mirror of
synced 2025-02-01 20:39:44 +01:00
Added device collection.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1,335 @@
export const AUTH_COOKIE_NAME = 'umami.auth';
export const DESKTOP_SCREEN_WIDTH = 1920;
export const MOBILE_SCREEN_WIDTH = 479;
export const OPERATING_SYSTEMS = [
'Android OS',
'BlackBerry OS',
'Windows Mobile',
'Amazon OS',
'Windows 3.11',
'Windows 95',
'Windows 98',
'Windows 2000',
'Windows XP',
'Windows Server 2003',
'Windows Vista',
'Windows 7',
'Windows 8',
'Windows 8.1',
'Windows 10',
'Windows ME',
'Open BSD',
'Sun OS',
'Mac OS',
'Chrome OS',
export const DESKTOP_OS = [
'Windows 3.11',
'Windows 95',
'Windows 98',
'Windows 2000',
'Windows XP',
'Windows Server 2003',
'Windows Vista',
'Windows 7',
'Windows 8',
'Windows 8.1',
'Windows 10',
'Windows ME',
'Open BSD',
'Sun OS',
'Mac OS',
'Chrome OS',
export const MOBILE_OS = ['iOS', 'Android OS', 'BlackBerry OS', 'Windows Mobile', 'Amazon OS'];
export const BROWSERS = {
aol: 'AOL',
edge: 'Edge',
'edge-ios': 'Edge (iOS)',
yandexbrowser: 'Yandex',
kakaotalk: 'KKaoTalk',
samsung: 'Samsung',
silk: 'Silk',
miui: 'MIUI',
beaker: 'Beaker',
'edge-chromium': 'Edge (Chromium)',
chrome: 'Chrome',
'chromium-webview': 'Chrome (webview)',
phantomjs: 'PhantomJS',
crios: 'Chrome (iOS)',
firefox: 'Firefox',
fxios: 'Firefox (iOS)',
'opera-mini': 'Opera Mini',
opera: 'Opera',
ie: 'IE',
bb10: 'BlackBerry 10',
android: 'Android',
ios: 'iOS',
safari: 'Safari',
facebook: 'Facebook',
instagram: 'Instagram',
'ios-webview': 'iOS (webview)',
searchbot: 'Searchbot',
export const ISO_COUNTRIES = {
AF: 'Afghanistan',
AX: 'Aland Islands',
AL: 'Albania',
DZ: 'Algeria',
AS: 'American Samoa',
AD: 'Andorra',
AO: 'Angola',
AI: 'Anguilla',
AQ: 'Antarctica',
AG: 'Antigua And Barbuda',
AR: 'Argentina',
AM: 'Armenia',
AW: 'Aruba',
AU: 'Australia',
AT: 'Austria',
AZ: 'Azerbaijan',
BS: 'Bahamas',
BH: 'Bahrain',
BD: 'Bangladesh',
BB: 'Barbados',
BY: 'Belarus',
BE: 'Belgium',
BZ: 'Belize',
BJ: 'Benin',
BM: 'Bermuda',
BT: 'Bhutan',
BO: 'Bolivia',
BA: 'Bosnia And Herzegovina',
BW: 'Botswana',
BV: 'Bouvet Island',
BR: 'Brazil',
IO: 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
BN: 'Brunei Darussalam',
BG: 'Bulgaria',
BF: 'Burkina Faso',
BI: 'Burundi',
KH: 'Cambodia',
CM: 'Cameroon',
CA: 'Canada',
CV: 'Cape Verde',
KY: 'Cayman Islands',
CF: 'Central African Republic',
TD: 'Chad',
CL: 'Chile',
CN: 'China',
CX: 'Christmas Island',
CC: 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
CO: 'Colombia',
KM: 'Comoros',
CG: 'Congo',
CD: 'Congo, Democratic Republic',
CK: 'Cook Islands',
CR: 'Costa Rica',
CI: "Cote D'Ivoire",
HR: 'Croatia',
CU: 'Cuba',
CY: 'Cyprus',
CZ: 'Czech Republic',
DK: 'Denmark',
DJ: 'Djibouti',
DM: 'Dominica',
DO: 'Dominican Republic',
EC: 'Ecuador',
EG: 'Egypt',
SV: 'El Salvador',
GQ: 'Equatorial Guinea',
ER: 'Eritrea',
EE: 'Estonia',
ET: 'Ethiopia',
FK: 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
FO: 'Faroe Islands',
FJ: 'Fiji',
FI: 'Finland',
FR: 'France',
GF: 'French Guiana',
PF: 'French Polynesia',
TF: 'French Southern Territories',
GA: 'Gabon',
GM: 'Gambia',
GE: 'Georgia',
DE: 'Germany',
GH: 'Ghana',
GI: 'Gibraltar',
GR: 'Greece',
GL: 'Greenland',
GD: 'Grenada',
GP: 'Guadeloupe',
GU: 'Guam',
GT: 'Guatemala',
GG: 'Guernsey',
GN: 'Guinea',
GW: 'Guinea-Bissau',
GY: 'Guyana',
HT: 'Haiti',
HM: 'Heard Island & Mcdonald Islands',
VA: 'Holy See (Vatican City State)',
HN: 'Honduras',
HK: 'Hong Kong',
HU: 'Hungary',
IS: 'Iceland',
IN: 'India',
ID: 'Indonesia',
IR: 'Iran, Islamic Republic Of',
IQ: 'Iraq',
IE: 'Ireland',
IM: 'Isle Of Man',
IL: 'Israel',
IT: 'Italy',
JM: 'Jamaica',
JP: 'Japan',
JE: 'Jersey',
JO: 'Jordan',
KZ: 'Kazakhstan',
KE: 'Kenya',
KI: 'Kiribati',
KR: 'Korea',
KW: 'Kuwait',
KG: 'Kyrgyzstan',
LA: "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
LV: 'Latvia',
LB: 'Lebanon',
LS: 'Lesotho',
LR: 'Liberia',
LY: 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya',
LI: 'Liechtenstein',
LT: 'Lithuania',
LU: 'Luxembourg',
MO: 'Macao',
MK: 'Macedonia',
MG: 'Madagascar',
MW: 'Malawi',
MY: 'Malaysia',
MV: 'Maldives',
ML: 'Mali',
MT: 'Malta',
MH: 'Marshall Islands',
MQ: 'Martinique',
MR: 'Mauritania',
MU: 'Mauritius',
YT: 'Mayotte',
MX: 'Mexico',
FM: 'Micronesia, Federated States Of',
MD: 'Moldova',
MC: 'Monaco',
MN: 'Mongolia',
ME: 'Montenegro',
MS: 'Montserrat',
MA: 'Morocco',
MZ: 'Mozambique',
MM: 'Myanmar',
NA: 'Namibia',
NR: 'Nauru',
NP: 'Nepal',
NL: 'Netherlands',
AN: 'Netherlands Antilles',
NC: 'New Caledonia',
NZ: 'New Zealand',
NI: 'Nicaragua',
NE: 'Niger',
NG: 'Nigeria',
NU: 'Niue',
NF: 'Norfolk Island',
MP: 'Northern Mariana Islands',
NO: 'Norway',
OM: 'Oman',
PK: 'Pakistan',
PW: 'Palau',
PS: 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied',
PA: 'Panama',
PG: 'Papua New Guinea',
PY: 'Paraguay',
PE: 'Peru',
PH: 'Philippines',
PN: 'Pitcairn',
PL: 'Poland',
PT: 'Portugal',
PR: 'Puerto Rico',
QA: 'Qatar',
RE: 'Reunion',
RO: 'Romania',
RU: 'Russia',
RW: 'Rwanda',
BL: 'Saint Barthelemy',
SH: 'Saint Helena',
KN: 'Saint Kitts And Nevis',
LC: 'Saint Lucia',
MF: 'Saint Martin',
PM: 'Saint Pierre And Miquelon',
VC: 'Saint Vincent And Grenadines',
WS: 'Samoa',
SM: 'San Marino',
ST: 'Sao Tome And Principe',
SA: 'Saudi Arabia',
SN: 'Senegal',
RS: 'Serbia',
SC: 'Seychelles',
SL: 'Sierra Leone',
SG: 'Singapore',
SK: 'Slovakia',
SI: 'Slovenia',
SB: 'Solomon Islands',
SO: 'Somalia',
ZA: 'South Africa',
GS: 'South Georgia And Sandwich Isl.',
ES: 'Spain',
LK: 'Sri Lanka',
SD: 'Sudan',
SR: 'Suriname',
SJ: 'Svalbard And Jan Mayen',
SZ: 'Swaziland',
SE: 'Sweden',
CH: 'Switzerland',
SY: 'Syrian Arab Republic',
TW: 'Taiwan',
TJ: 'Tajikistan',
TZ: 'Tanzania',
TH: 'Thailand',
TL: 'Timor-Leste',
TG: 'Togo',
TK: 'Tokelau',
TO: 'Tonga',
TT: 'Trinidad And Tobago',
TN: 'Tunisia',
TR: 'Turkey',
TM: 'Turkmenistan',
TC: 'Turks And Caicos Islands',
TV: 'Tuvalu',
UG: 'Uganda',
UA: 'Ukraine',
AE: 'United Arab Emirates',
GB: 'United Kingdom',
US: 'United States',
UM: 'United States Outlying Islands',
UY: 'Uruguay',
UZ: 'Uzbekistan',
VU: 'Vanuatu',
VE: 'Venezuela',
VN: 'Viet Nam',
VG: 'Virgin Islands, British',
VI: 'Virgin Islands, U.S.',
WF: 'Wallis And Futuna',
EH: 'Western Sahara',
YE: 'Yemen',
ZM: 'Zambia',
ZW: 'Zimbabwe',
@ -1,283 +1,7 @@
const browsers = {
aol: 'AOL',
edge: 'Edge',
'edge-ios': 'Edge (iOS)',
yandexbrowser: 'Yandex',
kakaotalk: 'KKaoTalk',
samsung: 'Samsung',
silk: 'Silk',
miui: 'MIUI',
beaker: 'Beaker',
'edge-chromium': 'Edge (Chromium)',
chrome: 'Chrome',
'chromium-webview': 'Chrome (webview)',
phantomjs: 'PhantomJS',
crios: 'Chrome (iOS)',
firefox: 'Firefox',
fxios: 'Firefox (iOS)',
'opera-mini': 'Opera Mini',
opera: 'Opera',
ie: 'IE',
bb10: 'BlackBerry 10',
android: 'Android',
ios: 'iOS',
safari: 'Safari',
facebook: 'Facebook',
instagram: 'Instagram',
'ios-webview': 'iOS (webview)',
searchbot: 'Searchbot',
const isoCountries = {
AF: 'Afghanistan',
AX: 'Aland Islands',
AL: 'Albania',
DZ: 'Algeria',
AS: 'American Samoa',
AD: 'Andorra',
AO: 'Angola',
AI: 'Anguilla',
AQ: 'Antarctica',
AG: 'Antigua And Barbuda',
AR: 'Argentina',
AM: 'Armenia',
AW: 'Aruba',
AU: 'Australia',
AT: 'Austria',
AZ: 'Azerbaijan',
BS: 'Bahamas',
BH: 'Bahrain',
BD: 'Bangladesh',
BB: 'Barbados',
BY: 'Belarus',
BE: 'Belgium',
BZ: 'Belize',
BJ: 'Benin',
BM: 'Bermuda',
BT: 'Bhutan',
BO: 'Bolivia',
BA: 'Bosnia And Herzegovina',
BW: 'Botswana',
BV: 'Bouvet Island',
BR: 'Brazil',
IO: 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
BN: 'Brunei Darussalam',
BG: 'Bulgaria',
BF: 'Burkina Faso',
BI: 'Burundi',
KH: 'Cambodia',
CM: 'Cameroon',
CA: 'Canada',
CV: 'Cape Verde',
KY: 'Cayman Islands',
CF: 'Central African Republic',
TD: 'Chad',
CL: 'Chile',
CN: 'China',
CX: 'Christmas Island',
CC: 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
CO: 'Colombia',
KM: 'Comoros',
CG: 'Congo',
CD: 'Congo, Democratic Republic',
CK: 'Cook Islands',
CR: 'Costa Rica',
CI: "Cote D'Ivoire",
HR: 'Croatia',
CU: 'Cuba',
CY: 'Cyprus',
CZ: 'Czech Republic',
DK: 'Denmark',
DJ: 'Djibouti',
DM: 'Dominica',
DO: 'Dominican Republic',
EC: 'Ecuador',
EG: 'Egypt',
SV: 'El Salvador',
GQ: 'Equatorial Guinea',
ER: 'Eritrea',
EE: 'Estonia',
ET: 'Ethiopia',
FK: 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
FO: 'Faroe Islands',
FJ: 'Fiji',
FI: 'Finland',
FR: 'France',
GF: 'French Guiana',
PF: 'French Polynesia',
TF: 'French Southern Territories',
GA: 'Gabon',
GM: 'Gambia',
GE: 'Georgia',
DE: 'Germany',
GH: 'Ghana',
GI: 'Gibraltar',
GR: 'Greece',
GL: 'Greenland',
GD: 'Grenada',
GP: 'Guadeloupe',
GU: 'Guam',
GT: 'Guatemala',
GG: 'Guernsey',
GN: 'Guinea',
GW: 'Guinea-Bissau',
GY: 'Guyana',
HT: 'Haiti',
HM: 'Heard Island & Mcdonald Islands',
VA: 'Holy See (Vatican City State)',
HN: 'Honduras',
HK: 'Hong Kong',
HU: 'Hungary',
IS: 'Iceland',
IN: 'India',
ID: 'Indonesia',
IR: 'Iran, Islamic Republic Of',
IQ: 'Iraq',
IE: 'Ireland',
IM: 'Isle Of Man',
IL: 'Israel',
IT: 'Italy',
JM: 'Jamaica',
JP: 'Japan',
JE: 'Jersey',
JO: 'Jordan',
KZ: 'Kazakhstan',
KE: 'Kenya',
KI: 'Kiribati',
KR: 'Korea',
KW: 'Kuwait',
KG: 'Kyrgyzstan',
LA: "Lao People's Democratic Republic",
LV: 'Latvia',
LB: 'Lebanon',
LS: 'Lesotho',
LR: 'Liberia',
LY: 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya',
LI: 'Liechtenstein',
LT: 'Lithuania',
LU: 'Luxembourg',
MO: 'Macao',
MK: 'Macedonia',
MG: 'Madagascar',
MW: 'Malawi',
MY: 'Malaysia',
MV: 'Maldives',
ML: 'Mali',
MT: 'Malta',
MH: 'Marshall Islands',
MQ: 'Martinique',
MR: 'Mauritania',
MU: 'Mauritius',
YT: 'Mayotte',
MX: 'Mexico',
FM: 'Micronesia, Federated States Of',
MD: 'Moldova',
MC: 'Monaco',
MN: 'Mongolia',
ME: 'Montenegro',
MS: 'Montserrat',
MA: 'Morocco',
MZ: 'Mozambique',
MM: 'Myanmar',
NA: 'Namibia',
NR: 'Nauru',
NP: 'Nepal',
NL: 'Netherlands',
AN: 'Netherlands Antilles',
NC: 'New Caledonia',
NZ: 'New Zealand',
NI: 'Nicaragua',
NE: 'Niger',
NG: 'Nigeria',
NU: 'Niue',
NF: 'Norfolk Island',
MP: 'Northern Mariana Islands',
NO: 'Norway',
OM: 'Oman',
PK: 'Pakistan',
PW: 'Palau',
PS: 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied',
PA: 'Panama',
PG: 'Papua New Guinea',
PY: 'Paraguay',
PE: 'Peru',
PH: 'Philippines',
PN: 'Pitcairn',
PL: 'Poland',
PT: 'Portugal',
PR: 'Puerto Rico',
QA: 'Qatar',
RE: 'Reunion',
RO: 'Romania',
RU: 'Russia',
RW: 'Rwanda',
BL: 'Saint Barthelemy',
SH: 'Saint Helena',
KN: 'Saint Kitts And Nevis',
LC: 'Saint Lucia',
MF: 'Saint Martin',
PM: 'Saint Pierre And Miquelon',
VC: 'Saint Vincent And Grenadines',
WS: 'Samoa',
SM: 'San Marino',
ST: 'Sao Tome And Principe',
SA: 'Saudi Arabia',
SN: 'Senegal',
RS: 'Serbia',
SC: 'Seychelles',
SL: 'Sierra Leone',
SG: 'Singapore',
SK: 'Slovakia',
SI: 'Slovenia',
SB: 'Solomon Islands',
SO: 'Somalia',
ZA: 'South Africa',
GS: 'South Georgia And Sandwich Isl.',
ES: 'Spain',
LK: 'Sri Lanka',
SD: 'Sudan',
SR: 'Suriname',
SJ: 'Svalbard And Jan Mayen',
SZ: 'Swaziland',
SE: 'Sweden',
CH: 'Switzerland',
SY: 'Syrian Arab Republic',
TW: 'Taiwan',
TJ: 'Tajikistan',
TZ: 'Tanzania',
TH: 'Thailand',
TL: 'Timor-Leste',
TG: 'Togo',
TK: 'Tokelau',
TO: 'Tonga',
TT: 'Trinidad And Tobago',
TN: 'Tunisia',
TR: 'Turkey',
TM: 'Turkmenistan',
TC: 'Turks And Caicos Islands',
TV: 'Tuvalu',
UG: 'Uganda',
UA: 'Ukraine',
AE: 'United Arab Emirates',
GB: 'United Kingdom',
US: 'United States',
UM: 'United States Outlying Islands',
UY: 'Uruguay',
UZ: 'Uzbekistan',
VU: 'Vanuatu',
VE: 'Venezuela',
VN: 'Viet Nam',
VG: 'Virgin Islands, British',
VI: 'Virgin Islands, U.S.',
WF: 'Wallis And Futuna',
EH: 'Western Sahara',
YE: 'Yemen',
ZM: 'Zambia',
ZW: 'Zimbabwe',
import { BROWSERS, ISO_COUNTRIES } from './constants';
export const browserFilter = data =>
data.map(({ x, ...props }) => ({ x: browsers[x] || x, ...props }));
data.map(({ x, ...props }) => ({ x: BROWSERS[x] || x, ...props }));
export const urlFilter = data => data.filter(({ x }) => x !== '' && !x.startsWith('#'));
@ -308,7 +32,7 @@ export const deviceFilter = data => {
export const countryFilter = data =>
data.map(({ x, ...props }) => ({ x: isoCountries[x] || x, ...props }));
data.map(({ x, ...props }) => ({ x: ISO_COUNTRIES[x] || x, ...props }));
export const percentFilter = data => {
const total = data.reduce((n, { y }) => n + y, 0);
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { browserName, detectOS } from 'detect-browser';
import isLocalhost from 'is-localhost-ip';
import maxmind from 'maxmind';
import geolite2 from 'geolite2-redist';
export function getIpAddress(req) {
// Cloudflare
@ -13,12 +14,20 @@ export function getIpAddress(req) {
return requestIp.getClientIp(req);
export function getDevice(req) {
const userAgent = req.headers['user-agent'];
const browser = browserName(userAgent);
const os = detectOS(userAgent);
export function getDevice(screen, browser, os) {
const [width] = screen.split('x');
return { userAgent, browser, os };
if (DESKTOP_OS.includes(os)) {
if (os === 'Chrome OS' || width < DESKTOP_SCREEN_WIDTH) {
return 'laptop';
return 'desktop';
} else if (MOBILE_OS.includes(os)) {
if (os === 'Amazon OS' || width < MOBILE_SCREEN_WIDTH) {
return 'tablet';
return 'mobile';
export async function getCountry(req, ip) {
@ -43,3 +52,14 @@ export async function getCountry(req, ip) {
return result.country.iso_code;
export async function getClientInfo(req, { screen }) {
const ip = getIpAddress(req);
const country = await getCountry(req, ip);
const userAgent = req.headers['user-agent'];
const browser = browserName(userAgent);
const os = detectOS(userAgent);
const device = getDevice(screen, browser, os);
return { userAgent, browser, os, ip, country, device };
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { getWebsite, getSession, createSession } from 'lib/db';
import { getCountry, getDevice, getIpAddress } from 'lib/request';
import { getClientInfo } from 'lib/request';
import { uuid, isValidId, verifyToken } from 'lib/crypto';
export async function verifySession(req) {
@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ export async function verifySession(req) {
try {
return await verifyToken(session);
} catch {
const ip = getIpAddress(req);
const { userAgent, browser, os } = getDevice(req);
const country = await getCountry(req, ip);
const { userAgent, browser, os, ip, country, device } = await getClientInfo(req, payload);
if (website_uuid) {
const website = await getWebsite({ website_uuid });
@ -35,6 +33,7 @@ export async function verifySession(req) {
@ -8,23 +8,23 @@ datasource db {
model account {
created_at DateTime? @default(now())
is_admin Boolean @default(false)
password String
updated_at DateTime? @default(now())
user_id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
username String @unique
password String
is_admin Boolean @default(false)
created_at DateTime? @default(now())
updated_at DateTime? @default(now())
website website[]
model event {
created_at DateTime? @default(now())
event_id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
website_id Int
session_id Int
created_at DateTime? @default(now())
url String
event_type String
event_value String
session_id Int
url String
website_id Int
session session @relation(fields: [session_id], references: [session_id])
website website @relation(fields: [website_id], references: [website_id])
@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ model event {
model pageview {
created_at DateTime? @default(now())
referrer String?
session_id Int
url String
view_id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
website_id Int
session_id Int
created_at DateTime? @default(now())
url String
referrer String?
session session @relation(fields: [session_id], references: [session_id])
website website @relation(fields: [website_id], references: [website_id])
@ -49,16 +49,17 @@ model pageview {
model session {
browser String?
country String?
created_at DateTime? @default(now())
hostname String?
language String?
os String?
screen String?
session_id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
session_uuid String @unique
website_id Int
created_at DateTime? @default(now())
hostname String?
browser String?
os String?
screen String?
language String?
country String?
device String?
website website @relation(fields: [website_id], references: [website_id])
event event[]
pageview pageview[]
@ -68,11 +69,11 @@ model session {
model website {
created_at DateTime? @default(now())
label String
user_id Int
website_id Int @default(autoincrement()) @id
website_uuid String @unique
label String
created_at DateTime? @default(now())
user_id Int
account account @relation(fields: [user_id], references: [user_id])
event event[]
pageview pageview[]
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ create table session (
hostname varchar(100),
browser varchar(20),
os varchar(20),
device varchar(20),
screen varchar(11),
language varchar(35),
country char(2)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user