mirror of https://github.com/kremalicious/metamask-extension.git synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
2017-07-12 15:07:56 -07:00

525 lines
16 KiB

const EventEmitter = require('events')
const async = require('async')
const extend = require('xtend')
const ObservableStore = require('obs-store')
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const denodeify = require('denodeify')
const TxProviderUtil = require('../lib/tx-utils')
const createId = require('../lib/random-id')
const NonceTracker = require('../lib/nonce-tracker')
module.exports = class TransactionController extends EventEmitter {
constructor (opts) {
this.store = new ObservableStore(extend({
transactions: [],
}, opts.initState))
this.memStore = new ObservableStore({})
this.networkStore = opts.networkStore || new ObservableStore({})
this.preferencesStore = opts.preferencesStore || new ObservableStore({})
this.txHistoryLimit = opts.txHistoryLimit
this.provider = opts.provider
this.blockTracker = opts.blockTracker
this.nonceTracker = new NonceTracker({
provider: this.provider,
blockTracker: this.provider._blockTracker,
getPendingTransactions: (address) => {
return this.getFilteredTxList({
from: address,
status: 'submitted',
err: undefined,
this.query = opts.ethQuery
this.txProviderUtils = new TxProviderUtil(this.query)
this.blockTracker.on('rawBlock', this.checkForTxInBlock.bind(this))
// this is a little messy but until ethstore has been either
// removed or redone this is to guard against the race condition
// where ethStore hasent been populated by the results yet
this.blockTracker.once('latest', () => this.blockTracker.on('latest', this.resubmitPendingTxs.bind(this)))
this.blockTracker.on('sync', this.queryPendingTxs.bind(this))
this.signEthTx = opts.signTransaction
this.ethStore = opts.ethStore
// memstore is computed from a few different stores
this.store.subscribe(() => this._updateMemstore())
this.networkStore.subscribe(() => this._updateMemstore())
this.preferencesStore.subscribe(() => this._updateMemstore())
getState () {
return this.memStore.getState()
getNetwork () {
return this.networkStore.getState()
getSelectedAddress () {
return this.preferencesStore.getState().selectedAddress
// Returns the tx list
getTxList () {
const network = this.getNetwork()
const fullTxList = this.getFullTxList()
return fullTxList.filter(txMeta => txMeta.metamaskNetworkId === network)
// Returns the number of txs for the current network.
getTxCount () {
return this.getTxList().length
// Returns the full tx list across all networks
getFullTxList () {
return this.store.getState().transactions
// Adds a tx to the txlist
addTx (txMeta) {
const txCount = this.getTxCount()
const network = this.getNetwork()
const fullTxList = this.getFullTxList()
const txHistoryLimit = this.txHistoryLimit
// checks if the length of the tx history is
// longer then desired persistence limit
// and then if it is removes only confirmed
// or rejected tx's.
// not tx's that are pending or unapproved
if (txCount > txHistoryLimit - 1) {
var index = fullTxList.findIndex((metaTx) => ((metaTx.status === 'confirmed' || metaTx.status === 'rejected') && network === txMeta.metamaskNetworkId))
fullTxList.splice(index, 1)
this.once(`${txMeta.id}:signed`, function (txId) {
this.once(`${txMeta.id}:rejected`, function (txId) {
this.emit(`${txMeta.id}:unapproved`, txMeta)
// gets tx by Id and returns it
getTx (txId, cb) {
var txList = this.getTxList()
var txMeta = txList.find(txData => txData.id === txId)
return cb ? cb(txMeta) : txMeta
updateTx (txMeta) {
var txId = txMeta.id
var txList = this.getFullTxList()
var index = txList.findIndex(txData => txData.id === txId)
txList[index] = txMeta
get unapprovedTxCount () {
return Object.keys(this.getUnapprovedTxList()).length
get pendingTxCount () {
return this.getTxsByMetaData('status', 'signed').length
addUnapprovedTransaction (txParams, done) {
let txMeta
// validate
(cb) => this.txProviderUtils.validateTxParams(txParams, cb),
// construct txMeta
(cb) => {
txMeta = {
id: createId(),
time: (new Date()).getTime(),
status: 'unapproved',
metamaskNetworkId: this.getNetwork(),
txParams: txParams,
// add default tx params
(cb) => this.addTxDefaults(txMeta, cb),
// save txMeta
(cb) => {
cb(null, txMeta)
], done)
addTxDefaults (txMeta, cb) {
const txParams = txMeta.txParams
// ensure value
txParams.value = txParams.value || '0x0'
if (!txParams.gasPrice) {
this.query.gasPrice((err, gasPrice) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
// set gasPrice
txParams.gasPrice = gasPrice
// set gasLimit
this.txProviderUtils.analyzeGasUsage(txMeta, cb)
getUnapprovedTxList () {
var txList = this.getTxList()
return txList.filter((txMeta) => txMeta.status === 'unapproved')
.reduce((result, tx) => {
result[tx.id] = tx
return result
}, {})
async approveTransaction (txId) {
let nonceLock
try {
// approve
// get next nonce
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
const fromAddress = txMeta.txParams.from
nonceLock = await this.nonceTracker.getNonceLock(fromAddress)
txMeta.txParams.nonce = nonceLock.nextNonce
// sign transaction
const rawTx = await denodeify(this.signTransaction.bind(this))(txId)
await this.publishTransaction(txId, rawTx)
// must set transaction to submitted/failed before releasing lock
} catch (err) {
this.setTxStatusFailed(txId, {
errCode: err.errCode || err,
message: err.message || 'Transaction failed during approval',
// must set transaction to submitted/failed before releasing lock
if (nonceLock) nonceLock.releaseLock()
// continue with error chain
throw err
cancelTransaction (txId, cb = warn) {
async updateAndApproveTransaction (txMeta) {
await this.approveTransaction(txMeta.id)
getChainId () {
const networkState = this.networkStore.getState()
const getChainId = parseInt(networkState)
if (Number.isNaN(getChainId)) {
return 0
} else {
return getChainId
signTransaction (txId, cb) {
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
const txParams = txMeta.txParams
const fromAddress = txParams.from
// add network/chain id
txParams.chainId = this.getChainId()
const ethTx = this.txProviderUtils.buildEthTxFromParams(txParams)
this.signEthTx(ethTx, fromAddress).then(() => {
cb(null, ethUtil.bufferToHex(ethTx.serialize()))
}).catch((err) => {
publishTransaction (txId, rawTx) {
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
txMeta.rawTx = rawTx
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.txProviderUtils.publishTransaction(rawTx, (err, txHash) => {
if (err) reject(err)
this.setTxHash(txId, txHash)
// receives a txHash records the tx as signed
setTxHash (txId, txHash) {
// Add the tx hash to the persisted meta-tx object
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
txMeta.hash = txHash
Takes an object of fields to search for eg:
var thingsToLookFor = {
to: '0x0..',
from: '0x0..',
status: 'signed',
err: undefined,
and returns a list of tx with all
options matching
| `err: undefined` is like looking |
| for a tx with no err |
| so you can also search txs that |
| dont have something as well by |
| setting the value as undefined |
this is for things like filtering a the tx list
for only tx's from 1 account
or for filltering for all txs from one account
and that have been 'confirmed'
getFilteredTxList (opts) {
var filteredTxList
Object.keys(opts).forEach((key) => {
filteredTxList = this.getTxsByMetaData(key, opts[key], filteredTxList)
return filteredTxList
getTxsByMetaData (key, value, txList = this.getTxList()) {
return txList.filter((txMeta) => {
if (txMeta.txParams[key]) {
return txMeta.txParams[key] === value
} else {
return txMeta[key] === value
// get::set status
// should return the status of the tx.
getTxStatus (txId) {
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
return txMeta.status
// should update the status of the tx to 'rejected'.
setTxStatusRejected (txId) {
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'rejected')
// should update the status of the tx to 'approved'.
setTxStatusApproved (txId) {
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'approved')
// should update the status of the tx to 'signed'.
setTxStatusSigned (txId) {
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'signed')
// should update the status of the tx to 'submitted'.
setTxStatusSubmitted (txId) {
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'submitted')
// should update the status of the tx to 'confirmed'.
setTxStatusConfirmed (txId) {
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'confirmed')
setTxStatusFailed (txId, reason) {
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
txMeta.err = reason
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'failed')
// merges txParams obj onto txData.txParams
// use extend to ensure that all fields are filled
updateTxParams (txId, txParams) {
var txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
txMeta.txParams = extend(txMeta.txParams, txParams)
// checks if a signed tx is in a block and
// if included sets the tx status as 'confirmed'
checkForTxInBlock (block) {
var signedTxList = this.getFilteredTxList({status: 'submitted'})
if (!signedTxList.length) return
signedTxList.forEach((txMeta) => {
var txHash = txMeta.hash
var txId = txMeta.id
if (!txHash) {
const errReason = {
errCode: 'No hash was provided',
message: 'We had an error while submitting this transaction, please try again.',
return this.setTxStatusFailed(txId, errReason)
block.transactions.forEach((tx) => {
if (tx.hash === txHash) this.setTxStatusConfirmed(txId)
queryPendingTxs ({oldBlock, newBlock}) {
// check pending transactions on start
if (!oldBlock) {
// if we synced by more than one block, check for missed pending transactions
const diff = Number.parseInt(newBlock.number) - Number.parseInt(oldBlock.number)
if (diff > 1) this._checkPendingTxs()
// Should find the tx in the tx list and
// update it.
// should set the status in txData
// - `'unapproved'` the user has not responded
// - `'rejected'` the user has responded no!
// - `'approved'` the user has approved the tx
// - `'signed'` the tx is signed
// - `'submitted'` the tx is sent to a server
// - `'confirmed'` the tx has been included in a block.
// - `'failed'` the tx failed for some reason, included on tx data.
_setTxStatus (txId, status) {
var txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
txMeta.status = status
this.emit(`${txMeta.id}:${status}`, txId)
if (status === 'submitted' || status === 'rejected') {
this.emit(`${txMeta.id}:finished`, txMeta)
// Saves the new/updated txList.
// Function is intended only for internal use
_saveTxList (transactions) {
this.store.updateState({ transactions })
_updateMemstore () {
const unapprovedTxs = this.getUnapprovedTxList()
const selectedAddressTxList = this.getFilteredTxList({
from: this.getSelectedAddress(),
metamaskNetworkId: this.getNetwork(),
this.memStore.updateState({ unapprovedTxs, selectedAddressTxList })
resubmitPendingTxs () {
const pending = this.getTxsByMetaData('status', 'submitted')
// only try resubmitting if their are transactions to resubmit
if (!pending.length) return
const resubmit = denodeify(this._resubmitTx.bind(this))
pending.forEach((txMeta) => resubmit(txMeta).catch((err) => {
Dont marked as failed if the error is a "known" transaction warning
"there is already a transaction with the same sender-nonce
but higher/same gas price"
const errorMessage = err.message.toLowerCase()
const isKnownTx = (
// geth
errorMessage.includes('replacement transaction underpriced')
|| errorMessage.includes('known transaction')
// parity
|| errorMessage.includes('gas price too low to replace')
|| errorMessage.includes('transaction with the same hash was already imported')
// other
|| errorMessage.includes('gateway timeout')
// ignore resubmit warnings, return early
if (isKnownTx) return
// encountered real error - transition to error state
this.setTxStatusFailed(txMeta.id, {
errCode: err.errCode || err,
message: err.message,
_resubmitTx (txMeta, cb) {
const address = txMeta.txParams.from
const balance = this.ethStore.getState().accounts[address].balance
if (!('retryCount' in txMeta)) txMeta.retryCount = 0
// if the value of the transaction is greater then the balance, fail.
if (!this.txProviderUtils.sufficientBalance(txMeta.txParams, balance)) {
const message = 'Insufficient balance.'
this.setTxStatusFailed(txMeta.id, { message })
return log.error(message)
// Only auto-submit already-signed txs:
if (!('rawTx' in txMeta)) return cb()
// Increment a try counter.
const rawTx = txMeta.rawTx
this.txProviderUtils.publishTransaction(rawTx, cb)
// checks the network for signed txs and
// if confirmed sets the tx status as 'confirmed'
_checkPendingTxs () {
var signedTxList = this.getFilteredTxList({status: 'submitted'})
if (!signedTxList.length) return
signedTxList.forEach((txMeta) => {
var txHash = txMeta.hash
var txId = txMeta.id
if (!txHash) {
const errReason = {
errCode: 'No hash was provided',
message: 'We had an error while submitting this transaction, please try again.',
return this.setTxStatusFailed(txId, errReason)
this.query.getTransactionByHash(txHash, (err, txParams) => {
if (err || !txParams) {
if (!txParams) return
txMeta.err = {
isWarning: true,
errorCode: err,
message: 'There was a problem loading this transaction.',
return log.error(err)
if (txParams.blockNumber) {
const warn = () => log.warn('warn was used no cb provided')