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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
E2E test helper functions were split between `helper.js` and `func.js`. They've now all been moved to `helper.js`.
247 lines
9.4 KiB
247 lines
9.4 KiB
const assert = require('assert')
const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver')
const { By, until } = webdriver
const {
} = require('./helpers')
const Ganache = require('./ganache')
const enLocaleMessages = require('../../app/_locales/en/messages.json')
const ganacheServer = new Ganache()
describe('MetaMask', function () {
let driver
const testSeedPhrase = 'phrase upgrade clock rough situate wedding elder clever doctor stamp excess tent'
const tinyDelayMs = 200
const regularDelayMs = tinyDelayMs * 2
const largeDelayMs = regularDelayMs * 2
before(async function () {
await ganacheServer.start()
const result = await prepareExtensionForTesting({ responsive: true })
driver = result.driver
await setupFetchMocking(driver)
afterEach(async function () {
if (process.env.SELENIUM_BROWSER === 'chrome') {
const errors = await checkBrowserForConsoleErrors(driver)
if (errors.length) {
const errorReports = errors.map(err => err.message)
const errorMessage = `Errors found in browser console:\n${errorReports.join('\n')}`
console.error(new Error(errorMessage))
if (this.currentTest.state === 'failed') {
await verboseReportOnFailure(driver, this.currentTest)
after(async function () {
await ganacheServer.quit()
await driver.quit()
describe('Going through the first time flow', () => {
it('clicks the continue button on the welcome screen', async () => {
await findElement(driver, By.css('.welcome-page__header'))
const welcomeScreenBtn = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${enLocaleMessages.getStarted.message}')]`))
await delay(largeDelayMs)
it('clicks the "Create New Wallet" option', async () => {
const customRpcButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Create a Wallet')]`))
await delay(largeDelayMs)
it('clicks the "I agree" option on the metametrics opt-in screen', async () => {
const optOutButton = await findElement(driver, By.css('.btn-primary'))
await delay(largeDelayMs)
it('accepts a secure password', async () => {
const passwordBox = await findElement(driver, By.css('.first-time-flow__form #create-password'))
const passwordBoxConfirm = await findElement(driver, By.css('.first-time-flow__form #confirm-password'))
const button = await findElement(driver, By.css('.first-time-flow__form button'))
await passwordBox.sendKeys('correct horse battery staple')
await passwordBoxConfirm.sendKeys('correct horse battery staple')
const tosCheckBox = await findElement(driver, By.css('.first-time-flow__checkbox'))
await tosCheckBox.click()
await button.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
let seedPhrase
it('reveals the seed phrase', async () => {
const byRevealButton = By.css('.reveal-seed-phrase__secret-blocker .reveal-seed-phrase__reveal-button')
await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(byRevealButton, 10000))
const revealSeedPhraseButton = await findElement(driver, byRevealButton, 10000)
await revealSeedPhraseButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
seedPhrase = await driver.findElement(By.css('.reveal-seed-phrase__secret-words')).getText()
assert.equal(seedPhrase.split(' ').length, 12)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${enLocaleMessages.next.message}')]`))
await nextScreen.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
async function clickWordAndWait (word) {
const xpath = `//div[contains(@class, 'confirm-seed-phrase__seed-word--shuffled') and not(contains(@class, 'confirm-seed-phrase__seed-word--selected')) and contains(text(), '${word}')]`
const word0 = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(xpath), 10000)
await word0.click()
await delay(tinyDelayMs)
it('can retype the seed phrase', async () => {
const words = seedPhrase.split(' ')
for (const word of words) {
await clickWordAndWait(word)
const confirm = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
await confirm.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('clicks through the success screen', async () => {
await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//div[contains(text(), 'Congratulations')]`))
const doneButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${enLocaleMessages.endOfFlowMessage10.message}')]`))
await doneButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
describe('Show account information', () => {
it('show account details dropdown menu', async () => {
await driver.findElement(By.css('div.menu-bar__open-in-browser')).click()
const options = await driver.findElements(By.css('div.menu.account-details-dropdown div.menu__item'))
assert.equal(options.length, 4) // HD Wallet type does not have to show the Remove Account option
await delay(regularDelayMs)
describe('Import seed phrase', () => {
it('logs out of the vault', async () => {
await driver.findElement(By.css('.account-menu__icon')).click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const logoutButton = await findElement(driver, By.css('.account-menu__logout-button'))
assert.equal(await logoutButton.getText(), 'Log out')
await logoutButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('imports seed phrase', async () => {
const restoreSeedLink = await findElement(driver, By.css('.unlock-page__link--import'))
assert.equal(await restoreSeedLink.getText(), 'Import using account seed phrase')
await restoreSeedLink.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const seedTextArea = await findElement(driver, By.css('textarea'))
await seedTextArea.sendKeys(testSeedPhrase)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const passwordInputs = await driver.findElements(By.css('input'))
await delay(regularDelayMs)
await passwordInputs[0].sendKeys('correct horse battery staple')
await passwordInputs[1].sendKeys('correct horse battery staple')
await driver.findElement(By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), '${enLocaleMessages.restore.message}')]`)).click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('switches to localhost', async () => {
const networkDropdown = await findElement(driver, By.css('.network-name'))
await networkDropdown.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const [localhost] = await findElements(driver, By.xpath(`//span[contains(text(), 'Localhost')]`))
await localhost.click()
await delay(largeDelayMs * 2)
it('balance renders', async () => {
const balance = await findElement(driver, By.css('.transaction-view-balance__primary-balance'))
await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(balance, /100\s*ETH/))
await delay(regularDelayMs)
describe('Send ETH from inside MetaMask', () => {
it('starts to send a transaction', async function () {
const sendButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Send')]`))
await sendButton.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const inputAddress = await findElement(driver, By.css('input[placeholder="Search, public address (0x), or ENS"]'))
await inputAddress.sendKeys('0x2f318C334780961FB129D2a6c30D0763d9a5C970')
const inputAmount = await findElement(driver, By.css('.unit-input__input'))
await inputAmount.sendKeys('1')
const inputValue = await inputAmount.getAttribute('value')
assert.equal(inputValue, '1')
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('opens and closes the gas modal', async function () {
// Set the gas limit
const configureGas = await findElement(driver, By.css('.advanced-gas-options-btn'))
await configureGas.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
const gasModal = await driver.findElement(By.css('span .modal'))
const save = await findElement(driver, By.css('.page-container__header-close-text'))
await save.click()
await driver.wait(until.stalenessOf(gasModal), 10000)
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('clicks through to the confirm screen', async function () {
// Continue to next screen
const nextScreen = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Next')]`))
await nextScreen.click()
await delay(regularDelayMs)
it('confirms the transaction', async function () {
const confirmButton = await findElement(driver, By.xpath(`//button[contains(text(), 'Confirm')]`))
await confirmButton.click()
await delay(largeDelayMs)
it('finds the transaction in the transactions list', async function () {
await driver.wait(async () => {
const confirmedTxes = await findElements(driver, By.css('.transaction-list__completed-transactions .transaction-list-item'))
return confirmedTxes.length === 1
}, 10000)
const txValues = await findElement(driver, By.css('.transaction-list-item__amount--primary'))
await driver.wait(until.elementTextMatches(txValues, /-1\s*ETH/), 10000)