mirror of https://github.com/kremalicious/metamask-extension.git synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
Mark Stacey a0d64c7932
Implement new fullscreen design ()
The fullscreen UI now shows roughly the same design as the popup UI.
A few additional changes depicted in the new fullscreen designs will
be implemented in subsequent PRs (e.g. the inline buttons on assets)

This was done now to make asset pages easier to implement. Implementing
asset pages solely for the popup UI would have been complicated by the
fact that we use viewport size to switch between the two layouts, so we
would have had to re-route upon resizing the window.
2020-05-27 17:28:33 -03:00

207 lines
7.4 KiB

const assert = require('assert')
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver')
const { By, until } = webdriver
const {
} = require('./helpers')
const { buildWebDriver } = require('./webdriver')
const Ganache = require('./ganache')
const enLocaleMessages = require('../../app/_locales/en/messages.json')
const ganacheServer = new Ganache()
describe('MetaMask', function () {
let driver
let publicAddress
before(async function () {
await ganacheServer.start({
accounts: [
secretKey: '0x250F458997A364988956409A164BA4E16F0F99F916ACDD73ADCD3A1DE30CF8D1',
balance: 0,
secretKey: '0x53CB0AB5226EEBF4D872113D98332C1555DC304443BEE1CF759D15798D3C55A9',
balance: 25000000000000000000,
const result = await buildWebDriver()
driver = result.driver
afterEach(async function () {
if (process.env.SELENIUM_BROWSER === 'chrome') {
const errors = await driver.checkBrowserForConsoleErrors(driver)
if (errors.length) {
const errorReports = errors.map((err) => err.message)
const errorMessage = `Errors found in browser console:\n${errorReports.join('\n')}`
console.error(new Error(errorMessage))
if (this.currentTest.state === 'failed') {
await driver.verboseReportOnFailure(this.currentTest)
after(async function () {
await ganacheServer.quit()
await driver.quit()
describe('Going through the first time flow, but skipping the seed phrase challenge', function () {
it('clicks the continue button on the welcome screen', async function () {
await driver.findElement(By.css('.welcome-page__header'))
await driver.clickElement(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${enLocaleMessages.getStarted.message}')]`))
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs)
it('clicks the "Create New Wallet" option', async function () {
await driver.clickElement(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Create a Wallet')]`))
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs)
it('clicks the "No thanks" option on the metametrics opt-in screen', async function () {
await driver.clickElement(By.css('.btn-default'))
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs)
it('accepts a secure password', async function () {
const passwordBox = await driver.findElement(By.css('.first-time-flow__form #create-password'))
const passwordBoxConfirm = await driver.findElement(By.css('.first-time-flow__form #confirm-password'))
await passwordBox.sendKeys('correct horse battery staple')
await passwordBoxConfirm.sendKeys('correct horse battery staple')
await driver.clickElement(By.css('.first-time-flow__checkbox'))
await driver.clickElement(By.css('.first-time-flow__form button'))
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs)
it('skips the seed phrase challenge', async function () {
await driver.clickElement(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${enLocaleMessages.remindMeLater.message}')]`))
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs)
await driver.clickElement(By.css('[data-testid="account-options-menu-button"]'))
await driver.clickElement(By.css('[data-testid="account-options-menu__account-details"]'))
it('gets the current accounts address', async function () {
const addressInput = await driver.findElement(By.css('.qr-ellip-address'))
publicAddress = await addressInput.getAttribute('value')
const accountModal = await driver.findElement(By.css('span .modal'))
await driver.clickElement(By.css('.account-modal-close'))
await driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(accountModal))
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs)
describe('send to current account from dapp with different provider', function () {
let extension
it('switches to dapp screen', async function () {
const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles()
extension = windowHandles[0]
await driver.openNewPage('')
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs)
it('sends eth to the current account', async function () {
const addressInput = await driver.findElement(By.css('#address'))
await addressInput.sendKeys(publicAddress)
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs)
await driver.clickElement(By.css('#send'))
const txStatus = await driver.findElement(By.css('#success'))
await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(txStatus, /Success/), 15000)
it('switches back to MetaMask', async function () {
await driver.switchToWindow(extension)
it('should have the correct amount of eth', async function () {
const balances = await driver.findElements(By.css('.currency-display-component__text'))
await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(balances[0], /1/), 15000)
const balance = await balances[0].getText()
assert.equal(balance, '1')
describe('backs up the seed phrase', function () {
it('should show a backup reminder', async function () {
const backupReminder = await driver.findElements(By.xpath("//div[contains(@class, 'home-notification__text') and contains(text(), 'Backup your Secret Recovery code to keep your wallet and funds secure')]"))
assert.equal(backupReminder.length, 1)
it('should take the user to the seedphrase backup screen', async function () {
await driver.clickElement(By.css('.home-notification__accept-button'))
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs)
let seedPhrase
it('reveals the seed phrase', async function () {
const byRevealButton = By.css('.reveal-seed-phrase__secret-blocker .reveal-seed-phrase__reveal-button')
await driver.clickElement(byRevealButton)
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs)
const revealedSeedPhrase = await driver.findElement(By.css('.reveal-seed-phrase__secret-words'))
seedPhrase = await revealedSeedPhrase.getText()
assert.equal(seedPhrase.split(' ').length, 12)
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs)
await driver.clickElement(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${enLocaleMessages.next.message}')]`))
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs)
async function clickWordAndWait (word) {
await driver.clickElement(By.css(`[data-testid="seed-phrase-sorted"] [data-testid="draggable-seed-${word}"]`))
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs)
it('can retype the seed phrase', async function () {
const words = seedPhrase.split(' ')
for (const word of words) {
await clickWordAndWait(word)
await driver.clickElement(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs)
it('can click through the success screen', async function () {
await driver.clickElement(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'All Done')]`))
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs)
it('should have the correct amount of eth', async function () {
const balances = await driver.findElements(By.css('.currency-display-component__text'))
await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(balances[0], /1/), 15000)
const balance = await balances[0].getText()
assert.equal(balance, '1')
it('should not show a backup reminder', async function () {
await driver.assertElementNotPresent(By.css('.backup-notification'))