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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
Imported accounts can be removed, but the permissions controller is not informed when this happens. Permissions are now removed as part of the account removal process. Additionally, the `getPermittedIdentitiesForCurrentTab` selector now filters out any non-existent accounts, in case a render occurs in the middle of an account removal. This was resulting in a render crash upon opening the popup on a site that was connected to the removed account.
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import { forOwn } from 'lodash'
import { getMetaMaskAccountsOrdered, getMetaMaskIdentities, getOriginOfCurrentTab, getSelectedAddress } from '.'
import {
} from '../../../app/scripts/controllers/permissions/enums'
// selectors
* Get the permission domains object.
* @param {Object} state - The current state.
* @returns {Object} The permissions domains object.
export function getPermissionDomains (state) {
return state.metamask.domains || {}
* Get the permission domains metadata object.
* @param {Object} state - The current state.
* @returns {Object} The permission domains metadata object.
export function getPermissionDomainsMetadata (state) {
return state.metamask.domainMetadata || {}
* Selects the permitted accounts from the eth_accounts permission given state
* and an origin.
* @param {Object} state - The current state.
* @param {string} origin - The origin/domain to get the permitted accounts for.
* @returns {Array<string>} An empty array or an array of accounts.
export function getPermittedAccounts (state, origin) {
return getAccountsFromPermission(
domainSelector(state, origin)
* Selects the permitted accounts from the eth_accounts permission for the
* origin of the current tab.
* @param {Object} state - The current state.
* @returns {Array<string>} An empty array or an array of accounts.
export function getPermittedAccountsForCurrentTab (state) {
return getPermittedAccounts(
* Returns a map of permitted accounts by origin for all origins.
* @param {Object} state - The current state.
* @returns {Object} Permitted accounts by origin.
export function getPermittedAccountsByOrigin (state) {
const domains = getPermissionDomains(state)
return Object.keys(domains).reduce((acc, domainKey) => {
const accounts = getAccountsFromPermission(
if (accounts.length > 0) {
acc[domainKey] = accounts
return acc
}, {})
* Returns an array of connected domain objects, with the following properties:
* - extensionId
* - key (i.e. origin)
* - name
* - icon
* @param {Object} state - The current state.
* @returns {Array<Object>} An array of connected domain objects.
export function getConnectedDomainsForSelectedAddress (state) {
const {
} = state.metamask
const domains = getPermissionDomains(state)
const domainMetadata = getPermissionDomainsMetadata(state)
const connectedDomains = []
forOwn(domains, (domainValue, domainKey) => {
const exposedAccounts = getAccountsFromDomain(domainValue)
if (!exposedAccounts.includes(selectedAddress)) {
const {
} = domainMetadata[domainKey] || {}
origin: domainKey,
return connectedDomains
export function getPermittedIdentitiesForCurrentTab (state) {
const permittedAccounts = getPermittedAccountsForCurrentTab(state)
const identities = getMetaMaskIdentities(state)
return permittedAccounts
.map((address) => identities[address])
.filter((identity) => Boolean(identity))
* Returns an object mapping addresses to objects mapping origins to connected
* domain info. Domain info objects have the following properties:
* - icon
* - name
* @param {Object} state - The current state.
* @returns {Object} A mapping of addresses to a mapping of origins to
* connected domain info.
export function getAddressConnectedDomainMap (state) {
const domainMetadata = getPermissionDomainsMetadata(state)
const accountsMap = getPermittedAccountsByOrigin(state)
const addressConnectedIconMap = {}
Object.keys(accountsMap).forEach((domainKey) => {
const { icon, name } = domainMetadata[domainKey] || {}
accountsMap[domainKey].forEach((address) => {
const nameToRender = name || domainKey
addressConnectedIconMap[address] = addressConnectedIconMap[address]
? { ...addressConnectedIconMap[address], [domainKey]: { icon, name: nameToRender } }
: { [domainKey]: { icon, name: nameToRender } }
return addressConnectedIconMap
// selector helpers
function getAccountsFromDomain (domain) {
return getAccountsFromPermission(
function getAccountsPermissionFromDomain (domain = {}) {
return (
? domain.permissions.find(
(perm) => perm.parentCapability === 'eth_accounts'
: {}
function getAccountsFromPermission (accountsPermission) {
const accountsCaveat = getAccountsCaveatFromPermission(accountsPermission)
return (
accountsCaveat && Array.isArray(accountsCaveat.value)
? accountsCaveat.value
: []
function getAccountsCaveatFromPermission (accountsPermission = {}) {
return (
Array.isArray(accountsPermission.caveats) &&
(c) => c.name === CAVEAT_NAMES.exposedAccounts
function domainSelector (state, origin) {
return origin && state.metamask.domains?.[origin]
export function getAccountToConnectToActiveTab (state) {
const selectedAddress = getSelectedAddress(state)
const connectedAccounts = getPermittedAccountsForCurrentTab(state)
const { metamask: { identities } } = state
const numberOfAccounts = Object.keys(identities).length
if (connectedAccounts.length && connectedAccounts.length !== numberOfAccounts) {
if (connectedAccounts.findIndex((address) => address === selectedAddress) === -1) {
return identities[selectedAddress]
return undefined
export function getOrderedConnectedAccountsForActiveTab (state) {
const { activeTab, metamask: { permissionsHistory } } = state
const permissionsHistoryByAccount = permissionsHistory[activeTab.origin]?.['eth_accounts']?.accounts
const orderedAccounts = getMetaMaskAccountsOrdered(state)
const connectedAccounts = getPermittedAccountsForCurrentTab(state)
return orderedAccounts
.filter((account) => connectedAccounts.includes(account.address))
.map((account) => ({
lastActive: permissionsHistoryByAccount?.[account.address],
.sort(({ lastSelected: lastSelectedA }, { lastSelected: lastSelectedB }) => {
if (lastSelectedA === lastSelectedB) {
return 0
} else if (lastSelectedA === undefined) {
return 1
} else if (lastSelectedB === undefined) {
return -1
return lastSelectedB - lastSelectedA
export function getPermissionsForActiveTab (state) {
const { activeTab, metamask } = state
const {
domains = {},
} = metamask
return domains[activeTab.origin]?.permissions?.map(({ parentCapability }) => {
return {
key: parentCapability,
export function getLastConnectedInfo (state) {
const { permissionsHistory = {} } = state.metamask
return Object.keys(permissionsHistory).reduce((acc, origin) => {
const ethAccountsHistory = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(permissionsHistory[origin]['eth_accounts']))
return {
[origin]: ethAccountsHistory,
}, {})
export function getPermissionsMetadataHostCounts (state) {
const metadata = getPermissionDomainsMetadata(state)
return Object.values(metadata).reduce((counts, { host }) => {
if (host) {
if (!counts[host]) {
counts[host] = 1
} else {
counts[host] += 1
return counts
}, {})
export function getPermissionsRequests (state) {
return state.metamask.permissionsRequests || []
export function getPermissionsRequestCount (state) {
const permissionsRequests = getPermissionsRequests(state)
return permissionsRequests.length
export function getFirstPermissionRequest (state) {
const requests = getPermissionsRequests(state)
return requests && requests[0] ? requests[0] : null
export function hasPermissionRequests (state) {
return Boolean(getFirstPermissionRequest(state))