mirror of https://github.com/kremalicious/metamask-extension.git synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
Erik Marks b75f812953
Improve LoginPerSite UX/devX and permissions logging (#7649)
Update accounts permission history on accountsChanged
Create PermissionsLogController
Fix permissions activity log pruning
Add selectors, background hooks for better UX
Make selected account the first account returned
Use enums for store keys in log controller
Add last selected address history to PreferencesController
2020-01-27 14:42:03 -08:00

436 lines
12 KiB

import JsonRpcEngine from 'json-rpc-engine'
import asMiddleware from 'json-rpc-engine/src/asMiddleware'
import ObservableStore from 'obs-store'
import log from 'loglevel'
import { CapabilitiesController as RpcCap } from 'rpc-cap'
import { ethErrors } from 'eth-json-rpc-errors'
import getRestrictedMethods from './restrictedMethods'
import createMethodMiddleware from './methodMiddleware'
import PermissionsLogController from './permissionsLog'
// Methods that do not require any permissions to use:
import {
SAFE_METHODS, // methods that do not require any permissions to use
} from './enums'
export class PermissionsController {
constructor (
platform, notifyDomain, notifyAllDomains, getKeyringAccounts,
} = {},
restoredPermissions = {},
restoredState = {}) {
this.store = new ObservableStore({
[LOG_STORE_KEY]: restoredState[LOG_STORE_KEY] || [],
this._notifyDomain = notifyDomain
this.notifyAllDomains = notifyAllDomains
this.getKeyringAccounts = getKeyringAccounts
this._platform = platform
this._restrictedMethods = getRestrictedMethods(this)
this.permissionsLogController = new PermissionsLogController({
restrictedMethods: Object.keys(this._restrictedMethods),
store: this.store,
createMiddleware ({ origin, extensionId }) {
if (extensionId) {
[origin]: { extensionId },
const engine = new JsonRpcEngine()
store: this.store,
getAccounts: this.getAccounts.bind(this, origin),
requestAccountsPermission: this._requestPermissions.bind(
this, origin, { eth_accounts: {} }
this.permissions, { origin }
return asMiddleware(engine)
* Returns the accounts that should be exposed for the given origin domain,
* if any. This method exists for when a trusted context needs to know
* which accounts are exposed to a given domain.
* @param {string} origin - The origin string.
getAccounts (origin) {
return new Promise((resolve, _) => {
const req = { method: 'eth_accounts' }
const res = {}
{ origin }, req, res, () => {}, _end
function _end () {
if (res.error || !Array.isArray(res.result)) {
} else {
* Submits a permissions request to rpc-cap. Internal, background use only.
* @param {string} origin - The origin string.
* @param {IRequestedPermissions} permissions - The requested permissions.
_requestPermissions (origin, permissions) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const req = { method: 'wallet_requestPermissions', params: [permissions] }
const res = {}
{ origin }, req, res, () => {}, _end
function _end (err) {
if (err || res.error) {
reject(err || res.error)
} else {
* User approval callback. The request can fail if the request is invalid.
* @param {Object} approved - the approved request object
* @param {Array} accounts - The accounts to expose, if any
async approvePermissionsRequest (approved, accounts) {
const { id } = approved.metadata
const approval = this.pendingApprovals[id]
if (!approval) {
log.warn(`Permissions request with id '${id}' not found`)
try {
// attempt to finalize the request and resolve it
await this.finalizePermissionsRequest(approved.permissions, accounts)
} catch (err) {
// if finalization fails, reject the request
message: err.message, data: err,
delete this.pendingApprovals[id]
* User rejection callback.
* @param {string} id - the id of the rejected request
async rejectPermissionsRequest (id) {
const approval = this.pendingApprovals[id]
if (!approval) {
log.warn(`Permissions request with id '${id}' not found`)
delete this.pendingApprovals[id]
* Grants the given origin the eth_accounts permission for the given account(s).
* This method should ONLY be called as a result of direct user action in the UI,
* with the intention of supporting legacy dapps that don't support EIP 1102.
* @param {string} origin - The origin to expose the account(s) to.
* @param {Array<string>} accounts - The account(s) to expose.
async legacyExposeAccounts (origin, accounts) {
const permissions = {
eth_accounts: {},
await this.finalizePermissionsRequest(permissions, accounts)
let error
try {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.permissions.grantNewPermissions(origin, permissions, {}, err => (err ? resolve() : reject(err)))
} catch (err) {
error = err
if (error) {
if (error.code === 4001) {
throw error
} else {
throw ethErrors.rpc.internal({
message: `Failed to add 'eth_accounts' to '${origin}'.`,
data: {
originalError: error,
* Update the accounts exposed to the given origin. Changes the eth_accounts
* permissions and emits accountsChanged.
* At least one account must be exposed. If no accounts are to be exposed, the
* eth_accounts permissions should be removed completely.
* Throws error if the update fails.
* @param {string} origin - The origin to change the exposed accounts for.
* @param {string[]} accounts - The new account(s) to expose.
async updatePermittedAccounts (origin, accounts) {
await this.validatePermittedAccounts(accounts)
origin, 'eth_accounts', CAVEAT_NAMES.exposedAccounts, accounts
this.notifyDomain(origin, {
method: NOTIFICATION_NAMES.accountsChanged,
result: accounts,
* Finalizes a permissions request.
* Throws if request validation fails.
* @param {Object} requestedPermissions - The requested permissions.
* @param {string[]} accounts - The accounts to expose, if any.
async finalizePermissionsRequest (requestedPermissions, accounts) {
const { eth_accounts: ethAccounts } = requestedPermissions
if (ethAccounts) {
await this.validatePermittedAccounts(accounts)
if (!ethAccounts.caveats) {
ethAccounts.caveats = []
// caveat names are unique, and we will only construct this caveat here
ethAccounts.caveats = ethAccounts.caveats.filter(c => (
c.name !== CAVEAT_NAMES.exposedAccounts
type: 'filterResponse',
value: accounts,
name: CAVEAT_NAMES.exposedAccounts,
* Validate an array of accounts representing accounts to be exposed
* to a domain. Throws error if validation fails.
* @param {string[]} accounts - An array of addresses.
async validatePermittedAccounts (accounts) {
if (!Array.isArray(accounts) || accounts.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Must provide non-empty array of account(s).')
// assert accounts exist
const allAccounts = await this.getKeyringAccounts()
accounts.forEach(acc => {
if (!allAccounts.includes(acc)) {
throw new Error(`Unknown account: ${acc}`)
notifyDomain (origin, payload) {
// if the accounts changed from the perspective of the dapp,
// update "last seen" time for the origin and account(s)
// exception: no accounts -> no times to update
if (
payload.method === NOTIFICATION_NAMES.accountsChanged &&
) {
origin, payload.result
this._notifyDomain(origin, payload)
// NOTE:
// we don't check for accounts changing in the notifyAllDomains case,
// because the log only records when accounts were last seen,
// and the accounts only change for all domains at once when permissions
// are removed
* Removes the given permissions for the given domain.
* @param {Object} domains { origin: [permissions] }
removePermissionsFor (domains) {
Object.entries(domains).forEach(([origin, perms]) => {
perms.map(methodName => {
if (methodName === 'eth_accounts') {
{ method: NOTIFICATION_NAMES.accountsChanged, result: [] }
return { parentCapability: methodName }
* When a new account is selected in the UI for 'origin', emit accountsChanged
* to 'origin' if the selected account is permitted.
* @param {string} origin - The origin.
* @param {string} account - The newly selected account's address.
async handleNewAccountSelected (origin, account) {
const permittedAccounts = await this.getAccounts(origin)
// do nothing if the account is not permitted for the origin, or
// if it's already first in the array of permitted accounts
if (
!account || !permittedAccounts.includes(account) ||
permittedAccounts[0] === account
) {
const newPermittedAccounts = [account].concat(
permittedAccounts.filter(_account => _account !== account)
// update permitted accounts to ensure that accounts are returned
// in the same order every time
this.updatePermittedAccounts(origin, newPermittedAccounts)
* Removes all known domains and their related permissions.
clearPermissions () {
method: NOTIFICATION_NAMES.accountsChanged,
result: [],
* A convenience method for retrieving a login object
* or creating a new one if needed.
* @param {string} origin = The origin string representing the domain.
_initializePermissions (restoredState) {
// these permission requests are almost certainly stale
const initState = { ...restoredState, permissionsRequests: [] }
this.pendingApprovals = {}
this.permissions = new RpcCap({
// Supports passthrough methods:
safeMethods: SAFE_METHODS,
// optional prefix for internal methods
methodPrefix: WALLET_PREFIX,
restrictedMethods: this._restrictedMethods,
* A promise-returning callback used to determine whether to approve
* permissions requests or not.
* Currently only returns a boolean, but eventually should return any
* specific parameters or amendments to the permissions.
* @param {string} req - The internal rpc-cap user request object.
requestUserApproval: async (req) => {
const { metadata: { id } } = req
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.pendingApprovals[id] = { resolve, reject }
}, initState)
export function addInternalMethodPrefix (method) {
return WALLET_PREFIX + method