mirror of https://github.com/kremalicious/metamask-extension.git synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
Garrett Bear 70a13296c9
Feat/18889/update buttonlink ts (#20372)
* fix buttonlink alignment

* ButtonLink TS migration

* fix lint

* remove ButtonBase loading error feat

* move padding 0 to ButtonBase

* fix color issue

* fix test file

* fix snapshot

* Update ui/components/component-library/button-link/README.mdx

Co-authored-by: George Marshall <george.marshall@consensys.net>

* readme fix

* Update ui/components/component-library/button-link/button-link.stories.tsx

Co-authored-by: George Marshall <george.marshall@consensys.net>


Co-authored-by: George Marshall <george.marshall@consensys.net>
2023-08-04 14:00:05 -07:00

128 lines
20 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[`ConnectHardwareForm should match snapshot 1`] = `
class="mm-box new-external-account-form mm-box--display-flex mm-box--flex-direction-column mm-box--justify-content-center mm-box--align-items-center"
class="mm-box hw-connect__header mm-box--display-flex mm-box--flex-direction-column mm-box--align-items-center"
class="mm-box hw-connect__header__title-wrapper mm-box--margin-top-6 mm-box--display-flex mm-box--flex-direction-row mm-box--justify-content-center mm-box--align-items-center"
class="mm-box mm-text mm-text--heading-md mm-text--font-weight-bold mm-box--margin-left-auto mm-box--color-text-default"
Connect a hardware wallet
class="mm-box mm-button-icon mm-button-icon--size-sm mm-box--margin-left-auto mm-box--display-inline-flex mm-box--justify-content-center mm-box--align-items-center mm-box--color-icon-default mm-box--background-color-transparent mm-box--rounded-lg"
class="mm-box mm-icon mm-icon--size-sm mm-box--display-inline-block mm-box--color-inherit"
style="mask-image: url('./images/icons/close.svg');"
class="mm-box mm-text hw-connect__header__msg mm-text--body-md mm-box--margin-top-5 mm-box--margin-bottom-3 mm-box--color-text-default"
Select a hardware wallet you would like to use with MetaMask.
viewBox="0 0 2000.58 669.35"
d="m1711.35 627.2v42.14h289.22v-190.05h-42.14v147.91zm0-627.2v42.14h247.08v147.92h42.14v-190.06zm-149.15 326v-97.92h66.11c32.23 0 43.8 10.74 43.8 40.08v17.35c0 30.16-11.16 40.49-43.8 40.49zm104.94 17.35c30.16-7.85 51.23-35.95 51.23-69.41 0-21.07-8.26-40.08-23.96-55.37-19.83-19.01-46.28-28.51-80.57-28.51h-92.96v289.22h41.32v-115.27h61.98c31.81 0 44.62 13.22 44.62 46.28v69h42.14v-62.39c0-45.45-10.74-62.8-43.8-67.76zm-347.88 9.5h127.26v-38.01h-127.26v-86.77h139.65v-38.01h-181.8v289.22h188v-38.01h-145.85zm-138.42 15.29v19.83c0 41.73-15.29 55.37-53.71 55.37h-9.09c-38.43 0-57.02-12.4-57.02-69.83v-77.68c0-57.84 19.42-69.83 57.84-69.83h8.26c37.6 0 49.58 14.05 49.99 52.89h45.45c-4.13-57.02-42.14-92.96-99.16-92.96-27.68 0-50.82 8.68-68.17 25.2-26.03 24.38-40.49 65.7-40.49 123.54 0 55.78 12.4 97.1 38.01 122.71 17.35 16.94 41.32 26.03 64.87 26.03 24.79 0 47.52-9.92 59.08-31.4h5.78v27.27h38.01v-149.15h-111.97v38.01zm-364.41-140.07h45.04c42.56 0 65.7 10.74 65.7 68.59v76.02c0 57.84-23.14 68.59-65.7 68.59h-45.04zm48.75 251.22c78.92 0 108.25-59.91 108.25-144.61 0-85.94-31.4-144.61-109.08-144.61h-89.25v289.22zm-289.63-126.44h127.26v-38.01h-127.26v-86.77h139.65v-38.01h-181.8v289.22h188v-38.01h-145.85zm-243.77-162.79h-42.14v289.22h190.06v-38.01h-147.92zm-331.78 289.23v190.06h289.22v-42.15h-247.08v-147.91zm0-479.29v190.06h42.14v-147.92h247.08v-42.14z"
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d="M249 0C149.9 0 69.7 80.2 69.7 179.3V246.5C34.9 252.8 0 261.2 0 272.1V622.8C0 622.8 0 632.5 10.9 637.1C50.4 653.1 205.8 708.1 241.5 720.7C246.1 722.4 247.4 722.4 248.6 722.4C250.3 722.4 251.1 722.4 255.7 720.7C291.4 708.1 447.2 653.1 486.7 637.1C496.8 632.9 497.2 623.2 497.2 623.2V272.1C497.2 261.2 462.8 252.4 427.9 246.5V179.3C428.4 80.2 347.7 0 249 0ZM249 85.7C307.4 85.7 342.7 121 342.7 179.4V237.8C277.2 233.2 221.3 233.2 155.4 237.8V179.4C155.4 120.9 190.7 85.7 249 85.7V85.7ZM248.6 323.8C330.1 323.8 398.5 330.1 398.5 341.4V560.2C398.5 563.6 398.1 564 395.1 565.2C392.2 566.5 256.1 615.6 256.1 615.6C256.1 615.6 250.6 617.3 249 617.3C247.3 617.3 241.9 615.2 241.9 615.2C241.9 615.2 105.8 566.1 102.9 564.8C100 563.5 99.5 563.1 99.5 559.8V341C98.7 329.7 167.1 323.8 248.6 323.8V323.8ZM728.466 563.183V323.577H640.919V237.655H913.881V323.577H827.195V563.183H728.466ZM1135.04 563.183L1090.12 460.823H1054.38V563.183H955.647V237.655H1129.4C1205.67 237.655 1246.58 288.215 1246.58 349.191C1246.58 405.389 1214.08 435.113 1187.99 447.92L1246.96 563.088H1135.04V563.183ZM1146.7 349.191C1146.7 331.51 1131.03 323.864 1114.59 323.864H1054.38V375.283H1114.59C1131.03 374.901 1146.7 367.255 1146.7 349.191ZM1298.38 563.183V237.655H1545.25V323.577H1396.73V355.69H1541.62V441.612H1396.73V477.357H1545.25V563.183H1298.38ZM1596.57 563.566V485.29L1720.63 323.96H1596.57V238.037H1850.61V315.549L1726.17 477.739H1854.24V563.661L1596.57 563.566ZM1878.33 400.993C1878.33 301.021 1955.84 232.398 2056.58 232.398C2156.93 232.398 2234.82 300.639 2234.82 400.993C2234.82 500.964 2157.31 569.205 2056.58 569.205C1955.84 569.205 1878.33 500.965 1878.33 400.993V400.993ZM2134.47 400.993C2134.47 355.595 2103.6 319.467 2056.19 319.467C2008.79 319.467 1977.92 355.595 1977.92 400.993C1977.92 446.391 2008.79 482.518 2056.19 482.518C2103.98 482.518 2134.47 446.391 2134.47 400.993H2134.47ZM2455.51 563.566L2410.59 461.205H2374.84V563.565H2276.11V238.038H2449.87C2526.14 238.038 2567.04 288.598 2567.04 349.574C2567.04 405.772 2534.55 435.496 2508.46 448.304L2567.43 563.471H2455.51V563.566ZM2467.55 349.191C2467.55 331.51 2451.87 323.864 2435.44 323.864H2375.22V375.283H2435.44C2451.97 374.901 2467.55 367.255 2467.55 349.191Z"
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d="M2460 15V30H2488H2516V140V250H2531H2546V125V0H2503H2460V15ZM1861 116.038C1796.99 123.881 1741.39 163.865 1712.97 222.5C1680.8 288.855 1690.83 365.835 1739.17 423.5C1778.97 470.987 1839.99 496.383 1898.79 489.935C1937.49 485.692 1976.26 467.949 2005.03 441.315L2010.98 435.803L1997.36 421.444L1983.74 407.085L1974.62 415.109C1953.06 434.078 1931.7 444.965 1904.88 450.669C1893.48 453.093 1867.95 453.103 1855.82 450.689C1837.26 446.995 1819.5 439.522 1802.54 428.264C1790.63 420.354 1773.3 403.429 1764.69 391.295C1752.74 374.459 1743.39 352.909 1738.81 331.648C1735.63 316.902 1735.66 289.005 1738.87 274C1751.85 213.28 1797.55 166.907 1855.82 155.311C1867.95 152.897 1893.48 152.907 1904.88 155.331C1931.7 161.035 1953.06 171.922 1974.62 190.891L1983.74 198.915L1997.38 184.534L2011.02 170.153L2003.26 163.053C1977.39 139.393 1945.42 123.844 1909.5 117.465C1898.75 115.555 1871.49 114.753 1861 116.038ZM0 303V485H120H240V465.5V446H140.5H41V283.5V121H20.5H0V303ZM407.496 297.75C364.676 394.963 328.599 476.871 327.325 479.769L325.009 485.038L347.632 484.769L370.256 484.5L386.106 448.5C394.823 428.7 403.087 410.135 404.469 407.245L406.983 401.99L508.152 402.245L609.321 402.5L627.41 443.719L645.5 484.938L668.135 484.969L690.769 485L655.85 405.75C636.645 362.163 600.584 280.269 575.716 223.763L530.5 121.027L507.925 121.013L485.35 121L407.496 297.75ZM749 140.5V160H810H871V322.5V485H891.5H912V322.5V160H973H1034V140.5V121H891.5H749V140.5ZM1133 140.5V160H1194H1255V322.5V485H1275.5H1296V322.5V160H1357H1418V140.5V121H1275.5H1133V140.5ZM1534 303V485H1554.5H1575V303V121H1554.5H1534V303ZM2120 303V485H2250.5H2381V465.5V446H2271.5H2162V382.5V319H2260.5H2359V299.5V280H2260.5H2162V220V160H2271.5H2381V140.5V121H2250.5H2120V303ZM550.073 267.125C572.858 318.894 591.65 361.644 591.833 362.125C592.022 362.621 555.677 363 507.976 363C428.21 363 423.821 362.908 424.447 361.25C426.983 354.537 507.62 173.036 508.073 173.02C508.388 173.009 527.288 215.356 550.073 267.125Z"
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d="M1.3333 8H6.6667C7.403 8 8 7.403 8 6.6667V1.3333C8 0.597002 7.403 0 6.6667 0H1.3333C0.597 0 0 0.597002 0 1.3333V6.6667C0 7.403 0.597 8 1.3333 8ZM2.6667 2.6667H5.3333V5.3333H2.6667V2.6667ZM0.6667 13.3333H2C2.3682 13.3333 2.6667 13.0349 2.6667 12.6667V11.3333C2.6667 10.9651 2.3682 10.6667 2 10.6667H0.6667C0.2985 10.6667 0 10.9651 0 11.3333V12.6667C0 13.0349 0.2985 13.3333 0.6667 13.3333ZM6.6667 16H1.3333C0.597 16 0 16.597 0 17.3333V22.6667C0 23.403 0.597 24 1.3333 24H6.6667C7.403 24 8 23.403 8 22.6667V17.3333C8 16.597 7.403 16 6.6667 16ZM5.3333 21.3333H2.6667V18.6667H5.3333V21.3333ZM19.3333 24H23.3333C23.7015 24 24 23.7015 24 23.3333V19.3333C24 18.9651 23.7015 18.6667 23.3333 18.6667H22C21.6318 18.6667 21.3333 18.9651 21.3333 19.3333V21.3333H18.6667V23.3333C18.6667 23.7015 18.9651 24 19.3333 24ZM22.6667 0H17.3333C16.597 0 16 0.597002 16 1.3333V6.6667C16 7.403 16.597 8 17.3333 8H22.6667C23.403 8 24 7.403 24 6.6667V1.3333C24 0.597002 23.403 0 22.6667 0ZM21.3333 5.3333H18.6667V2.6667H21.3333V5.3333ZM6 10.6667C5.6318 10.6667 5.3333 10.9651 5.3333 11.3333V12.6667C5.3333 13.0349 5.6318 13.3333 6 13.3333H10.6667V10.6667H6ZM10.6667 15.3333C10.6667 15.7015 10.9651 16 11.3333 16H13.3333V18C13.3333 18.3682 13.6318 18.6667 14 18.6667H16V13.3333H10.6667V15.3333ZM10.6667 22V23.3333C10.6667 23.7015 10.9651 24 11.3333 24H15.3333C15.7015 24 16 23.7015 16 23.3333V21.3333H11.3333C10.9651 21.3333 10.6667 21.6318 10.6667 22ZM23.3333 10.6667H16.6667C16.2985 10.6667 16 10.9651 16 11.3333V13.3333H18.6667V15.3333C18.6667 15.7015 18.9651 16 19.3333 16H20.6667C21.0349 16 21.3333 15.7015 21.3333 15.3333V13.3333H23.3333C23.7015 13.3333 24 13.0349 24 12.6667V11.3333C24 10.9651 23.7015 10.6667 23.3333 10.6667ZM18.6667 21.3333V18.6667H16V21.3333H18.6667ZM11.3333 5.3333H12.6667C13.0349 5.3333 13.3333 5.0349 13.3333 4.6667V0.666698C13.3333 0.298498 13.0349 0 12.6667 0H11.3333C10.9651 0 10.6667 0.298498 10.6667 0.666698V4.6667C10.6667 5.0349 10.9651 5.3333 11.3333 5.3333ZM13.3333 10V8.6667C13.3333 8.2985 13.0349 8 12.6667 8H11.3333C10.9651 8 10.6667 8.2985 10.6667 8.6667V10.6667H12.6667C13.0349 10.6667 13.3333 10.3682 13.3333 10Z"
d="M38.592 18.192C37.7707 18.192 37.0027 18.0427 36.288 17.744C35.584 17.4347 34.9653 17.0187 34.432 16.496C33.8987 15.9627 33.4773 15.3387 33.168 14.624C32.8693 13.9093 32.72 13.1413 32.72 12.32C32.72 11.4987 32.8693 10.7307 33.168 10.016C33.4773 9.3013 33.8987 8.6827 34.432 8.16C34.9653 7.6267 35.584 7.2107 36.288 6.912C37.0027 6.6027 37.7707 6.448 38.592 6.448C39.4133 6.448 40.1813 6.6027 40.896 6.912C41.6107 7.2107 42.2293 7.6267 42.752 8.16C43.2853 8.6827 43.7013 9.3013 44 10.016C44.3093 10.7307 44.464 11.4987 44.464 12.32C44.464 13.0347 44.3467 13.7067 44.112 14.336C43.888 14.9653 43.5733 15.536 43.168 16.048L45.28 18H43.248L42.16 17.008C41.6693 17.3813 41.12 17.6747 40.512 17.888C39.904 18.0907 39.264 18.192 38.592 18.192ZM38.592 16.784C39.5413 16.784 40.3787 16.528 41.104 16.016L39.296 14.336L40.208 13.312L42.08 15.056C42.3573 14.6827 42.576 14.2667 42.736 13.808C42.896 13.3387 42.976 12.8427 42.976 12.32C42.976 11.7013 42.864 11.12 42.64 10.576C42.416 10.032 42.1067 9.5573 41.712 9.152C41.328 8.7467 40.864 8.432 40.32 8.208C39.7867 7.9733 39.2107 7.856 38.592 7.856C37.9733 7.856 37.3973 7.9733 36.864 8.208C36.3307 8.432 35.8667 8.7467 35.472 9.152C35.088 9.5573 34.784 10.032 34.56 10.576C34.336 11.12 34.224 11.7013 34.224 12.32C34.224 12.9493 34.336 13.536 34.56 14.08C34.784 14.6133 35.088 15.0827 35.472 15.488C35.8667 15.8933 36.3307 16.2133 36.864 16.448C37.3973 16.672 37.9733 16.784 38.592 16.784ZM46.9259 6.64H50.7979C51.3205 6.64 51.7899 6.7147 52.2059 6.864C52.6325 7.0133 52.9899 7.2267 53.2779 7.504C53.5765 7.7813 53.8005 8.112 53.9499 8.496C54.1099 8.88 54.1899 9.3067 54.1899 9.776C54.1899 10.608 53.9392 11.2907 53.4379 11.824C52.9472 12.3573 52.2592 12.688 51.3739 12.816L55.7579 18H53.8859L49.5179 12.832H48.4139V18H46.9259V6.64ZM50.6219 11.504C51.2725 11.504 51.7792 11.36 52.1419 11.072C52.5152 10.784 52.7019 10.352 52.7019 9.776C52.7019 9.2 52.5152 8.7627 52.1419 8.464C51.7792 8.1653 51.2725 8.016 50.6219 8.016H48.4139V11.504H50.6219ZM55.8681 12.832H59.948V14.208H55.8681V12.832ZM66.488 18.16C65.88 18.16 65.325 18.0267 64.824 17.76C64.323 17.4827 63.939 17.152 63.672 16.768V18H62.296V6H63.672V11.232C63.939 10.848 64.323 10.5227 64.824 10.256C65.325 9.9787 65.88 9.84 66.488 9.84C67.043 9.84 67.56 9.952 68.04 10.176C68.52 10.3893 68.936 10.688 69.288 11.072C69.64 11.4453 69.912 11.8827 70.104 12.384C70.307 12.8853 70.408 13.424 70.408 14C70.408 14.576 70.307 15.1147 70.104 15.616C69.912 16.1173 69.64 16.56 69.288 16.944C68.936 17.3173 68.52 17.616 68.04 17.84C67.56 18.0533 67.043 18.16 66.488 18.16ZM66.28 16.896C66.685 16.896 67.053 16.8213 67.384 16.672C67.715 16.5227 67.997 16.32 68.232 16.064C68.477 15.7973 68.664 15.488 68.792 15.136C68.931 14.784 69 14.4053 69 14C69 13.5947 68.931 13.216 68.792 12.864C68.664 12.512 68.477 12.208 68.232 11.952C67.997 11.6853 67.715 11.4773 67.384 11.328C67.053 11.1787 66.685 11.104 66.28 11.104C65.875 11.104 65.507 11.1787 65.176 11.328C64.845 11.4773 64.557 11.6853 64.312 11.952C64.077 12.208 63.891 12.512 63.752 12.864C63.624 13.216 63.56 13.5947 63.56 14C63.56 14.4053 63.624 14.784 63.752 15.136C63.891 15.488 64.077 15.7973 64.312 16.064C64.557 16.32 64.845 16.5227 65.176 16.672C65.507 16.8213 65.875 16.896 66.28 16.896ZM75.67 18.16C75.105 18.16 74.582 18.0533 74.102 17.84C73.633 17.616 73.222 17.3173 72.87 16.944C72.518 16.56 72.241 16.1173 72.038 15.616C71.846 15.1147 71.75 14.576 71.75 14C71.75 13.424 71.846 12.8853 72.038 12.384C72.241 11.8827 72.518 11.4453 72.87 11.072C73.222 10.688 73.633 10.3893 74.102 10.176C74.582 9.952 75.105 9.84 75.67 9.84C76.278 9.84 76.833 9.9787 77.334 10.256C77.835 10.5227 78.219 10.848 78.486 11.232V10H79.862V18H78.486V16.768C78.219 17.152 77.835 17.4827 77.334 17.76C76.833 18.0267 76.278 18.16 75.67 18.16ZM75.878 16.896C76.283 16.896 76.651 16.8213 76.982 16.672C77.313 16.5227 77.595 16.32 77.83 16.064C78.075 15.7973 78.262 15.488 78.39 15.136C78.529 14.784 78.598 14.4053 78.598 14C78.598 13.5947 78.529 13.216 78.39 12.864C78.262 12.512 78.075 12.208 77.83 11.952C77.595 11.6853 77.313 11.4773 76.982 11.328C76.651 11.1787 76.283 11.104 75.878 11.104C75.473 11.104 75.099 11.1787 74.758 11.328C74.427 11.4773 74.139 11.6853 73.894 11.952C73.659 12.208 73.473 12.512 73.334 12.864C73.206 13.216 73.142 13.5947 73.142 14C73.142 14.4053 73.206 14.784 73.334 15.136C73.473 15.488 73.659 15.7973 73.894 16.064C74.139 16.32 74.427 16.5227 74.758 16.672C75.099 16.8213 75.473 16.896 75.878 16.896ZM85.028 18.16C84.602 18.16 84.196 18.1067 83.812 18C83.428 17.8933 83.092 17.7387 82.804 17.536C82.516 17.3227 82.282 17.0613 82.1 16.752C81.919 16.4427 81.812 16.0853 81.78 15.68H83.188C83.231 15.9253 83.311 16.1333 83.428 16.304C83.556 16.464 83.706 16.5973 83.876 16.704C84.047 16.8107 84.228 16.8853 84.42 16.928C84.623 16.9707 84.831 16.992 85.044 16.992C85.482 16.992 85.844 16.9067 86.132 16.736C86.431 16.5547 86.58 16.288 86.58 15.936C86.58 15.616 86.479 15.3547 86.276 15.152C86.074 14.9493 85.732 14.784 85.252 14.656L84.1 14.352C83.407 14.1707 82.89 13.8773 82.548 13.472C82.207 13.0667 82.036 12.576 82.036 12C82.036 11.6693 82.106 11.3707 82.244 11.104C82.383 10.8373 82.575 10.6133 82.82 10.432C83.066 10.24 83.354 10.096 83.684 10C84.026 9.8933 84.399 9.84 84.804 9.84C85.231 9.84 85.615 9.8987 85.956 10.016C86.298 10.1333 86.591 10.2987 86.836 10.512C87.092 10.7147 87.295 10.9547 87.444 11.232C87.594 11.5093 87.684 11.808 87.716 12.128H86.34C86.234 11.776 86.042 11.4987 85.764 11.296C85.498 11.0933 85.178 10.992 84.804 10.992C84.42 10.992 84.095 11.0827 83.828 11.264C83.562 11.4347 83.428 11.6747 83.428 11.984C83.428 12.2827 83.524 12.5227 83.716 12.704C83.908 12.8747 84.218 13.0187 84.644 13.136L85.924 13.472C86.596 13.6427 87.103 13.9307 87.444 14.336C87.796 14.7307 87.972 15.232 87.972 15.84C87.972 16.2347 87.898 16.5813 87.748 16.88C87.599 17.168 87.391 17.408 87.124 17.6C86.858 17.792 86.543 17.9307 86.18 18.016C85.828 18.112 85.444 18.16 85.028 18.16ZM93.329 18.16C92.742 18.16 92.204 18.0587 91.713 17.856C91.222 17.6427 90.796 17.3493 90.433 16.976C90.081 16.6027 89.804 16.1653 89.601 15.664C89.398 15.152 89.297 14.5973 89.297 14C89.297 13.4133 89.388 12.8693 89.569 12.368C89.761 11.856 90.033 11.4133 90.385 11.04C90.737 10.6667 91.164 10.3733 91.665 10.16C92.166 9.9467 92.732 9.84 93.361 9.84C93.99 9.84 94.55 9.9627 95.041 10.208C95.542 10.4427 95.958 10.768 96.289 11.184C96.63 11.5893 96.876 12.0693 97.025 12.624C97.185 13.168 97.244 13.7493 97.201 14.368H90.689C90.7 14.7307 90.774 15.0667 90.913 15.376C91.062 15.6853 91.254 15.9573 91.489 16.192C91.724 16.416 92.001 16.592 92.321 16.72C92.641 16.848 92.982 16.912 93.345 16.912C93.846 16.912 94.294 16.8107 94.689 16.608C95.094 16.3947 95.42 16.048 95.665 15.568H97.073C96.977 15.92 96.822 16.256 96.609 16.576C96.396 16.8853 96.129 17.1573 95.809 17.392C95.5 17.6267 95.137 17.8133 94.721 17.952C94.305 18.0907 93.841 18.16 93.329 18.16ZM93.313 11.056C93.025 11.056 92.742 11.0987 92.465 11.184C92.188 11.2693 91.932 11.4027 91.697 11.584C91.473 11.7653 91.276 11.9947 91.105 12.272C90.934 12.5493 90.817 12.8853 90.753 13.28H95.745C95.617 12.5333 95.329 11.9787 94.881 11.616C94.433 11.2427 93.91 11.056 93.313 11.056ZM102.483 18.16C101.917 18.16 101.395 18.0533 100.915 17.84C100.445 17.616 100.035 17.3173 99.683 16.944C99.331 16.56 99.053 16.1173 98.851 15.616C98.659 15.1147 98.563 14.576 98.563 14C98.563 13.424 98.659 12.8853 98.851 12.384C99.053 11.8827 99.331 11.4453 99.683 11.072C100.035 10.688 100.445 10.3893 100.915 10.176C101.395 9.952 101.917 9.84 102.483 9.84C103.091 9.84 103.645 9.9787 104.147 10.256C104.648 10.5227 105.032 10.848 105.299 11.232V6H106.675V18H105.299V16.768C105.032 17.152 104.648 17.4827 104.147 17.76C103.645 18.0267 103.091 18.16 102.483 18.16ZM102.691 16.896C103.096 16.896 103.464 16.8213 103.795 16.672C104.125 16.5227 104.408 16.32 104.643 16.064C104.888 15.7973 105.075 15.488 105.203 15.136C105.341 14.784 105.411 14.4053 105.411 14C105.411 13.5947 105.341 13.216 105.203 12.864C105.075 12.512 104.888 12.208 104.643 11.952C104.408 11.6853 104.125 11.4773 103.795 11.328C103.464 11.1787 103.096 11.104 102.691 11.104C102.285 11.104 101.912 11.1787 101.571 11.328C101.24 11.4773 100.952 11.6853 100.707 11.952C100.472 12.208 100.285 12.512 100.147 12.864C100.019 13.216 99.955 13.5947 99.955 14C99.955 14.4053 100.019 14.784 100.147 15.136C100.285 15.488 100.472 15.7973 100.707 16.064C100.952 16.32 101.24 16.5227 101.571 16.672C101.912 16.8213 102.285 16.896 102.691 16.896Z"
class="mm-box mm-text mm-button-base mm-button-base--size-lg mm-button-base--disabled hw-connect__connect-btn mm-button-primary mm-button-primary--disabled mm-text--body-md-medium mm-box--padding-0 mm-box--padding-right-4 mm-box--padding-left-4 mm-box--display-inline-flex mm-box--justify-content-center mm-box--align-items-center mm-box--color-primary-inverse mm-box--background-color-primary-default mm-box--rounded-pill"
class="mm-box mm-text new-external-account-form footer mm-text--body-sm mm-text--text-align-center mm-box--margin-top-4 mm-box--color-text-alternative"
Hardware wallet integrations use API calls to external servers, which can see your IP address and the smart contract addresses you interact with.