
20 lines
584 B

'use server'
import { revalidatePath } from 'next/cache'
import { GiphyFetch } from '@giphy/js-fetch-api'
export async function getRandomGif(tag: string, pathname?: string) {
try {
// Famous last words:
// "It's just the 404 page so why not expose the dev API key"
const giphyClient = new GiphyFetch('LfXRwufRyt6PK414G2kKJBv3L8NdnxyR')
const { data } = await giphyClient.random({ tag })
const gif = data.images.original.mp4
return gif
} catch (error: unknown) {
console.error((error as Error).message)
if (pathname) revalidatePath(pathname)