mirror of https://github.com/kremalicious/metamask-extension.git synced 2024-10-22 11:22:43 +02:00
Elliot Winkler bd12ea733a
Fix autolock field to accept decimals in Firefox (#19653)
The autolock field on the Settings screen — the field that allows users
to set the duration that MetaMask will wait for until automatically
locking — does not always accept decimal numbers. This breaks the e2e
test for this feature as it attempts to set this field to "0.1".

More specifically, the React component responsible for this field passes
whatever the user inputs through the `Number` function immediately and
then uses this to repopulate the input. Therefore, if the user enters
"3" followed by a ".", `Number("3.")` will be called. This evaluates to
the number 3, and "3" becomes the new value of the field. As a result,
the "." can never be typed.

Curiously, this behavior only happens in Firefox; Chrome seems to
keep the "." in the input field when it's typed. This happens because
`onChange` event doesn't seem to get fired until a number is typed
*after* the ".". This may be due to underlying differences in the DOM
between Chrome and Firefox.

Regardless, always passing the input through `Number` creates other odd
behavior, such as the fact that the input can never be cleared (because
`Number("")` evaluates to 0).

This commit solves these problems by saving the "raw" version of the
user's input as well as the normalized version. The raw version is
always used to populate the input, whereas the normalized version is
saved in state.
2023-06-22 10:29:24 -06:00

434 lines
13 KiB

import { addHexPrefix, isHexString } from 'ethereumjs-util';
import * as actionConstants from '../../store/actionConstants';
import { AlertTypes } from '../../../shared/constants/alerts';
import {
} from '../../../shared/constants/gas';
import {
} from '../../selectors';
import { updateTransactionGasFees } from '../../store/actions';
import { setCustomGasLimit, setCustomGasPrice } from '../gas/gas.duck';
import { KeyringType } from '../../../shared/constants/keyring';
import { DEFAULT_AUTO_LOCK_TIME_LIMIT } from '../../../shared/constants/preferences';
import { isEqualCaseInsensitive } from '../../../shared/modules/string-utils';
import { stripHexPrefix } from '../../../shared/modules/hexstring-utils';
import { decGWEIToHexWEI } from '../../../shared/modules/conversion.utils';
const initialState = {
isInitialized: false,
isUnlocked: false,
isAccountMenuOpen: false,
isNetworkMenuOpen: false,
identities: {},
unapprovedTxs: {},
networkConfigurations: {},
addressBook: [],
contractExchangeRates: {},
pendingTokens: {},
customNonceValue: '',
useBlockie: false,
featureFlags: {},
welcomeScreenSeen: false,
currentLocale: '',
currentBlockGasLimit: '',
preferences: {
showFiatInTestnets: false,
showTestNetworks: false,
useNativeCurrencyAsPrimaryCurrency: true,
firstTimeFlowType: null,
completedOnboarding: false,
knownMethodData: {},
participateInMetaMetrics: null,
nextNonce: null,
conversionRate: null,
nativeCurrency: 'ETH',
* Temporary types for this slice so that inferrence of MetaMask state tree can
* occur
* @param {typeof initialState} state - State
* @param {any} action
* @returns {typeof initialState}
export default function reduceMetamask(state = initialState, action) {
// I don't think we should be spreading initialState into this. Once the
// state tree has begun by way of the first reduce call the initialState is
// set. The only time it should be used again is if we reset the state with a
// deliberate action. However, our tests are *relying upon the initialState
// tree above to be spread into the reducer as a way of hydrating the state
// for this slice*. I attempted to remove this and it caused nearly 40 test
// failures. We are going to refactor this slice anyways, possibly removing
// it so we will fix this issue when that time comes.
const metamaskState = { ...initialState, ...state };
switch (action.type) {
case actionConstants.UPDATE_METAMASK_STATE:
return { ...metamaskState, ...action.value };
case actionConstants.LOCK_METAMASK:
return {
isUnlocked: false,
case actionConstants.SET_ACCOUNT_LABEL: {
const { account } = action.value;
const name = action.value.label;
const id = {};
id[account] = { ...metamaskState.identities[account], name };
const identities = { ...metamaskState.identities, ...id };
return Object.assign(metamaskState, { identities });
case actionConstants.UPDATE_CUSTOM_NONCE:
return {
customNonceValue: action.value,
case actionConstants.TOGGLE_ACCOUNT_MENU:
return {
isAccountMenuOpen: !metamaskState.isAccountMenuOpen,
case actionConstants.TOGGLE_NETWORK_MENU:
return {
isNetworkMenuOpen: !metamaskState.isNetworkMenuOpen,
case actionConstants.UPDATE_TRANSACTION_PARAMS: {
const { id: txId, value } = action;
let { currentNetworkTxList } = metamaskState;
currentNetworkTxList = currentNetworkTxList.map((tx) => {
if (tx.id === txId) {
const newTx = { ...tx };
newTx.txParams = value;
return newTx;
return tx;
return {
return {
participateInMetaMetrics: action.value,
case actionConstants.CLOSE_WELCOME_SCREEN:
return {
welcomeScreenSeen: true,
case actionConstants.SET_PENDING_TOKENS:
return {
pendingTokens: { ...action.payload },
case actionConstants.CLEAR_PENDING_TOKENS: {
return {
pendingTokens: {},
case actionConstants.COMPLETE_ONBOARDING: {
return {
completedOnboarding: true,
case actionConstants.SET_FIRST_TIME_FLOW_TYPE: {
return {
firstTimeFlowType: action.value,
case actionConstants.SET_NEXT_NONCE: {
return {
nextNonce: action.payload,
case actionConstants.FORCE_DISABLE_DESKTOP: {
return {
desktopEnabled: false,
return metamaskState;
const toHexWei = (value, expectHexWei) => {
return addHexPrefix(expectHexWei ? value : decGWEIToHexWEI(value));
// Action Creators
export function updateGasFees({
expectHexWei = false,
}) {
return async (dispatch) => {
const txParamsCopy = { ...transaction.txParams, gas: gasLimit };
if (gasPrice) {
setCustomGasPrice(toHexWei(txParamsCopy.gasPrice, expectHexWei)),
txParamsCopy.gasPrice = toHexWei(gasPrice, expectHexWei);
} else if (maxFeePerGas && maxPriorityFeePerGas) {
txParamsCopy.maxFeePerGas = toHexWei(maxFeePerGas, expectHexWei);
txParamsCopy.maxPriorityFeePerGas = addHexPrefix(
const updatedTx = {
txParams: txParamsCopy,
const customGasLimit = isHexString(addHexPrefix(gasLimit))
? addHexPrefix(gasLimit)
: addHexPrefix(gasLimit.toString(16));
await dispatch(updateTransactionGasFees(updatedTx.id, updatedTx));
// Selectors
export const getAlertEnabledness = (state) => state.metamask.alertEnabledness;
* Get the provider configuration for the current selected network.
* @param {object} state - Redux state object.
* @returns {import('../../../app/scripts/controllers/network/network-controller').NetworkControllerState['providerConfig']} The provider configuration for the current selected network.
export function getProviderConfig(state) {
return state.metamask.providerConfig;
export const getUnconnectedAccountAlertEnabledness = (state) =>
export const getWeb3ShimUsageAlertEnabledness = (state) =>
export const getUnconnectedAccountAlertShown = (state) =>
export const getPendingTokens = (state) => state.metamask.pendingTokens;
export const getTokens = (state) => state.metamask.tokens;
export function getNftsDropdownState(state) {
return state.metamask.nftsDropdownState;
export const getNfts = (state) => {
const {
metamask: { allNfts, selectedAddress },
} = state;
const { chainId } = getProviderConfig(state);
return allNfts?.[selectedAddress]?.[chainId] ?? [];
export const getNftContracts = (state) => {
const {
metamask: { allNftContracts, selectedAddress },
} = state;
const { chainId } = getProviderConfig(state);
return allNftContracts?.[selectedAddress]?.[chainId] ?? [];
export function getBlockGasLimit(state) {
return state.metamask.currentBlockGasLimit;
export function getConversionRate(state) {
return state.metamask.conversionRate;
export function getNativeCurrency(state) {
const useCurrencyRateCheck = getUseCurrencyRateCheck(state);
return useCurrencyRateCheck
? state.metamask.nativeCurrency
: getProviderConfig(state).ticker;
export function getSendHexDataFeatureFlagState(state) {
return state.metamask.featureFlags.sendHexData;
export function getSendToAccounts(state) {
const fromAccounts = accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector(state);
const addressBookAccounts = getAddressBook(state);
return [...fromAccounts, ...addressBookAccounts];
export function getUnapprovedTxs(state) {
return state.metamask.unapprovedTxs;
* Function returns true if network details are fetched and it is found to not support EIP-1559
* @param state
export function isNotEIP1559Network(state) {
return state.metamask.networkDetails?.EIPS[1559] === false;
* Function returns true if network details are fetched and it is found to support EIP-1559
* @param state
export function isEIP1559Network(state) {
return state.metamask.networkDetails?.EIPS[1559] === true;
export function getGasEstimateType(state) {
return state.metamask.gasEstimateType;
export function getGasFeeEstimates(state) {
return state.metamask.gasFeeEstimates;
export function getEstimatedGasFeeTimeBounds(state) {
return state.metamask.estimatedGasFeeTimeBounds;
export function getIsGasEstimatesLoading(state) {
const networkAndAccountSupports1559 =
const gasEstimateType = getGasEstimateType(state);
// We consider the gas estimate to be loading if the gasEstimateType is
// 'NONE' or if the current gasEstimateType cannot be supported by the current
// network
const isEIP1559TolerableEstimateType =
gasEstimateType === GasEstimateTypes.feeMarket ||
gasEstimateType === GasEstimateTypes.ethGasPrice;
const isGasEstimatesLoading =
gasEstimateType === GasEstimateTypes.none ||
(networkAndAccountSupports1559 && !isEIP1559TolerableEstimateType) ||
(!networkAndAccountSupports1559 &&
gasEstimateType === GasEstimateTypes.feeMarket);
return isGasEstimatesLoading;
export function getIsNetworkBusy(state) {
const gasFeeEstimates = getGasFeeEstimates(state);
return gasFeeEstimates?.networkCongestion >= NetworkCongestionThresholds.busy;
export function getCompletedOnboarding(state) {
return state.metamask.completedOnboarding;
export function getIsInitialized(state) {
return state.metamask.isInitialized;
export function getIsUnlocked(state) {
return state.metamask.isUnlocked;
export function getSeedPhraseBackedUp(state) {
return state.metamask.seedPhraseBackedUp;
* Given the redux state object and an address, finds a keyring that contains that address, if one exists
* @param {object} state - the redux state object
* @param {string} address - the address to search for among the keyring addresses
* @returns {object | undefined} The keyring which contains the passed address, or undefined
export function findKeyringForAddress(state, address) {
const keyring = state.metamask.keyrings.find((kr) => {
return kr.accounts.some((account) => {
return (
isEqualCaseInsensitive(account, addHexPrefix(address)) ||
isEqualCaseInsensitive(account, stripHexPrefix(address))
return keyring;
* Given the redux state object, returns the users preferred ledger transport type
* @param {object} state - the redux state object
* @returns {string} The users preferred ledger transport type. One of'ledgerLive', 'webhid' or 'u2f'
export function getLedgerTransportType(state) {
return state.metamask.ledgerTransportType;
* Given the redux state object and an address, returns a boolean indicating whether the passed address is part of a Ledger keyring
* @param {object} state - the redux state object
* @param {string} address - the address to search for among all keyring addresses
* @returns {boolean} true if the passed address is part of a ledger keyring, and false otherwise
export function isAddressLedger(state, address) {
const keyring = findKeyringForAddress(state, address);
return keyring?.type === KeyringType.ledger;
* Given the redux state object, returns a boolean indicating whether the user has any Ledger accounts added to MetaMask (i.e. Ledger keyrings
* in state)
* @param {object} state - the redux state object
* @returns {boolean} true if the user has a Ledger account and false otherwise
export function doesUserHaveALedgerAccount(state) {
return state.metamask.keyrings.some((kr) => {
return kr.type === KeyringType.ledger;
export function isLineaMainnetNetworkReleased(state) {
return state.metamask.isLineaMainnetReleased;