mirror of https://github.com/kremalicious/metamask-extension.git synced 2024-10-23 03:36:18 +02:00

434 lines
18 KiB

const assert = require('assert')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const EthTx = require('ethereumjs-tx')
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const clone = require('clone')
const sinon = require('sinon')
const TransactionController = require('../../app/scripts/controllers/transactions')
const TxProvideUtils = require('../../app/scripts/lib/tx-utils')
const txStateHistoryHelper = require('../../app/scripts/lib/tx-state-history-helper')
const noop = () => true
const currentNetworkId = 42
const otherNetworkId = 36
const privKey = new Buffer('8718b9618a37d1fc78c436511fc6df3c8258d3250635bba617f33003270ec03e', 'hex')
const { createStubedProvider } = require('../stub/provider')
describe('Transaction Controller', function () {
let txController, engine, provider, providerResultStub
beforeEach(function () {
providerResultStub = {}
provider = createStubedProvider(providerResultStub)
txController = new TransactionController({
networkStore: new ObservableStore(currentNetworkId),
txHistoryLimit: 10,
blockTracker: { getCurrentBlock: noop, on: noop, once: noop },
ethStore: { getState: noop },
signTransaction: (ethTx) => new Promise((resolve) => {
txController.nonceTracker.getNonceLock = () => Promise.resolve({ nextNonce: 0, releaseLock: noop })
txController.txProviderUtils = new TxProvideUtils(txController.provider)
describe('#newUnapprovedTransaction', function () {
let stub, txMeta, txParams
beforeEach(function () {
txParams = {
txMeta = {
status: 'unapproved',
id: 1,
metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId,
stub = sinon.stub(txController, 'addUnapprovedTransaction').returns(Promise.resolve(txMeta))
afterEach(function () {
it('should emit newUnaprovedTx event and pass txMeta as the first argument', function (done) {
txController.once('newUnaprovedTx', (txMetaFromEmit) => {
assert(txMetaFromEmit, 'txMeta is falsey')
assert.equal(txMetaFromEmit.id, 1, 'the right txMeta was passed')
it('should resolve when finished and status is submitted and resolve with the hash', function (done) {
txController.once('newUnaprovedTx', (txMetaFromEmit) => {
setTimeout(() => {
txController.setTxHash(txMetaFromEmit.id, '0x0')
}, 10)
.then((hash) => {
assert(hash, 'newUnapprovedTransaction needs to return the hash')
it('should reject when finished and status is rejected', function (done) {
txController.once('newUnaprovedTx', (txMetaFromEmit) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10)
.catch((err) => {
if (err.message === 'MetaMask Tx Signature: User denied transaction signature.') done()
else done(err)
describe('#addUnapprovedTransaction', function () {
it('should add an unapproved transaction and return a valid txMeta', function (done) {
const addTxDefaultsStub = sinon.stub(txController, 'addTxDefaults').callsFake(() => Promise.resolve())
.then((txMeta) => {
assert(('id' in txMeta), 'should have a id')
assert(('time' in txMeta), 'should have a time stamp')
assert(('metamaskNetworkId' in txMeta), 'should have a metamaskNetworkId')
assert(('txParams' in txMeta), 'should have a txParams')
assert(('history' in txMeta), 'should have a history')
const memTxMeta = txController.getTx(txMeta.id)
assert.deepEqual(txMeta, memTxMeta, `txMeta should be stored in txController after adding it\n expected: ${txMeta} \n got: ${memTxMeta}`)
describe('#addTxDefaults', function () {
it('should add the tx defaults if their are none', function (done) {
let txMeta = {
'txParams': {
providerResultStub.eth_gasPrice = '4a817c800'
providerResultStub.eth_getBlockByNumber = { gasLimit: '47b784' }
providerResultStub.eth_estimateGas = '5209'
.then((txMetaWithDefaults) => {
assert(txMetaWithDefaults.txParams.value, '0x0','should have added 0x0 as the value')
assert(txMetaWithDefaults.txParams.gasPrice, 'should have added the gas price')
assert(txMetaWithDefaults.txParams.gas, 'should have added the gas field')
describe('#validateTxParams', function () {
it('does not throw for positive values', function (done) {
var sample = {
value: '0x01',
txController.txProviderUtils.validateTxParams(sample).then(() => {
it('returns error for negative values', function (done) {
var sample = {
value: '-0x01',
.then(() => done('expected to thrown on negativity values but didn\'t'))
.catch((err) => {
assert.ok(err, 'error')
describe('#getTxList', function () {
it('when new should return empty array', function () {
var result = txController.getTxList()
assert.equal(result.length, 0)
describe('#addTx', function () {
it('adds a tx returned in getTxList', function () {
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txController.addTx(tx, noop)
var result = txController.getTxList()
assert.equal(result.length, 1)
assert.equal(result[0].id, 1)
it('does not override txs from other networks', function () {
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
var tx2 = { id: 2, status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: otherNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txController.addTx(tx, noop)
txController.addTx(tx2, noop)
var result = txController.getFullTxList()
var result2 = txController.getTxList()
assert.equal(result.length, 2, 'txs were deleted')
assert.equal(result2.length, 1, 'incorrect number of txs on network.')
it('cuts off early txs beyond a limit', function () {
const limit = txController.txHistoryLimit
for (let i = 0; i < limit + 1; i++) {
const tx = { id: i, time: new Date(), status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txController.addTx(tx, noop)
var result = txController.getTxList()
assert.equal(result.length, limit, `limit of ${limit} txs enforced`)
assert.equal(result[0].id, 1, 'early txs truncted')
it('cuts off early txs beyond a limit whether or not it is confirmed or rejected', function () {
const limit = txController.txHistoryLimit
for (let i = 0; i < limit + 1; i++) {
const tx = { id: i, time: new Date(), status: 'rejected', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txController.addTx(tx, noop)
var result = txController.getTxList()
assert.equal(result.length, limit, `limit of ${limit} txs enforced`)
assert.equal(result[0].id, 1, 'early txs truncted')
it('cuts off early txs beyond a limit but does not cut unapproved txs', function () {
var unconfirmedTx = { id: 0, time: new Date(), status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txController.addTx(unconfirmedTx, noop)
const limit = txController.txHistoryLimit
for (let i = 1; i < limit + 1; i++) {
const tx = { id: i, time: new Date(), status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txController.addTx(tx, noop)
var result = txController.getTxList()
assert.equal(result.length, limit, `limit of ${limit} txs enforced`)
assert.equal(result[0].id, 0, 'first tx should still be there')
assert.equal(result[0].status, 'unapproved', 'first tx should be unapproved')
assert.equal(result[1].id, 2, 'early txs truncted')
describe('#setTxStatusSigned', function () {
it('sets the tx status to signed', function () {
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
txController.addTx(tx, noop)
var result = txController.getTxList()
assert.equal(result.length, 1)
assert.equal(result[0].status, 'signed')
it('should emit a signed event to signal the exciton of callback', (done) => {
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
const noop = function () {
assert(true, 'event listener has been triggered and noop executed')
txController.on('1:signed', noop)
describe('#setTxStatusRejected', function () {
it('sets the tx status to rejected', function () {
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
var result = txController.getTxList()
assert.equal(result.length, 1)
assert.equal(result[0].status, 'rejected')
it('should emit a rejected event to signal the exciton of callback', (done) => {
var tx = { id: 1, status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }
const noop = function (err, txId) {
assert(true, 'event listener has been triggered and noop executed')
txController.on('1:rejected', noop)
describe('#updateTx', function () {
it('replaces the tx with the same id', function () {
txController.addTx({ id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
txController.addTx({ id: '2', status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
const tx1 = txController.getTx('1')
tx1.status = 'blah'
tx1.hash = 'foo'
const savedResult = txController.getTx('1')
assert.equal(savedResult.hash, 'foo')
it('updates gas price and adds history items', function () {
const originalGasPrice = '0x01'
const desiredGasPrice = '0x02'
const txMeta = {
id: '1',
status: 'unapproved',
metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId,
txParams: {
gasPrice: originalGasPrice,
const updatedTx = txController.getTx('1')
// verify tx was initialized correctly
assert.equal(updatedTx.history.length, 1, 'one history item (initial)')
assert.equal(Array.isArray(updatedTx.history[0]), false, 'first history item is initial state')
assert.deepEqual(updatedTx.history[0], txStateHistoryHelper.snapshotFromTxMeta(updatedTx), 'first history item is initial state')
// modify value and updateTx
updatedTx.txParams.gasPrice = desiredGasPrice
// check updated value
const result = txController.getTx('1')
assert.equal(result.txParams.gasPrice, desiredGasPrice, 'gas price updated')
// validate history was updated
assert.equal(result.history.length, 2, 'two history items (initial + diff)')
const expectedEntry = { op: 'replace', path: '/txParams/gasPrice', value: desiredGasPrice }
assert.deepEqual(result.history[1], [expectedEntry], 'two history items (initial + diff)')
describe('#getUnapprovedTxList', function () {
it('returns unapproved txs in a hash', function () {
txController.addTx({ id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
txController.addTx({ id: '2', status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
const result = txController.getUnapprovedTxList()
assert.equal(typeof result, 'object')
assert.equal(result['1'].status, 'unapproved')
assert.equal(result['2'], undefined)
describe('#getTx', function () {
it('returns a tx with the requested id', function () {
txController.addTx({ id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
txController.addTx({ id: '2', status: 'confirmed', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
assert.equal(txController.getTx('1').status, 'unapproved')
assert.equal(txController.getTx('2').status, 'confirmed')
describe('#getFilteredTxList', function () {
it('returns a tx with the requested data', function () {
const txMetas = [
{ id: 0, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 1, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 2, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 3, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 4, status: 'unapproved', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 5, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 6, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xaa', to: '0xbb' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 7, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 8, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
{ id: 9, status: 'confirmed', txParams: { from: '0xbb', to: '0xaa' }, metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId },
txMetas.forEach((txMeta) => txController.addTx(txMeta, noop))
let filterParams
filterParams = { status: 'unapproved', from: '0xaa' }
assert.equal(txController.getFilteredTxList(filterParams).length, 3, `getFilteredTxList - ${JSON.stringify(filterParams)}`)
filterParams = { status: 'unapproved', to: '0xaa' }
assert.equal(txController.getFilteredTxList(filterParams).length, 2, `getFilteredTxList - ${JSON.stringify(filterParams)}`)
filterParams = { status: 'confirmed', from: '0xbb' }
assert.equal(txController.getFilteredTxList(filterParams).length, 3, `getFilteredTxList - ${JSON.stringify(filterParams)}`)
filterParams = { status: 'confirmed' }
assert.equal(txController.getFilteredTxList(filterParams).length, 5, `getFilteredTxList - ${JSON.stringify(filterParams)}`)
filterParams = { from: '0xaa' }
assert.equal(txController.getFilteredTxList(filterParams).length, 5, `getFilteredTxList - ${JSON.stringify(filterParams)}`)
filterParams = { to: '0xaa' }
assert.equal(txController.getFilteredTxList(filterParams).length, 5, `getFilteredTxList - ${JSON.stringify(filterParams)}`)
describe('#approveTransaction', function () {
let txMeta, originalValue
beforeEach(function () {
originalValue = '0x01'
txMeta = {
id: '1',
status: 'unapproved',
metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId,
txParams: {
nonce: originalValue,
gas: originalValue,
gasPrice: originalValue,
it('does not overwrite set values', function (done) {
const wrongValue = '0x05'
providerResultStub.eth_gasPrice = wrongValue
providerResultStub.eth_estimateGas = '0x5209'
const signStub = sinon.stub(txController, 'signTransaction').callsFake(() => Promise.resolve())
const pubStub = sinon.stub(txController, 'publishTransaction').callsFake(() => {
txController.setTxHash('1', originalValue)
txController.approveTransaction(txMeta.id).then(() => {
const result = txController.getTx(txMeta.id)
const params = result.txParams
assert.equal(params.gas, originalValue, 'gas unmodified')
assert.equal(params.gasPrice, originalValue, 'gas price unmodified')
assert.equal(result.hash, originalValue, `hash was set \n got: ${result.hash} \n expected: ${originalValue}`)
describe('#sign replay-protected tx', function () {
it('prepares a tx with the chainId set', function (done) {
txController.addTx({ id: '1', status: 'unapproved', metamaskNetworkId: currentNetworkId, txParams: {} }, noop)
txController.signTransaction('1').then((rawTx) => {
const ethTx = new EthTx(ethUtil.toBuffer(rawTx))
assert.equal(ethTx.getChainId(), currentNetworkId)