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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
Use DesktopManager in background script to redirect internal and external connections to the desktop app. Include DesktopController in the MetaMask controller. Support desktop keyrings in MetaMask controller via the overrides object. Create middleware handler to connect to the desktop app while UI code is pending. Add build system support for desktop specific configuration variables.
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207 lines
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import browser from 'webextension-polyfill';
import { getBlockExplorerLink } from '@metamask/etherscan-link';
import { startCase, toLower } from 'lodash';
import { getEnvironmentType } from '../lib/util';
import { ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_BACKGROUND } from '../../../shared/constants/app';
import { TransactionStatus } from '../../../shared/constants/transaction';
import { getURLHostName } from '../../../ui/helpers/utils/util';
export default class ExtensionPlatform {
// Public
reload() {
async openTab(options) {
const newTab = await browser.tabs.create(options);
return newTab;
async openWindow(options) {
const newWindow = await browser.windows.create(options);
return newWindow;
async focusWindow(windowId) {
await browser.windows.update(windowId, { focused: true });
async updateWindowPosition(windowId, left, top) {
await browser.windows.update(windowId, { left, top });
async getLastFocusedWindow() {
const windowObject = await browser.windows.getLastFocused();
return windowObject;
async closeCurrentWindow() {
const windowDetails = await browser.windows.getCurrent();
getVersion() {
const { version, version_name: versionName } =
const versionParts = version.split('.');
if (versionName) {
if (versionParts.length < 4) {
throw new Error(`Version missing build number: '${version}'`);
// On Chrome, a more descriptive representation of the version is stored in the
// `version_name` field for display purposes. We use this field instead of the `version`
// field on Chrome for non-main builds (i.e. Flask, Beta) because we want to show the
// version in the SemVer-compliant format "v[major].[minor].[patch]-[build-type].[build-number]",
// yet Chrome does not allow letters in the `version` field.
return versionName;
// A fourth version part is sometimes present for "rollback" Chrome builds
} else if (![3, 4].includes(versionParts.length)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid version: ${version}`);
} else if (versionParts[2].match(/[^\d]/u)) {
// On Firefox, the build type and build version are in the third part of the version.
const [major, minor, patchAndPrerelease] = versionParts;
const matches = patchAndPrerelease.match(/^(\d+)([A-Za-z]+)(\d)+$/u);
if (matches === null) {
throw new Error(`Version contains invalid prerelease: ${version}`);
const [, patch, buildType, buildVersion] = matches;
return `${major}.${minor}.${patch}-${buildType}.${buildVersion}`;
// If there is no `version_name` and there are only 3 or 4 version parts, then this is not a
// prerelease and the version requires no modification.
return version;
route = null,
queryString = null,
keepWindowOpen = false,
) {
let extensionURL = browser.runtime.getURL('home.html');
if (route) {
extensionURL += `#${route}`;
if (queryString) {
extensionURL += `?${queryString}`;
this.openTab({ url: extensionURL });
if (
getEnvironmentType() !== ENVIRONMENT_TYPE_BACKGROUND &&
) {
getPlatformInfo(cb) {
try {
const platformInfo = browser.runtime.getPlatformInfo();
} catch (e) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-return
showTransactionNotification(txMeta, rpcPrefs) {
const { status, txReceipt: { status: receiptStatus } = {} } = txMeta;
if (status === TransactionStatus.confirmed) {
// There was an on-chain failure
receiptStatus === '0x0'
? this._showFailedTransaction(
'Transaction encountered an error.',
: this._showConfirmedTransaction(txMeta, rpcPrefs);
} else if (status === TransactionStatus.failed) {
addOnRemovedListener(listener) {
async getAllWindows() {
const windows = await browser.windows.getAll();
return windows;
async getActiveTabs() {
const tabs = await browser.tabs.query({ active: true });
return tabs;
async currentTab() {
const tab = await browser.tabs.getCurrent();
return tab;
async switchToTab(tabId) {
const tab = await browser.tabs.update(tabId, { highlighted: true });
return tab;
async closeTab(tabId) {
await browser.tabs.remove(tabId);
_showConfirmedTransaction(txMeta, rpcPrefs) {
const url = getBlockExplorerLink(txMeta, rpcPrefs);
const nonce = parseInt(txMeta.txParams.nonce, 16);
const view = startCase(
toLower(getURLHostName(url).replace(/([.]\w+)$/u, '')),
const title = 'Confirmed transaction';
const message = `Transaction ${nonce} confirmed! ${
url.length ? `View on ${view}` : ''
this._showNotification(title, message, url);
_showFailedTransaction(txMeta, errorMessage) {
const nonce = parseInt(txMeta.txParams.nonce, 16);
const title = 'Failed transaction';
const message = `Transaction ${nonce} failed! ${
errorMessage || txMeta.err.message
this._showNotification(title, message);
async _showNotification(title, message, url) {
const iconUrl = await browser.runtime.getURL('../../images/icon-64.png');
browser.notifications.create(url, {
type: 'basic',
_subscribeToNotificationClicked() {
if (!browser.notifications.onClicked.hasListener(this._viewOnEtherscan)) {
_viewOnEtherscan(url) {
if (url.startsWith('https://')) {
browser.tabs.create({ url });