mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
The `assert` module has two modes: "Legacy" and "strict". When using strict mode, the "strict" version of each assertion method is implied. Whereas in legacy mode, by default it will use the deprecated, "loose" version of each assertion. We now use strict mode everywhere. A few tests required updates where they were asserting the wrong thing, and it was passing beforehand due to the loose matching.
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1667 lines
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const { strict: assert } = require('assert');
const enLocaleMessages = require('../../app/_locales/en/messages.json');
const { tinyDelayMs, regularDelayMs, largeDelayMs } = require('./helpers');
const { buildWebDriver } = require('./webdriver');
const Ganache = require('./ganache');
const ganacheServer = new Ganache();
describe('MetaMask', function () {
let driver;
let tokenAddress;
const testSeedPhrase =
'phrase upgrade clock rough situate wedding elder clever doctor stamp excess tent';
before(async function () {
await ganacheServer.start();
const result = await buildWebDriver();
driver = result.driver;
await driver.navigate();
afterEach(async function () {
if (process.env.SELENIUM_BROWSER === 'chrome') {
const errors = await driver.checkBrowserForConsoleErrors(driver);
if (errors.length) {
const errorReports = errors.map((err) => err.message);
const errorMessage = `Errors found in browser console:\n${errorReports.join(
console.error(new Error(errorMessage));
if (this.currentTest.state === 'failed') {
await driver.verboseReportOnFailure(this.currentTest.title);
after(async function () {
await ganacheServer.quit();
await driver.quit();
describe('Going through the first time flow', function () {
it('clicks the continue button on the welcome screen', async function () {
await driver.findElement('.welcome-page__header');
await driver.clickElement({
text: enLocaleMessages.getStarted.message,
tag: 'button',
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
it('clicks the "Create New Wallet" option', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Create a Wallet', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
it('clicks the "No thanks" option on the metametrics opt-in screen', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('.btn-default');
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
it('accepts a secure password', async function () {
await driver.fill(
'.first-time-flow__form #create-password',
'correct horse battery staple',
await driver.fill(
'.first-time-flow__form #confirm-password',
'correct horse battery staple',
await driver.clickElement('.first-time-flow__checkbox');
await driver.clickElement('.first-time-flow__form button');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
let seedPhrase;
it('renders the Secret Recovery Phrase intro screen', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('.seed-phrase-intro__left button');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('reveals the Secret Recovery Phrase', async function () {
const byRevealButton =
'.reveal-seed-phrase__secret-blocker .reveal-seed-phrase__reveal-button';
await driver.findElement(byRevealButton);
await driver.clickElement(byRevealButton);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
const revealedSeedPhrase = await driver.findElement(
seedPhrase = await revealedSeedPhrase.getText();
assert.equal(seedPhrase.split(' ').length, 12);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({
text: enLocaleMessages.next.message,
tag: 'button',
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
async function clickWordAndWait(word) {
await driver.clickElement(
`[data-testid="seed-phrase-sorted"] [data-testid="draggable-seed-${word}"]`,
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs);
it('can retype the Secret Recovery Phrase', async function () {
const words = seedPhrase.split(' ');
for (const word of words) {
await clickWordAndWait(word);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('clicks through the success screen', async function () {
await driver.findElement({ text: 'Congratulations', tag: 'div' });
await driver.clickElement({
text: enLocaleMessages.endOfFlowMessage10.message,
tag: 'button',
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
describe("Close the what's new popup", function () {
it("should show the what's new popover", async function () {
const popoverTitle = await driver.findElement(
'.popover-header__title h2',
assert.equal(await popoverTitle.getText(), "What's new");
it("should close the what's new popup", async function () {
const popover = await driver.findElement('.popover-container');
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="popover-close"]');
await popover.waitForElementState('hidden');
describe('Show account information', function () {
it('shows the QR code for the account', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="account-options-menu-button"]');
await driver.clickElement(
await driver.findVisibleElement('.qr-code__wrapper');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
// wait for permission modal to be visible.
const permissionModal = await driver.findVisibleElement('span .modal');
await driver.clickElement('.account-modal__close');
// wait for permission modal to be removed from DOM.
await permissionModal.waitForElementState('hidden');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
describe('Lock an unlock', function () {
it('logs out of the account', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('.account-menu__icon');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
const lockButton = await driver.findClickableElement(
assert.equal(await lockButton.getText(), 'Lock');
await lockButton.click();
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('accepts the account password after lock', async function () {
await driver.fill('#password', 'correct horse battery staple');
await driver.press('#password', driver.Key.ENTER);
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs * 4);
describe('Add account', function () {
it('choose Create Account from the account menu', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('.account-menu__icon');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Create Account', tag: 'div' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('set account name', async function () {
await driver.fill('.new-account-create-form input', '2nd account');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Create', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
it('should display correct account name', async function () {
const accountName = await driver.findElement('.selected-account__name');
assert.equal(await accountName.getText(), '2nd account');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
describe('Import Secret Recovery Phrase', function () {
it('logs out of the vault', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('.account-menu__icon');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
const lockButton = await driver.findClickableElement(
assert.equal(await lockButton.getText(), 'Lock');
await lockButton.click();
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('imports Secret Recovery Phrase', async function () {
const restoreSeedLink = await driver.findClickableElement(
await restoreSeedLink.getText(),
'import using Secret Recovery Phrase',
await restoreSeedLink.click();
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement('.import-account__checkbox-container');
await driver.fill('.import-account__secret-phrase', testSeedPhrase);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.fill('#password', 'correct horse battery staple');
await driver.fill('#confirm-password', 'correct horse battery staple');
await driver.clickElement({
text: enLocaleMessages.restore.message,
tag: 'button',
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('balance renders', async function () {
await driver.waitForSelector({
css: '[data-testid="wallet-balance"] .list-item__heading',
text: '100 ETH',
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
describe('Send ETH from inside MetaMask using default gas', function () {
it('starts a send transaction', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="eth-overview-send"]');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.fill(
'input[placeholder="Search, public address (0x), or ENS"]',
const inputAmount = await driver.findElement('.unit-input__input');
await inputAmount.fill('1000');
const errorAmount = await driver.findElement('.send-v2__error-amount');
await errorAmount.getText(),
'Insufficient funds.',
'send screen should render an insufficient fund error message',
await inputAmount.press(driver.Key.BACK_SPACE);
await driver.delay(50);
await inputAmount.press(driver.Key.BACK_SPACE);
await driver.delay(50);
await inputAmount.press(driver.Key.BACK_SPACE);
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs);
await driver.assertElementNotPresent('.send-v2__error-amount');
const amountMax = await driver.findClickableElement(
await amountMax.click();
let inputValue = await inputAmount.getAttribute('value');
assert(Number(inputValue) > 99);
await amountMax.click();
assert.equal(await inputAmount.isEnabled(), true);
await inputAmount.fill('1');
inputValue = await inputAmount.getAttribute('value');
assert.equal(inputValue, '1');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
// Continue to next screen
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Next', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('confirms the transaction', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs * 2);
it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="home__activity-tab"]');
await driver.wait(async () => {
const confirmedTxes = await driver.findElements(
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item',
return confirmedTxes.length === 1;
}, 10000);
await driver.waitForSelector({
css: '.transaction-list-item__primary-currency',
text: '-1 ETH',
describe('Send ETH from inside MetaMask using fast gas option', function () {
it('starts a send transaction', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="eth-overview-send"]');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.fill(
'input[placeholder="Search, public address (0x), or ENS"]',
const inputAmount = await driver.findElement('.unit-input__input');
await inputAmount.fill('1');
const inputValue = await inputAmount.getAttribute('value');
assert.equal(inputValue, '1');
// Set the gas price
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Fast', tag: 'button/div/div' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
// Continue to next screen
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Next', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('confirms the transaction', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
await driver.waitForSelector(
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item:nth-child(2)',
await driver.waitForSelector({
css: '.transaction-list-item__primary-currency',
text: '-1 ETH',
describe('Send ETH from inside MetaMask using advanced gas modal', function () {
it('starts a send transaction', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="eth-overview-send"]');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.fill(
'input[placeholder="Search, public address (0x), or ENS"]',
const inputAmount = await driver.findElement('.unit-input__input');
await inputAmount.fill('1');
const inputValue = await inputAmount.getAttribute('value');
assert.equal(inputValue, '1');
// Set the gas limit
await driver.clickElement('.advanced-gas-options-btn');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
// wait for gas modal to be visible
const gasModal = await driver.findVisibleElement('span .modal');
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Save', tag: 'button' });
// Wait for gas modal to be removed from DOM
await gasModal.waitForElementState('hidden');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
// Continue to next screen
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Next', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('confirms the transaction', async function () {
const transactionAmounts = await driver.findElements(
const transactionAmount = transactionAmounts[0];
assert.equal(await transactionAmount.getText(), '1');
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
await driver.wait(async () => {
const confirmedTxes = await driver.findElements(
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item',
return confirmedTxes.length === 3;
}, 10000);
await driver.waitForSelector(
css: '.transaction-list-item__primary-currency',
text: '-1 ETH',
{ timeout: 10000 },
describe('Send ETH from dapp using advanced gas controls', function () {
let windowHandles;
let extension;
let popup;
let dapp;
it('goes to the settings screen', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('.account-menu__icon');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Settings', tag: 'div' });
// await driver.findElement('.tab-bar')
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Advanced', tag: 'div' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement(
'[data-testid="advanced-setting-show-testnet-conversion"] .settings-page__content-item-col > div > div',
const advancedGasTitle = await driver.findElement({
text: 'Advanced gas controls',
tag: 'span',
await driver.scrollToElement(advancedGasTitle);
await driver.clickElement(
'[data-testid="advanced-setting-advanced-gas-inline"] .settings-page__content-item-col > div > div',
windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
extension = windowHandles[0];
await driver.closeAllWindowHandlesExcept([extension]);
await driver.clickElement('.app-header__logo-container');
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
it('connects the dapp', async function () {
await driver.openNewPage('');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Connect', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(3);
windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
extension = windowHandles[0];
dapp = await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle(
'E2E Test Dapp',
popup = windowHandles.find(
(handle) => handle !== extension && handle !== dapp,
await driver.switchToWindow(popup);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Next', tag: 'button' });
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Connect', tag: 'button' });
await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2);
await driver.switchToWindow(dapp);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('initiates a send from the dapp', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Send', tag: 'button' }, 10000);
await driver.delay(2000);
windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle(
'MetaMask Notification',
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.assertElementNotPresent({ text: 'Data', tag: 'li' });
const [gasPriceInput, gasLimitInput] = await driver.findElements(
await gasPriceInput.clear();
await driver.delay(50);
await gasPriceInput.fill('10');
await driver.delay(50);
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs);
await driver.delay(50);
await gasLimitInput.fill('');
await driver.delay(50);
await gasLimitInput.fill('25000');
await driver.delay(1000);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' }, 10000);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2);
await driver.switchToWindow(extension);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
await driver.wait(async () => {
const confirmedTxes = await driver.findElements(
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item',
return confirmedTxes.length === 4;
}, 10000);
await driver.waitForSelector({
css: '.transaction-list-item__primary-currency',
text: '-3 ETH',
it('the transaction has the expected gas price', async function () {
const txValue = await driver.findClickableElement(
await txValue.click();
const popoverCloseButton = await driver.findClickableElement(
await driver.waitForSelector({
css: '[data-testid="transaction-breakdown__gas-price"]',
text: '10',
await popoverCloseButton.click();
describe('Navigate transactions', function () {
it('adds multiple transactions', async function () {
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(2);
const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
const extension = windowHandles[0];
const dapp = windowHandles[1];
await driver.switchToWindow(dapp);
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
const send3eth = await driver.findClickableElement({
text: 'Send',
tag: 'button',
await send3eth.click();
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
const contractDeployment = await driver.findClickableElement({
text: 'Deploy Contract',
tag: 'button',
await contractDeployment.click();
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
await send3eth.click();
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
await contractDeployment.click();
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
await driver.switchToWindow(extension);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement('.transaction-list-item');
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
it('navigates the transactions', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="next-page"]');
let navigationElement = await driver.findElement(
let navigationText = await navigationElement.getText();
'changed transaction right',
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="next-page"]');
navigationElement = await driver.findElement(
navigationText = await navigationElement.getText();
'changed transaction right',
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="next-page"]');
navigationElement = await driver.findElement(
navigationText = await navigationElement.getText();
'changed transaction right',
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="first-page"]');
navigationElement = await driver.findElement(
navigationText = await navigationElement.getText();
'navigate to first transaction',
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="last-page"]');
navigationElement = await driver.findElement(
navigationText = await navigationElement.getText();
'navigate to last transaction',
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="previous-page"]');
navigationElement = await driver.findElement(
navigationText = await navigationElement.getText();
'changed transaction left',
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="previous-page"]');
navigationElement = await driver.findElement(
navigationText = await navigationElement.getText();
'changed transaction left',
it('adds a transaction while confirm screen is in focus', async function () {
let navigationElement = await driver.findElement(
let navigationText = await navigationElement.getText();
'second transaction in focus',
const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
const extension = windowHandles[0];
const dapp = windowHandles[1];
await driver.switchToWindow(dapp);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Send', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.switchToWindow(extension);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
navigationElement = await driver.findElement(
navigationText = await navigationElement.getText();
'correct (same) transaction in focus',
it('rejects a transaction', async function () {
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Reject', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs * 2);
const navigationElement = await driver.findElement(
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs);
const navigationText = await navigationElement.getText();
assert.equal(navigationText.includes('4'), true, 'transaction rejected');
it('confirms a transaction', async function () {
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs / 2);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
const navigationElement = await driver.findElement(
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs / 2);
const navigationText = await navigationElement.getText();
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs / 2);
assert.equal(navigationText.includes('3'), true, 'transaction confirmed');
it('rejects the rest of the transactions', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Reject 3', tag: 'a' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Reject All', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs * 2);
await driver.wait(async () => {
const confirmedTxes = await driver.findElements(
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item',
return confirmedTxes.length === 5;
}, 10000);
describe('Deploy contract and call contract methods', function () {
let extension;
let dapp;
it('creates a deploy contract transaction', async function () {
const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
extension = windowHandles[0];
dapp = windowHandles[1];
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs);
await driver.switchToWindow(dapp);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement('#deployButton');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.switchToWindow(extension);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Contract Deployment', tag: 'h2' });
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
it('displays the contract creation data', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Data', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.findElement({ text: '', tag: 'div' });
const confirmDataDiv = await driver.findElement(
const confirmDataText = await confirmDataDiv.getText();
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Details', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('confirms a deploy contract transaction', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
await driver.waitForSelector(
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item:nth-of-type(6)',
await driver.waitForSelector(
css: '.list-item__title',
text: 'Contract Deployment',
{ timeout: 10000 },
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('calls and confirms a contract method where ETH is sent', async function () {
await driver.switchToWindow(dapp);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.waitForSelector(
css: '#contractStatus',
text: 'Deployed',
{ timeout: 15000 },
await driver.clickElement('#depositButton');
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
await driver.waitForSelector(
css: '#contractStatus',
text: 'Deposit initiated',
{ timeout: 10000 },
await driver.switchToWindow(extension);
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs * 2);
await driver.findElements('.transaction-list-item--unconfirmed');
const txListValue = await driver.findClickableElement(
await driver.waitForSelector(
css: '.transaction-list-item__primary-currency',
text: '-4 ETH',
{ timeout: 10000 },
await txListValue.click();
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
// Set the gas limit
await driver.clickElement('.confirm-detail-row__header-text--edit');
// wait for gas modal to be visible.
const gasModal = await driver.findVisibleElement('span .modal');
await driver.clickElement('.page-container__tab:nth-of-type(2)');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
const [gasPriceInput, gasLimitInput] = await driver.findElements(
const gasLimitValue = await gasLimitInput.getAttribute('value');
assert(Number(gasLimitValue) < 100000, 'Gas Limit too high');
await gasPriceInput.fill('10');
await driver.delay(50);
await gasLimitInput.fill('60001');
await driver.delay(1000);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Save', tag: 'button' });
// wait for gas modal to be detached from DOM
await gasModal.waitForElementState('hidden');
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.waitForSelector(
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item:nth-of-type(7)',
{ timeout: 10000 },
await driver.waitForSelector(
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item__primary-currency',
text: '-4 ETH',
{ timeout: 10000 },
it('calls and confirms a contract method where ETH is received', async function () {
await driver.switchToWindow(dapp);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement('#withdrawButton');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.switchToWindow(extension);
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs * 2);
await driver.clickElement(
'.transaction-list__pending-transactions .transaction-list-item',
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.wait(async () => {
const confirmedTxes = await driver.findElements(
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item',
return confirmedTxes.length === 8;
}, 10000);
await driver.waitForSelector(
css: '.transaction-list-item__primary-currency',
text: '-0 ETH',
{ timeout: 10000 },
await driver.closeAllWindowHandlesExcept([extension, dapp]);
await driver.switchToWindow(extension);
it('renders the correct ETH balance', async function () {
const balance = await driver.waitForSelector(
css: '[data-testid="eth-overview__primary-currency"]',
text: '87.',
{ timeout: 10000 },
const tokenAmount = await balance.getText();
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
describe('Add a custom token from a dapp', function () {
it('creates a new token', async function () {
let windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
const extension = windowHandles[0];
const dapp = windowHandles[1];
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs * 2);
await driver.switchToWindow(dapp);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs * 2);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Create Token', tag: 'button' });
windowHandles = await driver.waitUntilXWindowHandles(3);
const popup = windowHandles[2];
await driver.switchToWindow(popup);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement('.confirm-detail-row__header-text--edit');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Advanced', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs);
const [gasPriceInput, gasLimitInput] = await driver.findElements(
assert(gasPriceInput.getAttribute('value'), 20);
assert(gasLimitInput.getAttribute('value'), 4700000);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Save', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.switchToWindow(dapp);
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs);
const tokenContractAddress = await driver.waitForSelector({
css: '#tokenAddress',
text: '0x',
tokenAddress = await tokenContractAddress.getText();
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.closeAllWindowHandlesExcept([extension, dapp]);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.switchToWindow(extension);
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
it('clicks on the Add Token button', async function () {
await driver.clickElement(`[data-testid="home__asset-tab"]`);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Add Token', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('picks the newly created Test token', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({
text: 'Custom Token',
tag: 'button',
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.fill('#custom-address', tokenAddress);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Next', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Add Tokens', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('renders the balance for the new token', async function () {
await driver.waitForSelector({
css: '.wallet-overview .token-overview__primary-balance',
text: '10 TST',
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
describe('Send token from inside MetaMask', function () {
it('starts to send a transaction', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="eth-overview-send"]');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.fill(
'input[placeholder="Search, public address (0x), or ENS"]',
driver.fill('.unit-input__input', '1');
it('opens customize gas modal and saves options to continue', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('.advanced-gas-options-btn');
// wait for gas modal to be visible
const gasModal = await driver.findVisibleElement('span .modal');
await driver.findElement('.page-container__title');
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Save', tag: 'button' });
// wait for gas modal to be removed from DOM.
await gasModal.waitForElementState('hidden');
it('transitions to the confirm screen', async function () {
// Continue to next screen
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Next', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('displays the token transfer data', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Data', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
const functionType = await driver.findElement(
const functionTypeText = await functionType.getText();
assert.equal(functionTypeText, 'Transfer');
const tokenAmount = await driver.findElement(
const tokenAmountText = await tokenAmount.getText();
assert.equal(tokenAmountText, '1 TST');
const confirmDataDiv = await driver.findElement(
const confirmDataText = await confirmDataDiv.getText();
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Details', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('submits the transaction', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
await driver.waitForSelector(
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item__primary-currency',
text: '-1 TST',
{ timeout: 10000 },
await driver.waitForSelector({
css: '.list-item__heading',
text: 'Send TST',
describe('Send a custom token from dapp', function () {
it('sends an already created token', async function () {
const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
const extension = windowHandles[0];
const dapp = await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle(
'E2E Test Dapp',
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.switchToWindow(dapp);
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Transfer Tokens', tag: 'button' });
await driver.switchToWindow(extension);
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
await driver.findElements('.transaction-list__pending-transactions');
await driver.waitForSelector(
css: '.transaction-list-item__primary-currency',
text: '-1.5 TST',
{ timeout: 10000 },
await driver.clickElement('.transaction-list-item__primary-currency');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
const transactionAmounts = await driver.findElements(
const transactionAmount = transactionAmounts[0];
assert(await transactionAmount.getText(), '1.5 TST');
it('customizes gas', async function () {
// Set the gas limit
await driver.clickElement('.confirm-detail-row__header-text--edit');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
// wait for gas modal to be visible
const gasModal = await driver.findVisibleElement('span .modal');
await driver.clickElement('.page-container__tab:nth-of-type(2)');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
const [gasPriceInput, gasLimitInput] = await driver.findElements(
await gasPriceInput.fill('10');
await driver.delay(50);
await gasLimitInput.fill('60000');
await driver.delay(1000);
await driver.clickElement('.page-container__footer-button');
// wait for gas modal to be removed from DOM.
await gasModal.waitForElementState('hidden');
const gasFeeInputs = await driver.findElements(
const renderedGasFee = await gasFeeInputs[0].getText();
assert.equal(renderedGasFee, '0.0006');
it('submits the transaction', async function () {
const tokenAmount = await driver.findElement(
const tokenAmountText = await tokenAmount.getText();
assert.equal(tokenAmountText, '1.5 TST');
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
await driver.waitForSelector({
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item__primary-currency',
text: '-1.5 TST',
await driver.waitForSelector({
css: '.list-item__heading',
text: 'Send TST',
it('checks balance', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({
text: 'Assets',
tag: 'button',
await driver.waitForSelector({
css: '.asset-list-item__token-button',
text: '7.5 TST',
await driver.clickElement({
text: 'Activity',
tag: 'button',
describe('Approves a custom token from dapp', function () {
it('approves an already created token', async function () {
const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
const extension = windowHandles[0];
const dapp = await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle(
'E2E Test Dapp',
await driver.closeAllWindowHandlesExcept([extension, dapp]);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.switchToWindow(dapp);
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Approve Tokens', tag: 'button' });
await driver.switchToWindow(extension);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.wait(async () => {
const pendingTxes = await driver.findElements(
'.transaction-list__pending-transactions .transaction-list-item',
return pendingTxes.length === 1;
}, 10000);
await driver.waitForSelector({
// Selects only the very first transaction list item immediately following the 'Pending' header
'.transaction-list__pending-transactions .transaction-list__header + .transaction-list-item .list-item__heading',
text: 'Approve TST spend limit',
await driver.clickElement('.transaction-list-item');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('displays the token approval data', async function () {
await driver.clickElement(
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
const functionType = await driver.findElement(
'.confirm-approve-content__data .confirm-approve-content__small-text',
const functionTypeText = await functionType.getText();
assert.equal(functionTypeText, 'Function: Approve');
const confirmDataDiv = await driver.findElement(
const confirmDataText = await confirmDataDiv.getText();
it('customizes gas', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('.confirm-approve-content__small-blue-text');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
// wait for gas modal to be visible
const gasModal = await driver.findVisibleElement('span .modal');
await driver.clickElement('.page-container__tab:nth-of-type(2)');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
const [gasPriceInput, gasLimitInput] = await driver.findElements(
await gasPriceInput.fill('10');
await driver.delay(50);
await gasLimitInput.fill('60001');
await driver.delay(1000);
await driver.clickElement('.page-container__footer-button');
// wait for gas modal to be removed from DOM.
await gasModal.waitForElementState('hidden');
const gasFeeInEth = await driver.findElement(
assert.equal(await gasFeeInEth.getText(), '0.0006 ETH');
it('edits the permission', async function () {
const editButtons = await driver.findClickableElements(
await editButtons[2].click();
// wait for permission modal to be visible
const permissionModal = await driver.findVisibleElement('span .modal');
const radioButtons = await driver.findClickableElements(
await radioButtons[1].click();
await driver.fill('input', '5');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Save', tag: 'button' });
// wait for permission modal to be removed from DOM.
await permissionModal.waitForElementState('hidden');
const permissionInfo = await driver.findElements(
const amountDiv = permissionInfo[0];
assert.equal(await amountDiv.getText(), '5 TST');
it('submits the transaction', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
await driver.waitForSelector({
// Select only the heading of the first entry in the transaction list.
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item:first-child .list-item__heading',
text: 'Approve TST spend limit',
describe('Transfers a custom token from dapp when no gas value is specified', function () {
it('transfers an already created token, without specifying gas', async function () {
const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
const extension = windowHandles[0];
const dapp = await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle(
'E2E Test Dapp',
await driver.closeAllWindowHandlesExcept([extension, dapp]);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.switchToWindow(dapp);
await driver.clickElement({
text: 'Transfer Tokens Without Gas',
tag: 'button',
await driver.switchToWindow(extension);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.wait(async () => {
const pendingTxes = await driver.findElements(
'.transaction-list__pending-transactions .transaction-list-item',
return pendingTxes.length === 1;
}, 10000);
await driver.waitForSelector({
css: '.transaction-list-item__primary-currency',
text: '-1.5 TST',
await driver.clickElement('.transaction-list-item');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('submits the transaction', async function () {
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs * 2);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs * 2);
it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
await driver.waitForSelector({
// Select the heading of the first transaction list item in the
// completed transaction list with text matching Send TST
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item:first-child .list-item__heading',
text: 'Send TST',
await driver.waitForSelector({
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item:first-child .transaction-list-item__primary-currency',
text: '-1.5 TST',
describe('Approves a custom token from dapp when no gas value is specified', function () {
it('approves an already created token', async function () {
const windowHandles = await driver.getAllWindowHandles();
const extension = windowHandles[0];
const dapp = await driver.switchToWindowWithTitle(
'E2E Test Dapp',
await driver.closeAllWindowHandlesExcept([extension, dapp]);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.switchToWindow(dapp);
await driver.delay(tinyDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({
text: 'Approve Tokens Without Gas',
tag: 'button',
await driver.switchToWindow(extension);
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.wait(async () => {
const pendingTxes = await driver.findElements(
'.transaction-list__pending-transactions .transaction-list-item',
return pendingTxes.length === 1;
}, 10000);
await driver.waitForSelector({
// Selects only the very first transaction list item immediately following the 'Pending' header
'.transaction-list__pending-transactions .transaction-list__header + .transaction-list-item .list-item__heading',
text: 'Approve TST spend limit',
await driver.clickElement('.transaction-list-item');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('shows the correct recipient', async function () {
await driver.clickElement(
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
const permissionInfo = await driver.findElements(
const recipientDiv = permissionInfo[1];
assert.equal(await recipientDiv.getText(), '0x2f318C33...C970');
it('submits the transaction', async function () {
await driver.delay(1000);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Confirm', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
await driver.waitForSelector({
'.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item:first-child .list-item__heading',
text: 'Approve TST spend limit',
describe('Hide token', function () {
it('hides the token when clicked', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Assets', tag: 'button' });
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'TST', tag: 'span' });
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="asset-options__button"]');
await driver.clickElement('[data-testid="asset-options__hide"]');
// wait for confirm hide modal to be visible
const confirmHideModal = await driver.findVisibleElement('span .modal');
await driver.clickElement(
// wait for confirm hide modal to be removed from DOM.
await confirmHideModal.waitForElementState('hidden');
describe('Add existing token using search', function () {
it('clicks on the Add Token button', async function () {
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Add Token', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
it('can pick a token from the existing options', async function () {
await driver.fill('#search-tokens', 'BAT');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'BAT', tag: 'span' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Next', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Add Tokens', tag: 'button' });
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs);
it('renders the balance for the chosen token', async function () {
await driver.waitForSelector({
css: '.token-overview__primary-balance',
text: '0 BAT',
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
describe('Stores custom RPC history', function () {
it(`creates first custom RPC entry`, async function () {
const rpcUrl = '';
const chainId = '0x539'; // Ganache default, decimal 1337
await driver.clickElement('.network-display');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Custom RPC', tag: 'span' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.findElement('.settings-page__sub-header-text');
const customRpcInputs = await driver.findElements('input[type="text"]');
const rpcUrlInput = customRpcInputs[1];
const chainIdInput = customRpcInputs[2];
await rpcUrlInput.clear();
await rpcUrlInput.sendKeys(rpcUrl);
await chainIdInput.clear();
await chainIdInput.sendKeys(chainId);
await driver.clickElement('.network-form__footer .btn-secondary');
await driver.findElement({ text: rpcUrl, tag: 'div' });
it(`creates second custom RPC entry`, async function () {
const rpcUrl = '';
const chainId = '0x539'; // Ganache default, decimal 1337
await driver.clickElement('.network-display');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Custom RPC', tag: 'span' });
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.findElement('.settings-page__sub-header-text');
const customRpcInputs = await driver.findElements('input[type="text"]');
const rpcUrlInput = customRpcInputs[1];
const chainIdInput = customRpcInputs[2];
await rpcUrlInput.clear();
await rpcUrlInput.sendKeys(rpcUrl);
await chainIdInput.clear();
await chainIdInput.sendKeys(chainId);
await driver.clickElement('.network-form__footer .btn-secondary');
await driver.findElement({ text: rpcUrl, tag: 'div' });
it('selects another provider', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('.network-display');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Ethereum Mainnet', tag: 'span' });
await driver.delay(largeDelayMs * 2);
it('finds all recent RPCs in history', async function () {
await driver.clickElement('.network-display');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
// only recent 3 are found and in correct order (most recent at the top)
const customRpcs = await driver.findElements({
text: '',
tag: 'span',
// click Mainnet to dismiss network dropdown
await driver.clickElement({ text: 'Ethereum Mainnet', tag: 'span' });
assert.equal(customRpcs.length, 2);
it('deletes a custom RPC', async function () {
const networkListItems = await driver.findClickableElements(
const lastNetworkListItem = networkListItems[networkListItems.length - 1];
await lastNetworkListItem.click();
await driver.delay(100);
await driver.clickElement('.btn-danger');
await driver.delay(regularDelayMs);
// wait for confirm delete modal to be visible
const confirmDeleteModal = await driver.findVisibleElement('span .modal');
await driver.clickElement(
// wait for confirm delete modal to be removed from DOM.
await confirmDeleteModal.waitForElementState('hidden');
const newNetworkListItems = await driver.findElements(
assert.equal(networkListItems.length - 1, newNetworkListItems.length);