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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
* Capture Sentry errors prior to initialization Sentry errors captured before/during the wallet initialization are currently not captured because we don't have the controller state yet to determine whether the user has consented. The Sentry setup has been updated to check the persisted state for whether the user has consented, as a fallback in case the controller state hasn't been initialized yet. This ensures that we capture errors during initialization if the user has opted in. * Always await async check for whether the user has opted in * Remove unused import * Update JSDoc return type * Remove unused driver method * Fix metametrics controller unit tests * Fix e2e tests * Fix e2e test on Firefox * Start session upon install rather than toggle
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import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';
import { Dedupe, ExtraErrorData } from '@sentry/integrations';
import { FilterEvents } from './sentry-filter-events';
import extractEthjsErrorMessage from './extractEthjsErrorMessage';
/* eslint-disable prefer-destructuring */
// Destructuring breaks the inlining of the environment variables
process.env.SENTRY_DSN_DEV ||
const IN_TEST = process.env.IN_TEST;
/* eslint-enable prefer-destructuring */
export const ERROR_URL_ALLOWLIST = {
CRYPTOCOMPARE: 'cryptocompare.com',
COINGECKO: 'coingecko.com',
ETHERSCAN: 'etherscan.io',
CODEFI: 'codefi.network',
SEGMENT: 'segment.io',
// This describes the subset of Redux state attached to errors sent to Sentry
// These properties have some potential to be useful for debugging, and they do
// not contain any identifiable information.
export const SENTRY_STATE = {
gas: true,
history: true,
metamask: {
alertEnabledness: true,
completedOnboarding: true,
connectedStatusPopoverHasBeenShown: true,
conversionDate: true,
conversionRate: true,
currentBlockGasLimit: true,
currentCurrency: true,
currentLocale: true,
customNonceValue: true,
defaultHomeActiveTabName: true,
desktopEnabled: true,
featureFlags: true,
firstTimeFlowType: true,
forgottenPassword: true,
incomingTxLastFetchedBlockByChainId: true,
ipfsGateway: true,
isAccountMenuOpen: true,
isInitialized: true,
isUnlocked: true,
metaMetricsId: true,
nativeCurrency: true,
networkId: true,
networkStatus: true,
nextNonce: true,
participateInMetaMetrics: true,
preferences: true,
providerConfig: {
nickname: true,
ticker: true,
type: true,
seedPhraseBackedUp: true,
unapprovedDecryptMsgCount: true,
unapprovedEncryptionPublicKeyMsgCount: true,
unapprovedMsgCount: true,
unapprovedPersonalMsgCount: true,
unapprovedTypedMessagesCount: true,
useBlockie: true,
useNonceField: true,
usePhishDetect: true,
welcomeScreenSeen: true,
unconnectedAccount: true,
export default function setupSentry({ release, getState }) {
if (!release) {
throw new Error('Missing release');
} else if (METAMASK_DEBUG && !IN_TEST) {
* Workaround until the following issue is resolved
* https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/issues/15691
* The IN_TEST condition allows the e2e tests to run with both
* yarn start:test and yarn build:test
return undefined;
const environment =
let sentryTarget;
if (METAMASK_ENVIRONMENT === 'production') {
if (!process.env.SENTRY_DSN) {
throw new Error(
`Missing SENTRY_DSN environment variable in production environment`,
`Setting up Sentry Remote Error Reporting for '${environment}': SENTRY_DSN`,
sentryTarget = process.env.SENTRY_DSN;
} else {
`Setting up Sentry Remote Error Reporting for '${environment}': SENTRY_DSN_DEV`,
sentryTarget = SENTRY_DSN_DEV;
* A function that returns whether MetaMetrics is enabled. This should also
* return `false` if state has not yet been initialzed.
* @returns `true` if MetaMask's state has been initialized, and MetaMetrics
* is enabled, `false` otherwise.
async function getMetaMetricsEnabled() {
const appState = getState();
if (Object.keys(appState) > 0) {
return Boolean(appState?.store?.metamask?.participateInMetaMetrics);
try {
const persistedState = await globalThis.stateHooks.getPersistedState();
return Boolean(
} catch (error) {
return false;
dsn: sentryTarget,
* autoSessionTracking defaults to true and operates by sending a session
* packet to sentry. This session packet does not appear to be filtered out
* via our beforeSend or FilterEvents integration. To avoid sending a
* request before we have the state tree and can validate the users
* preferences, we initiate this to false. Later, in startSession and
* endSession we modify this option and start the session or end the
* session manually.
* In sentry-install we call toggleSession after the page loads and state
* is available, this handles initiating the session for a user who has
* opted into MetaMetrics. This script is ran in both the background and UI
* so it should be effective at starting the session in both places.
* In the MetaMetricsController the session is manually started or stopped
* when the user opts in or out of MetaMetrics. This occurs in the
* setParticipateInMetaMetrics function which is exposed to the UI via the
* MetaMaskController.
* In actions.ts, after sending the updated participateInMetaMetrics flag
* to the background, we call toggleSession to ensure sentry is kept in
* sync with the user's preference.
* Types for the global Sentry object, and the new methods added as part of
* this effort were added to global.d.ts in the types folder.
autoSessionTracking: false,
integrations: [
* Filtering of events must happen in this FilterEvents custom
* integration instead of in the beforeSend handler because the Dedupe
* integration is unaware of the beforeSend functionality. If an event is
* queued in the sentry context, additional events of the same name will
* be filtered out by Dedupe even if the original event was not sent due
* to the beforeSend method returning null.
* @see https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/pull/15677
new FilterEvents({ getMetaMetricsEnabled }),
new Dedupe(),
new ExtraErrorData(),
beforeSend: (report) => rewriteReport(report, getState),
beforeBreadcrumb: beforeBreadcrumb(getState),
* As long as a reference to the Sentry Hub can be found, and the user has
* opted into MetaMetrics, change the autoSessionTracking option and start
* a new sentry session.
const startSession = async () => {
const hub = Sentry.getCurrentHub?.();
const options = hub.getClient?.().getOptions?.() ?? {};
if (hub && (await getMetaMetricsEnabled()) === true) {
options.autoSessionTracking = true;
* As long as a reference to the Sentry Hub can be found, and the user has
* opted out of MetaMetrics, change the autoSessionTracking option and end
* the current sentry session.
const endSession = async () => {
const hub = Sentry.getCurrentHub?.();
const options = hub.getClient?.().getOptions?.() ?? {};
if (hub && (await getMetaMetricsEnabled()) === false) {
options.autoSessionTracking = false;
* Call the appropriate method (either startSession or endSession) depending
* on the state of metaMetrics optin and the state of autoSessionTracking on
* the Sentry client.
const toggleSession = async () => {
const hub = Sentry.getCurrentHub?.();
const options = hub.getClient?.().getOptions?.() ?? {
autoSessionTracking: false,
const isMetaMetricsEnabled = await getMetaMetricsEnabled();
if (
isMetaMetricsEnabled === true &&
options.autoSessionTracking === false
) {
await startSession();
} else if (
isMetaMetricsEnabled === false &&
options.autoSessionTracking === true
) {
await endSession();
return {
* Receives a string and returns that string if it is a
* regex match for a url with a `chrome-extension` or `moz-extension`
* protocol, and an empty string otherwise.
* @param {string} url - The URL to check.
* @returns {string} An empty string if the URL was internal, or the unmodified URL otherwise.
function hideUrlIfNotInternal(url) {
const re = /^(chrome-extension|moz-extension):\/\//u;
if (!url.match(re)) {
return '';
return url;
* Returns a method that handles the Sentry breadcrumb using a specific method to get the extension state
* @param {Function} getState - A method that returns the state of the extension
* @returns {(breadcrumb: object) => object} A method that modifies a Sentry breadcrumb object
export function beforeBreadcrumb(getState) {
return (breadcrumb) => {
if (getState) {
const appState = getState();
if (
Object.values(appState).length &&
(!appState?.store?.metamask?.participateInMetaMetrics ||
!appState?.store?.metamask?.completedOnboarding ||
breadcrumb?.category === 'ui.input')
) {
return null;
} else {
return null;
const newBreadcrumb = removeUrlsFromBreadCrumb(breadcrumb);
return newBreadcrumb;
* Receives a Sentry breadcrumb object and potentially removes urls
* from its `data` property, it particular those possibly found at
* data.from, data.to and data.url
* @param {object} breadcrumb - A Sentry breadcrumb object: https://develop.sentry.dev/sdk/event-payloads/breadcrumbs/
* @returns {object} A modified Sentry breadcrumb object.
export function removeUrlsFromBreadCrumb(breadcrumb) {
if (breadcrumb?.data?.url) {
breadcrumb.data.url = hideUrlIfNotInternal(breadcrumb.data.url);
if (breadcrumb?.data?.to) {
breadcrumb.data.to = hideUrlIfNotInternal(breadcrumb.data.to);
if (breadcrumb?.data?.from) {
breadcrumb.data.from = hideUrlIfNotInternal(breadcrumb.data.from);
return breadcrumb;
* Receives a Sentry event object and modifies it before the
* error is sent to Sentry. Modifications include both sanitization
* of data via helper methods and addition of state data from the
* return value of the second parameter passed to the function.
* @param {object} report - A Sentry event object: https://develop.sentry.dev/sdk/event-payloads/
* @param {Function} getState - A function that should return an object representing some amount
* of app state that we wish to submit with our error reports
* @returns {object} A modified Sentry event object.
export function rewriteReport(report, getState) {
try {
// simplify certain complex error messages (e.g. Ethjs)
// remove urls from error message
// Remove evm addresses from error message.
// Note that this is redundent with data scrubbing we do within our sentry dashboard,
// but putting the code here as well gives public visibility to how we are handling
// privacy with respect to sentry.
// modify report urls
// append app state
if (getState) {
const appState = getState();
if (!report.extra) {
report.extra = {};
report.extra.appState = appState;
} catch (err) {
return report;
* Receives a Sentry event object and modifies it so that urls are removed from any of its
* error messages.
* @param {object} report - the report to modify
function sanitizeUrlsFromErrorMessages(report) {
rewriteErrorMessages(report, (errorMessage) => {
let newErrorMessage = errorMessage;
const re = /(([-.+a-zA-Z]+:\/\/)|(www\.))\S+[@:.]\S+/gu;
const urlsInMessage = newErrorMessage.match(re) || [];
urlsInMessage.forEach((url) => {
try {
const urlObj = new URL(url);
const { hostname } = urlObj;
if (
(allowedHostname) =>
hostname === allowedHostname ||
) {
newErrorMessage = newErrorMessage.replace(url, '**');
} catch (e) {
newErrorMessage = newErrorMessage.replace(url, '**');
return newErrorMessage;
* Receives a Sentry event object and modifies it so that ethereum addresses are removed from
* any of its error messages.
* @param {object} report - the report to modify
function sanitizeAddressesFromErrorMessages(report) {
rewriteErrorMessages(report, (errorMessage) => {
const newErrorMessage = errorMessage.replace(/0x[A-Fa-f0-9]{40}/u, '0x**');
return newErrorMessage;
function simplifyErrorMessages(report) {
rewriteErrorMessages(report, (errorMessage) => {
// simplify ethjs error messages
let simplifiedErrorMessage = extractEthjsErrorMessage(errorMessage);
// simplify 'Transaction Failed: known transaction'
if (
'Transaction Failed: known transaction',
) === 0
) {
// cut the hash from the error message
simplifiedErrorMessage = 'Transaction Failed: known transaction';
return simplifiedErrorMessage;
function rewriteErrorMessages(report, rewriteFn) {
// rewrite top level message
if (typeof report.message === 'string') {
report.message = rewriteFn(report.message);
// rewrite each exception message
if (report.exception && report.exception.values) {
report.exception.values.forEach((item) => {
if (typeof item.value === 'string') {
item.value = rewriteFn(item.value);
function rewriteReportUrls(report) {
if (report.request?.url) {
// update request url
report.request.url = toMetamaskUrl(report.request.url);
// update exception stack trace
if (report.exception && report.exception.values) {
report.exception.values.forEach((item) => {
if (item.stacktrace) {
item.stacktrace.frames.forEach((frame) => {
frame.filename = toMetamaskUrl(frame.filename);
function toMetamaskUrl(origUrl) {
if (!globalThis.location?.origin) {
return origUrl;
const filePath = origUrl?.split(globalThis.location.origin)[1];
if (!filePath) {
return origUrl;
const metamaskUrl = `/metamask${filePath}`;
return metamaskUrl;