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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
The Selenium webdriver is difficult to use, and easy to misuse. To help use the driver and make it easier to maintain our e2e tests, all driver interactions are now performed via a `driver` module. This is basically a wrapper class around the `selenium-webdriver` that exposes only the methods we want to use directly, along with all of our helper methods.
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const reactTriggerChange = require('../../lib/react-trigger-change')
const {
} = require('../../lib/util')
const fetchMockResponses = require('../../data/fetch-mocks.json')
QUnit.module('tx list items')
QUnit.test('renders list items successfully', (assert) => {
const done = assert.async()
runTxListItemsTest(assert).then(done).catch((err) => {
assert.notOk(err, `Error was thrown: ${err.stack}`)
global.ethQuery = global.ethQuery || {}
global.ethQuery.getTransactionCount = (_, cb) => {
cb(null, '0x4')
async function runTxListItemsTest (assert) {
console.log('*** start runTxListItemsTest')
const selectState = await queryAsync($, 'select')
selectState.val('tx list items')
const realFetch = window.fetch.bind(window)
global.fetch = (...args) => {
if (args[0] === 'https://ethgasstation.info/json/ethgasAPI.json') {
return Promise.resolve({ json: () => Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(fetchMockResponses.ethGasBasic)) })
} else if (args[0] === 'https://ethgasstation.info/json/predictTable.json') {
return Promise.resolve({ json: () => Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(fetchMockResponses.ethGasPredictTable)) })
} else if (args[0].match(/chromeextensionmm/)) {
return Promise.resolve({ json: () => Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(fetchMockResponses.metametrics)) })
return realFetch.fetch(...args)
const metamaskLogo = await queryAsync($, '.app-header__logo-container')
assert.ok(metamaskLogo[0], 'metamask logo present')
const txListItems = await queryAsync($, '.transaction-list-item')
assert.equal(txListItems.length, 8, 'all tx list items are rendered')
const unapprovedMsg = txListItems[0]
const unapprovedMsgDescription = await findAsync($(unapprovedMsg), '.transaction-list-item__action')
assert.equal(unapprovedMsgDescription[0].textContent, 'Signature Request', 'unapprovedMsg has correct description')
const approvedTx = txListItems[2]
const approvedTxRenderedStatus = await findAsync($(approvedTx), '.transaction-list-item__status')
assert.equal(approvedTxRenderedStatus[0].textContent, 'pending', 'approvedTx has correct label')
const confirmedTokenTx1 = txListItems[4]
const confirmedTokenTx1Address = await findAsync($(confirmedTokenTx1), '.transaction-list-item__status')
assert.equal(confirmedTokenTx1Address[0].textContent, 'Confirmed', 'confirmedTokenTx has correct status')
const shapeShiftTx1 = txListItems[5]
const shapeShiftTx1Status = await findAsync($(shapeShiftTx1), '.flex-column div:eq(1)')
assert.equal(shapeShiftTx1Status[0].textContent, 'No deposits received', 'shapeShiftTx has correct status')
const confirmedTokenTx2 = txListItems[6]
const confirmedTokenTx2Address = await findAsync($(confirmedTokenTx2), '.transaction-list-item__status')
assert.equal(confirmedTokenTx2Address[0].textContent, 'Confirmed', 'confirmedTokenTx has correct status')
const shapeShiftTx2 = txListItems[7]
const shapeShiftTx2Address = await findAsync($(shapeShiftTx2), '.flex-column div:eq(1)')
assert.equal(shapeShiftTx2Address[0].textContent, 'No deposits received', 'shapeShiftTx has correct status')