import React from 'react' import saveAs from 'file-saver' import vCard from 'vcf' import { useMeta } from '../../hooks/use-meta' import { useResume } from '../../hooks/use-resume' import { getSrc } from 'gatsby-plugin-image' export default function Vcard() { const metaYaml = useMeta() const { basics } = useResume() const photoSrc = getSrc(basics.picture) const { name, label, email, profiles } = basics const meta = { ...metaYaml, photoSrc, name, label, email, profiles } const handleAddressbookClick = (e) => { e.preventDefault() init(meta) } return ( Add to addressbook ) } export const init = async (meta) => { // first, convert the avatar to base64, then construct all vCard elements const dataUrl = await toDataURL(meta.photoSrc, 'image/jpeg') const vcard = await constructVcard(meta, dataUrl) // Construct the download from a blob of the just constructed vCard, const { addressbook } = meta const name = addressbook.split('/').join('') const blob = new Blob([vcard], { type: 'text/x-vcard' }) // save it to user's file system saveAs(blob, name) } export const constructVcard = async (meta) => { const contact = new vCard() const blog = meta.profiles.filter(({ network }) => network === 'Blog')[0].url const twitter = meta.profiles.filter( ({ network }) => network === 'Twitter' )[0].url const github = meta.profiles.filter(({ network }) => network === 'GitHub')[0] .url // stripping this data out of base64 string is required // for vcard to actually display the image for whatever reason // const dataUrlCleaned = dataUrl.split('data:image/jpeg;base64,').join('') // contact.set('photo', dataUrlCleaned, { encoding: 'b', type: 'JPEG' }) contact.set('fn', contact.set('title', meta.label) contact.set('email', contact.set('nickname', 'kremalicious') contact.set('url', meta.url, { type: 'Portfolio' }) contact.add('url', blog, { type: 'Blog' }) contact.add('x-socialprofile', twitter, { type: 'twitter' }) contact.add('x-socialprofile', github, { type: 'GitHub' }) const vcard = contact.toString('3.0') return vcard } // Helper function to create base64 string from avatar image // without the need to read image file from file system export async function toDataURL(photoSrc, outputFormat) { const img = new Image() img.crossOrigin = 'Anonymous' img.src = photoSrc img.onload = () => {} // yeah, we're gonna create a fake canvas to render the image // and then create a base64 string from the rendered result const canvas = document.createElement('canvas') const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') let dataURL canvas.height = img.naturalHeight canvas.width = img.naturalWidth ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0) dataURL = canvas.toDataURL(outputFormat) // img.src = photoSrc // if (img.complete || img.complete === undefined) { // img.src = // '' // img.src = photoSrc // } return dataURL }