -34,8 +35,6 @@ export default async (
const {
id: websiteId,
@ -54,8 +53,7 @@ export default async (
return unauthorized(res);
const startDate = new Date(+startAt);
const endDate = new Date(+endAt);
const { startDate, endDate } = await parseDateRangeQuery(req);
if (SESSION_COLUMNS.includes(type)) {
const column = FILTER_COLUMNS[type] || type;
@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ import { NextApiRequestQueryBody, WebsitePageviews } from 'lib/types';
import { canViewWebsite } from 'lib/auth';
import { useAuth, useCors } from 'lib/middleware';
import { getPageviewStats } from 'queries';
const unitTypes = ['year', 'month', 'hour', 'day'];
import { parseDateRangeQuery } from 'lib/query';
export interface WebsitePageviewRequestQuery {
id: string;
@ -34,9 +33,6 @@ export default async (
const {
id: websiteId,
@ -54,10 +50,9 @@ export default async (
return unauthorized(res);
const startDate = new Date(+startAt);
const endDate = new Date(+endAt);
const { startDate, endDate, unit } = await parseDateRangeQuery(req);
if (!moment.tz.zone(timezone) || !unitTypes.includes(unit)) {
if (!moment.tz.zone(timezone)) {
return badRequest(res);
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
import { addMinutes, differenceInMinutes } from 'date-fns';
import { NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { methodNotAllowed, ok, unauthorized } from 'next-basics';
import { canViewWebsite } from 'lib/auth';
import { useAuth, useCors } from 'lib/middleware';
import { NextApiRequestQueryBody, WebsiteStats } from 'lib/types';
import { NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { methodNotAllowed, ok, unauthorized } from 'next-basics';
import { parseDateRangeQuery } from 'lib/query';
import { getWebsiteStats } from 'queries';
export interface WebsiteStatsRequestQuery {
@ -31,8 +33,6 @@ export default async (
const {
id: websiteId,
@ -51,12 +51,10 @@ export default async (
return unauthorized(res);
const startDate = new Date(+startAt);
const endDate = new Date(+endAt);
const distance = endAt - startAt;
const prevStartDate = new Date(+startAt - distance);
const prevEndDate = new Date(+endAt - distance);
const { startDate, endDate } = await parseDateRangeQuery(req);
const diff = differenceInMinutes(endDate, startDate);
const prevStartDate = addMinutes(startDate, -diff);
const prevEndDate = addMinutes(endDate, -diff);
const metrics = await getWebsiteStats(websiteId, {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { canCreateWebsite } from 'lib/auth';
import { uuid } from 'lib/crypto';
import { uuid } from 'next-basics';
import { useAuth, useCors } from 'lib/middleware';
import { NextApiRequestQueryBody } from 'lib/types';
import { NextApiResponse } from 'next';
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { Prisma, Team, TeamWebsite } from '@prisma/client';
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
import { uuid } from 'lib/crypto';
import { ROLES } from 'lib/constants';
import { uuid } from 'next-basics';
export async function getTeam(where: Prisma.TeamWhereInput): Promise<Team> {
return prisma.client.team.findFirst({
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { Prisma, TeamUser } from '@prisma/client';
import { uuid } from 'lib/crypto';
import { uuid } from 'next-basics';
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
export async function getTeamUserById(teamUserId: string): Promise<TeamUser> {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Prisma, Team, TeamUser, TeamWebsite, Website } from '@prisma/client';
import { ROLES } from 'lib/constants';
import { uuid } from 'lib/crypto';
import { uuid } from 'next-basics';
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
export async function getTeamWebsite(
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery } from 'lib/db';
import { WebsiteEventDataFields } from 'lib/types';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/load';
import { maxDate } from 'lib/date';
export async function getEventDataEvents(
...args: [
websiteId: string,
startDate: Date,
endDate: Date,
filters: { field?: string; event?: string },
): Promise<WebsiteEventDataFields[]> {
return runQuery({
[PRISMA]: () => relationalQuery(...args),
[CLICKHOUSE]: () => clickhouseQuery(...args),
async function relationalQuery(
websiteId: string,
startDate: Date,
endDate: Date,
filters: { field?: string; event?: string },
) {
const { rawQuery } = prisma;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const { field, event } = filters;
if (event) {
return rawQuery(
we.event_name as event,
ed.event_key as field,
ed.string_value as value,
count(ed.*) as total
from event_data as ed
inner join website_event as we
on we.event_id = ed.website_event_id
where ed.website_id = {{websiteId:uuid}}
and ed.event_key = {{field}}
and ed.created_at between {{startDate}} and {{endDate}}
and we.event_name = {{event}}
group by ed.event_key, ed.string_value
order by 3 desc, 2 desc, 1 asc
{ ...filters, websiteId, startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt), endDate },
return rawQuery(
we.event_name as event,
ed.event_key as field,
ed.string_value as value,
count(ed.*) as total
from event_data as ed
inner join website_event as we
on we.event_id = ed.website_event_id
where ed.website_id = {{websiteId::uuid}}
and ed.event_key = {{field}}
and ed.created_at between {{startDate}} and {{endDate}}
group by we.event_name, ed.event_key, ed.string_value
order by 3 desc, 2 desc, 1 asc
{ websiteId, field, startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt), endDate },
async function clickhouseQuery(
websiteId: string,
startDate: Date,
endDate: Date,
filters: { field?: string; event?: string },
) {
const { rawQuery } = clickhouse;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const { event } = filters;
if (event) {
return rawQuery(
event_name as event,
event_key as field,
data_type as type,
string_value as value,
count(*) as total
from event_data
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and created_at between {startDate:DateTime} and {endDate:DateTime}
and event_name = {event:String}
group by event_key, data_type, string_value, event_name
order by 1 asc, 2 asc, 3 asc, 4 desc
limit 100
{ ...filters, websiteId, startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt), endDate },
return rawQuery(
event_name as event,
event_key as field,
data_type as type,
count(*) as total
from event_data
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and created_at between {startDate:DateTime} and {endDate:DateTime}
group by event_key, data_type, event_name
order by 1 asc, 2 asc
limit 100
{ websiteId, startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt), endDate },
@ -2,18 +2,11 @@ import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery } from 'lib/db';
import { WebsiteEventDataFields } from 'lib/types';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/query';
import { DEFAULT_CREATED_AT } from 'lib/constants';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/load';
import { maxDate } from 'lib/date';
export async function getEventDataFields(
...args: [
websiteId: string,
startDate: Date,
endDate: Date,
field?: string,
event?: string,
withEventNames?: boolean,
...args: [websiteId: string, startDate: Date, endDate: Date, field?: string]
): Promise<WebsiteEventDataFields[]> {
return runQuery({
[PRISMA]: () => relationalQuery(...args),
@ -21,168 +14,82 @@ export async function getEventDataFields(
async function relationalQuery(
websiteId: string,
startDate: Date,
endDate: Date,
field: string,
event: string,
withEventNames: boolean,
) {
const { toUuid, rawQuery } = prisma;
async function relationalQuery(websiteId: string, startDate: Date, endDate: Date, field: string) {
const { rawQuery } = prisma;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT);
if (field) {
if (event) {
return rawQuery(
`select ed.event_key as field,
ed.string_value as value,
count(ed.*) as total
from event_data as ed
join website_event as e on e.event_id = ed.website_event_id
where ed.website_id = $1${toUuid()}
and ed.event_key = $2
and ed.created_at >= $3
and ed.created_at between $4 and $5
and e.event_name = $6
group by ed.event_key, ed.string_value
order by 3 desc, 2 desc, 1 asc
[websiteId, field, resetDate, startDate, endDate, event] as any,
return rawQuery(
`select event_key as field,
string_value as value,
count(*) as total
from event_data
where website_id = $1${toUuid()}
and event_key = $2
and created_at >= $3
and created_at between $4 and $5
group by event_key, string_value
order by 3 desc, 2 desc, 1 asc
[websiteId, field, resetDate, startDate, endDate] as any,
if (withEventNames) {
return rawQuery(
ed.event_key as field,
ed.data_type as type,
count(ed.*) as total,
e.event_name as event
from event_data as ed
join website_event as e on e.event_id = ed.website_event_id
where ed.website_id = $1${toUuid()}
and ed.created_at >= $2
and ed.created_at between $3 and $4
group by e.event_name, ed.event_key, ed.data_type
order by 3 desc, 2 asc, 1 asc
[websiteId, resetDate, startDate, endDate] as any,
return rawQuery(
event_key as field,
data_type as type,
count(*) as total
from event_data
where website_id = $1${toUuid()}
and created_at >= $2
and created_at between $3 and $4
group by event_key, data_type
order by 3 desc, 2 asc, 1 asc
[websiteId, resetDate, startDate, endDate] as any,
async function clickhouseQuery(
websiteId: string,
startDate: Date,
endDate: Date,
field: string,
event: string,
withEventNames: boolean,
) {
const { rawQuery, getDateFormat, getBetweenDates } = clickhouse;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT);
if (field) {
if (event) {
return rawQuery(
ed.event_key as field,
ed.string_value as value,
count(ed.*) as total
from event_data as ed
join website_event as e on e.event_id = ed.website_event_id
where ed.website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and ed.event_key = {field:String}
and ed.created_at >= ${getDateFormat(resetDate)}
and ${getBetweenDates('ed.created_at', startDate, endDate)}
and e.event_name = {event:String}
group by event_key, string_value
order by 3 desc, 2 desc, 1 asc
{ websiteId, field, event },
return rawQuery(
event_key as field,
string_value as value,
count(*) as total
from event_data
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and event_key = {field:String}
and created_at >= ${getDateFormat(resetDate)}
and ${getBetweenDates('created_at', startDate, endDate)}
group by event_key, string_value
order by 3 desc, 2 desc, 1 asc
{ websiteId, field },
if (withEventNames) {
return rawQuery(
ed.event_key as field,
ed.data_type as type,
count(ed.*) as total,
e.event_name as event
from event_data as ed
join website_event as e on e.event_id = ed.website_event_id
where ed.website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and ed.created_at >= ${getDateFormat(resetDate)}
and ${getBetweenDates('ed.created_at', startDate, endDate)}
group by e.event_name, ed.event_key, ed.data_type
order by 3 desc, 2 asc, 1 asc
from event_data
where website_id = {{websiteId::uuid}}
and event_key = {{field}}
and created_at between {{startDate}} and {{endDate}}
group by event_key, string_value
order by 3 desc, 2 desc, 1 asc
limit 100
[websiteId, resetDate, startDate, endDate] as any,
{ websiteId, field, startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt), endDate },
return rawQuery(
event_key as field,
data_type as type,
count(*) as total
from event_data
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and created_at >= ${getDateFormat(resetDate)}
and ${getBetweenDates('created_at', startDate, endDate)}
group by event_key, data_type
order by 3 desc, 2 asc, 1 asc
event_key as field,
data_type as type,
count(*) as total
from event_data
where website_id = {{websiteId::uuid}}
and created_at between {{startDate}} and {{endDate}}
group by event_key, data_type
order by 3 desc, 2 asc, 1 asc
limit 100
{ websiteId },
{ websiteId, startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt), endDate },
async function clickhouseQuery(websiteId: string, startDate: Date, endDate: Date, field: string) {
const { rawQuery } = clickhouse;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
if (field) {
return rawQuery(
event_key as field,
string_value as value,
count(*) as total
from event_data
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and event_key = {field:String}
and created_at between {startDate:DateTime} and {endDate:DateTime}
group by event_key, string_value
order by 3 desc, 2 desc, 1 asc
limit 100
{ websiteId, field, startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt), endDate },
return rawQuery(
event_key as field,
data_type as type,
count(*) as total
from event_data
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and created_at between {startDate:DateTime} and {endDate:DateTime}
group by event_key, data_type
order by 3 desc, 2 asc, 1 asc
limit 100
{ websiteId, startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt), endDate },
@ -1,28 +1,26 @@
import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery } from 'lib/db';
import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery, notImplemented } from 'lib/db';
export function getEventDataUsage(...args: [websiteIds: string[], startDate: Date, endDate: Date]) {
return runQuery({
[PRISMA]: () => relationalQuery(...args),
[PRISMA]: notImplemented,
[CLICKHOUSE]: () => clickhouseQuery(...args),
function relationalQuery(websiteIds: string[], startDate: Date, endDate: Date) {
throw new Error('Not Implemented');
function clickhouseQuery(websiteIds: string[], startDate: Date, endDate: Date) {
const { rawQuery } = clickhouse;
return rawQuery(
website_id as websiteId,
count(*) as count
website_id as websiteId,
count(*) as count
from event_data
where created_at between {startDate:DateTime64} and {endDate:DateTime64}
and website_id in {websiteIds:Array(UUID)}
group by website_id`,
and website_id in {websiteIds:Array(UUID)}
group by website_id
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { Prisma } from '@prisma/client';
import { DATA_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { uuid } from 'lib/crypto';
import { uuid } from 'next-basics';
import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery } from 'lib/db';
import { flattenJSON } from 'lib/dynamicData';
import kafka from 'lib/kafka';
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ async function relationalQuery(data: {
const jsonKeys = flattenJSON(eventData);
//id, websiteEventId, eventStringValue
// id, websiteEventId, eventStringValue
const flattendData = jsonKeys.map(a => ({
id: uuid(),
websiteEventId: eventId,
@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
import { runQuery, CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA } from 'lib/db';
import { WebsiteEventMetric } from 'lib/types';
import { DEFAULT_CREATED_AT, EVENT_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/query';
import { DEFAULT_RESET_DATE, EVENT_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/load';
import { maxDate } from 'lib/date';
export async function getEventMetrics(
...args: [
@ -45,26 +46,31 @@ async function relationalQuery(
) {
const { toUuid, rawQuery, getDateQuery, getFilterQuery } = prisma;
const { rawQuery, getDateQuery, getFilterQuery } = prisma;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT);
const params: any = [websiteId, resetDate, startDate, endDate];
const filterQuery = getFilterQuery(filters, params);
const filterQuery = getFilterQuery(filters);
return rawQuery(
event_name x,
${getDateQuery('created_at', unit, timezone)} t,
count(*) y
from website_event
where website_id = $1${toUuid()}
and created_at >= $2
and created_at between $3 and $4
and event_type = ${EVENT_TYPE.customEvent}
where website_id = {{websiteId::uuid}}
and created_at between {{startDate}} and {{endDate}}
and event_type = {{eventType}}
group by 1, 2
order by 2`,
order by 2
startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt),
eventType: EVENT_TYPE.customEvent,
@ -87,24 +93,30 @@ async function clickhouseQuery(
) {
const { rawQuery, getDateQuery, getDateFormat, getBetweenDates, getFilterQuery } = clickhouse;
const { rawQuery, getDateQuery, getFilterQuery } = clickhouse;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT);
const params = { websiteId };
const filterQuery = getFilterQuery(filters);
return rawQuery(
event_name x,
${getDateQuery('created_at', unit, timezone)} t,
count(*) y
from website_event
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and event_type = ${EVENT_TYPE.customEvent}
and created_at >= ${getDateFormat(resetDate)}
and ${getBetweenDates('created_at', startDate, endDate)}
${getFilterQuery(filters, params)}
and created_at between {startDate:DateTime} and {endDate:DateTime}
and event_type = {eventType:UInt32}
group by x, t
order by t`,
order by t
startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt),
eventType: EVENT_TYPE.customEvent,
@ -1,28 +1,26 @@
import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery } from 'lib/db';
import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery, notImplemented } from 'lib/db';
export function getEventUsage(...args: [websiteIds: string[], startDate: Date, endDate: Date]) {
return runQuery({
[PRISMA]: () => relationalQuery(...args),
[PRISMA]: notImplemented,
[CLICKHOUSE]: () => clickhouseQuery(...args),
function relationalQuery(websiteIds: string[], startDate: Date, endDate: Date) {
throw new Error('Not Implemented');
function clickhouseQuery(websiteIds: string[], startDate: Date, endDate: Date) {
const { rawQuery } = clickhouse;
return rawQuery(
website_id as websiteId,
count(*) as count
website_id as websiteId,
count(*) as count
from website_event
where created_at between {startDate:DateTime64} and {endDate:DateTime64}
and website_id in {websiteIds:Array(UUID)}
group by website_id`,
where website_id in {websiteIds:Array(UUID)}
and created_at between {startDate:DateTime64} and {endDate:DateTime64}
group by website_id
@ -2,30 +2,31 @@ import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery } from 'lib/db';
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
export function getEvents(...args: [websiteId: string, startAt: Date, eventType: number]) {
export function getEvents(...args: [websiteId: string, startDate: Date, eventType: number]) {
return runQuery({
[PRISMA]: () => relationalQuery(...args),
[CLICKHOUSE]: () => clickhouseQuery(...args),
function relationalQuery(websiteId: string, startAt: Date, eventType: number) {
function relationalQuery(websiteId: string, startDate: Date, eventType: number) {
return prisma.client.websiteEvent.findMany({
where: {
createdAt: {
gte: startAt,
gte: startDate,
function clickhouseQuery(websiteId: string, startAt: Date, eventType: number) {
function clickhouseQuery(websiteId: string, startDate: Date, eventType: number) {
const { rawQuery } = clickhouse;
return rawQuery(
event_id as id,
website_id as websiteId,
session_id as sessionId,
@ -35,12 +36,13 @@ function clickhouseQuery(websiteId: string, startAt: Date, eventType: number) {
referrer_domain as referrerDomain,
event_name as eventName
from website_event
where event_type = {eventType:UInt32}
and website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and created_at >= {startAt:DateTime('UTC')}`,
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and created_at >= {startDate:DateTime}
and event_type = {eventType:UInt32}
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import { EVENT_NAME_LENGTH, URL_LENGTH, EVENT_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery } from 'lib/db';
import kafka from 'lib/kafka';
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
import { uuid } from 'lib/crypto';
import { uuid } from 'next-basics';
import { saveEventData } from 'queries/analytics/eventData/saveEventData';
export async function saveEvent(args: {
@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery } from 'lib/db';
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
import { DEFAULT_CREATED_AT, EVENT_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/query';
export async function getPageviewStats(
...args: [
websiteId: string,
criteria: {
startDate: Date;
endDate: Date;
timezone?: string;
unit?: string;
count?: string;
filters: object;
sessionKey?: string;
) {
return runQuery({
[PRISMA]: () => relationalQuery(...args),
[CLICKHOUSE]: () => clickhouseQuery(...args),
async function relationalQuery(
websiteId: string,
criteria: {
startDate: Date;
endDate: Date;
timezone?: string;
unit?: string;
count?: string;
filters: object;
sessionKey?: string;
) {
const {
timezone = 'utc',
unit = 'day',
count = '*',
filters = {},
sessionKey = 'session_id',
} = criteria;
const { toUuid, getDateQuery, parseFilters, rawQuery } = prisma;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT);
const params: any = [websiteId, resetDate, startDate, endDate];
const { filterQuery, joinSession } = parseFilters(filters, params);
return rawQuery(
`select ${getDateQuery('website_event.created_at', unit, timezone)} x,
count(${count !== '*' ? `${count}${sessionKey}` : count}) y
from website_event
where website_event.website_id = $1${toUuid()}
and website_event.created_at >= $2
and website_event.created_at between $3 and $4
and event_type = ${EVENT_TYPE.pageView}
group by 1`,
async function clickhouseQuery(
websiteId: string,
criteria: {
startDate: Date;
endDate: Date;
timezone?: string;
unit?: string;
count?: string;
filters: object;
sessionKey?: string;
) {
const {
timezone = 'UTC',
unit = 'day',
count = '*',
filters = {},
} = criteria;
const {
} = clickhouse;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT);
const params = { websiteId };
const { filterQuery } = parseFilters(filters, params);
return rawQuery(
${getDateStringQuery('g.t', unit)} as x,
g.y as y
${getDateQuery('created_at', unit, timezone)} t,
count(${count !== '*' ? 'distinct session_id' : count}) y
from website_event
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and event_type = ${EVENT_TYPE.pageView}
and created_at >= ${getDateFormat(resetDate)}
and ${getBetweenDates('created_at', startDate, endDate)}
group by t) g
order by t`,
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
import { runQuery, CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA } from 'lib/db';
import { DEFAULT_CREATED_AT, EVENT_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/query';
import { EVENT_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/load';
import { maxDate } from 'lib/date';
export async function getPageviewMetrics(
...args: [
@ -31,39 +32,40 @@ async function relationalQuery(
) {
const { startDate, endDate, filters = {}, column } = criteria;
const { rawQuery, parseFilters, toUuid } = prisma;
const { rawQuery, parseFilters } = prisma;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT);
const params: any = [
const params: any = {
startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt),
column === 'event_name' ? EVENT_TYPE.customEvent : EVENT_TYPE.pageView,
eventType: column === 'event_name' ? EVENT_TYPE.customEvent : EVENT_TYPE.pageView,
let excludeDomain = '';
if (column === 'referrer_domain') {
excludeDomain = 'and (website_event.referrer_domain != $6 or website_event.referrer_domain is null)';
excludeDomain =
'and (website_event.referrer_domain != {{domain}} or website_event.referrer_domain is null)';
params.domain = website.domain;
const { filterQuery, joinSession } = parseFilters(filters, params);
const { filterQuery, joinSession } = parseFilters(filters);
return rawQuery(
`select ${column} x, count(*) y
select ${column} x, count(*) y
from website_event
where website_event.website_id = $1${toUuid()}
and website_event.created_at >= $2
and website_event.created_at between $3 and $4
and event_type = $5
where website_event.website_id = {{websiteId::uuid}}
and website_event.created_at between {{startDate}} and {{endDate}}
and event_type = {{eventType}}
group by 1
order by 2 desc
limit 100`,
limit 100
@ -78,11 +80,12 @@ async function clickhouseQuery(
) {
const { startDate, endDate, filters = {}, column } = criteria;
const { rawQuery, getDateFormat, parseFilters, getBetweenDates } = clickhouse;
const { rawQuery, parseFilters } = clickhouse;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT);
const params = {
startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt),
eventType: column === 'event_name' ? EVENT_TYPE.customEvent : EVENT_TYPE.pageView,
domain: undefined,
@ -97,17 +100,18 @@ async function clickhouseQuery(
const { filterQuery } = parseFilters(filters, params);
return rawQuery(
`select ${column} x, count(*) y
select ${column} x, count(*) y
from website_event
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and created_at between {startDate:DateTime} and {endDate:DateTime}
and event_type = {eventType:UInt32}
and created_at >= ${getDateFormat(resetDate)}
and ${getBetweenDates('created_at', startDate, endDate)}
group by x
order by y desc
limit 100`,
limit 100
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery } from 'lib/db';
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
import { EVENT_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/load';
import { maxDate } from 'lib/date';
export interface PageviewStatsCriteria {
startDate: Date;
endDate: Date;
timezone?: string;
unit?: string;
count?: string;
filters: object;
sessionKey?: string;
export async function getPageviewStats(
...args: [websiteId: string, criteria: PageviewStatsCriteria]
) {
return runQuery({
[PRISMA]: () => relationalQuery(...args),
[CLICKHOUSE]: () => clickhouseQuery(...args),
async function relationalQuery(websiteId: string, criteria: PageviewStatsCriteria) {
const {
timezone = 'utc',
unit = 'day',
count = '*',
filters = {},
sessionKey = 'session_id',
} = criteria;
const { getDateQuery, parseFilters, rawQuery } = prisma;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const { filterQuery, joinSession } = parseFilters(filters);
return rawQuery(
${getDateQuery('website_event.created_at', unit, timezone)} x,
count(${count !== '*' ? `${count}${sessionKey}` : count}) y
from website_event
where website_event.website_id = {{websiteId::uuid}}
and website_event.created_at between {{startDate}} and {{endDate}}
and event_type = {{eventType}}
group by 1
startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt),
eventType: EVENT_TYPE.pageView,
async function clickhouseQuery(websiteId: string, criteria: PageviewStatsCriteria) {
const {
timezone = 'UTC',
unit = 'day',
count = '*',
filters = {},
} = criteria;
const { parseFilters, rawQuery, getDateStringQuery, getDateQuery } = clickhouse;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const { filterQuery } = parseFilters(filters);
return rawQuery(
${getDateStringQuery('g.t', unit)} as x,
g.y as y
from (
${getDateQuery('created_at', unit, timezone)} as t,
count(${count !== '*' ? 'distinct session_id' : count}) as y
from website_event
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and created_at between {startDate:DateTime} and {endDate:DateTime}
and event_type = {eventType:UInt32}
group by t
) as g
order by t
startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt),
eventType: EVENT_TYPE.pageView,
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery } from 'lib/db';
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
export async function getPageviewFunnel(
export async function getFunnel(
...args: [
websiteId: string,
criteria: {
@ -34,18 +34,16 @@ async function relationalQuery(
> {
const { windowMinutes, startDate, endDate, urls } = criteria;
const { rawQuery, getFunnelQuery, toUuid } = prisma;
const { rawQuery, getFunnelQuery } = prisma;
const { levelQuery, sumQuery, urlFilterQuery } = getFunnelQuery(urls, windowMinutes);
const params: any = [websiteId, startDate, endDate, ...urls];
return rawQuery(
`WITH level0 AS (
select distinct session_id, url_path, referrer_path, created_at
from website_event
where url_path in (${urlFilterQuery})
and website_id = $1${toUuid()}
and created_at between $2 and $3
and website_id = {{websiteId::uuid}}
and created_at between {{startDate}} and {{endDate}}
),level1 AS (
select distinct session_id, url_path as level_1_url, created_at as level_1_created_at
from level0
@ -55,7 +53,7 @@ async function relationalQuery(
SELECT ${sumQuery}
from level${urls.length};
{ websiteId, startDate, endDate, ...urls },
).then((a: { [key: string]: number }) => {
return urls.map((b, i) => ({ x: b, y: a[0][`level${i + 1}`] || 0 }));
@ -76,14 +74,8 @@ async function clickhouseQuery(
> {
const { windowMinutes, startDate, endDate, urls } = criteria;
const { rawQuery, getBetweenDates, getFunnelQuery } = clickhouse;
const { columnsQuery, conditionQuery, urlParams } = getFunnelQuery(urls);
const params = {
window: windowMinutes * 60,
const { rawQuery, getFunnelQuery } = clickhouse;
const { columnsQuery, urlParams } = getFunnelQuery(urls);
return rawQuery<{ level: number; count: number }[]>(
@ -98,13 +90,19 @@ async function clickhouseQuery(
) AS level
FROM website_event
WHERE website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and ${getBetweenDates('created_at', startDate, endDate)}
AND created_at BETWEEN {startDate:DateTime} AND {endDate:DateTime}
GROUP BY level
window: windowMinutes * 60,
).then(results => {
return urls.map((a, i) => ({
x: a,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import { CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA, runQuery } from 'lib/db';
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
export interface GetInsightsCriteria {
startDate: Date;
endDate: Date;
fields: string[];
filters: string[];
groups: string[];
export async function getInsights(...args: [websiteId: string, criteria: GetInsightsCriteria]) {
return runQuery({
[PRISMA]: () => relationalQuery(...args),
[CLICKHOUSE]: () => clickhouseQuery(...args),
async function relationalQuery(
websiteId: string,
criteria: GetInsightsCriteria,
): Promise<
x: string;
y: number;
> {
return null;
async function clickhouseQuery(
websiteId: string,
criteria: GetInsightsCriteria,
): Promise<
x: string;
y: number;
> {
return null;
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
import { runQuery, CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA } from 'lib/db';
import { DEFAULT_CREATED_AT, EVENT_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/query';
import { DEFAULT_RESET_DATE, EVENT_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/load';
import { maxDate } from 'lib/date';
export async function getSessionMetrics(
...args: [
@ -21,11 +22,9 @@ async function relationalQuery(
criteria: { startDate: Date; endDate: Date; column: string; filters: object },
) {
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT);
const { startDate, endDate, column, filters = {} } = criteria;
const { toUuid, parseFilters, rawQuery } = prisma;
const params: any = [websiteId, resetDate, startDate, endDate];
const { filterQuery, joinSession } = parseFilters(filters, params);
const { parseFilters, rawQuery } = prisma;
const { filterQuery, joinSession } = parseFilters(filters);
return rawQuery(
`select ${column} x, count(*) y
@ -36,15 +35,14 @@ async function relationalQuery(
join website
on website_event.website_id = website.website_id
where website.website_id = $1${toUuid()}
and website_event.created_at >= $2
and website_event.created_at between $3 and $4
where website.website_id = {{websiteId::uuid}}
and website_event.created_at between {{startDate}} and {{endDate}}
group by 1
order by 2 desc
limit 100`,
{ ...filters, websiteId, startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt), endDate },
@ -53,23 +51,29 @@ async function clickhouseQuery(
data: { startDate: Date; endDate: Date; column: string; filters: object },
) {
const { startDate, endDate, column, filters = {} } = data;
const { getDateFormat, parseFilters, getBetweenDates, rawQuery } = clickhouse;
const { parseFilters, rawQuery } = clickhouse;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT);
const params = { websiteId };
const { filterQuery } = parseFilters(filters, params);
const { filterQuery } = parseFilters(filters);
return rawQuery(
`select ${column} x, count(distinct session_id) y
${column} x, count(distinct session_id) y
from website_event as x
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and event_type = ${EVENT_TYPE.pageView}
and created_at >= ${getDateFormat(resetDate)}
and ${getBetweenDates('created_at', startDate, endDate)}
and created_at between {startDate:DateTime} and {endDate:DateTime}
and event_type = {eventType:UInt32}
group by x
order by y desc
limit 100`,
limit 100
startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt),
eventType: EVENT_TYPE.pageView,
@ -9,22 +9,23 @@ export async function getSessions(...args: [websiteId: string, startAt: Date]) {
async function relationalQuery(websiteId: string, startAt: Date) {
async function relationalQuery(websiteId: string, startDate: Date) {
return prisma.client.session.findMany({
where: {
createdAt: {
gte: startAt,
gte: startDate,
async function clickhouseQuery(websiteId: string, startAt: Date) {
async function clickhouseQuery(websiteId: string, startDate: Date) {
const { rawQuery } = clickhouse;
return rawQuery(
`select distinct
select distinct
session_id as id,
website_id as websiteId,
created_at as createdAt,
@ -41,10 +42,11 @@ async function clickhouseQuery(websiteId: string, startAt: Date) {
from website_event
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and created_at >= {startAt:DateTime('UTC')}`,
and created_at >= {startDate:DateTime}
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { DATA_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { uuid } from 'lib/crypto';
import { uuid } from 'next-basics';
import { flattenJSON } from 'lib/dynamicData';
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
import { DynamicData } from 'lib/types';
@ -11,31 +11,32 @@ export async function getActiveVisitors(...args: [websiteId: string]) {
async function relationalQuery(websiteId: string) {
const { toUuid, rawQuery } = prisma;
const date = subMinutes(new Date(), 5);
const params: any = [websiteId, date];
const { rawQuery } = prisma;
return rawQuery(
`select count(distinct session_id) x
select count(distinct session_id) x
from website_event
join website
join website
on website_event.website_id = website.website_id
where website.website_id = $1${toUuid()}
and website_event.created_at >= $2`,
where website.website_id = {{websiteId::uuid}}
and website_event.created_at >= {{startAt}}
{ websiteId, startAt: subMinutes(new Date(), 5) },
async function clickhouseQuery(websiteId: string) {
const { rawQuery } = clickhouse;
const params = { websiteId, startAt: subMinutes(new Date(), 5) };
return rawQuery(
`select count(distinct session_id) x
count(distinct session_id) x
from website_event
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and created_at >= {startAt:DateTime('UTC')}`,
and created_at >= {startAt:DateTime}
{ websiteId, startAt: subMinutes(new Date(), 5) },
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import { md5 } from 'lib/crypto';
import { getSessions } from '../session/getSessions';
import { getEvents } from '../event/getEvents';
import { md5 } from 'next-basics';
import { getSessions, getEvents } from 'queries';
import { EVENT_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
export async function getRealtimeData(websiteId, time) {
@ -20,7 +19,7 @@ export async function getRealtimeData(websiteId, time) {
return {
pageviews: decorate('pageview', pageviews),
pageviews: decorate('pageviews', pageviews),
sessions: decorate('session', sessions),
events: decorate('event', events),
timestamp: Date.now(),
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
import { runQuery, CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA } from 'lib/db';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/load';
import { DEFAULT_RESET_DATE } from 'lib/constants';
import { maxDate } from 'lib/date';
export async function getWebsiteDateRange(...args: [websiteId: string]) {
return runQuery({
[PRISMA]: () => relationalQuery(...args),
[CLICKHOUSE]: () => clickhouseQuery(...args),
async function relationalQuery(websiteId: string) {
const { rawQuery } = prisma;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
return rawQuery(
min(created_at) as min,
max(created_at) as max
from website_event
where website_id = {{websiteId::uuid}}
and created_at >= {{startDate}}
{ websiteId, startDate: maxDate(new Date(DEFAULT_RESET_DATE), new Date(website.resetAt)) },
async function clickhouseQuery(websiteId: string) {
const { rawQuery } = clickhouse;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
return rawQuery(
min(created_at) as min,
max(created_at) as max
from website_event
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and created_at >= {startDate:DateTime}
{ websiteId, startDate: maxDate(new Date(DEFAULT_RESET_DATE), new Date(website.resetAt)) },
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
import prisma from 'lib/prisma';
import clickhouse from 'lib/clickhouse';
import { runQuery, CLICKHOUSE, PRISMA } from 'lib/db';
import { DEFAULT_CREATED_AT, EVENT_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/query';
import { EVENT_TYPE } from 'lib/constants';
import { loadWebsite } from 'lib/load';
import { maxDate } from 'lib/date';
export async function getWebsiteStats(
...args: [
@ -21,34 +22,41 @@ async function relationalQuery(
criteria: { startDate: Date; endDate: Date; filters: object },
) {
const { startDate, endDate, filters = {} } = criteria;
const { toUuid, getDateQuery, getTimestampInterval, parseFilters, rawQuery } = prisma;
const { getDateQuery, getTimestampIntervalQuery, parseFilters, rawQuery } = prisma;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT);
const params: any = [websiteId, resetDate, startDate, endDate];
const { filterQuery, joinSession } = parseFilters(filters, params);
const { filterQuery, joinSession } = parseFilters(filters);
return rawQuery(
`select sum(t.c) as "pageviews",
count(distinct t.session_id) as "uniques",
sum(case when t.c = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as "bounces",
sum(t.time) as "totaltime"
from (
select website_event.session_id,
${getDateQuery('website_event.created_at', 'hour')},
count(*) c,
${getTimestampInterval('website_event.created_at')} as "time"
from website_event
join website
on website_event.website_id = website.website_id
where event_type = ${EVENT_TYPE.pageView}
and website.website_id = $1${toUuid()}
and website_event.created_at >= $2
and website_event.created_at between $3 and $4
group by 1, 2
) t`,
sum(t.c) as "pageviews",
count(distinct t.session_id) as "uniques",
sum(case when t.c = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as "bounces",
sum(t.time) as "totaltime"
from (
${getDateQuery('website_event.created_at', 'hour')},
count(*) as c,
${getTimestampIntervalQuery('website_event.created_at')} as "time"
from website_event
join website
on website_event.website_id = website.website_id
where event_type = {{eventType}}
and website.website_id = {{websiteId::uuid}}
and website_event.created_at between {{startDate}} and {{endDate}}
group by 1, 2
) as t
startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt),
eventType: EVENT_TYPE.pageView,
@ -57,32 +65,38 @@ async function clickhouseQuery(
criteria: { startDate: Date; endDate: Date; filters: object },
) {
const { startDate, endDate, filters = {} } = criteria;
const { rawQuery, getDateFormat, getDateQuery, getBetweenDates, parseFilters } = clickhouse;
const { rawQuery, getDateQuery, parseFilters } = clickhouse;
const website = await loadWebsite(websiteId);
const resetDate = new Date(website?.resetAt || DEFAULT_CREATED_AT);
const params = { websiteId };
const { filterQuery } = parseFilters(filters, params);
const { filterQuery } = parseFilters(filters);
return rawQuery(
sum(t.c) as "pageviews",
count(distinct t.session_id) as "uniques",
sum(if(t.c = 1, 1, 0)) as "bounces",
sum(if(max_time < min_time + interval 1 hour, max_time-min_time, 0)) as "totaltime"
from (
select session_id,
${getDateQuery('created_at', 'day')} time_series,
count(*) c,
min(created_at) min_time,
max(created_at) max_time
from website_event
where event_type = ${EVENT_TYPE.pageView}
and website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and created_at >= ${getDateFormat(resetDate)}
and ${getBetweenDates('created_at', startDate, endDate)}
group by session_id, time_series
) t;`,
sum(t.c) as "pageviews",
count(distinct t.session_id) as "uniques",
sum(if(t.c = 1, 1, 0)) as "bounces",
sum(if(max_time < min_time + interval 1 hour, max_time-min_time, 0)) as "totaltime"
from (
${getDateQuery('created_at', 'day')} time_series,
count(*) c,
min(created_at) min_time,
max(created_at) max_time
from website_event
where website_id = {websiteId:UUID}
and created_at between {startDate:DateTime} and {endDate:DateTime}
and event_type = {eventType:UInt32}
group by session_id, time_series
) as t;
startDate: maxDate(startDate, website.resetAt),
eventType: EVENT_TYPE.pageView,
@ -3,19 +3,23 @@ export * from './admin/teamUser';
export * from './admin/user';
export * from './admin/report';
export * from './admin/website';
export * from './analytics/event/getEventMetrics';
export * from './analytics/event/getEventUsage';
export * from './analytics/event/getEvents';
export * from './analytics/events/getEventMetrics';
export * from './analytics/events/getEventUsage';
export * from './analytics/events/getEvents';
export * from './analytics/eventData/getEventDataEvents';
export * from './analytics/eventData/getEventDataFields';
export * from './analytics/eventData/getEventDataUsage';
export * from './analytics/event/saveEvent';
export * from './analytics/pageview/getPageviewFunnel';
export * from './analytics/pageview/getPageviewMetrics';
export * from './analytics/pageview/getPageviewStats';
export * from './analytics/session/createSession';
export * from './analytics/session/getSession';
export * from './analytics/session/getSessionMetrics';
export * from './analytics/session/getSessions';
export * from './analytics/events/saveEvent';
export * from './analytics/reports/getFunnel';
export * from './analytics/reports/getInsights';
export * from './analytics/pageviews/getPageviewMetrics';
export * from './analytics/pageviews/getPageviewStats';
export * from './analytics/sessions/createSession';
export * from './analytics/sessions/getSession';
export * from './analytics/sessions/getSessionMetrics';
export * from './analytics/sessions/getSessions';
export * from './analytics/sessions/saveSessionData';
export * from './analytics/stats/getActiveVisitors';
export * from './analytics/stats/getRealtimeData';
export * from './analytics/stats/getWebsiteDateRange';
export * from './analytics/stats/getWebsiteStats';
@ -1,40 +1,24 @@
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const path = require('path');
const os = require('os');
const isCI = require('is-ci');
const pkg = require('../package.json');
const dest = path.resolve(__dirname, '../.next/cache/umami.json');
const url = 'https://api.umami.is/v1/telemetry';
async function sendTelemetry(action) {
let json = {};
try {
json = await fs.readJSON(dest);
} catch {
// Ignore
try {
await fs.writeJSON(dest, { version: pkg.version });
} catch {
// Ignore
async function sendTelemetry(type) {
const { default: isDocker } = await import('is-docker');
const { default: fetch } = await import('node-fetch');
const payload = {
version: pkg.version,
node: process.version,
platform: os.platform(),
arch: os.arch(),
os: `${os.type()} (${os.version()})`,
isDocker: isDocker(),
isCi: isCI,
prevVersion: json.version,
const data = {
payload: {
version: pkg.version,
node: process.version,
platform: os.platform(),
arch: os.arch(),
os: `${os.type()} (${os.version()})`,
isDocker: isDocker(),
isCi: isCI,
try {
@ -44,7 +28,7 @@ async function sendTelemetry(action) {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
body: JSON.stringify(data),
} catch {
// Ignore
@ -6260,14 +6260,15 @@ natural-compare@^1.4.0:
resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/natural-compare/-/natural-compare-1.4.0.tgz#4abebfeed7541f2c27acfb29bdbbd15c8d5ba4f7"
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