mirror of https://github.com/kremalicious/metamask-extension.git synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
2018-07-26 21:22:39 -04:00

259 lines
7.1 KiB

const Component = require('react').Component
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const inherits = require('util').inherits
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const EthBalance = require('./eth-balance')
const addressSummary = require('../util').addressSummary
const explorerLink = require('etherscan-link').createExplorerLink
const CopyButton = require('./copyButton')
const vreme = new (require('vreme'))()
const Tooltip = require('./tooltip')
const numberToBN = require('number-to-bn')
const actions = require('../../../ui/app/actions')
const TransactionIcon = require('./transaction-list-item-icon')
const ShiftListItem = require('./shift-list-item')
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => {
return {
retryTransaction: transactionId => dispatch(actions.retryTransaction(transactionId)),
module.exports = connect(null, mapDispatchToProps)(TransactionListItem)
inherits(TransactionListItem, Component)
function TransactionListItem () {
TransactionListItem.prototype.showRetryButton = function () {
const { transaction = {}, transactions } = this.props
const { submittedTime, txParams } = transaction
if (!txParams) {
return false
let currentTxIsLatest = false
const currentNonce = txParams.nonce
const currentNonceTxs = transactions.filter(tx => tx.txParams.nonce === currentNonce)
const currentNonceSubmittedTxs = currentNonceTxs.filter(tx => tx.status === 'submitted')
const currentSubmittedTxs = transactions.filter(tx => tx.status === 'submitted')
const lastSubmittedTxWithCurrentNonce = currentNonceSubmittedTxs[0]
const currentTxIsLatestWithNonce = lastSubmittedTxWithCurrentNonce &&
lastSubmittedTxWithCurrentNonce.id === transaction.id
if (currentSubmittedTxs.length > 0) {
const lastTx = currentSubmittedTxs.reduce((tx1, tx2) => {
if (tx1.submittedTime < tx2.submittedTime) return tx1
return tx2
currentTxIsLatest = lastTx.id === transaction.id
return currentTxIsLatestWithNonce && Date.now() - submittedTime > 30000 && currentTxIsLatest
TransactionListItem.prototype.render = function () {
const { transaction, network, conversionRate, currentCurrency } = this.props
const { status } = transaction
if (transaction.key === 'shapeshift') {
if (network === '1') return h(ShiftListItem, transaction)
var date = formatDate(transaction.time)
let isLinkable = false
const numericNet = parseInt(network)
isLinkable = numericNet === 1 || numericNet === 3 || numericNet === 4 || numericNet === 42
var isMsg = ('msgParams' in transaction)
var isTx = ('txParams' in transaction)
var isPending = status === 'unapproved'
let txParams
if (isTx) {
txParams = transaction.txParams
} else if (isMsg) {
txParams = transaction.msgParams
const nonce = txParams.nonce ? numberToBN(txParams.nonce).toString(10) : ''
const isClickable = ('hash' in transaction && isLinkable) || isPending
return (
h('.transaction-list-item.flex-column', {
onClick: (event) => {
if (isPending) {
if (!transaction.hash || !isLinkable) return
var url = explorerLink(transaction.hash, parseInt(network))
global.platform.openWindow({ url })
style: {
padding: '20px 0',
alignItems: 'center',
}, [
h(`.flex-row.flex-space-between${isClickable ? '.pointer' : ''}`, {
style: {
width: '100%',
}, [
h('.identicon-wrapper.flex-column.flex-center.select-none', [
h(TransactionIcon, { txParams, transaction, isTx, isMsg }),
h(Tooltip, {
title: 'Transaction Number',
position: 'right',
}, [
h('span', {
style: {
display: 'flex',
cursor: 'normal',
flexDirection: 'column',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
padding: '10px',
}, nonce),
h('.flex-column', {style: {width: '200px', overflow: 'hidden'}}, [
h('div', date),
recipientField(txParams, transaction, isTx, isMsg),
// Places a copy button if tx is successful, else places a placeholder empty div.
transaction.hash ? h(CopyButton, { value: transaction.hash }) : h('div', {style: { display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', width: '26px' }}),
isTx ? h(EthBalance, {
value: txParams.value,
width: '55px',
shorten: true,
showFiat: false,
style: {fontSize: '15px'},
}) : h('.flex-column'),
this.showRetryButton() && h('.transition-list-item__retry.grow-on-hover', {
onClick: event => {
style: {
height: '22px',
borderRadius: '22px',
color: '#F9881B',
padding: '0 20px',
backgroundColor: '#FFE3C9',
display: 'flex',
justifyContent: 'center',
alignItems: 'center',
fontSize: '8px',
cursor: 'pointer',
}, [
h('div', {
style: {
paddingRight: '2px',
}, 'Taking too long?'),
h('div', {
style: {
textDecoration: 'underline',
}, 'Retry with a higher gas price here'),
TransactionListItem.prototype.resubmit = function () {
const { transaction } = this.props
function domainField (txParams) {
return h('div', {
style: {
fontSize: 'x-small',
color: '#ABA9AA',
overflow: 'hidden',
textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
width: '100%',
}, [
function recipientField (txParams, transaction, isTx, isMsg) {
let message
if (isMsg) {
message = 'Signature Requested'
} else if (txParams.to) {
message = addressSummary(txParams.to)
} else {
message = 'Contract Deployment'
return h('div', {
style: {
fontSize: 'x-small',
color: '#ABA9AA',
}, [
function formatDate (date) {
return vreme.format(new Date(date), 'March 16 2014 14:30')
function renderErrorOrWarning (transaction) {
const { status, err, warning } = transaction
// show dropped
if (status === 'dropped') {
return h('span.dropped', ' (Dropped)')
// show rejected
if (status === 'rejected') {
return h('span.error', ' (Rejected)')
// show error
if (err) {
const message = err.message || ''
return (
h(Tooltip, {
title: message,
position: 'bottom',
}, [
h(`span.error`, ` (Failed)`),
// show warning
if (warning) {
const message = warning.message
return h(Tooltip, {
title: message,
position: 'bottom',
}, [
h(`span.warning`, ` (Warning)`),