import React, { Component } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import { Link } from 'gatsby' import giphyAPI from 'giphy-js-sdk-core' import Content from '../components/atoms/Content' import Button from '../components/atoms/Button' import './404.scss' // Famous last words: // "It's just the 404 page so why not expose the dev API key" const giphyClient = giphyAPI('LfXRwufRyt6PK414G2kKJBv3L8NdnxyR') const tag = 'fail-cat' export default class NotFound extends Component { state = { gif: '' } static propTypes = { location: PropTypes.object } componentDidMount() { this.getRandomGif() } getRandomGif() { giphyClient .random('gifs', { tag }) .then(response => { const gif = this.setState({ gif }) }) .catch(err => { return err }) } handleClick = e => { e.preventDefault() this.getRandomGif() } render() { return (

Shenanigans, page not found.

You might want to check the url, or{' '} go back to the homepage. Or just check out some cat fail gifs, entirely your choice.

) } }