mirror of
synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
A few inconsistencies in JSDoc formatting have been fixed throughout the project. Many issues remain; these were just the few things that were easy to fix with a regular expression. The changes include: * Using lower-case for primitive types, but capitalizing non-primitive types * Separating the parameter identifier and the description with a dash * Omitting a dash between the return type and the return description * Ensuring the parameter type is first and the identifier is second (in a few places it was backwards) * Using square brackets to denote when a parameter is optional, rather than putting "(optional)" in the parameter description * Including a type and identifier with every parameter * Fixing inconsistent spacing, except where it's used for alignment * Remove incorrectly formatted `@deprecated` tags that reference non- existent properties * Remove lone comment block without accompanying function Additionally, one parameter was renamed for clarity.
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530 lines
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import EventEmitter from 'safe-event-emitter'
import ObservableStore from 'obs-store'
import log from 'loglevel'
import createId from '../../lib/random-id'
import { TRANSACTION_STATUSES } from '../../../../shared/constants/transaction'
import {
} from './lib/tx-state-history-helpers'
import { getFinalStates, normalizeTxParams } from './lib/util'
* TransactionStatuses reimported from the shared transaction constants file
* @typedef {import('../../../../shared/constants/transaction').TransactionStatuses} TransactionStatuses
* TransactionStateManager is responsible for the state of a transaction and
* storing the transaction. It also has some convenience methods for finding
* subsets of transactions.
* @param {Object} opts
* @param {Object} [opts.initState={ transactions: [] }] - initial transactions list with the key transaction {Array}
* @param {number} [opts.txHistoryLimit] - limit for how many finished
* transactions can hang around in state
* @param {Function} opts.getNetwork - return network number
* @class
export default class TransactionStateManager extends EventEmitter {
constructor({ initState, txHistoryLimit, getNetwork }) {
this.store = new ObservableStore({ transactions: [], ...initState })
this.txHistoryLimit = txHistoryLimit
this.getNetwork = getNetwork
* @param {Object} opts - the object to use when overwriting defaults
* @returns {txMeta} the default txMeta object
generateTxMeta(opts) {
const netId = this.getNetwork()
if (netId === 'loading') {
throw new Error('MetaMask is having trouble connecting to the network')
return {
id: createId(),
time: new Date().getTime(),
metamaskNetworkId: netId,
loadingDefaults: true,
* Returns the full tx list for the current network
* The list is iterated backwards as new transactions are pushed onto it.
* @param {number} [limit] - a limit for the number of transactions to return
* @returns {Object[]} The {@code txMeta}s, filtered to the current network
getTxList(limit) {
const network = this.getNetwork()
const fullTxList = this.getFullTxList()
const nonces = new Set()
const txs = []
for (let i = fullTxList.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
const txMeta = fullTxList[i]
if (txMeta.metamaskNetworkId !== network) {
if (limit !== undefined) {
const { nonce } = txMeta.txParams
if (!nonces.has(nonce)) {
if (nonces.size < limit) {
} else {
return txs
* @returns {Array} of all the txMetas in store
getFullTxList() {
return this.store.getState().transactions
* @returns {Array} the tx list with unapproved status
getUnapprovedTxList() {
const txList = this.getTxsByMetaData(
return txList.reduce((result, tx) => {
result[tx.id] = tx
return result
}, {})
* @param {string} [address] - hex prefixed address to sort the txMetas for [optional]
* @returns {Array} the tx list with approved status if no address is provide
* returns all txMetas with approved statuses for the current network
getApprovedTransactions(address) {
const opts = { status: TRANSACTION_STATUSES.APPROVED }
if (address) {
opts.from = address
return this.getFilteredTxList(opts)
* @param {string} [address] - hex prefixed address to sort the txMetas for [optional]
* @returns {Array} the tx list submitted status if no address is provide
* returns all txMetas with submitted statuses for the current network
getPendingTransactions(address) {
if (address) {
opts.from = address
return this.getFilteredTxList(opts)
@param {string} [address] - hex prefixed address to sort the txMetas for [optional]
@returns {Array} the tx list whose status is confirmed if no address is provide
returns all txMetas who's status is confirmed for the current network
getConfirmedTransactions(address) {
if (address) {
opts.from = address
return this.getFilteredTxList(opts)
* Adds the txMeta to the list of transactions in the store.
* if the list is over txHistoryLimit it will remove a transaction that
* is in its final state.
* it will also add the key `history` to the txMeta with the snap shot of
* the original object
* @param {Object} txMeta
* @returns {Object} the txMeta
addTx(txMeta) {
// normalize and validate txParams if present
if (txMeta.txParams) {
txMeta.txParams = this.normalizeAndValidateTxParams(txMeta.txParams)
this.once(`${txMeta.id}:signed`, () => {
this.once(`${txMeta.id}:rejected`, () => {
// initialize history
txMeta.history = []
// capture initial snapshot of txMeta for history
const snapshot = snapshotFromTxMeta(txMeta)
const transactions = this.getFullTxList()
const txCount = transactions.length
const { txHistoryLimit } = this
// checks if the length of the tx history is
// longer then desired persistence limit
// and then if it is removes only confirmed
// or rejected tx's.
// not tx's that are pending or unapproved
if (txCount > txHistoryLimit - 1) {
const index = transactions.findIndex((metaTx) => {
return getFinalStates().includes(metaTx.status)
if (index !== -1) {
transactions.splice(index, 1)
const newTxIndex = transactions.findIndex(
(currentTxMeta) => currentTxMeta.time > txMeta.time,
newTxIndex === -1
? transactions.push(txMeta)
: transactions.splice(newTxIndex, 0, txMeta)
return txMeta
* @param {number} txId
* @returns {Object} the txMeta who matches the given id if none found
* for the network returns undefined
getTx(txId) {
const txMeta = this.getTxsByMetaData('id', txId)[0]
return txMeta
* updates the txMeta in the list and adds a history entry
* @param {Object} txMeta - the txMeta to update
* @param {string} [note] - a note about the update for history
updateTx(txMeta, note) {
// normalize and validate txParams if present
if (txMeta.txParams) {
txMeta.txParams = this.normalizeAndValidateTxParams(txMeta.txParams)
// create txMeta snapshot for history
const currentState = snapshotFromTxMeta(txMeta)
// recover previous tx state obj
const previousState = replayHistory(txMeta.history)
// generate history entry and add to history
const entry = generateHistoryEntry(previousState, currentState, note)
if (entry.length) {
// commit txMeta to state
const txId = txMeta.id
const txList = this.getFullTxList()
const index = txList.findIndex((txData) => txData.id === txId)
txList[index] = txMeta
* merges txParams obj onto txMeta.txParams use extend to ensure
* that all fields are filled
* @param {number} txId - the id of the txMeta
* @param {Object} txParams - the updated txParams
updateTxParams(txId, txParams) {
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
txMeta.txParams = { ...txMeta.txParams, ...txParams }
this.updateTx(txMeta, `txStateManager#updateTxParams`)
* normalize and validate txParams members
* @param {Object} txParams - txParams
normalizeAndValidateTxParams(txParams) {
if (typeof txParams.data === 'undefined') {
delete txParams.data
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
txParams = normalizeTxParams(txParams, false)
return txParams
* validates txParams members by type
* @param {Object} txParams - txParams to validate
validateTxParams(txParams) {
Object.keys(txParams).forEach((key) => {
const value = txParams[key]
// validate types
switch (key) {
case 'chainId':
if (typeof value !== 'number' && typeof value !== 'string') {
throw new Error(
`${key} in txParams is not a Number or hex string. got: (${value})`,
if (typeof value !== 'string') {
throw new Error(
`${key} in txParams is not a string. got: (${value})`,
@param {Object} opts - an object of fields to search for eg:<br>
let <code>thingsToLookFor = {<br>
to: '0x0..',<br>
from: '0x0..',<br>
status: 'signed', \\ (status) => status !== 'rejected' give me all txs who's status is not rejected<br>
err: undefined,<br>
optionally the values of the keys can be functions for situations like where
you want all but one status.
@param {Array} [initialList=this.getTxList()]
@returns {Array} array of txMeta with all
options matching
| `err: undefined` is like looking |
| for a tx with no err |
| so you can also search txs that |
| dont have something as well by |
| setting the value as undefined |
this is for things like filtering a the tx list
for only tx's from 1 account
or for filtering for all txs from one account
and that have been 'confirmed'
getFilteredTxList(opts, initialList) {
let filteredTxList = initialList
Object.keys(opts).forEach((key) => {
filteredTxList = this.getTxsByMetaData(key, opts[key], filteredTxList)
return filteredTxList
* @param {string} key - the key to check
* @param {any} value - the value your looking for can also be a function that returns a bool
* @param {Array} [txList=this.getTxList()] - the list to search. default is the txList
* from txStateManager#getTxList
* @returns {Array} a list of txMetas who matches the search params
getTxsByMetaData(key, value, txList = this.getTxList()) {
const filter = typeof value === 'function' ? value : (v) => v === value
return txList.filter((txMeta) => {
if (key in txMeta.txParams) {
return filter(txMeta.txParams[key])
return filter(txMeta[key])
// get::set status
* @param {number} txId - the txMeta Id
* @returns {string} the status of the tx.
getTxStatus(txId) {
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
return txMeta.status
* Update the status of the tx to 'rejected'.
* @param {number} txId - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusRejected(txId) {
this._setTxStatus(txId, 'rejected')
* Update the status of the tx to 'unapproved'.
* @param {number} txId - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusUnapproved(txId) {
* Update the status of the tx to 'approved'.
* @param {number} txId - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusApproved(txId) {
* Update the status of the tx to 'signed'.
* @param {number} txId - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusSigned(txId) {
* Update the status of the tx to 'submitted' and add a time stamp
* for when it was called
* @param {number} txId - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusSubmitted(txId) {
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
txMeta.submittedTime = new Date().getTime()
this.updateTx(txMeta, 'txStateManager - add submitted time stamp')
* Update the status of the tx to 'confirmed'.
* @param {number} txId - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusConfirmed(txId) {
* Update the status of the tx to 'dropped'.
* @param {number} txId - the txMeta Id
setTxStatusDropped(txId) {
* Updates the status of the tx to 'failed' and put the error on the txMeta
* @param {number} txId - the txMeta Id
* @param {erroObject} err - error object
setTxStatusFailed(txId, err) {
const error = err || new Error('Internal metamask failure')
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
txMeta.err = {
message: error.toString(),
rpc: error.value,
stack: error.stack,
this.updateTx(txMeta, 'transactions:tx-state-manager#fail - add error')
* Removes transaction from the given address for the current network
* from the txList
* @param {string} address - hex string of the from address on the txParams
* to remove
wipeTransactions(address) {
// network only tx
const txs = this.getFullTxList()
const network = this.getNetwork()
// Filter out the ones from the current account and network
const otherAccountTxs = txs.filter(
(txMeta) =>
txMeta.txParams.from === address &&
txMeta.metamaskNetworkId === network
// Update state
* @param {number} txId - the txMeta Id
* @param {TransactionStatuses[keyof TransactionStatuses]} status - the status to set on the txMeta
* @emits tx:status-update - passes txId and status
* @emits ${txMeta.id}:finished - if it is a finished state. Passes the txMeta
* @emits update:badge
_setTxStatus(txId, status) {
const txMeta = this.getTx(txId)
if (!txMeta) {
txMeta.status = status
try {
this.updateTx(txMeta, `txStateManager: setting status to ${status}`)
this.emit(`${txMeta.id}:${status}`, txId)
this.emit(`tx:status-update`, txId, status)
if (
) {
this.emit(`${txMeta.id}:finished`, txMeta)
} catch (error) {
* Saves the new/updated txList. Intended only for internal use
* @param {Array} transactions - the list of transactions to save
_saveTxList(transactions) {
this.store.updateState({ transactions })
_removeTx(txId) {
const transactionList = this.getFullTxList()
this._saveTxList(transactionList.filter((txMeta) => txMeta.id !== txId))
* Filters out the unapproved transactions
clearUnapprovedTxs() {
const transactions = this.getFullTxList()
const nonUnapprovedTxs = transactions.filter(