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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
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const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const inherits = require('util').inherits
const Transaction = require('ethereumjs-tx')
const LightwalletKeyStore = require('eth-lightwallet').keystore
const LightwalletSigner = require('eth-lightwallet').signing
const async = require('async')
const clone = require('clone')
const extend = require('xtend')
const createId = require('web3-provider-engine/util/random-id')
module.exports = IdentityStore
inherits(IdentityStore, EventEmitter)
function IdentityStore(ethStore) {
const self = this
// we just use the ethStore to auto-add accounts
self._ethStore = ethStore
// lightwallet key store
self._keyStore = null
// lightwallet wrapper
self._idmgmt = null
self._currentState = {
selectedAddress: null,
identities: {},
unconfTxs: {},
// not part of serilized metamask state - only kept in memory
self._unconfTxCbs = {}
// public
IdentityStore.prototype.createNewVault = function(password, cb){
const self = this
delete self._keyStore
delete window.localStorage['lightwallet']
var keyStore = self._createIdmgmt(password, function(err){
if (err) return cb(err)
var seedWords = self._idmgmt.getSeed()
cb(null, seedWords)
IdentityStore.prototype.setStore = function(store){
const self = this
self._ethStore = store
IdentityStore.prototype.getState = function(){
const self = this
return clone(extend(self._currentState, {
isInitialized: !!window.localStorage['lightwallet'],
isUnlocked: self._isUnlocked(),
IdentityStore.prototype.getSelectedAddress = function(){
const self = this
return self._currentState.selectedAddress
IdentityStore.prototype.setSelectedAddress = function(address){
const self = this
self._currentState.selectedAddress = address
IdentityStore.prototype.setLocked = function(){
const self = this
delete self._keyStore
delete self._idmgmt
IdentityStore.prototype.submitPassword = function(password, cb){
const self = this
self._tryPassword(password, function(err){
if (err) return cb(err)
// load identities before returning...
// comes from dapp via zero-client hooked-wallet provider
IdentityStore.prototype.addUnconfirmedTransaction = function(txParams, cb){
var self = this
// create txData obj with parameters and meta data
var time = (new Date()).getTime()
var txId = createId()
var txData = {
id: txId,
txParams: txParams,
time: time,
status: 'unconfirmed',
self._currentState.unconfTxs[txId] = txData
console.log('addUnconfirmedTransaction:', txData)
// keep the cb around for after approval (requires user interaction)
self._unconfTxCbs[txId] = cb
// signal update
return txId
// comes from metamask ui
IdentityStore.prototype.approveTransaction = function(txId, cb){
const self = this
var txData = self._currentState.unconfTxs[txId]
var txParams = txData.txParams
var approvalCb = self._unconfTxCbs[txId] || noop
// accept tx
approvalCb(null, true)
// clean up
delete self._currentState.unconfTxs[txId]
delete self._unconfTxCbs[txId]
// comes from metamask ui
IdentityStore.prototype.cancelTransaction = function(txId){
const self = this
var txData = self._currentState.unconfTxs[txId]
var approvalCb = self._unconfTxCbs[txId] || noop
// reject tx
approvalCb(null, false)
// clean up
delete self._currentState.unconfTxs[txId]
delete self._unconfTxCbs[txId]
// performs the actual signing, no autofill of params
IdentityStore.prototype.signTransaction = function(txParams, cb){
const self = this
try {
console.log('signing tx...', txParams)
var rawTx = self._idmgmt.signTx(txParams)
cb(null, rawTx)
} catch (err) {
// private
IdentityStore.prototype._didUpdate = function(){
const self = this
self.emit('update', self.getState())
IdentityStore.prototype._isUnlocked = function(){
const self = this
var result = Boolean(self._keyStore) && Boolean(self._idmgmt)
return result
// load identities from keyStoreet
IdentityStore.prototype._loadIdentities = function(){
const self = this
if (!self._isUnlocked()) throw new Error('not unlocked')
// get addresses and normalize address hexString
var addresses = self._keyStore.getAddresses().map(function(address){ return '0x'+address })
// // add to ethStore
// add to identities
var identity = {
name: 'Wally',
img: 'QmW6hcwYzXrNkuHrpvo58YeZvbZxUddv69ATSHY3BHpPdd',
address: address,
self._currentState.identities[address] = identity
// keyStore managment - unlocking + deserialization
IdentityStore.prototype._tryPassword = function(password, cb){
const self = this
self._createIdmgmt(password, cb)
IdentityStore.prototype._createIdmgmt = function(password, cb){
const self = this
var keyStore = null
LightwalletKeyStore.deriveKeyFromPassword(password, function(err, derrivedKey){
if (err) return cb(err)
var serializedKeystore = window.localStorage['lightwallet']
// returning user
if (serializedKeystore) {
keyStore = LightwalletKeyStore.deserialize(serializedKeystore)
var isCorrect = keyStore.isDerivedKeyCorrect(derrivedKey)
if (!isCorrect) return cb(new Error('Lightwallet - password incorrect'))
// first time here
} else {
var secretSeed = LightwalletKeyStore.generateRandomSeed()
keyStore = new LightwalletKeyStore(secretSeed, derrivedKey)
keyStore.generateNewAddress(derrivedKey, 3)
window.localStorage['lightwallet'] = keyStore.serialize()
console.log('saved to keystore localStorage')
self._keyStore = keyStore
self._idmgmt = {
getAddresses: function(){
return keyStore.getAddresses().map(function(address){ return '0x'+address })
signTx: function(txParams){
// normalize values
txParams.to = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.to)
txParams.from = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.from)
txParams.value = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.value)
txParams.data = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.data)
txParams.gasLimit = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.gasLimit || txParams.gas)
txParams.nonce = ethUtil.addHexPrefix(txParams.nonce)
var tx = new Transaction(txParams)
var rawTx = '0x'+tx.serialize().toString('hex')
return '0x'+LightwalletSigner.signTx(keyStore, derrivedKey, rawTx, txParams.from)
getSeed: function(){
return keyStore.getSeed(derrivedKey)
// util
function noop(){}