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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
MetaMask would sometimes get into a state where the notification popup would never open. This could happen if the notification window was closed shortly after being opened. After this happened, no popups would show up until after the extension was reset. This was happening because the background thought the popup was already open. The variable it uses to track whether the popup was open or not was being set to `true` immediately after the background asked the browser to open a new window, before a handler was attached that could respond to the window being closed. Removing this line seems to solve the problem. This line was added originally in #5437, which dealt with batch transactions. Batches of transactions seem to work just fine without this line though (from local testing), and I can't think of why this would be required. Closes #7051
491 lines
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491 lines
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* @file The entry point for the web extension singleton process.
// these need to run before anything else
import './lib/freezeGlobals'
import setupFetchDebugging from './lib/setupFetchDebugging'
// polyfills
import 'abortcontroller-polyfill/dist/polyfill-patch-fetch'
import endOfStream from 'end-of-stream'
import pump from 'pump'
import debounce from 'debounce-stream'
import log from 'loglevel'
import extension from 'extensionizer'
import ReadOnlyNetworkStore from './lib/network-store'
import LocalStore from './lib/local-store'
import storeTransform from 'obs-store/lib/transform'
import asStream from 'obs-store/lib/asStream'
import ExtensionPlatform from './platforms/extension'
import Migrator from './lib/migrator'
import migrations from './migrations'
import PortStream from 'extension-port-stream'
import createStreamSink from './lib/createStreamSink'
import NotificationManager from './lib/notification-manager.js'
import MetamaskController from './metamask-controller'
import rawFirstTimeState from './first-time-state'
import setupSentry from './lib/setupSentry'
import reportFailedTxToSentry from './lib/reportFailedTxToSentry'
import getFirstPreferredLangCode from './lib/get-first-preferred-lang-code'
import getObjStructure from './lib/getObjStructure'
import setupEnsIpfsResolver from './lib/ens-ipfs/setup'
import {
} from './lib/enums'
// METAMASK_TEST_CONFIG is used in e2e tests to set the default network to localhost
const firstTimeState = Object.assign({}, rawFirstTimeState, global.METAMASK_TEST_CONFIG)
log.setDefaultLevel(process.env.METAMASK_DEBUG ? 'debug' : 'warn')
const platform = new ExtensionPlatform()
const notificationManager = new NotificationManager()
global.METAMASK_NOTIFIER = notificationManager
// setup sentry error reporting
const release = platform.getVersion()
const sentry = setupSentry({ release })
let popupIsOpen = false
let notificationIsOpen = false
const openMetamaskTabsIDs = {}
const requestAccountTabIds = {}
// state persistence
const inTest = process.env.IN_TEST === 'true'
const localStore = inTest
? new ReadOnlyNetworkStore()
: new LocalStore()
let versionedData
if (inTest || process.env.METAMASK_DEBUG) {
global.metamaskGetState = localStore.get.bind(localStore)
// initialization flow
* An object representing a transaction, in whatever state it is in.
* @typedef TransactionMeta
* @property {number} id - An internally unique tx identifier.
* @property {number} time - Time the tx was first suggested, in unix epoch time (ms).
* @property {string} status - The current transaction status (unapproved, signed, submitted, dropped, failed, rejected), as defined in `tx-state-manager.js`.
* @property {string} metamaskNetworkId - The transaction's network ID, used for EIP-155 compliance.
* @property {boolean} loadingDefaults - TODO: Document
* @property {Object} txParams - The tx params as passed to the network provider.
* @property {Object[]} history - A history of mutations to this TransactionMeta object.
* @property {boolean} gasPriceSpecified - True if the suggesting dapp specified a gas price, prevents auto-estimation.
* @property {boolean} gasLimitSpecified - True if the suggesting dapp specified a gas limit, prevents auto-estimation.
* @property {string} estimatedGas - A hex string represented the estimated gas limit required to complete the transaction.
* @property {string} origin - A string representing the interface that suggested the transaction.
* @property {Object} nonceDetails - A metadata object containing information used to derive the suggested nonce, useful for debugging nonce issues.
* @property {string} rawTx - A hex string of the final signed transaction, ready to submit to the network.
* @property {string} hash - A hex string of the transaction hash, used to identify the transaction on the network.
* @property {number} submittedTime - The time the transaction was submitted to the network, in Unix epoch time (ms).
* The data emitted from the MetaMaskController.store EventEmitter, also used to initialize the MetaMaskController. Available in UI on React state as state.metamask.
* @typedef MetaMaskState
* @property {boolean} isInitialized - Whether the first vault has been created.
* @property {boolean} isUnlocked - Whether the vault is currently decrypted and accounts are available for selection.
* @property {boolean} isAccountMenuOpen - Represents whether the main account selection UI is currently displayed.
* @property {string} rpcTarget - DEPRECATED - The URL of the current RPC provider.
* @property {Object} identities - An object matching lower-case hex addresses to Identity objects with "address" and "name" (nickname) keys.
* @property {Object} unapprovedTxs - An object mapping transaction hashes to unapproved transactions.
* @property {Array} frequentRpcList - A list of frequently used RPCs, including custom user-provided ones.
* @property {Array} addressBook - A list of previously sent to addresses.
* @property {address} selectedTokenAddress - Used to indicate if a token is globally selected. Should be deprecated in favor of UI-centric token selection.
* @property {Object} tokenExchangeRates - Info about current token prices.
* @property {Array} tokens - Tokens held by the current user, including their balances.
* @property {Object} send - TODO: Document
* @property {Object} coinOptions - TODO: Document
* @property {boolean} useBlockie - Indicates preferred user identicon format. True for blockie, false for Jazzicon.
* @property {Object} featureFlags - An object for optional feature flags.
* @property {string} networkEndpointType - TODO: Document
* @property {boolean} welcomeScreen - True if welcome screen should be shown.
* @property {string} currentLocale - A locale string matching the user's preferred display language.
* @property {Object} provider - The current selected network provider.
* @property {string} provider.rpcTarget - The address for the RPC API, if using an RPC API.
* @property {string} provider.type - An identifier for the type of network selected, allows MetaMask to use custom provider strategies for known networks.
* @property {string} network - A stringified number of the current network ID.
* @property {Object} accounts - An object mapping lower-case hex addresses to objects with "balance" and "address" keys, both storing hex string values.
* @property {hex} currentBlockGasLimit - The most recently seen block gas limit, in a lower case hex prefixed string.
* @property {TransactionMeta[]} currentNetworkTxList - An array of transactions associated with the currently selected network.
* @property {Object} unapprovedMsgs - An object of messages pending approval, mapping a unique ID to the options.
* @property {number} unapprovedMsgCount - The number of messages in unapprovedMsgs.
* @property {Object} unapprovedPersonalMsgs - An object of messages pending approval, mapping a unique ID to the options.
* @property {number} unapprovedPersonalMsgCount - The number of messages in unapprovedPersonalMsgs.
* @property {Object} unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgs - An object of messages pending approval, mapping a unique ID to the options.
* @property {number} unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgCount - The number of messages in EncryptionPublicKeyMsgs.
* @property {Object} unapprovedDecryptMsgs - An object of messages pending approval, mapping a unique ID to the options.
* @property {number} unapprovedDecryptMsgCount - The number of messages in unapprovedDecryptMsgs.
* @property {Object} unapprovedTypedMsgs - An object of messages pending approval, mapping a unique ID to the options.
* @property {number} unapprovedTypedMsgCount - The number of messages in unapprovedTypedMsgs.
* @property {string[]} keyringTypes - An array of unique keyring identifying strings, representing available strategies for creating accounts.
* @property {Keyring[]} keyrings - An array of keyring descriptions, summarizing the accounts that are available for use, and what keyrings they belong to.
* @property {string} currentAccountTab - A view identifying string for displaying the current displayed view, allows user to have a preferred tab in the old UI (between tokens and history).
* @property {string} selectedAddress - A lower case hex string of the currently selected address.
* @property {string} currentCurrency - A string identifying the user's preferred display currency, for use in showing conversion rates.
* @property {number} conversionRate - A number representing the current exchange rate from the user's preferred currency to Ether.
* @property {number} conversionDate - A unix epoch date (ms) for the time the current conversion rate was last retrieved.
* @property {Object} infuraNetworkStatus - An object of infura network status checks.
* @property {Block[]} recentBlocks - An array of recent blocks, used to calculate an effective but cheap gas price.
* @property {Array} shapeShiftTxList - An array of objects describing shapeshift exchange attempts.
* @property {boolean} forgottenPassword - Returns true if the user has initiated the password recovery screen, is recovering from seed phrase.
* @typedef VersionedData
* @property {MetaMaskState} data - The data emitted from MetaMask controller, or used to initialize it.
* @property {Number} version - The latest migration version that has been run.
* Initializes the MetaMask controller, and sets up all platform configuration.
* @returns {Promise} - Setup complete.
async function initialize () {
const initState = await loadStateFromPersistence()
const initLangCode = await getFirstPreferredLangCode()
await setupController(initState, initLangCode)
log.debug('MetaMask initialization complete.')
// State and Persistence
* Loads any stored data, prioritizing the latest storage strategy.
* Migrates that data schema in case it was last loaded on an older version.
* @returns {Promise<MetaMaskState>} - Last data emitted from previous instance of MetaMask.
async function loadStateFromPersistence () {
// migrations
const migrator = new Migrator({ migrations })
migrator.on('error', console.warn)
// read from disk
// first from preferred, async API:
versionedData = (await localStore.get()) ||
// check if somehow state is empty
// this should never happen but new error reporting suggests that it has
// for a small number of users
// https://github.com/metamask/metamask-extension/issues/3919
if (versionedData && !versionedData.data) {
// unable to recover, clear state
versionedData = migrator.generateInitialState(firstTimeState)
sentry.captureMessage('MetaMask - Empty vault found - unable to recover')
// report migration errors to sentry
migrator.on('error', (err) => {
// get vault structure without secrets
const vaultStructure = getObjStructure(versionedData)
sentry.captureException(err, {
// "extra" key is required by Sentry
extra: { vaultStructure },
// migrate data
versionedData = await migrator.migrateData(versionedData)
if (!versionedData) {
throw new Error('MetaMask - migrator returned undefined')
// write to disk
if (localStore.isSupported) {
} else {
// throw in setTimeout so as to not block boot
setTimeout(() => {
throw new Error('MetaMask - Localstore not supported')
// return just the data
return versionedData.data
* Initializes the MetaMask Controller with any initial state and default language.
* Configures platform-specific error reporting strategy.
* Streams emitted state updates to platform-specific storage strategy.
* Creates platform listeners for new Dapps/Contexts, and sets up their data connections to the controller.
* @param {Object} initState - The initial state to start the controller with, matches the state that is emitted from the controller.
* @param {string} initLangCode - The region code for the language preferred by the current user.
* @returns {Promise} - After setup is complete.
function setupController (initState, initLangCode) {
// MetaMask Controller
const controller = new MetamaskController({
// User confirmation callbacks:
showUnconfirmedMessage: triggerUi,
showUnapprovedTx: triggerUi,
showPermissionRequest: triggerUi,
openPopup: openPopup,
// initial state
// initial locale code
// platform specific api
getRequestAccountTabIds: () => {
return requestAccountTabIds
getOpenMetamaskTabsIds: () => {
return openMetamaskTabsIDs
getCurrentNetwork: controller.getCurrentNetwork,
getIpfsGateway: controller.preferencesController.getIpfsGateway.bind(controller.preferencesController),
provider: controller.provider,
// report failed transactions to Sentry
controller.txController.on(`tx:status-update`, (txId, status) => {
if (status !== 'failed') {
const txMeta = controller.txController.txStateManager.getTx(txId)
try {
reportFailedTxToSentry({ sentry, txMeta })
} catch (e) {
// setup state persistence
(error) => {
log.error('MetaMask - Persistence pipeline failed', error)
* Assigns the given state to the versioned object (with metadata), and returns that.
* @param {Object} state - The state object as emitted by the MetaMaskController.
* @returns {VersionedData} - The state object wrapped in an object that includes a metadata key.
function versionifyData (state) {
versionedData.data = state
return versionedData
async function persistData (state) {
if (!state) {
throw new Error('MetaMask - updated state is missing')
if (!state.data) {
throw new Error('MetaMask - updated state does not have data')
if (localStore.isSupported) {
try {
await localStore.set(state)
} catch (err) {
// log error so we dont break the pipeline
log.error('error setting state in local store:', err)
// connect to other contexts
const metamaskInternalProcessHash = {
const metamaskBlacklistedPorts = [
const isClientOpenStatus = () => {
return popupIsOpen || Boolean(Object.keys(openMetamaskTabsIDs).length) || notificationIsOpen
* A runtime.Port object, as provided by the browser:
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/runtime/Port
* @typedef Port
* @type Object
* Connects a Port to the MetaMask controller via a multiplexed duplex stream.
* This method identifies trusted (MetaMask) interfaces, and connects them differently from untrusted (web pages).
* @param {Port} remotePort - The port provided by a new context.
function connectRemote (remotePort) {
const processName = remotePort.name
const isMetaMaskInternalProcess = metamaskInternalProcessHash[processName]
if (metamaskBlacklistedPorts.includes(remotePort.name)) {
return false
if (isMetaMaskInternalProcess) {
const portStream = new PortStream(remotePort)
// communication with popup
controller.isClientOpen = true
controller.setupTrustedCommunication(portStream, remotePort.sender)
if (processName === ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_POPUP) {
popupIsOpen = true
endOfStream(portStream, () => {
popupIsOpen = false
controller.isClientOpen = isClientOpenStatus()
notificationIsOpen = true
endOfStream(portStream, () => {
notificationIsOpen = false
controller.isClientOpen = isClientOpenStatus()
const tabId = remotePort.sender.tab.id
openMetamaskTabsIDs[tabId] = true
endOfStream(portStream, () => {
delete openMetamaskTabsIDs[tabId]
controller.isClientOpen = isClientOpenStatus()
} else {
if (remotePort.sender && remotePort.sender.tab && remotePort.sender.url) {
const tabId = remotePort.sender.tab.id
const url = new URL(remotePort.sender.url)
const origin = url.hostname
remotePort.onMessage.addListener((msg) => {
if (msg.data && msg.data.method === 'eth_requestAccounts') {
requestAccountTabIds[origin] = tabId
// communication with page or other extension
function connectExternal (remotePort) {
const portStream = new PortStream(remotePort)
controller.setupUntrustedCommunication(portStream, remotePort.sender)
// User Interface setup
controller.txController.on('update:badge', updateBadge)
controller.messageManager.on('updateBadge', updateBadge)
controller.personalMessageManager.on('updateBadge', updateBadge)
controller.decryptMessageManager.on('updateBadge', updateBadge)
controller.encryptionPublicKeyManager.on('updateBadge', updateBadge)
controller.typedMessageManager.on('updateBadge', updateBadge)
controller.appStateController.on('updateBadge', updateBadge)
* Updates the Web Extension's "badge" number, on the little fox in the toolbar.
* The number reflects the current number of pending transactions or message signatures needing user approval.
function updateBadge () {
let label = ''
const unapprovedTxCount = controller.txController.getUnapprovedTxCount()
const unapprovedMsgCount = controller.messageManager.unapprovedMsgCount
const unapprovedPersonalMsgCount = controller.personalMessageManager.unapprovedPersonalMsgCount
const unapprovedDecryptMsgCount = controller.decryptMessageManager.unapprovedDecryptMsgCount
const unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgCount = controller.encryptionPublicKeyManager.unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgCount
const unapprovedTypedMessagesCount = controller.typedMessageManager.unapprovedTypedMessagesCount
const pendingPermissionRequests = Object.keys(controller.permissionsController.permissions.state.permissionsRequests).length
const waitingForUnlockCount = controller.appStateController.waitingForUnlock.length
const count = unapprovedTxCount + unapprovedMsgCount + unapprovedPersonalMsgCount + unapprovedDecryptMsgCount + unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgCount +
unapprovedTypedMessagesCount + pendingPermissionRequests + waitingForUnlockCount
if (count) {
label = String(count)
extension.browserAction.setBadgeText({ text: label })
extension.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ color: '#037DD6' })
return Promise.resolve()
// Etc...
* Opens the browser popup for user confirmation
function triggerUi () {
extension.tabs.query({ active: true }, (tabs) => {
const currentlyActiveMetamaskTab = Boolean(tabs.find((tab) => openMetamaskTabsIDs[tab.id]))
if (!popupIsOpen && !currentlyActiveMetamaskTab && !notificationIsOpen) {
* Opens the browser popup for user confirmation of watchAsset
* then it waits until user interact with the UI
function openPopup () {
return new Promise(
(resolve) => {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
if (!notificationIsOpen) {
}, 1000)
// On first install, open a new tab with MetaMask
extension.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(({ reason }) => {
if (reason === 'install' && !(process.env.METAMASK_DEBUG || process.env.IN_TEST)) {