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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
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const Component = require('react').Component
const connect = require('react-redux').connect
const h = require('react-hyperscript')
const inherits = require('util').inherits
const TokenBalance = require('./token-balance')
const Identicon = require('./identicon')
const { formatBalance, generateBalanceObject } = require('../util')
module.exports = connect(mapStateToProps)(BalanceComponent)
function mapStateToProps (state) {
const accounts = state.metamask.accounts
const network = state.metamask.network
const selectedAddress = state.metamask.selectedAddress || Object.keys(accounts)[0]
const account = accounts[selectedAddress]
return {
conversionRate: state.metamask.conversionRate,
currentCurrency: state.metamask.currentCurrency,
inherits(BalanceComponent, Component)
function BalanceComponent () {
BalanceComponent.prototype.render = function () {
const props = this.props
const { token, network } = props
return h('div.balance-container', {}, [
// TODO: balance icon needs to be passed in
// h('img.balance-icon', {
// src: '../images/eth_logo.svg',
// style: {},
// }),
h(Identicon, {
diameter: 45,
address: token && token.address,
token ? this.renderTokenBalance() : this.renderBalance(),
BalanceComponent.prototype.renderTokenBalance = function () {
const { token } = this.props
return h('div.flex-column.balance-display', [
h('div.token-amount', [ h(TokenBalance, { token }) ]),
BalanceComponent.prototype.renderBalance = function () {
const props = this.props
const { shorten, account } = props
const balanceValue = account && account.balance
const needsParse = 'needsParse' in props ? props.needsParse : true
const formattedBalance = balanceValue ? formatBalance(balanceValue, 6, needsParse) : '...'
const showFiat = 'showFiat' in props ? props.showFiat : true
if (formattedBalance === 'None' || formattedBalance === '...') {
return h('div.flex-column.balance-display', {}, [
h('div.token-amount', {
style: {},
}, formattedBalance),
return h('div.flex-column.balance-display', {}, [
h('div.token-amount', {
style: {},
}, this.getTokenBalance(formattedBalance, shorten)),
showFiat ? this.renderFiatValue(formattedBalance) : null,
BalanceComponent.prototype.renderFiatValue = function (formattedBalance) {
const { conversionRate, currentCurrency } = this.props
const fiatDisplayNumber = this.getFiatDisplayNumber(formattedBalance, conversionRate)
const fiatPrefix = currentCurrency === 'USD' ? '$' : ''
return this.renderFiatAmount(fiatDisplayNumber, currentCurrency, fiatPrefix)
BalanceComponent.prototype.renderFiatAmount = function (fiatDisplayNumber, fiatSuffix, fiatPrefix) {
const shouldNotRenderFiat = fiatDisplayNumber === 'N/A' || Number(fiatDisplayNumber) === 0
if (shouldNotRenderFiat) return null
return h('div.fiat-amount', {
style: {},
}, `${fiatPrefix}${fiatDisplayNumber} ${fiatSuffix}`)
BalanceComponent.prototype.getTokenBalance = function (formattedBalance, shorten) {
const balanceObj = generateBalanceObject(formattedBalance, shorten ? 1 : 3)
const balanceValue = shorten ? balanceObj.shortBalance : balanceObj.balance
const label = balanceObj.label
return `${balanceValue} ${label}`
BalanceComponent.prototype.getFiatDisplayNumber = function (formattedBalance, conversionRate) {
if (formattedBalance === 'None') return formattedBalance
if (conversionRate === 0) return 'N/A'
const splitBalance = formattedBalance.split(' ')
return (Number(splitBalance[0]) * conversionRate).toFixed(2)