mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
* Update lodash All versions of the full `lodash` package have been updated to 4.17.15. The only exception is v4.17.14 which is pinned by `ganache-core`. * Switch to using `lodash` instead of per-method packages We have the full lodash package _ten times_ as a production transitive dependency, so including per-method packages is not saving space (it might instead result in slightly more space being used).
705 lines
18 KiB
705 lines
18 KiB
const watchify = require('watchify')
const browserify = require('browserify')
const envify = require('envify/custom')
const gulp = require('gulp')
const source = require('vinyl-source-stream')
const buffer = require('vinyl-buffer')
const gutil = require('gulp-util')
const watch = require('gulp-watch')
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps')
const jsoneditor = require('gulp-json-editor')
const zip = require('gulp-zip')
const { assign } = require('lodash')
const livereload = require('gulp-livereload')
const del = require('del')
const manifest = require('./app/manifest.json')
const sass = require('gulp-sass')
const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer')
const gulpStylelint = require('gulp-stylelint')
const terser = require('gulp-terser-js')
const pify = require('pify')
const rtlcss = require('gulp-rtlcss')
const rename = require('gulp-rename')
const gulpMultiProcess = require('gulp-multi-process')
const endOfStream = pify(require('end-of-stream'))
const sesify = require('sesify')
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin')
const { makeStringTransform } = require('browserify-transform-tools')
const packageJSON = require('./package.json')
const dependencies = Object.keys(packageJSON && packageJSON.dependencies || {})
const materialUIDependencies = ['@material-ui/core']
const reactDepenendencies = dependencies.filter(dep => dep.match(/react/))
const d3Dependencies = ['c3', 'd3']
const externalDependenciesMap = {
background: [
ui: [
...materialUIDependencies, ...reactDepenendencies, ...d3Dependencies,
function gulpParallel (...args) {
return function spawnGulpChildProcess (cb) {
return gulpMultiProcess(args, cb, true)
const browserPlatforms = [
const commonPlatforms = [
// browser extensions
// browser reload
gulp.task('dev:reload', function () {
port: 35729,
// copy universal
const copyTaskNames = []
const copyDevTaskNames = []
createCopyTasks('locales', {
source: './app/_locales/',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}/_locales`),
createCopyTasks('images', {
source: './app/images/',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}/images`),
createCopyTasks('contractImages', {
source: './node_modules/eth-contract-metadata/images/',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}/images/contract`),
createCopyTasks('fonts', {
source: './app/fonts/',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}/fonts`),
createCopyTasks('vendor', {
source: './app/vendor/',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}/vendor`),
createCopyTasks('css', {
source: './ui/app/css/output/',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}`),
createCopyTasks('reload', {
devOnly: true,
source: './app/scripts/',
pattern: '/chromereload.js',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}`),
createCopyTasks('html', {
source: './app/',
pattern: '/*.html',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}`),
// copy extension
createCopyTasks('manifest', {
source: './app/',
pattern: '/*.json',
destinations: browserPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}`),
function createCopyTasks (label, opts) {
if (!opts.devOnly) {
const copyTaskName = `copy:${label}`
copyTask(copyTaskName, opts)
const copyDevTaskName = `dev:copy:${label}`
copyTask(copyDevTaskName, Object.assign({ devMode: true }, opts))
function copyTask (taskName, opts) {
const source = opts.source
const destination = opts.destination
const destinations = opts.destinations || [destination]
const pattern = opts.pattern || '/**/*'
const devMode = opts.devMode
return gulp.task(taskName, function () {
if (devMode) {
watch(source + pattern, (event) => {
return performCopy()
function performCopy () {
// stream from source
let stream = gulp.src(source + pattern, { base: source })
// copy to destinations
destinations.forEach(function (destination) {
stream = stream.pipe(gulp.dest(destination))
return stream
// manifest tinkering
gulp.task('manifest:chrome', function () {
return gulp.src('./dist/chrome/manifest.json')
.pipe(jsoneditor(function (json) {
delete json.applications
json.minimum_chrome_version = '58'
return json
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/chrome', { overwrite: true }))
gulp.task('manifest:opera', function () {
return gulp.src('./dist/opera/manifest.json')
.pipe(jsoneditor(function (json) {
json.permissions = [
return json
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/opera', { overwrite: true }))
gulp.task('manifest:production', function () {
return gulp.src([
], { base: './dist/' })
// Exclude chromereload script in production:
.pipe(jsoneditor(function (json) {
json.background.scripts = json.background.scripts.filter((script) => {
return !script.includes('chromereload')
return json
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/', { overwrite: true }))
gulp.task('manifest:testing', function () {
return gulp.src([
], { base: './dist/' })
// Exclude chromereload script in production:
.pipe(jsoneditor(function (json) {
json.permissions = [...json.permissions, 'webRequestBlocking', 'http://localhost/*']
return json
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/', { overwrite: true }))
const scriptsToExcludeFromBackgroundDevBuild = {
'bg-libs.js': true,
gulp.task('manifest:testing-local', function () {
return gulp.src([
], { base: './dist/' })
.pipe(jsoneditor(function (json) {
json.background = {
scripts: json.background.scripts.filter(scriptName => !scriptsToExcludeFromBackgroundDevBuild[scriptName]),
json.permissions = [...json.permissions, 'webRequestBlocking', 'http://localhost/*']
return json
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/', { overwrite: true }))
gulp.task('manifest:dev', function () {
return gulp.src([
], { base: './dist/' })
.pipe(jsoneditor(function (json) {
json.background = {
scripts: json.background.scripts.filter(scriptName => !scriptsToExcludeFromBackgroundDevBuild[scriptName]),
json.permissions = [...json.permissions, 'webRequestBlocking']
return json
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/', { overwrite: true }))
gulp.task('optimize:images', function () {
return gulp.src('./dist/**/images/**', { base: './dist/' })
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/', { overwrite: true }))
// scss compilation and autoprefixing tasks
gulp.task('build:scss', createScssBuildTask({
src: 'ui/app/css/index.scss',
dest: 'ui/app/css/output',
devMode: false,
gulp.task('dev:scss', createScssBuildTask({
src: 'ui/app/css/index.scss',
dest: 'ui/app/css/output',
devMode: true,
pattern: 'ui/app/**/*.scss',
function createScssBuildTask ({ src, dest, devMode, pattern }) {
return function () {
if (devMode) {
watch(pattern, async (event) => {
const stream = buildScss()
await endOfStream(stream)
return buildScssWithSourceMaps()
return buildScss()
function buildScssWithSourceMaps () {
return gulp.src(src)
.pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
.pipe(rename({ suffix: '-rtl' }))
function buildScss () {
return gulp.src(src)
.pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
.pipe(rename({ suffix: '-rtl' }))
gulp.task('lint-scss', function () {
return gulp
reporters: [
{ formatter: 'string', console: true },
fix: true,
// build js
const buildJsFiles = [
// bundle tasks
createTasksForBuildJsDeps({ filename: 'bg-libs', key: 'background' })
createTasksForBuildJsDeps({ filename: 'ui-libs', key: 'ui' })
createTasksForBuildJsExtension({ buildJsFiles, taskPrefix: 'dev:extension:js', devMode: true })
createTasksForBuildJsExtension({ buildJsFiles, taskPrefix: 'dev:test-extension:js', devMode: true, testing: 'true' })
createTasksForBuildJsExtension({ buildJsFiles, taskPrefix: 'build:extension:js' })
createTasksForBuildJsExtension({ buildJsFiles, taskPrefix: 'build:test:extension:js', testing: 'true' })
function createTasksForBuildJsDeps ({ key, filename }) {
const destinations = browserPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}`)
const bundleTaskOpts = Object.assign({
buildSourceMaps: true,
sourceMapDir: '../sourcemaps',
minifyBuild: true,
devMode: false,
gulp.task(`build:extension:js:deps:${key}`, bundleTask(Object.assign({
label: filename,
filename: `${filename}.js`,
buildLib: true,
dependenciesToBundle: externalDependenciesMap[key],
}, bundleTaskOpts)))
function createTasksForBuildJsExtension ({ buildJsFiles, taskPrefix, devMode, testing, bundleTaskOpts = {} }) {
// inpage must be built before all other scripts:
const rootDir = './app/scripts'
const nonInpageFiles = buildJsFiles.filter(file => file !== 'inpage')
const buildPhase1 = ['inpage']
const buildPhase2 = nonInpageFiles
const destinations = browserPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}`)
bundleTaskOpts = Object.assign({
buildSourceMaps: true,
sourceMapDir: '../sourcemaps',
minifyBuild: !devMode,
buildWithFullPaths: devMode,
watch: devMode,
}, bundleTaskOpts)
createTasksForBuildJs({ rootDir, taskPrefix, bundleTaskOpts, destinations, buildPhase1, buildPhase2 })
function createTasksForBuildJs ({ rootDir, taskPrefix, bundleTaskOpts, destinations, buildPhase1 = [], buildPhase2 = [] }) {
// bundle task for each file
const jsFiles = [].concat(buildPhase1, buildPhase2)
jsFiles.forEach((jsFile) => {
gulp.task(`${taskPrefix}:${jsFile}`, bundleTask(Object.assign({
label: jsFile,
filename: `${jsFile}.js`,
filepath: `${rootDir}/${jsFile}.js`,
externalDependencies: bundleTaskOpts.devMode ? undefined : externalDependenciesMap[jsFile],
}, bundleTaskOpts)))
// compose into larger task
const subtasks = []
subtasks.push(gulp.parallel(buildPhase1.map(file => `${taskPrefix}:${file}`)))
if (buildPhase2.length) {
subtasks.push(gulp.parallel(buildPhase2.map(file => `${taskPrefix}:${file}`)))
gulp.task(taskPrefix, gulp.series(subtasks))
// clean dist
gulp.task('clean', function clean () {
return del(['./dist/*'])
// zip tasks for distribution
gulp.task('zip:chrome', zipTask('chrome'))
gulp.task('zip:firefox', zipTask('firefox'))
gulp.task('zip:opera', zipTask('opera'))
gulp.task('zip', gulp.parallel('zip:chrome', 'zip:firefox', 'zip:opera'))
// high level tasks
// task generators
function zipTask (target) {
return () => {
return gulp.src(`dist/${target}/**`)
function generateBundler (opts, performBundle) {
const browserifyOpts = assign({}, watchify.args, {
plugin: [],
transform: [],
debug: opts.buildSourceMaps,
fullPaths: opts.buildWithFullPaths,
const bundleName = opts.filename.split('.')[0]
// activate sesify
const activateAutoConfig = Boolean(process.env.SESIFY_AUTOGEN)
// const activateSesify = activateAutoConfig
const activateSesify = activateAutoConfig && ['background'].includes(bundleName)
if (activateSesify) {
configureBundleForSesify({ browserifyOpts, bundleName })
if (!activateSesify) {
if (!opts.buildLib) {
if (opts.devMode && opts.filename === 'ui.js') {
browserifyOpts['entries'] = ['./development/require-react-devtools.js', opts.filepath]
} else {
browserifyOpts['entries'] = [opts.filepath]
let bundler = browserify(browserifyOpts)
// Transpile any dependencies using the object spread/rest operator
// because it is incompatible with `esprima`, which is used by `envify`
// See https://github.com/jquery/esprima/issues/1927
.transform('babelify', {
only: [
global: true,
plugins: ['@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread'],
if (opts.buildLib) {
bundler = bundler.require(opts.dependenciesToBundle)
if (opts.externalDependencies) {
bundler = bundler.external(opts.externalDependencies)
// Inject variables into bundle
METAMASK_DEBUG: opts.devMode,
NODE_ENV: opts.devMode ? 'development' : 'production',
IN_TEST: opts.testing,
PUBNUB_SUB_KEY: process.env.PUBNUB_SUB_KEY || '',
PUBNUB_PUB_KEY: process.env.PUBNUB_PUB_KEY || '',
}), {
global: true,
if (opts.watch) {
bundler = watchify(bundler)
// on any file update, re-runs the bundler
bundler.on('update', async (ids) => {
const stream = performBundle()
await endOfStream(stream)
return bundler
function bundleTask (opts) {
let bundler
return performBundle
function performBundle () {
// initialize bundler if not available yet
// dont create bundler until task is actually run
if (!bundler) {
bundler = generateBundler(opts, performBundle)
// output build logs to terminal
bundler.on('log', gutil.log)
let buildStream = bundler.bundle()
// handle errors
buildStream.on('error', (err) => {
if (opts.watch) {
} else {
throw err
// process bundles
buildStream = buildStream
// convert bundle stream to gulp vinyl stream
// buffer file contents (?)
// Initialize Source Maps
if (opts.buildSourceMaps) {
buildStream = buildStream
// loads map from browserify file
.pipe(sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true }))
// Minification
if (opts.minifyBuild) {
buildStream = buildStream
mangle: {
reserved: [ 'MetamaskInpageProvider' ],
// Finalize Source Maps
if (opts.buildSourceMaps) {
if (opts.devMode) {
// Use inline source maps for development due to Chrome DevTools bug
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=931675
buildStream = buildStream
} else {
buildStream = buildStream
// write completed bundles
opts.destinations.forEach((dest) => {
buildStream = buildStream.pipe(gulp.dest(dest))
return buildStream
function configureBundleForSesify ({
}) {
// add in sesify args for better globalRef usage detection
Object.assign(browserifyOpts, sesify.args)
// ensure browserify uses full paths
browserifyOpts.fullPaths = true
// record dependencies used in bundle
browserifyOpts.plugin.push(['deps-dump', {
filename: `./sesify/deps-${bundleName}.json`,
const sesifyConfigPath = `./sesify/${bundleName}.json`
// add sesify plugin
browserifyOpts.plugin.push([sesify, {
writeAutoConfig: sesifyConfigPath,
// remove html comments that SES is alergic to
const removeHtmlComment = makeStringTransform('remove-html-comment', { excludeExtension: ['.json'] }, (content, _, cb) => {
const result = content.split('-->').join('-- >')
cb(null, result)
browserifyOpts.transform.push([removeHtmlComment, { global: true }])
function beep () {