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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
add ipfs gateway to advanced settings use ipfs gateway from settings use ipfs.dweb.link as default CID gateway disallow gateway.ipfs.io as gateway
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import { NETWORK_TYPES } from '../helpers/constants/common'
import { mapObjectValues } from '../../../app/scripts/lib/util'
import { stripHexPrefix, addHexPrefix } from 'ethereumjs-util'
import { createSelector } from 'reselect'
import abi from 'human-standard-token-abi'
import { multiplyCurrencies } from '../helpers/utils/conversion-util'
import {
} from '../helpers/utils/util'
export function getNetworkIdentifier (state) {
const { metamask: { provider: { type, nickname, rpcTarget } } } = state
return nickname || rpcTarget || type
export function getCurrentKeyring (state) {
const identity = getSelectedIdentity(state)
if (!identity) {
return null
const simpleAddress = stripHexPrefix(identity.address).toLowerCase()
const keyring = state.metamask.keyrings.find((kr) => {
return kr.accounts.includes(simpleAddress) ||
return keyring
export function getAccountType (state) {
const currentKeyring = getCurrentKeyring(state)
const type = currentKeyring && currentKeyring.type
switch (type) {
case 'Trezor Hardware':
case 'Ledger Hardware':
return 'hardware'
case 'Simple Key Pair':
return 'imported'
return 'default'
export function getSelectedAsset (state) {
const selectedToken = getSelectedToken(state)
return selectedToken && selectedToken.symbol || 'ETH'
export function getCurrentNetworkId (state) {
return state.metamask.network
export const getMetaMaskAccounts = createSelector(
(currentAccounts, cachedBalances) => Object.entries(currentAccounts).reduce((selectedAccounts, [accountID, account]) => {
if (account.balance === null || account.balance === undefined) {
return {
[accountID]: {
balance: cachedBalances && cachedBalances[accountID],
} else {
return {
[accountID]: account,
}, {})
export function getSelectedAddress (state) {
const selectedAddress = state.metamask.selectedAddress || Object.keys(getMetaMaskAccounts(state))[0]
return selectedAddress
export function getSelectedIdentity (state) {
const selectedAddress = getSelectedAddress(state)
const identities = state.metamask.identities
return identities[selectedAddress]
export function getNumberOfAccounts (state) {
return Object.keys(state.metamask.accounts).length
export function getNumberOfTokens (state) {
const tokens = state.metamask.tokens
return tokens ? tokens.length : 0
export function getMetaMaskKeyrings (state) {
return state.metamask.keyrings
export function getMetaMaskIdentities (state) {
return state.metamask.identities
export function getMetaMaskAccountsRaw (state) {
return state.metamask.accounts
export function getMetaMaskCachedBalances (state) {
const network = getCurrentNetworkId(state)
return state.metamask.cachedBalances[network]
* Get ordered (by keyrings) accounts with identity and balance
export const getMetaMaskAccountsOrdered = createSelector(
(keyrings, identities, accounts) => keyrings
.reduce((list, keyring) => list.concat(keyring.accounts), [])
.filter(address => !!identities[address])
.map(address => ({ ...identities[address], ...accounts[address] }))
export function isBalanceCached (state) {
const selectedAccountBalance = state.metamask.accounts[getSelectedAddress(state)].balance
const cachedBalance = getSelectedAccountCachedBalance(state)
return Boolean(!selectedAccountBalance && cachedBalance)
export function getSelectedAccountCachedBalance (state) {
const cachedBalances = state.metamask.cachedBalances[state.metamask.network]
const selectedAddress = getSelectedAddress(state)
return cachedBalances && cachedBalances[selectedAddress]
export function getSelectedAccount (state) {
const accounts = getMetaMaskAccounts(state)
const selectedAddress = getSelectedAddress(state)
return accounts[selectedAddress]
export function getSelectedToken (state) {
const tokens = state.metamask.tokens || []
const selectedTokenAddress = state.metamask.selectedTokenAddress
const selectedToken = tokens.filter(({ address }) => address === selectedTokenAddress)[0]
const sendToken = state.metamask.send && state.metamask.send.token
return selectedToken || sendToken || null
export function getSelectedTokenExchangeRate (state) {
const contractExchangeRates = state.metamask.contractExchangeRates
const selectedToken = getSelectedToken(state) || {}
const { address } = selectedToken
return contractExchangeRates[address] || 0
export function getSelectedTokenAssetImage (state) {
const assetImages = state.metamask.assetImages || {}
const selectedToken = getSelectedToken(state) || {}
const { address } = selectedToken
return assetImages[address]
export function getAssetImages (state) {
const assetImages = state.metamask.assetImages || {}
return assetImages
export function getTokenExchangeRate (state, address) {
const contractExchangeRates = state.metamask.contractExchangeRates
return contractExchangeRates[address] || 0
export function conversionRateSelector (state) {
return state.metamask.conversionRate
export function getAddressBook (state) {
const network = state.metamask.network
if (!state.metamask.addressBook[network]) {
return []
return Object.values(state.metamask.addressBook[network])
export function getAddressBookEntry (state, address) {
const addressBook = getAddressBook(state)
const entry = addressBook.find(contact => contact.address === checksumAddress(address))
return entry
export function getAddressBookEntryName (state, address) {
const entry = getAddressBookEntry(state, address) || state.metamask.identities[address]
return entry && entry.name !== '' ? entry.name : addressSlicer(address)
export function getDaiV1Token (state) {
const OLD_DAI_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0x89d24A6b4CcB1B6fAA2625fE562bDD9a23260359'
const tokens = state.metamask.tokens || []
return tokens.find(({ address }) => checksumAddress(address) === OLD_DAI_CONTRACT_ADDRESS)
export function accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector (state) {
const accounts = getMetaMaskAccounts(state)
const { identities } = state.metamask
const accountsWithSendEtherInfo = Object.entries(accounts).map(([key, account]) => {
return Object.assign({}, account, identities[key])
return accountsWithSendEtherInfo
export function getAccountsWithLabels (state) {
const accountsWithoutLabel = accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector(state)
const accountsWithLabels = accountsWithoutLabel.map(account => {
const { address, name, balance } = account
return {
truncatedAddress: `${address.slice(0, 6)}...${address.slice(-4)}`,
addressLabel: `${name} (...${address.slice(address.length - 4)})`,
label: name,
return accountsWithLabels
export function getCurrentAccountWithSendEtherInfo (state) {
const currentAddress = getSelectedAddress(state)
const accounts = accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector(state)
return accounts.find(({ address }) => address === currentAddress)
export function getCurrentEthBalance (state) {
return getCurrentAccountWithSendEtherInfo(state).balance
export function getGasIsLoading (state) {
return state.appState.gasIsLoading
export function getForceGasMin (state) {
return state.metamask.send.forceGasMin
export function getSendFrom (state) {
return state.metamask.send.from
export function getSendAmount (state) {
return state.metamask.send.amount
export function getSendMaxModeState (state) {
return state.metamask.send.maxModeOn
export function getCurrentCurrency (state) {
return state.metamask.currentCurrency
export function getNativeCurrency (state) {
return state.metamask.nativeCurrency
export function getSelectedTokenToFiatRate (state) {
const selectedTokenExchangeRate = getSelectedTokenExchangeRate(state)
const conversionRate = conversionRateSelector(state)
const tokenToFiatRate = multiplyCurrencies(
{ toNumericBase: 'dec' }
return tokenToFiatRate
export function getSelectedTokenContract (state) {
const selectedToken = getSelectedToken(state)
return selectedToken
? global.eth.contract(abi).at(selectedToken.address)
: null
export function getCurrentViewContext (state) {
const { currentView = {} } = state.appState
return currentView.context
export function getTotalUnapprovedCount ({ metamask }) {
const {
unapprovedTxs = {},
} = metamask
return Object.keys(unapprovedTxs).length + unapprovedMsgCount + unapprovedPersonalMsgCount +
export function getIsMainnet (state) {
const networkType = getNetworkIdentifier(state)
return networkType === NETWORK_TYPES.MAINNET
export function isEthereumNetwork (state) {
const networkType = getNetworkIdentifier(state)
const {
return [ KOVAN, MAINNET, RINKEBY, ROPSTEN, GOERLI].includes(networkType)
export function preferencesSelector ({ metamask }) {
return metamask.preferences
export function getAdvancedInlineGasShown (state) {
return Boolean(state.metamask.featureFlags.advancedInlineGas)
export function getUseNonceField (state) {
return Boolean(state.metamask.useNonceField)
export function getCustomNonceValue (state) {
return String(state.metamask.customNonceValue)
export function getPermissionsDescriptions (state) {
return state.metamask.permissionsDescriptions
export function getPermissionsRequests (state) {
return state.metamask.permissionsRequests
export function getDomainMetadata (state) {
return state.metamask.domainMetadata
export function getActiveTab (state) {
return state.activeTab
export function getMetaMetricState (state) {
return {
network: getCurrentNetworkId(state),
activeCurrency: getSelectedAsset(state),
accountType: getAccountType(state),
metaMetricsId: state.metamask.metaMetricsId,
numberOfTokens: getNumberOfTokens(state),
numberOfAccounts: getNumberOfAccounts(state),
participateInMetaMetrics: state.metamask.participateInMetaMetrics,
export function getRpcPrefsForCurrentProvider (state) {
const { frequentRpcListDetail, provider } = state.metamask
const selectRpcInfo = frequentRpcListDetail.find(rpcInfo => rpcInfo.rpcUrl === provider.rpcTarget)
const { rpcPrefs = {} } = selectRpcInfo || {}
return rpcPrefs
export function getKnownMethodData (state, data) {
if (!data) {
return null
const prefixedData = addHexPrefix(data)
const fourBytePrefix = prefixedData.slice(0, 10)
const { knownMethodData } = state.metamask
return knownMethodData && knownMethodData[fourBytePrefix]
export function getFeatureFlags (state) {
return state.metamask.featureFlags
export function getFirstPermissionRequest (state) {
const requests = getPermissionsRequests(state)
return requests && requests[0] ? requests[0] : null
export function hasPermissionRequests (state) {
return Boolean(getFirstPermissionRequest(state))
export function getPermissionsDomains (state) {
return state.metamask.domains
export function getAddressConnectedDomainMap (state) {
const {
} = state.metamask
const addressConnectedIconMap = {}
if (domains) {
Object.keys(domains).forEach(domainKey => {
const { permissions } = domains[domainKey]
const { icon, name } = domainMetadata[domainKey] || {}
permissions.forEach(perm => {
const caveats = perm.caveats || []
const exposedAccountCaveat = caveats.find(caveat => caveat.name === 'exposedAccounts')
if (exposedAccountCaveat && exposedAccountCaveat.value && exposedAccountCaveat.value.length) {
exposedAccountCaveat.value.forEach(address => {
const nameToRender = name || domainKey
addressConnectedIconMap[address] = addressConnectedIconMap[address]
? { ...addressConnectedIconMap[address], [domainKey]: { icon, name: nameToRender } }
: { [domainKey]: { icon, name: nameToRender } }
return addressConnectedIconMap
export function getDomainToConnectedAddressMap (state) {
const { domains = {} } = state.metamask
const domainToConnectedAddressMap = mapObjectValues(domains, (_, { permissions }) => {
const ethAccountsPermissions = permissions.filter(permission => permission.parentCapability === 'eth_accounts')
const ethAccountsPermissionsExposedAccountAddresses = ethAccountsPermissions.map(permission => {
const caveats = permission.caveats
const exposedAccountsCaveats = caveats.filter(caveat => caveat.name === 'exposedAccounts')
const exposedAccountsAddresses = exposedAccountsCaveats.map(caveat => caveat.value[0])
return exposedAccountsAddresses
const allAddressesConnectedToDomain = ethAccountsPermissionsExposedAccountAddresses.reduce((acc, arrayOfAddresses) => {
return [ ...acc, ...arrayOfAddresses ]
}, [])
return allAddressesConnectedToDomain
return domainToConnectedAddressMap
export function getAddressConnectedToCurrentTab (state) {
const domainToConnectedAddressMap = getDomainToConnectedAddressMap(state)
const originOfCurrentTab = getOriginOfCurrentTab(state)
const addressesConnectedToCurrentTab = domainToConnectedAddressMap[originOfCurrentTab]
const addressConnectedToCurrentTab = addressesConnectedToCurrentTab && addressesConnectedToCurrentTab[0]
return addressConnectedToCurrentTab
export function getRenderablePermissionsDomains (state) {
const {
domains = {},
} = state.metamask
const renderableDomains = Object.keys(domains).reduce((acc, domainKey) => {
const { permissions } = domains[domainKey]
const permissionsWithCaveatsForSelectedAddress = permissions.filter(perm => {
const caveats = perm.caveats || []
const exposedAccountCaveat = caveats.find(caveat => caveat.name === 'exposedAccounts')
const exposedAccountCaveatValue = exposedAccountCaveat && exposedAccountCaveat.value && exposedAccountCaveat.value.length
? exposedAccountCaveat.value[0]
: {}
return exposedAccountCaveatValue === selectedAddress
if (permissionsWithCaveatsForSelectedAddress.length) {
const permissionKeys = permissions.map(permission => permission.parentCapability)
const {
} = domainMetadata[domainKey] || {}
const permissionsHistoryForDomain = permissionsHistory[domainKey] || {}
const ethAccountsPermissionsForDomain = permissionsHistoryForDomain['eth_accounts'] || {}
const accountsLastConnectedTime = ethAccountsPermissionsForDomain.accounts || {}
const selectedAddressLastConnectedTime = accountsLastConnectedTime[selectedAddress]
const lastConnectedTime = selectedAddressLastConnectedTime
? formatDate(selectedAddressLastConnectedTime, 'yyyy-M-d')
: ''
return [ ...acc, {
name: name || domainKey,
secondaryName: name ? domainKey : '',
key: domainKey,
permissionDescriptions: permissionKeys.map(permissionKey => permissionsDescriptions[permissionKey]),
} else {
return acc
}, [])
return renderableDomains
export function getOriginOfCurrentTab (state) {
const { activeTab } = state
return activeTab && activeTab.url && getOriginFromUrl(activeTab.url)
export function getLastConnectedInfo (state) {
const { permissionsHistory = {} } = state.metamask
const lastConnectedInfoData = Object.keys(permissionsHistory).reduce((acc, origin) => {
const ethAccountsHistory = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(permissionsHistory[origin]['eth_accounts']))
return {
[origin]: ethAccountsHistory.accounts,
}, {})
return lastConnectedInfoData
export function getIpfsGateway (state) {
return state.metamask.ipfsGateway