mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
* Optimize images only during production build Image optimization is fairly slow (over a minute), and isn't necessary for test or development builds. It is now only run as part of the `build` gulp task, which is used during `gulp dist`. * Remove unused gulp tasks There were two high-level tasks and one style formatting task that were not used by any npm scripts, so were probably unused generally. The `dev` task was a duplcate of `dev:extension`. The `build:extension` task was useful for just building the extension without performing other steps required by the final production bundle, but it was broken. It didn't correctly build the ui-libs and bg-libs required. Instead of fixing it, it has been removed until the handling of those separate library bundles is simplified. The style formatting task seems like it could be useful, but I'm unsure about keeping it around as opt-in, as in practice it'll just end up being ignored. Moreover the library authors themselves are recommending switching to `prettier`, so I think we're better off removing it for now, then considering using `prettier` if we want to introduce something like this again. The stylelint dependency was added because it's a peer dependency of gulp-stylelint that should have already been listed among our dependencies. It hadn't caused a problem before because it happened to be a transitive dependency of gulp-stylefmt, which is no longer needed and has been removed.
702 lines
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702 lines
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const watchify = require('watchify')
const browserify = require('browserify')
const envify = require('envify/custom')
const gulp = require('gulp')
const source = require('vinyl-source-stream')
const buffer = require('vinyl-buffer')
const gutil = require('gulp-util')
const watch = require('gulp-watch')
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps')
const jsoneditor = require('gulp-json-editor')
const zip = require('gulp-zip')
const assign = require('lodash.assign')
const livereload = require('gulp-livereload')
const del = require('del')
const manifest = require('./app/manifest.json')
const sass = require('gulp-sass')
const autoprefixer = require('gulp-autoprefixer')
const gulpStylelint = require('gulp-stylelint')
const terser = require('gulp-terser-js')
const pify = require('pify')
const rtlcss = require('gulp-rtlcss')
const rename = require('gulp-rename')
const gulpMultiProcess = require('gulp-multi-process')
const endOfStream = pify(require('end-of-stream'))
const sesify = require('sesify')
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp')
const imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin')
const { makeStringTransform } = require('browserify-transform-tools')
const packageJSON = require('./package.json')
const dependencies = Object.keys(packageJSON && packageJSON.dependencies || {})
const materialUIDependencies = ['@material-ui/core']
const reactDepenendencies = dependencies.filter(dep => dep.match(/react/))
const d3Dependencies = ['c3', 'd3']
const externalDependenciesMap = {
background: [
ui: [
...materialUIDependencies, ...reactDepenendencies, ...d3Dependencies,
function gulpParallel (...args) {
return function spawnGulpChildProcess (cb) {
return gulpMultiProcess(args, cb, true)
const browserPlatforms = [
const commonPlatforms = [
// browser extensions
// browser reload
gulp.task('dev:reload', function () {
port: 35729,
// copy universal
const copyTaskNames = []
const copyDevTaskNames = []
createCopyTasks('locales', {
source: './app/_locales/',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}/_locales`),
createCopyTasks('images', {
source: './app/images/',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}/images`),
createCopyTasks('contractImages', {
source: './node_modules/eth-contract-metadata/images/',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}/images/contract`),
createCopyTasks('fonts', {
source: './app/fonts/',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}/fonts`),
createCopyTasks('vendor', {
source: './app/vendor/',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}/vendor`),
createCopyTasks('css', {
source: './ui/app/css/output/',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}`),
createCopyTasks('reload', {
devOnly: true,
source: './app/scripts/',
pattern: '/chromereload.js',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}`),
createCopyTasks('html', {
source: './app/',
pattern: '/*.html',
destinations: commonPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}`),
// copy extension
createCopyTasks('manifest', {
source: './app/',
pattern: '/*.json',
destinations: browserPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}`),
function createCopyTasks (label, opts) {
if (!opts.devOnly) {
const copyTaskName = `copy:${label}`
copyTask(copyTaskName, opts)
const copyDevTaskName = `dev:copy:${label}`
copyTask(copyDevTaskName, Object.assign({ devMode: true }, opts))
function copyTask (taskName, opts) {
const source = opts.source
const destination = opts.destination
const destinations = opts.destinations || [destination]
const pattern = opts.pattern || '/**/*'
const devMode = opts.devMode
return gulp.task(taskName, function () {
if (devMode) {
watch(source + pattern, (event) => {
return performCopy()
function performCopy () {
// stream from source
let stream = gulp.src(source + pattern, { base: source })
// copy to destinations
destinations.forEach(function (destination) {
stream = stream.pipe(gulp.dest(destination))
return stream
// manifest tinkering
gulp.task('manifest:chrome', function () {
return gulp.src('./dist/chrome/manifest.json')
.pipe(jsoneditor(function (json) {
delete json.applications
json.minimum_chrome_version = '58'
return json
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/chrome', { overwrite: true }))
gulp.task('manifest:opera', function () {
return gulp.src('./dist/opera/manifest.json')
.pipe(jsoneditor(function (json) {
json.permissions = [
return json
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/opera', { overwrite: true }))
gulp.task('manifest:production', function () {
return gulp.src([
], {base: './dist/'})
// Exclude chromereload script in production:
.pipe(jsoneditor(function (json) {
json.background.scripts = json.background.scripts.filter((script) => {
return !script.includes('chromereload')
return json
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/', { overwrite: true }))
gulp.task('manifest:testing', function () {
return gulp.src([
], {base: './dist/'})
// Exclude chromereload script in production:
.pipe(jsoneditor(function (json) {
json.permissions = [...json.permissions, 'webRequestBlocking', 'http://localhost/*']
return json
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/', { overwrite: true }))
const scriptsToExcludeFromBackgroundDevBuild = {
'bg-libs.js': true,
gulp.task('manifest:testing-local', function () {
return gulp.src([
], {base: './dist/'})
.pipe(jsoneditor(function (json) {
json.background = {
scripts: json.background.scripts.filter(scriptName => !scriptsToExcludeFromBackgroundDevBuild[scriptName]),
json.permissions = [...json.permissions, 'webRequestBlocking', 'http://localhost/*']
return json
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/', { overwrite: true }))
gulp.task('manifest:dev', function () {
return gulp.src([
], {base: './dist/'})
.pipe(jsoneditor(function (json) {
json.background = {
scripts: json.background.scripts.filter(scriptName => !scriptsToExcludeFromBackgroundDevBuild[scriptName]),
json.permissions = [...json.permissions, 'webRequestBlocking']
return json
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/', { overwrite: true }))
gulp.task('optimize:images', function () {
return gulp.src('./dist/**/images/**', {base: './dist/'})
.pipe(gulp.dest('./dist/', { overwrite: true }))
// scss compilation and autoprefixing tasks
gulp.task('build:scss', createScssBuildTask({
src: 'ui/app/css/index.scss',
dest: 'ui/app/css/output',
devMode: false,
gulp.task('dev:scss', createScssBuildTask({
src: 'ui/app/css/index.scss',
dest: 'ui/app/css/output',
devMode: true,
pattern: 'ui/app/**/*.scss',
function createScssBuildTask ({ src, dest, devMode, pattern }) {
return function () {
if (devMode) {
watch(pattern, async (event) => {
const stream = buildScss()
await endOfStream(stream)
return buildScssWithSourceMaps()
return buildScss()
function buildScssWithSourceMaps () {
return gulp.src(src)
.pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
.pipe(rename({ suffix: '-rtl' }))
function buildScss () {
return gulp.src(src)
.pipe(sass().on('error', sass.logError))
.pipe(rename({ suffix: '-rtl' }))
gulp.task('lint-scss', function () {
return gulp
reporters: [
{ formatter: 'string', console: true },
fix: true,
// build js
const buildJsFiles = [
// bundle tasks
createTasksForBuildJsDeps({ filename: 'bg-libs', key: 'background' })
createTasksForBuildJsDeps({ filename: 'ui-libs', key: 'ui' })
createTasksForBuildJsExtension({ buildJsFiles, taskPrefix: 'dev:extension:js', devMode: true })
createTasksForBuildJsExtension({ buildJsFiles, taskPrefix: 'dev:test-extension:js', devMode: true, testing: 'true' })
createTasksForBuildJsExtension({ buildJsFiles, taskPrefix: 'build:extension:js' })
createTasksForBuildJsExtension({ buildJsFiles, taskPrefix: 'build:test:extension:js', testing: 'true' })
function createTasksForBuildJsDeps ({ key, filename }) {
const destinations = browserPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}`)
const bundleTaskOpts = Object.assign({
buildSourceMaps: true,
sourceMapDir: '../sourcemaps',
minifyBuild: true,
devMode: false,
gulp.task(`build:extension:js:deps:${key}`, bundleTask(Object.assign({
label: filename,
filename: `${filename}.js`,
buildLib: true,
dependenciesToBundle: externalDependenciesMap[key],
}, bundleTaskOpts)))
function createTasksForBuildJsExtension ({ buildJsFiles, taskPrefix, devMode, testing, bundleTaskOpts = {} }) {
// inpage must be built before all other scripts:
const rootDir = './app/scripts'
const nonInpageFiles = buildJsFiles.filter(file => file !== 'inpage')
const buildPhase1 = ['inpage']
const buildPhase2 = nonInpageFiles
const destinations = browserPlatforms.map(platform => `./dist/${platform}`)
bundleTaskOpts = Object.assign({
buildSourceMaps: true,
sourceMapDir: '../sourcemaps',
minifyBuild: !devMode,
buildWithFullPaths: devMode,
watch: devMode,
}, bundleTaskOpts)
createTasksForBuildJs({ rootDir, taskPrefix, bundleTaskOpts, destinations, buildPhase1, buildPhase2 })
function createTasksForBuildJs ({ rootDir, taskPrefix, bundleTaskOpts, destinations, buildPhase1 = [], buildPhase2 = [] }) {
// bundle task for each file
const jsFiles = [].concat(buildPhase1, buildPhase2)
jsFiles.forEach((jsFile) => {
gulp.task(`${taskPrefix}:${jsFile}`, bundleTask(Object.assign({
label: jsFile,
filename: `${jsFile}.js`,
filepath: `${rootDir}/${jsFile}.js`,
externalDependencies: bundleTaskOpts.devMode ? undefined : externalDependenciesMap[jsFile],
}, bundleTaskOpts)))
// compose into larger task
const subtasks = []
subtasks.push(gulp.parallel(buildPhase1.map(file => `${taskPrefix}:${file}`)))
if (buildPhase2.length) subtasks.push(gulp.parallel(buildPhase2.map(file => `${taskPrefix}:${file}`)))
gulp.task(taskPrefix, gulp.series(subtasks))
// clean dist
gulp.task('clean', function clean () {
return del(['./dist/*'])
// zip tasks for distribution
gulp.task('zip:chrome', zipTask('chrome'))
gulp.task('zip:firefox', zipTask('firefox'))
gulp.task('zip:opera', zipTask('opera'))
gulp.task('zip', gulp.parallel('zip:chrome', 'zip:firefox', 'zip:opera'))
// high level tasks
// task generators
function zipTask (target) {
return () => {
return gulp.src(`dist/${target}/**`)
function generateBundler (opts, performBundle) {
const browserifyOpts = assign({}, watchify.args, {
plugin: [],
transform: [],
debug: opts.buildSourceMaps,
fullPaths: opts.buildWithFullPaths,
const bundleName = opts.filename.split('.')[0]
// activate sesify
const activateAutoConfig = Boolean(process.env.SESIFY_AUTOGEN)
// const activateSesify = activateAutoConfig
const activateSesify = activateAutoConfig && ['background'].includes(bundleName)
if (activateSesify) {
configureBundleForSesify({ browserifyOpts, bundleName })
if (!activateSesify) {
if (!opts.buildLib) {
if (opts.devMode && opts.filename === 'ui.js') {
browserifyOpts['entries'] = ['./development/require-react-devtools.js', opts.filepath]
} else {
browserifyOpts['entries'] = [opts.filepath]
let bundler = browserify(browserifyOpts)
// Transpile any dependencies using the object spread/rest operator
// because it is incompatible with `esprima`, which is used by `envify`
// See https://github.com/jquery/esprima/issues/1927
.transform('babelify', {
only: [
global: true,
plugins: ['@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread'],
if (opts.buildLib) {
bundler = bundler.require(opts.dependenciesToBundle)
if (opts.externalDependencies) {
bundler = bundler.external(opts.externalDependencies)
// Inject variables into bundle
METAMASK_DEBUG: opts.devMode,
NODE_ENV: opts.devMode ? 'development' : 'production',
IN_TEST: opts.testing,
PUBNUB_SUB_KEY: process.env.PUBNUB_SUB_KEY || '',
PUBNUB_PUB_KEY: process.env.PUBNUB_PUB_KEY || '',
}), {
global: true,
if (opts.watch) {
bundler = watchify(bundler)
// on any file update, re-runs the bundler
bundler.on('update', async (ids) => {
const stream = performBundle()
await endOfStream(stream)
return bundler
function bundleTask (opts) {
let bundler
return performBundle
function performBundle () {
// initialize bundler if not available yet
// dont create bundler until task is actually run
if (!bundler) {
bundler = generateBundler(opts, performBundle)
// output build logs to terminal
bundler.on('log', gutil.log)
let buildStream = bundler.bundle()
// handle errors
buildStream.on('error', (err) => {
if (opts.watch) {
} else {
throw err
// process bundles
buildStream = buildStream
// convert bundle stream to gulp vinyl stream
// buffer file contents (?)
// Initialize Source Maps
if (opts.buildSourceMaps) {
buildStream = buildStream
// loads map from browserify file
.pipe(sourcemaps.init({ loadMaps: true }))
// Minification
if (opts.minifyBuild) {
buildStream = buildStream
mangle: {
reserved: [ 'MetamaskInpageProvider' ],
// Finalize Source Maps
if (opts.buildSourceMaps) {
if (opts.devMode) {
// Use inline source maps for development due to Chrome DevTools bug
// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=931675
buildStream = buildStream
} else {
buildStream = buildStream
// write completed bundles
opts.destinations.forEach((dest) => {
buildStream = buildStream.pipe(gulp.dest(dest))
return buildStream
function configureBundleForSesify ({
}) {
// add in sesify args for better globalRef usage detection
Object.assign(browserifyOpts, sesify.args)
// ensure browserify uses full paths
browserifyOpts.fullPaths = true
// record dependencies used in bundle
browserifyOpts.plugin.push(['deps-dump', {
filename: `./sesify/deps-${bundleName}.json`,
const sesifyConfigPath = `./sesify/${bundleName}.json`
// add sesify plugin
browserifyOpts.plugin.push([sesify, {
writeAutoConfig: sesifyConfigPath,
// remove html comments that SES is alergic to
const removeHtmlComment = makeStringTransform('remove-html-comment', { excludeExtension: ['.json'] }, (content, _, cb) => {
const result = content.split('-->').join('-- >')
cb(null, result)
browserifyOpts.transform.push([removeHtmlComment, { global: true }])
function beep () {