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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
When a lot of transactions are occurring on the network, such as during an NFT drop, it drives gas fees up. When this happens, we want to not only inform the user about this, but also dissuade them from using a higher gas fee (as we have proved in testing that high gas fees can cause bidding wars and exacerbate the situation). The method for determining whether the network is "busy" is already handled by GasFeeController, which exposes a `networkCongestion` property within the gas fee estimate data. If this number exceeds 0.66 — meaning that the current base fee is above the 66th percentile among the base fees over the last several days — then we determine that the network is "busy".
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import { addHexPrefix, isHexString, stripHexPrefix } from 'ethereumjs-util';
import * as actionConstants from '../../store/actionConstants';
import { ALERT_TYPES } from '../../../shared/constants/alerts';
import {
} from '../../../shared/constants/gas';
import { NETWORK_TYPE_RPC } from '../../../shared/constants/network';
import {
} from '../../selectors';
import { updateTransaction } from '../../store/actions';
import { setCustomGasLimit, setCustomGasPrice } from '../gas/gas.duck';
import { decGWEIToHexWEI } from '../../helpers/utils/conversions.util';
import { isEqualCaseInsensitive } from '../../helpers/utils/util';
import { KEYRING_TYPES } from '../../../shared/constants/hardware-wallets';
export default function reduceMetamask(state = {}, action) {
const metamaskState = {
isInitialized: false,
isUnlocked: false,
isAccountMenuOpen: false,
identities: {},
unapprovedTxs: {},
frequentRpcList: [],
addressBook: [],
contractExchangeRates: {},
pendingTokens: {},
customNonceValue: '',
useBlockie: false,
featureFlags: {},
welcomeScreenSeen: false,
currentLocale: '',
currentBlockGasLimit: '',
preferences: {
autoLockTimeLimit: undefined,
showFiatInTestnets: false,
showTestNetworks: false,
useNativeCurrencyAsPrimaryCurrency: true,
firstTimeFlowType: null,
completedOnboarding: false,
knownMethodData: {},
participateInMetaMetrics: null,
nextNonce: null,
conversionRate: null,
nativeCurrency: 'ETH',
switch (action.type) {
case actionConstants.UPDATE_METAMASK_STATE:
return { ...metamaskState, ...action.value };
case actionConstants.LOCK_METAMASK:
return {
isUnlocked: false,
case actionConstants.SET_RPC_TARGET:
return {
provider: {
rpcUrl: action.value,
case actionConstants.SET_PROVIDER_TYPE:
return {
provider: {
type: action.value,
case actionConstants.SHOW_ACCOUNT_DETAIL:
return {
isUnlocked: true,
isInitialized: true,
selectedAddress: action.value,
case actionConstants.SET_ACCOUNT_LABEL: {
const { account } = action.value;
const name = action.value.label;
const id = {};
id[account] = { ...metamaskState.identities[account], name };
const identities = { ...metamaskState.identities, ...id };
return Object.assign(metamaskState, { identities });
case actionConstants.UPDATE_CUSTOM_NONCE:
return {
customNonceValue: action.value,
case actionConstants.TOGGLE_ACCOUNT_MENU:
return {
isAccountMenuOpen: !metamaskState.isAccountMenuOpen,
case actionConstants.UPDATE_TRANSACTION_PARAMS: {
const { id: txId, value } = action;
let { currentNetworkTxList } = metamaskState;
currentNetworkTxList = currentNetworkTxList.map((tx) => {
if (tx.id === txId) {
const newTx = { ...tx };
newTx.txParams = value;
return newTx;
return tx;
return {
return {
participateInMetaMetrics: action.value,
case actionConstants.SET_USE_BLOCKIE:
return {
useBlockie: action.value,
case actionConstants.UPDATE_FEATURE_FLAGS:
return {
featureFlags: action.value,
case actionConstants.CLOSE_WELCOME_SCREEN:
return {
welcomeScreenSeen: true,
case actionConstants.SET_CURRENT_LOCALE:
return {
currentLocale: action.value.locale,
case actionConstants.SET_PENDING_TOKENS:
return {
pendingTokens: { ...action.payload },
case actionConstants.CLEAR_PENDING_TOKENS: {
return {
pendingTokens: {},
case actionConstants.UPDATE_PREFERENCES: {
return {
preferences: {
case actionConstants.COMPLETE_ONBOARDING: {
return {
completedOnboarding: true,
case actionConstants.SET_FIRST_TIME_FLOW_TYPE: {
return {
firstTimeFlowType: action.value,
case actionConstants.SET_NEXT_NONCE: {
return {
nextNonce: action.value,
return metamaskState;
const toHexWei = (value, expectHexWei) => {
return addHexPrefix(expectHexWei ? value : decGWEIToHexWEI(value));
// Action Creators
export function updateTransactionGasFees({
expectHexWei = false,
}) {
return async (dispatch) => {
const txParamsCopy = { ...transaction.txParams, gas: gasLimit };
if (gasPrice) {
setCustomGasPrice(toHexWei(txParamsCopy.gasPrice, expectHexWei)),
txParamsCopy.gasPrice = toHexWei(gasPrice, expectHexWei);
} else if (maxFeePerGas && maxPriorityFeePerGas) {
txParamsCopy.maxFeePerGas = toHexWei(maxFeePerGas, expectHexWei);
txParamsCopy.maxPriorityFeePerGas = addHexPrefix(
const updatedTx = {
txParams: txParamsCopy,
const customGasLimit = isHexString(addHexPrefix(gasLimit))
? addHexPrefix(gasLimit)
: addHexPrefix(gasLimit.toString(16));
await dispatch(updateTransaction(updatedTx));
// Selectors
export const getCurrentLocale = (state) => state.metamask.currentLocale;
export const getAlertEnabledness = (state) => state.metamask.alertEnabledness;
export const getUnconnectedAccountAlertEnabledness = (state) =>
export const getWeb3ShimUsageAlertEnabledness = (state) =>
export const getUnconnectedAccountAlertShown = (state) =>
export const getTokens = (state) => state.metamask.tokens;
export function getCollectiblesDetectionNoticeDismissed(state) {
return state.metamask.collectiblesDetectionNoticeDismissed;
export const getCollectibles = (state) => {
const {
metamask: {
provider: { chainId },
} = state;
return allCollectibles?.[selectedAddress]?.[chainId] ?? [];
export const getCollectibleContracts = (state) => {
const {
metamask: {
provider: { chainId },
} = state;
return allCollectibleContracts?.[selectedAddress]?.[chainId] ?? [];
export function getBlockGasLimit(state) {
return state.metamask.currentBlockGasLimit;
export function getConversionRate(state) {
return state.metamask.conversionRate;
export function getNativeCurrency(state) {
return state.metamask.nativeCurrency;
export function getSendHexDataFeatureFlagState(state) {
return state.metamask.featureFlags.sendHexData;
export function getSendToAccounts(state) {
const fromAccounts = accountsWithSendEtherInfoSelector(state);
const addressBookAccounts = getAddressBook(state);
return [...fromAccounts, ...addressBookAccounts];
export function getUnapprovedTxs(state) {
return state.metamask.unapprovedTxs;
* Function returns true if network details are fetched and it is found to not support EIP-1559
* @param state
export function isNotEIP1559Network(state) {
return state.metamask.networkDetails?.EIPS[1559] === false;
* Function returns true if network details are fetched and it is found to support EIP-1559
* @param state
export function isEIP1559Network(state) {
return state.metamask.networkDetails?.EIPS[1559] === true;
export function getGasEstimateType(state) {
return state.metamask.gasEstimateType;
export function getGasFeeEstimates(state) {
return state.metamask.gasFeeEstimates;
export function getEstimatedGasFeeTimeBounds(state) {
return state.metamask.estimatedGasFeeTimeBounds;
export function getIsGasEstimatesLoading(state) {
const networkAndAccountSupports1559 = checkNetworkAndAccountSupports1559(
const gasEstimateType = getGasEstimateType(state);
// We consider the gas estimate to be loading if the gasEstimateType is
// 'NONE' or if the current gasEstimateType cannot be supported by the current
// network
const isEIP1559TolerableEstimateType =
const isGasEstimatesLoading =
gasEstimateType === GAS_ESTIMATE_TYPES.NONE ||
(networkAndAccountSupports1559 && !isEIP1559TolerableEstimateType) ||
(!networkAndAccountSupports1559 &&
return isGasEstimatesLoading;
export function getIsNetworkBusy(state) {
const gasFeeEstimates = getGasFeeEstimates(state);
return (
gasFeeEstimates?.networkCongestion >= NETWORK_CONGESTION_THRESHOLDS.BUSY
export function getCompletedOnboarding(state) {
return state.metamask.completedOnboarding;
export function getIsInitialized(state) {
return state.metamask.isInitialized;
export function getIsUnlocked(state) {
return state.metamask.isUnlocked;
export function getSeedPhraseBackedUp(state) {
return state.metamask.seedPhraseBackedUp;
* Given the redux state object and an address, finds a keyring that contains that address, if one exists
* @param {Object} state - the redux state object
* @param {string} address - the address to search for among the keyring addresses
* @returns {Object|undefined} The keyring which contains the passed address, or undefined
export function findKeyringForAddress(state, address) {
const keyring = state.metamask.keyrings.find((kr) => {
return kr.accounts.some((account) => {
return (
isEqualCaseInsensitive(account, addHexPrefix(address)) ||
isEqualCaseInsensitive(account, stripHexPrefix(address))
return keyring;
* Given the redux state object, returns the users preferred ledger transport type
* @param {Object} state - the redux state object
* @returns {string} The users preferred ledger transport type. One of'ledgerLive', 'webhid' or 'u2f'
export function getLedgerTransportType(state) {
return state.metamask.ledgerTransportType;
* Given the redux state object and an address, returns a boolean indicating whether the passed address is part of a Ledger keyring
* @param {Object} state - the redux state object
* @param {string} address - the address to search for among all keyring addresses
* @returns {boolean} true if the passed address is part of a ledger keyring, and false otherwise
export function isAddressLedger(state, address) {
const keyring = findKeyringForAddress(state, address);
return keyring?.type === KEYRING_TYPES.LEDGER;
* Given the redux state object, returns a boolean indicating whether the user has any Ledger accounts added to MetaMask (i.e. Ledger keyrings
* in state)
* @param {Object} state - the redux state object
* @returns {boolean} true if the user has a Ledger account and false otherwise
export function doesUserHaveALedgerAccount(state) {
return state.metamask.keyrings.some((kr) => {
return kr.type === KEYRING_TYPES.LEDGER;