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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
* Add metametrics provider and util. * Add backend api and state for participating in metametrics. * Add frontend action for participating in metametrics. * Add metametrics opt-in screen. * Add metametrics events to first time flow. * Add metametrics events for route changes * Add metametrics events for send and confirm screens * Add metametrics events to dropdowns, transactions, log in and out, settings, sig requests and main screen * Ensures each log in is measured as a new visit by metametrics. * Ensure metametrics is called with an empty string for dimensions params if specified * Adds opt in metametrics modal after unlock for existing users * Adds settings page toggle for opting in and out of MetaMetrics * Switch metametrics dimensions to page level scope * Lint, test and translation fixes for metametrics. * Update design for metametrics opt-in screen * Complete responsive styling of metametrics-opt-in modal * Use new chart image on metrics opt in screens * Incorporate the metametrics opt-in screen into the new onboarding flow * Update e2e tests to accomodate metametrics changes * Mock out metametrics network requests in integration tests * Fix tx-list integration test to support metametrics provider. * Send number of tokens and accounts data with every metametrics event. * Update metametrics event descriptor schema and add new events. * Fix import tos bug and send gas button bug due to metametrics changes. * Various small fixes on the metametrics branch. * Add origin custom variable type to metametrics.util * Fix names of onboarding complete actions (metametrics). * Fix names of Metrics Options actions (metametrics). * Clean up code related to metametrics. * Fix bad merge conflict resolution and improve promise handling in sendMetaMetrics event and confrim tx base * Don't send a second metrics event if user has gone back during first time flow. * Collect metametrics on going back from onboarding create/import. * Add missing custom variable constants for metametrics * Fix metametrics provider * Make height of opt-in modal responsive. * Adjust text content for opt-in modal. * Update metametrics event names and clean up code in opt-in-modal * Put phishing warning step next to last in onboarding flow * Link terms of service on create and import screens of first time flow * Add subtext to options on the onboarding select action screen. * Fix styling of bullet points on end of onboarding screen. * Combine phishing warning and congratulations screens. * Fix placement of users if unlocking after an incomplete onboarding import flow. * Fix capitalization in opt-in screen * Fix last onboarding screen translations * Add link to 'Learn More' on the last screen of onboarding * Code clean up: metametrics branch * Update e2e tests for phishing warning step removal * e2e tests passing on metametrics branch * Different tracking urls for metametrics on development and prod
317 lines
7.9 KiB
317 lines
7.9 KiB
const Component = require('react').Component
const PropTypes = require('prop-types')
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const inherits = require('util').inherits
import Identicon from './identicon'
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util')
const classnames = require('classnames')
const { compose } = require('recompose')
const { withRouter } = require('react-router-dom')
const { ObjectInspector } = require('react-inspector')
import AccountDropdownMini from './account-dropdown-mini'
const actions = require('../actions')
const { conversionUtil } = require('../conversion-util')
const {
} = require('../selectors.js')
import { clearConfirmTransaction } from '../ducks/confirm-transaction.duck'
import Button from './button'
const { DEFAULT_ROUTE } = require('../routes')
function mapStateToProps (state) {
return {
balance: getSelectedAccount(state).balance,
selectedAccount: getCurrentAccountWithSendEtherInfo(state),
selectedAddress: getSelectedAddress(state),
requester: null,
requesterAddress: null,
accounts: accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector(state),
conversionRate: conversionRateSelector(state),
function mapDispatchToProps (dispatch) {
return {
goHome: () => dispatch(actions.goHome()),
clearConfirmTransaction: () => dispatch(clearConfirmTransaction()),
SignatureRequest.contextTypes = {
t: PropTypes.func,
metricsEvent: PropTypes.func,
module.exports = compose(
connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)
inherits(SignatureRequest, Component)
function SignatureRequest (props) {
this.state = {
selectedAccount: props.selectedAccount,
SignatureRequest.prototype.renderHeader = function () {
return h('div.request-signature__header', [
h('div.request-signature__header__text', this.context.t('sigRequest')),
h('div.request-signature__header__tip-container', [
SignatureRequest.prototype.renderAccountDropdown = function () {
const { selectedAccount } = this.state
const {
} = this.props
return h('div.request-signature__account', [
h('div.request-signature__account-text', [this.context.t('account') + ':']),
h(AccountDropdownMini, {
disabled: true,
SignatureRequest.prototype.renderBalance = function () {
const { balance, conversionRate } = this.props
const balanceInEther = conversionUtil(balance, {
fromNumericBase: 'hex',
toNumericBase: 'dec',
fromDenomination: 'WEI',
numberOfDecimals: 6,
return h('div.request-signature__balance', [
h('div.request-signature__balance-text', `${this.context.t('balance')}:`),
h('div.request-signature__balance-value', `${balanceInEther} ETH`),
SignatureRequest.prototype.renderAccountInfo = function () {
return h('div.request-signature__account-info', [
SignatureRequest.prototype.renderRequestIcon = function () {
const { requesterAddress } = this.props
return h('div.request-signature__request-icon', [
h(Identicon, {
diameter: 40,
address: requesterAddress,
SignatureRequest.prototype.renderRequestInfo = function () {
return h('div.request-signature__request-info', [
h('div.request-signature__headline', [
SignatureRequest.prototype.msgHexToText = function (hex) {
try {
const stripped = ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(hex)
const buff = Buffer.from(stripped, 'hex')
return buff.length === 32 ? hex : buff.toString('utf8')
} catch (e) {
return hex
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
SignatureRequest.prototype.renderTypedDataV3 = function (data) {
const { domain, message } = JSON.parse(data)
return [
h('div.request-signature__typed-container', [
domain ? h('div', [
h('h1', 'Domain'),
h(ObjectInspector, { data: domain, expandLevel: 1, name: 'domain' }),
]) : '',
message ? h('div', [
h('h1', 'Message'),
h(ObjectInspector, { data: message, expandLevel: 1, name: 'message' }),
]) : '',
SignatureRequest.prototype.renderBody = function () {
let rows
let notice = this.context.t('youSign') + ':'
const { txData } = this.props
const { type, msgParams: { data, version } } = txData
if (type === 'personal_sign') {
rows = [{ name: this.context.t('message'), value: this.msgHexToText(data) }]
} else if (type === 'eth_signTypedData') {
rows = data
} else if (type === 'eth_sign') {
rows = [{ name: this.context.t('message'), value: data }]
notice = [this.context.t('signNotice'),
h('span.request-signature__help-link', {
onClick: () => {
url: 'https://metamask.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015488751',
}, this.context.t('learnMore'))]
return h('div.request-signature__body', {}, [
h('div.request-signature__notice', {
className: classnames({
'request-signature__notice': type === 'personal_sign' || type === 'eth_signTypedData',
'request-signature__warning': type === 'eth_sign',
}, [notice]),
h('div.request-signature__rows', type === 'eth_signTypedData' && version === 'V3' ?
this.renderTypedDataV3(data) :
rows.map(({ name, value }) => {
if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
value = value.toString()
return h('div.request-signature__row', [
h('div.request-signature__row-title', [`${name}:`]),
h('div.request-signature__row-value', value),
SignatureRequest.prototype.renderFooter = function () {
const {
} = this.props
const { txData } = this.props
const { type } = txData
let cancel
let sign
if (type === 'personal_sign') {
cancel = cancelPersonalMessage
sign = signPersonalMessage
} else if (type === 'eth_signTypedData') {
cancel = cancelTypedMessage
sign = signTypedMessage
} else if (type === 'eth_sign') {
cancel = cancelMessage
sign = signMessage
return h('div.request-signature__footer', [
h(Button, {
type: 'default',
large: true,
className: 'request-signature__footer__cancel-button',
onClick: event => {
cancel(event).then(() => {
eventOpts: {
category: 'Transactions',
action: 'Sign Request',
name: 'Cancel',
}, this.context.t('cancel')),
h(Button, {
type: 'primary',
large: true,
className: 'request-signature__footer__sign-button',
onClick: event => {
sign(event).then(() => {
eventOpts: {
category: 'Transactions',
action: 'Sign Request',
name: 'Confirm',
}, this.context.t('sign')),
SignatureRequest.prototype.render = function () {
return (
h('div.request-signature__container', [