mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
This is a continuation of #9726, which did not fix the problem described. If the initial network when the extension is started is something other than Mainnet, the swaps controller will never successfully retrieve swap quotes. This is because `ethers` will continue to communicate with whichever network the provider was initially on. We tried fixing this by hard-coding the `chainId` to Mainnet's `chainId` when constructing the Ethers provider, but this did not work. I suspect this failed because the `provider` we pass to `ethers` is not compliant with EIP 1193, as `ethers` doubtless expects it to be. Instead the entire `ethers` provider is now reconstructed each time the network changes. This mirrors the approach we take in some other controllers.
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import EventEmitter from 'events'
import pump from 'pump'
import Dnode from 'dnode'
import ObservableStore from 'obs-store'
import asStream from 'obs-store/lib/asStream'
import RpcEngine from 'json-rpc-engine'
import { debounce } from 'lodash'
import createEngineStream from 'json-rpc-middleware-stream/engineStream'
import createFilterMiddleware from 'eth-json-rpc-filters'
import createSubscriptionManager from 'eth-json-rpc-filters/subscriptionManager'
import providerAsMiddleware from 'eth-json-rpc-middleware/providerAsMiddleware'
import KeyringController from 'eth-keyring-controller'
import { Mutex } from 'await-semaphore'
import ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util'
import log from 'loglevel'
import TrezorKeyring from 'eth-trezor-keyring'
import LedgerBridgeKeyring from '@metamask/eth-ledger-bridge-keyring'
import EthQuery from 'eth-query'
import nanoid from 'nanoid'
import contractMap from 'eth-contract-metadata'
import {
} from '@metamask/controllers'
import { getTrackMetaMetricsEvent } from '../../shared/modules/metametrics'
import { getBackgroundMetaMetricState } from '../../ui/app/selectors'
import ComposableObservableStore from './lib/ComposableObservableStore'
import AccountTracker from './lib/account-tracker'
import createLoggerMiddleware from './lib/createLoggerMiddleware'
import createMethodMiddleware from './lib/rpc-method-middleware'
import createOriginMiddleware from './lib/createOriginMiddleware'
import createTabIdMiddleware from './lib/createTabIdMiddleware'
import createOnboardingMiddleware from './lib/createOnboardingMiddleware'
import { setupMultiplex } from './lib/stream-utils'
import EnsController from './controllers/ens'
import NetworkController from './controllers/network'
import PreferencesController from './controllers/preferences'
import AppStateController from './controllers/app-state'
import CachedBalancesController from './controllers/cached-balances'
import AlertController from './controllers/alert'
import OnboardingController from './controllers/onboarding'
import ThreeBoxController from './controllers/threebox'
import IncomingTransactionsController from './controllers/incoming-transactions'
import MessageManager from './lib/message-manager'
import DecryptMessageManager from './lib/decrypt-message-manager'
import EncryptionPublicKeyManager from './lib/encryption-public-key-manager'
import PersonalMessageManager from './lib/personal-message-manager'
import TypedMessageManager from './lib/typed-message-manager'
import TransactionController from './controllers/transactions'
import TokenRatesController from './controllers/token-rates'
import DetectTokensController from './controllers/detect-tokens'
import SwapsController from './controllers/swaps'
import { PermissionsController } from './controllers/permissions'
import getRestrictedMethods from './controllers/permissions/restrictedMethods'
import nodeify from './lib/nodeify'
import accountImporter from './account-import-strategies'
import seedPhraseVerifier from './lib/seed-phrase-verifier'
import { ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_BACKGROUND } from './lib/enums'
export default class MetamaskController extends EventEmitter {
* @constructor
* @param {Object} opts
constructor (opts) {
this.defaultMaxListeners = 20
this.sendUpdate = debounce(this.privateSendUpdate.bind(this), 200)
this.opts = opts
this.extension = opts.extension
this.platform = opts.platform
const initState = opts.initState || {}
const version = this.platform.getVersion()
// this keeps track of how many "controllerStream" connections are open
// the only thing that uses controller connections are open metamask UI instances
this.activeControllerConnections = 0
this.getRequestAccountTabIds = opts.getRequestAccountTabIds
this.getOpenMetamaskTabsIds = opts.getOpenMetamaskTabsIds
// observable state store
this.store = new ComposableObservableStore(initState)
// external connections by origin
// Do not modify directly. Use the associated methods.
this.connections = {}
// lock to ensure only one vault created at once
this.createVaultMutex = new Mutex()
this.extension.runtime.onInstalled.addListener((details) => {
if (details.reason === 'update' && version === '8.1.0') {
// next, we will initialize the controllers
// controller initialization order matters
this.networkController = new NetworkController(initState.NetworkController)
this.preferencesController = new PreferencesController({
initState: initState.PreferencesController,
initLangCode: opts.initLangCode,
openPopup: opts.openPopup,
network: this.networkController,
migrateAddressBookState: this.migrateAddressBookState.bind(this),
this.trackMetaMetricsEvent = getTrackMetaMetricsEvent(
() => {
const participateInMetaMetrics = this.preferencesController.getParticipateInMetaMetrics()
const {
} = this.preferencesController.store.getState()
const chainId = this.networkController.getCurrentChainId()
const provider = this.networkController.getProviderConfig()
const network = provider.type === 'rpc' ? provider.rpcUrl : provider.type
return {
context: {
page: {
path: '/background-process',
title: 'Background Process',
url: '/background-process',
locale: currentLocale.replace('_', '-'),
this.appStateController = new AppStateController({
addUnlockListener: this.on.bind(this, 'unlock'),
isUnlocked: this.isUnlocked.bind(this),
initState: initState.AppStateController,
onInactiveTimeout: () => this.setLocked(),
showUnlockRequest: opts.showUnlockRequest,
preferencesStore: this.preferencesController.store,
this.currencyRateController = new CurrencyRateController(undefined, initState.CurrencyController)
this.phishingController = new PhishingController()
// now we can initialize the RPC provider, which other controllers require
this.provider = this.networkController.getProviderAndBlockTracker().provider
this.blockTracker = this.networkController.getProviderAndBlockTracker().blockTracker
// token exchange rate tracker
this.tokenRatesController = new TokenRatesController({
currency: this.currencyRateController,
preferences: this.preferencesController.store,
this.ensController = new EnsController({
provider: this.provider,
networkStore: this.networkController.networkStore,
this.incomingTransactionsController = new IncomingTransactionsController({
blockTracker: this.blockTracker,
networkController: this.networkController,
preferencesController: this.preferencesController,
initState: initState.IncomingTransactionsController,
// account tracker watches balances, nonces, and any code at their address
this.accountTracker = new AccountTracker({
provider: this.provider,
blockTracker: this.blockTracker,
getCurrentChainId: this.networkController.getCurrentChainId.bind(this.networkController),
// start and stop polling for balances based on activeControllerConnections
this.on('controllerConnectionChanged', (activeControllerConnections) => {
if (activeControllerConnections > 0) {
} else {
this.cachedBalancesController = new CachedBalancesController({
accountTracker: this.accountTracker,
getNetwork: this.networkController.getNetworkState.bind(this.networkController),
initState: initState.CachedBalancesController,
this.onboardingController = new OnboardingController({
initState: initState.OnboardingController,
preferencesController: this.preferencesController,
// ensure accountTracker updates balances after network change
this.networkController.on('networkDidChange', () => {
const additionalKeyrings = [TrezorKeyring, LedgerBridgeKeyring]
this.keyringController = new KeyringController({
keyringTypes: additionalKeyrings,
initState: initState.KeyringController,
encryptor: opts.encryptor || undefined,
this.keyringController.memStore.subscribe((s) => this._onKeyringControllerUpdate(s))
this.keyringController.on('unlock', () => this.emit('unlock'))
this.permissionsController = new PermissionsController({
getKeyringAccounts: this.keyringController.getAccounts.bind(this.keyringController),
getUnlockPromise: this.appStateController.getUnlockPromise.bind(this.appStateController),
notifyDomain: this.notifyConnections.bind(this),
notifyAllDomains: this.notifyAllConnections.bind(this),
preferences: this.preferencesController.store,
showPermissionRequest: opts.showPermissionRequest,
}, initState.PermissionsController, initState.PermissionsMetadata)
this.detectTokensController = new DetectTokensController({
preferences: this.preferencesController,
network: this.networkController,
keyringMemStore: this.keyringController.memStore,
this.addressBookController = new AddressBookController(undefined, initState.AddressBookController)
this.alertController = new AlertController({
initState: initState.AlertController,
preferencesStore: this.preferencesController.store,
this.threeBoxController = new ThreeBoxController({
preferencesController: this.preferencesController,
addressBookController: this.addressBookController,
keyringController: this.keyringController,
initState: initState.ThreeBoxController,
getKeyringControllerState: this.keyringController.memStore.getState.bind(this.keyringController.memStore),
this.txController = new TransactionController({
initState: initState.TransactionController || initState.TransactionManager,
getPermittedAccounts: this.permissionsController.getAccounts.bind(this.permissionsController),
networkStore: this.networkController.networkStore,
getCurrentChainId: this.networkController.getCurrentChainId.bind(this.networkController),
preferencesStore: this.preferencesController.store,
txHistoryLimit: 40,
getNetwork: this.networkController.getNetworkState.bind(this),
signTransaction: this.keyringController.signTransaction.bind(this.keyringController),
provider: this.provider,
blockTracker: this.blockTracker,
trackMetaMetricsEvent: this.trackMetaMetricsEvent,
getParticipateInMetrics: () => this.preferencesController.getParticipateInMetaMetrics(),
this.txController.on('newUnapprovedTx', () => opts.showUnapprovedTx())
this.txController.on(`tx:status-update`, async (txId, status) => {
if (status === 'confirmed' || status === 'failed') {
const txMeta = this.txController.txStateManager.getTx(txId)
const { txReceipt } = txMeta
if (txReceipt && txReceipt.status === '0x0') {
action: 'Transactions',
name: 'On Chain Failure',
customVariables: { errorMessage: txMeta.simulationFails?.reason },
this.networkController.on('networkDidChange', () => {
(error) => {
if (error) {
throw error
this.messageManager = new MessageManager()
this.personalMessageManager = new PersonalMessageManager()
this.decryptMessageManager = new DecryptMessageManager()
this.encryptionPublicKeyManager = new EncryptionPublicKeyManager()
this.typedMessageManager = new TypedMessageManager({
getCurrentChainId: this.networkController.getCurrentChainId.bind(this.networkController),
this.swapsController = new SwapsController({
getBufferedGasLimit: this.txController.txGasUtil.getBufferedGasLimit.bind(this.txController.txGasUtil),
networkController: this.networkController,
provider: this.provider,
getProviderConfig: this.networkController.getProviderConfig.bind(this.networkController),
tokenRatesStore: this.tokenRatesController.store,
AppStateController: this.appStateController.store,
TransactionController: this.txController.store,
KeyringController: this.keyringController.store,
PreferencesController: this.preferencesController.store,
AddressBookController: this.addressBookController,
CurrencyController: this.currencyRateController,
NetworkController: this.networkController.store,
CachedBalancesController: this.cachedBalancesController.store,
AlertController: this.alertController.store,
OnboardingController: this.onboardingController.store,
IncomingTransactionsController: this.incomingTransactionsController.store,
PermissionsController: this.permissionsController.permissions,
PermissionsMetadata: this.permissionsController.store,
ThreeBoxController: this.threeBoxController.store,
this.memStore = new ComposableObservableStore(null, {
AppStateController: this.appStateController.store,
NetworkController: this.networkController.store,
AccountTracker: this.accountTracker.store,
TxController: this.txController.memStore,
CachedBalancesController: this.cachedBalancesController.store,
TokenRatesController: this.tokenRatesController.store,
MessageManager: this.messageManager.memStore,
PersonalMessageManager: this.personalMessageManager.memStore,
DecryptMessageManager: this.decryptMessageManager.memStore,
EncryptionPublicKeyManager: this.encryptionPublicKeyManager.memStore,
TypesMessageManager: this.typedMessageManager.memStore,
KeyringController: this.keyringController.memStore,
PreferencesController: this.preferencesController.store,
AddressBookController: this.addressBookController,
CurrencyController: this.currencyRateController,
AlertController: this.alertController.store,
OnboardingController: this.onboardingController.store,
IncomingTransactionsController: this.incomingTransactionsController.store,
PermissionsController: this.permissionsController.permissions,
PermissionsMetadata: this.permissionsController.store,
ThreeBoxController: this.threeBoxController.store,
SwapsController: this.swapsController.store,
// ENS Controller
EnsController: this.ensController.store,
const password = process.env.CONF?.password
if (
password && !this.isUnlocked() &&
) {
* Constructor helper: initialize a provider.
initializeProvider () {
const version = this.platform.getVersion()
const providerOpts = {
static: {
eth_syncing: false,
web3_clientVersion: `MetaMask/v${version}`,
// account mgmt
getAccounts: async ({ origin }) => {
if (origin === 'metamask') {
const selectedAddress = this.preferencesController.getSelectedAddress()
return selectedAddress ? [selectedAddress] : []
} else if (this.isUnlocked()) {
return await this.permissionsController.getAccounts(origin)
return [] // changing this is a breaking change
// tx signing
processTransaction: this.newUnapprovedTransaction.bind(this),
// msg signing
processEthSignMessage: this.newUnsignedMessage.bind(this),
processTypedMessage: this.newUnsignedTypedMessage.bind(this),
processTypedMessageV3: this.newUnsignedTypedMessage.bind(this),
processTypedMessageV4: this.newUnsignedTypedMessage.bind(this),
processPersonalMessage: this.newUnsignedPersonalMessage.bind(this),
processDecryptMessage: this.newRequestDecryptMessage.bind(this),
processEncryptionPublicKey: this.newRequestEncryptionPublicKey.bind(this),
getPendingNonce: this.getPendingNonce.bind(this),
getPendingTransactionByHash: (hash) => this.txController.getFilteredTxList({ hash, status: 'submitted' })[0],
const providerProxy = this.networkController.initializeProvider(providerOpts)
return providerProxy
* Constructor helper: initialize a public config store.
* This store is used to make some config info available to Dapps synchronously.
createPublicConfigStore () {
// subset of state for metamask inpage provider
const publicConfigStore = new ObservableStore()
const { networkController } = this
// setup memStore subscription hooks
this.on('update', updatePublicConfigStore)
publicConfigStore.destroy = () => {
this.removeEventListener && this.removeEventListener('update', updatePublicConfigStore)
function updatePublicConfigStore (memState) {
const chainId = networkController.getCurrentChainId()
if (memState.network !== 'loading') {
publicConfigStore.putState(selectPublicState(chainId, memState))
function selectPublicState (chainId, { isUnlocked, network }) {
return {
networkVersion: network,
return publicConfigStore
* The metamask-state of the various controllers, made available to the UI
* @returns {Object} - status
getState () {
const { vault } = this.keyringController.store.getState()
const isInitialized = Boolean(vault)
return {
...{ isInitialized },
* Returns an Object containing API Callback Functions.
* These functions are the interface for the UI.
* The API object can be transmitted over a stream with dnode.
* @returns {Object} - Object containing API functions.
getApi () {
const {
} = this
return {
// etc
getState: (cb) => cb(null, this.getState()),
setCurrentCurrency: this.setCurrentCurrency.bind(this),
setUseBlockie: this.setUseBlockie.bind(this),
setUseNonceField: this.setUseNonceField.bind(this),
setUsePhishDetect: this.setUsePhishDetect.bind(this),
setIpfsGateway: this.setIpfsGateway.bind(this),
setParticipateInMetaMetrics: this.setParticipateInMetaMetrics.bind(this),
setMetaMetricsSendCount: this.setMetaMetricsSendCount.bind(this),
setFirstTimeFlowType: this.setFirstTimeFlowType.bind(this),
setCurrentLocale: this.setCurrentLocale.bind(this),
markPasswordForgotten: this.markPasswordForgotten.bind(this),
unMarkPasswordForgotten: this.unMarkPasswordForgotten.bind(this),
safelistPhishingDomain: this.safelistPhishingDomain.bind(this),
getRequestAccountTabIds: (cb) => cb(null, this.getRequestAccountTabIds()),
getOpenMetamaskTabsIds: (cb) => cb(null, this.getOpenMetamaskTabsIds()),
// primary HD keyring management
addNewAccount: nodeify(this.addNewAccount, this),
verifySeedPhrase: nodeify(this.verifySeedPhrase, this),
resetAccount: nodeify(this.resetAccount, this),
removeAccount: nodeify(this.removeAccount, this),
importAccountWithStrategy: nodeify(this.importAccountWithStrategy, this),
// hardware wallets
connectHardware: nodeify(this.connectHardware, this),
forgetDevice: nodeify(this.forgetDevice, this),
checkHardwareStatus: nodeify(this.checkHardwareStatus, this),
unlockHardwareWalletAccount: nodeify(this.unlockHardwareWalletAccount, this),
// mobile
fetchInfoToSync: nodeify(this.fetchInfoToSync, this),
// vault management
submitPassword: nodeify(this.submitPassword, this),
verifyPassword: nodeify(this.verifyPassword, this),
// network management
setProviderType: nodeify(networkController.setProviderType, networkController),
setCustomRpc: nodeify(this.setCustomRpc, this),
updateAndSetCustomRpc: nodeify(this.updateAndSetCustomRpc, this),
delCustomRpc: nodeify(this.delCustomRpc, this),
// PreferencesController
setSelectedAddress: nodeify(preferencesController.setSelectedAddress, preferencesController),
addToken: nodeify(preferencesController.addToken, preferencesController),
removeToken: nodeify(preferencesController.removeToken, preferencesController),
removeSuggestedTokens: nodeify(preferencesController.removeSuggestedTokens, preferencesController),
setAccountLabel: nodeify(preferencesController.setAccountLabel, preferencesController),
setFeatureFlag: nodeify(preferencesController.setFeatureFlag, preferencesController),
setPreference: nodeify(preferencesController.setPreference, preferencesController),
completeOnboarding: nodeify(preferencesController.completeOnboarding, preferencesController),
addKnownMethodData: nodeify(preferencesController.addKnownMethodData, preferencesController),
// AddressController
setAddressBook: nodeify(this.addressBookController.set, this.addressBookController),
removeFromAddressBook: nodeify(this.addressBookController.delete, this.addressBookController),
// AppStateController
setLastActiveTime: nodeify(this.appStateController.setLastActiveTime, this.appStateController),
setDefaultHomeActiveTabName: nodeify(this.appStateController.setDefaultHomeActiveTabName, this.appStateController),
setConnectedStatusPopoverHasBeenShown: nodeify(this.appStateController.setConnectedStatusPopoverHasBeenShown, this.appStateController),
setSwapsWelcomeMessageHasBeenShown: nodeify(this.appStateController.setSwapsWelcomeMessageHasBeenShown, this.appStateController),
// EnsController
tryReverseResolveAddress: nodeify(this.ensController.reverseResolveAddress, this.ensController),
// KeyringController
setLocked: nodeify(this.setLocked, this),
createNewVaultAndKeychain: nodeify(this.createNewVaultAndKeychain, this),
createNewVaultAndRestore: nodeify(this.createNewVaultAndRestore, this),
exportAccount: nodeify(keyringController.exportAccount, keyringController),
// txController
cancelTransaction: nodeify(txController.cancelTransaction, txController),
updateTransaction: nodeify(txController.updateTransaction, txController),
updateAndApproveTransaction: nodeify(txController.updateAndApproveTransaction, txController),
createCancelTransaction: nodeify(this.createCancelTransaction, this),
createSpeedUpTransaction: nodeify(this.createSpeedUpTransaction, this),
getFilteredTxList: nodeify(txController.getFilteredTxList, txController),
isNonceTaken: nodeify(txController.isNonceTaken, txController),
estimateGas: nodeify(this.estimateGas, this),
getPendingNonce: nodeify(this.getPendingNonce, this),
getNextNonce: nodeify(this.getNextNonce, this),
addUnapprovedTransaction: nodeify(txController.addUnapprovedTransaction, txController),
// messageManager
signMessage: nodeify(this.signMessage, this),
cancelMessage: this.cancelMessage.bind(this),
// personalMessageManager
signPersonalMessage: nodeify(this.signPersonalMessage, this),
cancelPersonalMessage: this.cancelPersonalMessage.bind(this),
// typedMessageManager
signTypedMessage: nodeify(this.signTypedMessage, this),
cancelTypedMessage: this.cancelTypedMessage.bind(this),
// decryptMessageManager
decryptMessage: nodeify(this.decryptMessage, this),
decryptMessageInline: nodeify(this.decryptMessageInline, this),
cancelDecryptMessage: this.cancelDecryptMessage.bind(this),
// EncryptionPublicKeyManager
encryptionPublicKey: nodeify(this.encryptionPublicKey, this),
cancelEncryptionPublicKey: this.cancelEncryptionPublicKey.bind(this),
// onboarding controller
setSeedPhraseBackedUp: nodeify(onboardingController.setSeedPhraseBackedUp, onboardingController),
// alert controller
setAlertEnabledness: nodeify(alertController.setAlertEnabledness, alertController),
setUnconnectedAccountAlertShown: nodeify(this.alertController.setUnconnectedAccountAlertShown, this.alertController),
// 3Box
setThreeBoxSyncingPermission: nodeify(threeBoxController.setThreeBoxSyncingPermission, threeBoxController),
restoreFromThreeBox: nodeify(threeBoxController.restoreFromThreeBox, threeBoxController),
setShowRestorePromptToFalse: nodeify(threeBoxController.setShowRestorePromptToFalse, threeBoxController),
getThreeBoxLastUpdated: nodeify(threeBoxController.getLastUpdated, threeBoxController),
turnThreeBoxSyncingOn: nodeify(threeBoxController.turnThreeBoxSyncingOn, threeBoxController),
initializeThreeBox: nodeify(this.initializeThreeBox, this),
// permissions
approvePermissionsRequest: nodeify(permissionsController.approvePermissionsRequest, permissionsController),
clearPermissions: permissionsController.clearPermissions.bind(permissionsController),
getApprovedAccounts: nodeify(permissionsController.getAccounts, permissionsController),
rejectPermissionsRequest: nodeify(permissionsController.rejectPermissionsRequest, permissionsController),
removePermissionsFor: permissionsController.removePermissionsFor.bind(permissionsController),
addPermittedAccount: nodeify(permissionsController.addPermittedAccount, permissionsController),
removePermittedAccount: nodeify(permissionsController.removePermittedAccount, permissionsController),
requestAccountsPermissionWithId: nodeify(permissionsController.requestAccountsPermissionWithId, permissionsController),
// swaps
fetchAndSetQuotes: nodeify(swapsController.fetchAndSetQuotes, swapsController),
setSelectedQuoteAggId: nodeify(swapsController.setSelectedQuoteAggId, swapsController),
resetSwapsState: nodeify(swapsController.resetSwapsState, swapsController),
setSwapsTokens: nodeify(swapsController.setSwapsTokens, swapsController),
setApproveTxId: nodeify(swapsController.setApproveTxId, swapsController),
setTradeTxId: nodeify(swapsController.setTradeTxId, swapsController),
setSwapsTxGasPrice: nodeify(swapsController.setSwapsTxGasPrice, swapsController),
setSwapsTxGasLimit: nodeify(swapsController.setSwapsTxGasLimit, swapsController),
safeRefetchQuotes: nodeify(swapsController.safeRefetchQuotes, swapsController),
stopPollingForQuotes: nodeify(swapsController.stopPollingForQuotes, swapsController),
setBackgroundSwapRouteState: nodeify(swapsController.setBackgroundSwapRouteState, swapsController),
resetPostFetchState: nodeify(swapsController.resetPostFetchState, swapsController),
setSwapsErrorKey: nodeify(swapsController.setSwapsErrorKey, swapsController),
setInitialGasEstimate: nodeify(swapsController.setInitialGasEstimate, swapsController),
setCustomApproveTxData: nodeify(swapsController.setCustomApproveTxData, swapsController),
setSwapsLiveness: nodeify(swapsController.setSwapsLiveness, swapsController),
* Creates a new Vault and create a new keychain.
* A vault, or KeyringController, is a controller that contains
* many different account strategies, currently called Keyrings.
* Creating it new means wiping all previous keyrings.
* A keychain, or keyring, controls many accounts with a single backup and signing strategy.
* For example, a mnemonic phrase can generate many accounts, and is a keyring.
* @param {string} password
* @returns {Object} - vault
async createNewVaultAndKeychain (password) {
const releaseLock = await this.createVaultMutex.acquire()
try {
let vault
const accounts = await this.keyringController.getAccounts()
if (accounts.length > 0) {
vault = await this.keyringController.fullUpdate()
} else {
vault = await this.keyringController.createNewVaultAndKeychain(password)
const addresses = await this.keyringController.getAccounts()
return vault
} finally {
* Create a new Vault and restore an existent keyring.
* @param {} password
* @param {} seed
async createNewVaultAndRestore (password, seed) {
const releaseLock = await this.createVaultMutex.acquire()
try {
let accounts, lastBalance
const { keyringController } = this
// clear known identities
// clear permissions
// clear accounts in accountTracker
// clear cachedBalances
// clear unapproved transactions
// create new vault
const vault = await keyringController.createNewVaultAndRestore(password, seed)
const ethQuery = new EthQuery(this.provider)
accounts = await keyringController.getAccounts()
lastBalance = await this.getBalance(accounts[accounts.length - 1], ethQuery)
const primaryKeyring = keyringController.getKeyringsByType('HD Key Tree')[0]
if (!primaryKeyring) {
throw new Error('MetamaskController - No HD Key Tree found')
// seek out the first zero balance
while (lastBalance !== '0x0') {
await keyringController.addNewAccount(primaryKeyring)
accounts = await keyringController.getAccounts()
lastBalance = await this.getBalance(accounts[accounts.length - 1], ethQuery)
// set new identities
return vault
} finally {
* Get an account balance from the AccountTracker or request it directly from the network.
* @param {string} address - The account address
* @param {EthQuery} ethQuery - The EthQuery instance to use when asking the network
getBalance (address, ethQuery) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const cached = this.accountTracker.store.getState().accounts[address]
if (cached && cached.balance) {
} else {
ethQuery.getBalance(address, (error, balance) => {
if (error) {
} else {
resolve(balance || '0x0')
getCurrentNetwork = () => {
return this.networkController.store.getState().network
* Collects all the information that we want to share
* with the mobile client for syncing purposes
* @returns {Promise<Object>} - Parts of the state that we want to syncx
async fetchInfoToSync () {
// Preferences
const {
} = this.preferencesController.store.getState()
// Filter ERC20 tokens
const filteredAccountTokens = {}
Object.keys(accountTokens).forEach((address) => {
const checksummedAddress = ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(address)
filteredAccountTokens[checksummedAddress] = {}
Object.keys(accountTokens[address]).forEach((networkType) => {
filteredAccountTokens[checksummedAddress][networkType] = networkType === 'mainnet'
? (
accountTokens[address][networkType].filter(({ address: tokenAddress }) => {
const checksumAddress = ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(tokenAddress)
return contractMap[checksumAddress] ? contractMap[checksumAddress].erc20 : true
: accountTokens[address][networkType]
const preferences = {
accountTokens: filteredAccountTokens,
// Accounts
const hdKeyring = this.keyringController.getKeyringsByType('HD Key Tree')[0]
const simpleKeyPairKeyrings = this.keyringController.getKeyringsByType('Simple Key Pair')
const hdAccounts = await hdKeyring.getAccounts()
const simpleKeyPairKeyringAccounts = await Promise.all(
simpleKeyPairKeyrings.map((keyring) => keyring.getAccounts()),
const simpleKeyPairAccounts = simpleKeyPairKeyringAccounts.reduce((acc, accounts) => [...acc, ...accounts], [])
const accounts = {
hd: hdAccounts.filter((item, pos) => (hdAccounts.indexOf(item) === pos)).map((address) => ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(address)),
simpleKeyPair: simpleKeyPairAccounts.filter((item, pos) => (simpleKeyPairAccounts.indexOf(item) === pos)).map((address) => ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(address)),
ledger: [],
trezor: [],
// transactions
let { transactions } = this.txController.store.getState()
// delete tx for other accounts that we're not importing
transactions = transactions.filter((tx) => {
const checksummedTxFrom = ethUtil.toChecksumAddress(tx.txParams.from)
return (
return {
network: this.networkController.store.getState(),
* Submits the user's password and attempts to unlock the vault.
* Also synchronizes the preferencesController, to ensure its schema
* is up to date with known accounts once the vault is decrypted.
* @param {string} password - The user's password
* @returns {Promise<object>} - The keyringController update.
async submitPassword (password) {
await this.keyringController.submitPassword(password)
try {
await this.blockTracker.checkForLatestBlock()
} catch (error) {
log.error('Error while unlocking extension.', error)
try {
const threeBoxSyncingAllowed = this.threeBoxController.getThreeBoxSyncingState()
if (threeBoxSyncingAllowed && !this.threeBoxController.box) {
// 'await' intentionally omitted to avoid waiting for initialization
} else if (threeBoxSyncingAllowed && this.threeBoxController.box) {
} catch (error) {
log.error('Error while unlocking extension.', error)
return this.keyringController.fullUpdate()
* Submits a user's password to check its validity.
* @param {string} password The user's password
async verifyPassword (password) {
await this.keyringController.verifyPassword(password)
* @type Identity
* @property {string} name - The account nickname.
* @property {string} address - The account's ethereum address, in lower case.
* @property {boolean} mayBeFauceting - Whether this account is currently
* receiving funds from our automatic Ropsten faucet.
* Sets the first address in the state to the selected address
selectFirstIdentity () {
const { identities } = this.preferencesController.store.getState()
const address = Object.keys(identities)[0]
// Hardware
async getKeyringForDevice (deviceName, hdPath = null) {
let keyringName = null
switch (deviceName) {
case 'trezor':
keyringName = TrezorKeyring.type
case 'ledger':
keyringName = LedgerBridgeKeyring.type
throw new Error('MetamaskController:getKeyringForDevice - Unknown device')
let keyring = await this.keyringController.getKeyringsByType(keyringName)[0]
if (!keyring) {
keyring = await this.keyringController.addNewKeyring(keyringName)
if (hdPath && keyring.setHdPath) {
keyring.network = this.networkController.getProviderConfig().type
return keyring
* Fetch account list from a trezor device.
* @returns [] accounts
async connectHardware (deviceName, page, hdPath) {
const keyring = await this.getKeyringForDevice(deviceName, hdPath)
let accounts = []
switch (page) {
case -1:
accounts = await keyring.getPreviousPage()
case 1:
accounts = await keyring.getNextPage()
accounts = await keyring.getFirstPage()
// Merge with existing accounts
// and make sure addresses are not repeated
const oldAccounts = await this.keyringController.getAccounts()
const accountsToTrack = [...new Set(oldAccounts.concat(accounts.map((a) => a.address.toLowerCase())))]
return accounts
* Check if the device is unlocked
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async checkHardwareStatus (deviceName, hdPath) {
const keyring = await this.getKeyringForDevice(deviceName, hdPath)
return keyring.isUnlocked()
* Clear
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
async forgetDevice (deviceName) {
const keyring = await this.getKeyringForDevice(deviceName)
return true
* Imports an account from a trezor device.
* @returns {} keyState
async unlockHardwareWalletAccount (index, deviceName, hdPath) {
const keyring = await this.getKeyringForDevice(deviceName, hdPath)
const oldAccounts = await this.keyringController.getAccounts()
const keyState = await this.keyringController.addNewAccount(keyring)
const newAccounts = await this.keyringController.getAccounts()
newAccounts.forEach((address) => {
if (!oldAccounts.includes(address)) {
// Set the account label to Trezor 1 / Ledger 1, etc
this.preferencesController.setAccountLabel(address, `${deviceName[0].toUpperCase()}${deviceName.slice(1)} ${parseInt(index, 10) + 1}`)
// Select the account
const { identities } = this.preferencesController.store.getState()
return { ...keyState, identities }
// Account Management
* Adds a new account to the default (first) HD seed phrase Keyring.
* @returns {} keyState
async addNewAccount () {
const primaryKeyring = this.keyringController.getKeyringsByType('HD Key Tree')[0]
if (!primaryKeyring) {
throw new Error('MetamaskController - No HD Key Tree found')
const { keyringController } = this
const oldAccounts = await keyringController.getAccounts()
const keyState = await keyringController.addNewAccount(primaryKeyring)
const newAccounts = await keyringController.getAccounts()
await this.verifySeedPhrase()
newAccounts.forEach((address) => {
if (!oldAccounts.includes(address)) {
const { identities } = this.preferencesController.store.getState()
return { ...keyState, identities }
* Verifies the validity of the current vault's seed phrase.
* Validity: seed phrase restores the accounts belonging to the current vault.
* Called when the first account is created and on unlocking the vault.
* @returns {Promise<string>} - Seed phrase to be confirmed by the user.
async verifySeedPhrase () {
const primaryKeyring = this.keyringController.getKeyringsByType('HD Key Tree')[0]
if (!primaryKeyring) {
throw new Error('MetamaskController - No HD Key Tree found')
const serialized = await primaryKeyring.serialize()
const seedWords = serialized.mnemonic
const accounts = await primaryKeyring.getAccounts()
if (accounts.length < 1) {
throw new Error('MetamaskController - No accounts found')
try {
await seedPhraseVerifier.verifyAccounts(accounts, seedWords)
return seedWords
} catch (err) {
throw err
* Clears the transaction history, to allow users to force-reset their nonces.
* Mostly used in development environments, when networks are restarted with
* the same network ID.
* @returns {Promise<string>} - The current selected address.
async resetAccount () {
const selectedAddress = this.preferencesController.getSelectedAddress()
return selectedAddress
* Removes an account from state / storage.
* @param {string[]} address - A hex address
async removeAccount (address) {
// Remove all associated permissions
await this.permissionsController.removeAllAccountPermissions(address)
// Remove account from the preferences controller
// Remove account from the account tracker controller
// Remove account from the keyring
await this.keyringController.removeAccount(address)
return address
* Imports an account with the specified import strategy.
* These are defined in app/scripts/account-import-strategies
* Each strategy represents a different way of serializing an Ethereum key pair.
* @param {string} strategy - A unique identifier for an account import strategy.
* @param {any} args - The data required by that strategy to import an account.
* @param {Function} cb - A callback function called with a state update on success.
async importAccountWithStrategy (strategy, args) {
const privateKey = await accountImporter.importAccount(strategy, args)
const keyring = await this.keyringController.addNewKeyring('Simple Key Pair', [privateKey])
const accounts = await keyring.getAccounts()
// update accounts in preferences controller
const allAccounts = await this.keyringController.getAccounts()
// set new account as selected
await this.preferencesController.setSelectedAddress(accounts[0])
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Identity Management (signature operations)
* Called when a Dapp suggests a new tx to be signed.
* this wrapper needs to exist so we can provide a reference to
* "newUnapprovedTransaction" before "txController" is instantiated
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params passed to eth_sign.
* @param {Object} req - (optional) the original request, containing the origin
async newUnapprovedTransaction (txParams, req) {
return await this.txController.newUnapprovedTransaction(txParams, req)
// eth_sign methods:
* Called when a Dapp uses the eth_sign method, to request user approval.
* eth_sign is a pure signature of arbitrary data. It is on a deprecation
* path, since this data can be a transaction, or can leak private key
* information.
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params passed to eth_sign.
* @param {Function} cb = The callback function called with the signature.
newUnsignedMessage (msgParams, req) {
const promise = this.messageManager.addUnapprovedMessageAsync(msgParams, req)
return promise
* Signifies user intent to complete an eth_sign method.
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params passed to eth_call.
* @returns {Promise<Object>} - Full state update.
signMessage (msgParams) {
log.info('MetaMaskController - signMessage')
const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
// sets the status op the message to 'approved'
// and removes the metamaskId for signing
return this.messageManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
.then((cleanMsgParams) => {
// signs the message
return this.keyringController.signMessage(cleanMsgParams)
.then((rawSig) => {
// tells the listener that the message has been signed
// and can be returned to the dapp
this.messageManager.setMsgStatusSigned(msgId, rawSig)
return this.getState()
* Used to cancel a message submitted via eth_sign.
* @param {string} msgId - The id of the message to cancel.
cancelMessage (msgId, cb) {
const { messageManager } = this
if (!cb || typeof cb !== 'function') {
cb(null, this.getState())
// personal_sign methods:
* Called when a dapp uses the personal_sign method.
* This is identical to the Geth eth_sign method, and may eventually replace
* eth_sign.
* We currently define our eth_sign and personal_sign mostly for legacy Dapps.
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params of the message to sign & return to the Dapp.
* @param {Function} cb - The callback function called with the signature.
* Passed back to the requesting Dapp.
async newUnsignedPersonalMessage (msgParams, req) {
const promise = this.personalMessageManager.addUnapprovedMessageAsync(msgParams, req)
return promise
* Signifies a user's approval to sign a personal_sign message in queue.
* Triggers signing, and the callback function from newUnsignedPersonalMessage.
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params of the message to sign & return to the Dapp.
* @returns {Promise<Object>} - A full state update.
signPersonalMessage (msgParams) {
log.info('MetaMaskController - signPersonalMessage')
const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
// sets the status op the message to 'approved'
// and removes the metamaskId for signing
return this.personalMessageManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
.then((cleanMsgParams) => {
// signs the message
return this.keyringController.signPersonalMessage(cleanMsgParams)
.then((rawSig) => {
// tells the listener that the message has been signed
// and can be returned to the dapp
this.personalMessageManager.setMsgStatusSigned(msgId, rawSig)
return this.getState()
* Used to cancel a personal_sign type message.
* @param {string} msgId - The ID of the message to cancel.
* @param {Function} cb - The callback function called with a full state update.
cancelPersonalMessage (msgId, cb) {
const messageManager = this.personalMessageManager
if (!cb || typeof cb !== 'function') {
cb(null, this.getState())
// eth_decrypt methods
* Called when a dapp uses the eth_decrypt method.
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params of the message to sign & return to the Dapp.
* @param {Object} req - (optional) the original request, containing the origin
* Passed back to the requesting Dapp.
async newRequestDecryptMessage (msgParams, req) {
const promise = this.decryptMessageManager.addUnapprovedMessageAsync(msgParams, req)
return promise
* Only decrypt message and don't touch transaction state
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params of the message to decrypt.
* @returns {Promise<Object>} - A full state update.
async decryptMessageInline (msgParams) {
log.info('MetaMaskController - decryptMessageInline')
// decrypt the message inline
const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
const msg = this.decryptMessageManager.getMsg(msgId)
try {
const stripped = ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(msgParams.data)
const buff = Buffer.from(stripped, 'hex')
msgParams.data = JSON.parse(buff.toString('utf8'))
msg.rawData = await this.keyringController.decryptMessage(msgParams)
} catch (e) {
msg.error = e.message
return this.getState()
* Signifies a user's approval to decrypt a message in queue.
* Triggers decrypt, and the callback function from newUnsignedDecryptMessage.
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params of the message to decrypt & return to the Dapp.
* @returns {Promise<Object>} - A full state update.
async decryptMessage (msgParams) {
log.info('MetaMaskController - decryptMessage')
const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
// sets the status op the message to 'approved'
// and removes the metamaskId for decryption
try {
const cleanMsgParams = await this.decryptMessageManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
const stripped = ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(cleanMsgParams.data)
const buff = Buffer.from(stripped, 'hex')
cleanMsgParams.data = JSON.parse(buff.toString('utf8'))
// decrypt the message
const rawMess = await this.keyringController.decryptMessage(cleanMsgParams)
// tells the listener that the message has been decrypted and can be returned to the dapp
this.decryptMessageManager.setMsgStatusDecrypted(msgId, rawMess)
} catch (error) {
log.info('MetaMaskController - eth_decrypt failed.', error)
this.decryptMessageManager.errorMessage(msgId, error)
return this.getState()
* Used to cancel a eth_decrypt type message.
* @param {string} msgId - The ID of the message to cancel.
* @param {Function} cb - The callback function called with a full state update.
cancelDecryptMessage (msgId, cb) {
const messageManager = this.decryptMessageManager
if (!cb || typeof cb !== 'function') {
cb(null, this.getState())
// eth_getEncryptionPublicKey methods
* Called when a dapp uses the eth_getEncryptionPublicKey method.
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params of the message to sign & return to the Dapp.
* @param {Object} req - (optional) the original request, containing the origin
* Passed back to the requesting Dapp.
async newRequestEncryptionPublicKey (msgParams, req) {
const promise = this.encryptionPublicKeyManager.addUnapprovedMessageAsync(msgParams, req)
return promise
* Signifies a user's approval to receiving encryption public key in queue.
* Triggers receiving, and the callback function from newUnsignedEncryptionPublicKey.
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params of the message to receive & return to the Dapp.
* @returns {Promise<Object>} - A full state update.
async encryptionPublicKey (msgParams) {
log.info('MetaMaskController - encryptionPublicKey')
const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
// sets the status op the message to 'approved'
// and removes the metamaskId for decryption
try {
const params = await this.encryptionPublicKeyManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
// EncryptionPublicKey message
const publicKey = await this.keyringController.getEncryptionPublicKey(params.data)
// tells the listener that the message has been processed
// and can be returned to the dapp
this.encryptionPublicKeyManager.setMsgStatusReceived(msgId, publicKey)
} catch (error) {
log.info('MetaMaskController - eth_getEncryptionPublicKey failed.', error)
this.encryptionPublicKeyManager.errorMessage(msgId, error)
return this.getState()
* Used to cancel a eth_getEncryptionPublicKey type message.
* @param {string} msgId - The ID of the message to cancel.
* @param {Function} cb - The callback function called with a full state update.
cancelEncryptionPublicKey (msgId, cb) {
const messageManager = this.encryptionPublicKeyManager
if (!cb || typeof cb !== 'function') {
cb(null, this.getState())
// eth_signTypedData methods
* Called when a dapp uses the eth_signTypedData method, per EIP 712.
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params passed to eth_signTypedData.
* @param {Function} cb - The callback function, called with the signature.
newUnsignedTypedMessage (msgParams, req, version) {
const promise = this.typedMessageManager.addUnapprovedMessageAsync(msgParams, req, version)
return promise
* The method for a user approving a call to eth_signTypedData, per EIP 712.
* Triggers the callback in newUnsignedTypedMessage.
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params passed to eth_signTypedData.
* @returns {Object|undefined} - Full state update.
async signTypedMessage (msgParams) {
log.info('MetaMaskController - eth_signTypedData')
const msgId = msgParams.metamaskId
const { version } = msgParams
try {
const cleanMsgParams = await this.typedMessageManager.approveMessage(msgParams)
// For some reason every version after V1 used stringified params.
if (version !== 'V1') {
// But we don't have to require that. We can stop suggesting it now:
if (typeof cleanMsgParams.data === 'string') {
cleanMsgParams.data = JSON.parse(cleanMsgParams.data)
const signature = await this.keyringController.signTypedMessage(cleanMsgParams, { version })
this.typedMessageManager.setMsgStatusSigned(msgId, signature)
return this.getState()
} catch (error) {
log.info('MetaMaskController - eth_signTypedData failed.', error)
this.typedMessageManager.errorMessage(msgId, error)
throw error
* Used to cancel a eth_signTypedData type message.
* @param {string} msgId - The ID of the message to cancel.
* @param {Function} cb - The callback function called with a full state update.
cancelTypedMessage (msgId, cb) {
const messageManager = this.typedMessageManager
if (!cb || typeof cb !== 'function') {
cb(null, this.getState())
* Allows a user to attempt to cancel a previously submitted transaction by creating a new
* transaction.
* @param {number} originalTxId - the id of the txMeta that you want to attempt to cancel
* @param {string} [customGasPrice] - the hex value to use for the cancel transaction
* @returns {Object} - MetaMask state
async createCancelTransaction (originalTxId, customGasPrice) {
await this.txController.createCancelTransaction(originalTxId, customGasPrice)
const state = await this.getState()
return state
async createSpeedUpTransaction (originalTxId, customGasPrice, customGasLimit) {
await this.txController.createSpeedUpTransaction(originalTxId, customGasPrice, customGasLimit)
const state = await this.getState()
return state
estimateGas (estimateGasParams) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return this.txController.txGasUtil.query.estimateGas(estimateGasParams, (err, res) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err)
return resolve(res)
* Allows a user to begin the seed phrase recovery process.
* @param {Function} cb - A callback function called when complete.
markPasswordForgotten (cb) {
* Allows a user to end the seed phrase recovery process.
* @param {Function} cb - A callback function called when complete.
unMarkPasswordForgotten (cb) {
* A runtime.MessageSender object, as provided by the browser:
* @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/runtime/MessageSender
* @typedef {Object} MessageSender
* Used to create a multiplexed stream for connecting to an untrusted context
* like a Dapp or other extension.
* @param {*} connectionStream - The Duplex stream to connect to.
* @param {MessageSender} sender - The sender of the messages on this stream
setupUntrustedCommunication (connectionStream, sender) {
const { usePhishDetect } = this.preferencesController.store.getState()
const { hostname } = new URL(sender.url)
// Check if new connection is blocked if phishing detection is on
if (usePhishDetect && this.phishingController.test(hostname)) {
log.debug('MetaMask - sending phishing warning for', hostname)
this.sendPhishingWarning(connectionStream, hostname)
// setup multiplexing
const mux = setupMultiplex(connectionStream)
// messages between inpage and background
this.setupProviderConnection(mux.createStream('provider'), sender)
* Used to create a multiplexed stream for connecting to a trusted context,
* like our own user interfaces, which have the provider APIs, but also
* receive the exported API from this controller, which includes trusted
* functions, like the ability to approve transactions or sign messages.
* @param {*} connectionStream - The duplex stream to connect to.
* @param {MessageSender} sender - The sender of the messages on this stream
setupTrustedCommunication (connectionStream, sender) {
// setup multiplexing
const mux = setupMultiplex(connectionStream)
// connect features
this.setupProviderConnection(mux.createStream('provider'), sender, true)
* Called when we detect a suspicious domain. Requests the browser redirects
* to our anti-phishing page.
* @private
* @param {*} connectionStream - The duplex stream to the per-page script,
* for sending the reload attempt to.
* @param {string} hostname - The hostname that triggered the suspicion.
sendPhishingWarning (connectionStream, hostname) {
const mux = setupMultiplex(connectionStream)
const phishingStream = mux.createStream('phishing')
phishingStream.write({ hostname })
* A method for providing our API over a stream using Dnode.
* @param {*} outStream - The stream to provide our API over.
setupControllerConnection (outStream) {
const api = this.getApi()
const dnode = Dnode(api)
// report new active controller connection
this.activeControllerConnections += 1
this.emit('controllerConnectionChanged', this.activeControllerConnections)
// connect dnode api to remote connection
(err) => {
// report new active controller connection
this.activeControllerConnections -= 1
this.emit('controllerConnectionChanged', this.activeControllerConnections)
// report any error
if (err) {
dnode.on('remote', (remote) => {
// push updates to popup
const sendUpdate = (update) => remote.sendUpdate(update)
this.on('update', sendUpdate)
// remove update listener once the connection ends
dnode.on('end', () => this.removeListener('update', sendUpdate))
* A method for serving our ethereum provider over a given stream.
* @param {*} outStream - The stream to provide over.
* @param {MessageSender} sender - The sender of the messages on this stream
* @param {boolean} isInternal - True if this is a connection with an internal process
setupProviderConnection (outStream, sender, isInternal) {
const origin = isInternal
? 'metamask'
: (new URL(sender.url)).origin
let extensionId
if (sender.id !== this.extension.runtime.id) {
extensionId = sender.id
let tabId
if (sender.tab && sender.tab.id) {
tabId = sender.tab.id
const engine = this.setupProviderEngine({ origin, location: sender.url, extensionId, tabId, isInternal })
// setup connection
const providerStream = createEngineStream({ engine })
const connectionId = this.addConnection(origin, { engine })
(err) => {
// handle any middleware cleanup
engine._middleware.forEach((mid) => {
if (mid.destroy && typeof mid.destroy === 'function') {
connectionId && this.removeConnection(origin, connectionId)
if (err) {
* A method for creating a provider that is safely restricted for the requesting domain.
* @param {Object} options - Provider engine options
* @param {string} options.origin - The origin of the sender
* @param {string} options.location - The full URL of the sender
* @param {extensionId} [options.extensionId] - The extension ID of the sender, if the sender is an external extension
* @param {tabId} [options.tabId] - The tab ID of the sender - if the sender is within a tab
* @param {boolean} [options.isInternal] - True if called for a connection to an internal process
setupProviderEngine ({ origin, location, extensionId, tabId, isInternal = false }) {
// setup json rpc engine stack
const engine = new RpcEngine()
const { provider, blockTracker } = this
// create filter polyfill middleware
const filterMiddleware = createFilterMiddleware({ provider, blockTracker })
// create subscription polyfill middleware
const subscriptionManager = createSubscriptionManager({ provider, blockTracker })
subscriptionManager.events.on('notification', (message) => engine.emit('notification', message))
// append origin to each request
engine.push(createOriginMiddleware({ origin }))
// append tabId to each request if it exists
if (tabId) {
engine.push(createTabIdMiddleware({ tabId }))
// logging
engine.push(createLoggerMiddleware({ origin }))
registerOnboarding: this.onboardingController.registerOnboarding,
sendMetrics: this.trackMetaMetricsEvent,
// filter and subscription polyfills
if (!isInternal) {
// permissions
engine.push(this.permissionsController.createMiddleware({ origin, extensionId }))
// watch asset
// forward to metamask primary provider
return engine
* A method for providing our public config info over a stream.
* This includes info we like to be synchronous if possible, like
* the current selected account, and network ID.
* Since synchronous methods have been deprecated in web3,
* this is a good candidate for deprecation.
* @param {*} outStream - The stream to provide public config over.
setupPublicConfig (outStream) {
const configStore = this.createPublicConfigStore()
const configStream = asStream(configStore)
(err) => {
if (err) {
* Adds a reference to a connection by origin. Ignores the 'metamask' origin.
* Caller must ensure that the returned id is stored such that the reference
* can be deleted later.
* @param {string} origin - The connection's origin string.
* @param {Object} options - Data associated with the connection
* @param {Object} options.engine - The connection's JSON Rpc Engine
* @returns {string} - The connection's id (so that it can be deleted later)
addConnection (origin, { engine }) {
if (origin === 'metamask') {
return null
if (!this.connections[origin]) {
this.connections[origin] = {}
const id = nanoid()
this.connections[origin][id] = {
return id
* Deletes a reference to a connection, by origin and id.
* Ignores unknown origins.
* @param {string} origin - The connection's origin string.
* @param {string} id - The connection's id, as returned from addConnection.
removeConnection (origin, id) {
const connections = this.connections[origin]
if (!connections) {
delete connections[id]
if (Object.keys(connections).length === 0) {
delete this.connections[origin]
* Causes the RPC engines associated with the connections to the given origin
* to emit a notification event with the given payload.
* Does nothing if the extension is locked or the origin is unknown.
* @param {string} origin - The connection's origin string.
* @param {any} payload - The event payload.
notifyConnections (origin, payload) {
const connections = this.connections[origin]
if (!this.isUnlocked() || !connections) {
Object.values(connections).forEach((conn) => {
conn.engine && conn.engine.emit('notification', payload)
* Causes the RPC engines associated with all connections to emit a
* notification event with the given payload.
* Does nothing if the extension is locked.
* @param {any} payload - The event payload.
notifyAllConnections (payload) {
if (!this.isUnlocked()) {
Object.values(this.connections).forEach((origin) => {
Object.values(origin).forEach((conn) => {
conn.engine && conn.engine.emit('notification', payload)
// handlers
* Handle a KeyringController update
* @param {Object} state - the KC state
* @returns {Promise<void>}
* @private
async _onKeyringControllerUpdate (state) {
const { keyrings } = state
const addresses = keyrings.reduce((acc, { accounts }) => acc.concat(accounts), [])
if (!addresses.length) {
// Ensure preferences + identities controller know about all addresses
// misc
* A method for emitting the full MetaMask state to all registered listeners.
* @private
privateSendUpdate () {
this.emit('update', this.getState())
* @returns {boolean} Whether the extension is unlocked.
isUnlocked () {
return this.keyringController.memStore.getState().isUnlocked
* Returns the nonce that will be associated with a transaction once approved
* @param {string} address - The hex string address for the transaction
* @returns {Promise<number>}
async getPendingNonce (address) {
const { nonceDetails, releaseLock } = await this.txController.nonceTracker.getNonceLock(address)
const pendingNonce = nonceDetails.params.highestSuggested
return pendingNonce
* Returns the next nonce according to the nonce-tracker
* @param {string} address - The hex string address for the transaction
* @returns {Promise<number>}
async getNextNonce (address) {
const nonceLock = await this.txController.nonceTracker.getNonceLock(address)
return nonceLock.nextNonce
async sendBackgroundMetaMetrics ({ action, name, customVariables } = {}) {
if (!action || !name) {
throw new Error('Must provide action and name.')
const metamaskState = await this.getState()
const additionalProperties = getBackgroundMetaMetricState(metamaskState)
event: name,
category: 'Background',
matomoEvent: true,
properties: {
* Migrate address book state from old to new chainId.
* Address book state is keyed by the `networkStore` state from the network controller. This value is set to the
* `networkId` for our built-in Infura networks, but it's set to the `chainId` for custom networks.
* When this `chainId` value is changed for custom RPC endpoints, we need to migrate any contacts stored under the
* old key to the new key.
* The `duplicate` parameter is used to specify that the contacts under the old key should not be removed. This is
* useful in the case where two RPC endpoints shared the same set of contacts, and we're not sure which one each
* contact belongs under. Duplicating the contacts under both keys is the only way to ensure they are not lost.
* @param {string} oldChainId - The old chainId
* @param {string} newChainId - The new chainId
* @param {boolean} [duplicate] - Whether to duplicate the addresses on both chainIds (default: false)
async migrateAddressBookState (oldChainId, newChainId, duplicate = false) {
const { addressBook } = this.addressBookController.state
if (!addressBook[oldChainId]) {
for (const address of Object.keys(addressBook[oldChainId])) {
const entry = addressBook[oldChainId][address]
this.addressBookController.set(address, entry.name, newChainId, entry.memo)
if (!duplicate) {
this.addressBookController.delete(oldChainId, address)
// Log blocks
* A method for setting the user's preferred display currency.
* @param {string} currencyCode - The code of the preferred currency.
* @param {Function} cb - A callback function returning currency info.
setCurrentCurrency (currencyCode, cb) {
const { ticker } = this.networkController.getProviderConfig()
try {
const currencyState = {
nativeCurrency: ticker,
currentCurrency: currencyCode,
cb(null, this.currencyRateController.state)
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-return
* A method for selecting a custom URL for an ethereum RPC provider and updating it
* @param {string} rpcUrl - A URL for a valid Ethereum RPC API.
* @param {string} chainId - The chainId of the selected network.
* @param {string} ticker - The ticker symbol of the selected network.
* @param {string} nickname - Optional nickname of the selected network.
* @returns {Promise<String>} - The RPC Target URL confirmed.
async updateAndSetCustomRpc (rpcUrl, chainId, ticker = 'ETH', nickname, rpcPrefs) {
await this.preferencesController.updateRpc({ rpcUrl, chainId, ticker, nickname, rpcPrefs })
this.networkController.setRpcTarget(rpcUrl, chainId, ticker, nickname, rpcPrefs)
return rpcUrl
* A method for selecting a custom URL for an ethereum RPC provider.
* @param {string} rpcUrl - A URL for a valid Ethereum RPC API.
* @param {string} chainId - The chainId of the selected network.
* @param {string} ticker - The ticker symbol of the selected network.
* @param {string} nickname - Optional nickname of the selected network.
* @returns {Promise<String>} - The RPC Target URL confirmed.
async setCustomRpc (rpcUrl, chainId, ticker = 'ETH', nickname = '', rpcPrefs = {}) {
const frequentRpcListDetail = this.preferencesController.getFrequentRpcListDetail()
const rpcSettings = frequentRpcListDetail.find((rpc) => rpcUrl === rpc.rpcUrl)
if (rpcSettings) {
this.networkController.setRpcTarget(rpcSettings.rpcUrl, rpcSettings.chainId, rpcSettings.ticker, rpcSettings.nickname, rpcPrefs)
} else {
this.networkController.setRpcTarget(rpcUrl, chainId, ticker, nickname, rpcPrefs)
await this.preferencesController.addToFrequentRpcList(rpcUrl, chainId, ticker, nickname, rpcPrefs)
return rpcUrl
* A method for deleting a selected custom URL.
* @param {string} rpcUrl - A RPC URL to delete.
async delCustomRpc (rpcUrl) {
await this.preferencesController.removeFromFrequentRpcList(rpcUrl)
async initializeThreeBox () {
await this.threeBoxController.init()
* Sets whether or not to use the blockie identicon format.
* @param {boolean} val - True for bockie, false for jazzicon.
* @param {Function} cb - A callback function called when complete.
setUseBlockie (val, cb) {
try {
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-return
* Sets whether or not to use the nonce field.
* @param {boolean} val - True for nonce field, false for not nonce field.
* @param {Function} cb - A callback function called when complete.
setUseNonceField (val, cb) {
try {
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-return
* Sets whether or not to use phishing detection.
* @param {boolean} val
* @param {Function} cb
setUsePhishDetect (val, cb) {
try {
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-return
* Sets the IPFS gateway to use for ENS content resolution.
* @param {string} val - the host of the gateway to set
* @param {Function} cb - A callback function called when complete.
setIpfsGateway (val, cb) {
try {
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-return
* Sets whether or not the user will have usage data tracked with MetaMetrics
* @param {boolean} bool - True for users that wish to opt-in, false for users that wish to remain out.
* @param {Function} cb - A callback function called when complete.
setParticipateInMetaMetrics (bool, cb) {
try {
const metaMetricsId = this.preferencesController.setParticipateInMetaMetrics(bool)
cb(null, metaMetricsId)
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-return
setMetaMetricsSendCount (val, cb) {
try {
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-return
* Sets the type of first time flow the user wishes to follow: create or import
* @param {string} type - Indicates the type of first time flow the user wishes to follow
* @param {Function} cb - A callback function called when complete.
setFirstTimeFlowType (type, cb) {
try {
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-return
* A method for setting a user's current locale, affecting the language rendered.
* @param {string} key - Locale identifier.
* @param {Function} cb - A callback function called when complete.
setCurrentLocale (key, cb) {
try {
const direction = this.preferencesController.setCurrentLocale(key)
cb(null, direction)
} catch (err) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-return
* A method for initializing storage the first time.
* @param {Object} initState - The default state to initialize with.
* @private
recordFirstTimeInfo (initState) {
if (!('firstTimeInfo' in initState)) {
const version = this.platform.getVersion()
initState.firstTimeInfo = {
date: Date.now(),
// TODO: Replace isClientOpen methods with `controllerConnectionChanged` events.
/* eslint-disable accessor-pairs */
* A method for recording whether the MetaMask user interface is open or not.
* @private
* @param {boolean} open
set isClientOpen (open) {
this._isClientOpen = open
this.detectTokensController.isOpen = open
/* eslint-enable accessor-pairs */
* Creates RPC engine middleware for processing eth_signTypedData requests
* @param {Object} req - request object
* @param {Object} res - response object
* @param {Function} - next
* @param {Function} - end
* Adds a domain to the PhishingController safelist
* @param {string} hostname - the domain to safelist
safelistPhishingDomain (hostname) {
return this.phishingController.bypass(hostname)
* Locks MetaMask
setLocked () {
return this.keyringController.setLocked()