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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
The ESLint config has been updated to v8. The breaking changes are: * The Prettier rule `quoteProps` has been changed from `consistent` to `as-needed`, meaning that if one key requires quoting, only that key is quoted rather than all keys. * The ESLint rule `no-shadow` has been made more strict. It now prevents globals from being shadowed as well. Most of these changes were applied with `yarn lint:fix`. Only the shadowing changes required manual fixing (shadowing variable names were either replaced with destructuring or renamed). The dependency `globalThis` was added to the list of dynamic dependencies in the build system, where it should have been already. This was causing `depcheck` to fail because the new lint rules required removing the one place where `globalThis` had been erroneously imported previously. A rule requiring a newline between multiline blocks and expressions has been disabled temporarily to make this PR smaller and to avoid introducing conflicts with other PRs.
471 lines
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471 lines
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const path = require('path');
const { PassThrough, Transform } = require('stream');
const { BuildType } = require('../utils');
const { lintTransformedFile } = require('./utils');
const hasKey = (obj, key) => Reflect.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key);
module.exports = {
class RemoveFencedCodeTransform extends Transform {
* A transform stream that calls {@link removeFencedCode} on the complete
* string contents of the file read by Browserify.
* Optionally lints the file if it was modified.
* @param {string} filePath - The path to the file being transformed.
* @param {string} buildType - The type of the current build process.
* @param {boolean} shouldLintTransformedFiles - Whether the file should be
* linted if modified by the transform.
constructor(filePath, buildType, shouldLintTransformedFiles) {
this.filePath = filePath;
this.buildType = buildType;
this.shouldLintTransformedFiles = shouldLintTransformedFiles;
this._fileBuffers = [];
// This function is called whenever data is written to the stream.
// It concatenates all buffers for the current file into a single buffer.
_transform(buffer, _encoding, next) {
// "flush" is called when all data has been written to the
// stream, immediately before the "end" event is emitted.
// It applies the transform to the concatenated file contents.
_flush(end) {
let fileContent, didModify;
try {
[fileContent, didModify] = removeFencedCode(
} catch (error) {
return end(error);
const pushAndEnd = () => {
if (this.shouldLintTransformedFiles && didModify) {
return lintTransformedFile(fileContent, this.filePath)
.catch((error) => end(error));
return pushAndEnd();
* A factory for a Browserify transform that removes fenced code from all
* JavaScript source files. The transform is applied to files with the following
* extensions:
* - `.js`
* - `.cjs`
* - `.mjs`
* For details on how the transform mutates source files, see
* {@link removeFencedCode} and the documentation.
* If specified (and by default), the transform will call ESLint on the text
* contents of any file that it modifies. The transform will error if such a
* file is ignored by ESLint, since linting is our first line of defense against
* making un-syntactic modifications to files using code fences.
* @param {string} buildType - The type of the current build.
* @param {boolean} shouldLintTransformedFiles - Whether to lint transformed files.
* @returns {(filePath: string) => Transform} The transform function.
function createRemoveFencedCodeTransform(
shouldLintTransformedFiles = true,
) {
if (!hasKey(BuildType, buildType)) {
throw new Error(
`Code fencing transform received unrecognized build type "${buildType}".`,
// Browserify transforms are functions that receive a file name and return a
// duplex stream. The stream receives the file contents piecemeal in the form
// of Buffers.
// To apply our code fencing transform, we concatenate all buffers and convert
// them to a single string, then apply the actual transform function on that
// string.
* @returns {Transform}
return function removeFencedCodeTransform(filePath) {
if (!['.js', '.cjs', '.mjs'].includes(path.extname(filePath))) {
return new PassThrough();
return new RemoveFencedCodeTransform(
const DirectiveTerminuses = {
const DirectiveCommands = {
const CommandValidators = {
[DirectiveCommands.ONLY_INCLUDE_IN]: (params, filePath) => {
if (!params || params.length === 0) {
throw new Error(
`No params specified.`,
params.forEach((param) => {
if (!hasKey(BuildType, param)) {
throw new Error(
`"${param}" is not a valid build type.`,
// Matches lines starting with "///:", and any preceding whitespace, except
// newlines. We except newlines to avoid eating blank lines preceding a fenced
// line.
// Double-negative RegEx credit: https://stackoverflow.com/a/3469155
const linesWithFenceRegex = /^[^\S\r\n]*\/\/\/:.*$/gmu;
// Matches the first "///:" in a string, and any preceding whitespace
const fenceSentinelRegex = /^\s*\/\/\/:/u;
// Breaks a fence directive into its constituent components
// At this stage of parsing, we are looking for one of:
const directiveParsingRegex = /^([A-Z]+):([A-Z_]+)(?:\(((?:\w+,)*\w+)\))?$/u;
* Removes fenced code from the given JavaScript source string. "Fenced code"
* includes the entire fence lines, including their trailing newlines, and the
* lines that they surround.
* A valid fence consists of two well-formed fence lines, separated by one or
* more lines that should be excluded. The first line must contain a `BEGIN`
* directive, and the second most contain an `END` directive. Both directives
* must specify the same command.
* Here's an example of a valid fence:
* ```javascript
* console.log('I am Flask.');
* ```
* For details, please see the documentation.
* @param {string} filePath - The path to the file being transformed.
* @param {string} typeOfCurrentBuild - The type of the current build.
* @param {string} fileContent - The contents of the file being transformed.
* @returns {[string, modified]} A tuple of the post-transform file contents and
* a boolean indicating whether they were modified.
function removeFencedCode(filePath, typeOfCurrentBuild, fileContent) {
const matchedLines = [...fileContent.matchAll(linesWithFenceRegex)];
// If we didn't match any lines, return the unmodified file contents.
if (matchedLines.length === 0) {
return [fileContent, false];
// Parse fence lines
const parsedDirectives = matchedLines.map((matchArray) => {
const line = matchArray[0];
/* istanbul ignore next: should be impossible */
if (!fenceSentinelRegex.test(line)) {
throw new Error(
`Fence sentinel may only appear at the start of a line, optionally preceded by whitespace.`,
// Store the start and end indices of each line
// Increment the end index by 1 to including the trailing newline when
// performing string operations.
const indices = [matchArray.index, matchArray.index + line.length + 1];
const lineWithoutSentinel = line.replace(fenceSentinelRegex, '');
if (!/^ \w\w+/u.test(lineWithoutSentinel)) {
throw new Error(
`Fence sentinel must be followed by a single space and an alphabetical string of two or more characters.`,
const directiveMatches = lineWithoutSentinel
if (!directiveMatches) {
throw new Error(
`Failed to parse fence directive.`,
// The first element of a RegEx match array is the input
const [, terminus, command, parameters] = directiveMatches;
if (!hasKey(DirectiveTerminuses, terminus)) {
throw new Error(
`Line contains invalid directive terminus "${terminus}".`,
if (!hasKey(DirectiveCommands, command)) {
throw new Error(
`Line contains invalid directive command "${command}".`,
const parsed = {
if (parameters !== undefined) {
parsed.parameters = parameters.split(',');
return parsed;
if (parsedDirectives.length % 2 !== 0) {
throw new Error(
`A valid fence consists of two fence lines, but the file contains an uneven number, "${parsedDirectives.length}", of fence lines.`,
// The below for-loop iterates over the parsed fence directives and performs
// the following work:
// - Ensures that the array of parsed directives consists of valid directive
// pairs, as specified in the documentation.
// - For each directive pair, determines whether their fenced lines should be
// removed for the current build, and if so, stores the indices we will use
// to splice the file content string.
const splicingIndices = [];
let shouldSplice = false;
let currentCommand;
for (let i = 0; i < parsedDirectives.length; i++) {
const { line, indices, terminus, command, parameters } = parsedDirectives[
if (i % 2 === 0) {
if (terminus !== DirectiveTerminuses.BEGIN) {
throw new Error(
`The first directive of a pair must be a "BEGIN" directive.`,
currentCommand = command;
// Throws an error if the command parameters are invalid
CommandValidators[command](parameters, filePath);
if (parameters.includes(typeOfCurrentBuild)) {
shouldSplice = false;
} else {
shouldSplice = true;
// Add start index of BEGIN directive line to splicing indices
} else {
if (terminus !== DirectiveTerminuses.END) {
throw new Error(
`The second directive of a pair must be an "END" directive.`,
/* istanbul ignore next: impossible until there's more than one command */
if (command !== currentCommand) {
throw new Error(
`Expected "END" directive to have command "${currentCommand}" but found "${command}".`,
// Forbid empty fences
const { line: previousLine, indices: previousIndices } = parsedDirectives[
i - 1
if (fileContent.substring(previousIndices[1], indices[0]).trim() === '') {
throw new Error(
`Empty fence found in file "${filePath}":\n${previousLine}\n${line}\n`,
if (shouldSplice) {
// Add end index of END directive line to splicing indices
// This indicates that the present build type should include all fenced code,
// and so we just returned the unmodified file contents.
if (splicingIndices.length === 0) {
return [fileContent, false];
/* istanbul ignore next: should be impossible */
if (splicingIndices.length % 2 !== 0) {
throw new Error(
`Internal error while transforming file "${filePath}":\nCollected an uneven number of splicing indices: "${splicingIndices.length}"`,
return [multiSplice(fileContent, splicingIndices), true];
* Returns a copy of the given string, without the character ranges specified
* by the splicing indices array.
* The splicing indices must be a non-empty, even-length array of non-negative
* integers, specifying the character ranges to remove from the given string, as
* follows:
* `[ start, end, start, end, start, end, ... ]`
* @param {string} toSplice - The string to splice.
* @param {number[]} splicingIndices - Indices to splice at.
* @returns {string} The spliced string.
function multiSplice(toSplice, splicingIndices) {
const retainedSubstrings = [];
// Get the first part to be included
// The substring() call returns an empty string if splicingIndices[0] is 0,
// which is exactly what we want in that case.
retainedSubstrings.push(toSplice.substring(0, splicingIndices[0]));
// This loop gets us all parts of the string that should be retained, except
// the first and the last.
// It iterates over all "end" indices of the array except the last one, and
// pushes the substring between each "end" index and the next "begin" index
// to the array of retained substrings.
if (splicingIndices.length > 2) {
// Note the boundary index of "splicingIndices.length - 1". This loop must
// not iterate over the last element of the array.
for (let i = 1; i < splicingIndices.length - 1; i += 2) {
toSplice.substring(splicingIndices[i], splicingIndices[i + 1]),
// Get the last part to be included
toSplice.substring(splicingIndices[splicingIndices.length - 1]),
return retainedSubstrings.join('');
* @param {string} filePath - The path to the file that caused the error.
* @param {string} line - The contents of the line with the error.
* @param {string} details - An explanation of the error.
* @returns The error message.
function getInvalidFenceLineMessage(filePath, line, details) {
return `Invalid fence line in file "${filePath}": "${line}":\n${details}`;
* @param {string} filePath - The path to the file that caused the error.
* @param {string} details - An explanation of the error.
* @returns The error message.
function getInvalidFenceStructureMessage(filePath, details) {
return `Invalid fence structure in file "${filePath}":\n${details}`;
* @param {string} filePath - The path to the file that caused the error.
* @param {string} line - The contents of the line with the error.
* @param {string} details - An explanation of the error.
* @returns The error message.
function getInvalidFencePairMessage(filePath, line, details) {
return `Invalid fence pair in file "${filePath}" due to line "${line}":\n${details}`;
* @param {string} filePath - The path to the file that caused the error.
* @param {string} command - The command of the directive with the invalid
* parameters.
* @param {string} details - An explanation of the error.
* @returns The error message.
function getInvalidParamsMessage(filePath, command, details) {
return `Invalid code fence parameters in file "${filePath}" for command "${command}":\n${details}`;