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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
`seedWords` used to be stored on the metamask state temporarily at certain points. This hasn't been the case since #5994, but references to this state remained. All of the logic remained for correctly updating these `seedWords`, handling them during navigation, and scrubbing them from the state. However the state was never updated in practice. The `seedWords` are still returned by `verifySeedPhrase`, and they're still stored in component state in a few places. But they aren't ever set in the Redux metadata state or the Preferences controller. All references to this state have been removed, along with any logic for interacting with this state. A few unused actions were removed as well.
496 lines
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496 lines
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import assert from 'assert'
import reduceMetamask from '../../../../../ui/app/ducks/metamask/metamask'
import * as actions from '../../../../../ui/app/store/actions'
describe('MetaMask Reducers', () => {
it('init state', () => {
const initState = reduceMetamask({metamask: {}}, {})
it('unlocks MetaMask', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.UNLOCK_METAMASK,
value: 'test address',
assert.equal(state.isUnlocked, true)
assert.equal(state.isInitialized, true)
assert.equal(state.selectedAddress, 'test address')
it('locks MetaMask', () => {
const unlockMetaMaskState = {
metamask: {
isUnlocked: true,
isInitialzed: false,
selectedAddress: 'test address',
const lockMetaMask = reduceMetamask(unlockMetaMaskState, {
type: actions.LOCK_METAMASK,
assert.equal(lockMetaMask.isUnlocked, false)
it('sets frequent rpc list', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.SET_RPC_LIST,
value: 'https://custom.rpc',
assert.equal(state.frequentRpcList, 'https://custom.rpc')
it('sets rpc target', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.SET_RPC_TARGET,
value: 'https://custom.rpc',
assert.equal(state.provider.rpcTarget, 'https://custom.rpc')
it('sets provider type', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.SET_PROVIDER_TYPE,
value: 'provider type',
assert.equal(state.provider.type, 'provider type')
describe('CompletedTx', () => {
const oldState = {
metamask: {
unapprovedTxs: {
1: {
id: 1,
time: 1538495996507,
status: 'unapproved',
metamaskNetworkId: 4,
loadingDefaults: false,
txParams: {
from: '0xAddress',
to: '0xAddress2',
value: '0x16345785d8a0000',
gas: '0x5208',
gasPrice: '0x3b9aca00',
type: 'standard',
2: {
test: 'Should persist',
unapprovedMsgs: {
1: {
id: 2,
msgParams: {
from: '0xAddress',
data: '0xData',
origin: 'test origin',
time: 1538498521717,
status: 'unapproved',
type: 'eth_sign',
2: {
test: 'Should Persist',
it('removes tx from new state if completed in action.', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask(oldState, {
type: actions.COMPLETED_TX,
id: 1,
assert.equal(Object.keys(state.unapprovedTxs).length, 1)
assert.equal(state.unapprovedTxs[2].test, 'Should persist')
it('removes msg from new state if completed id in action', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask(oldState, {
type: actions.COMPLETED_TX,
id: 1,
assert.equal(Object.keys(state.unapprovedMsgs).length, 1)
assert.equal(state.unapprovedTxs[2].test, 'Should persist')
it('shows account detail', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.SHOW_ACCOUNT_DETAIL,
value: 'test address',
assert.equal(state.isUnlocked, true)
assert.equal(state.isInitialized, true)
assert.equal(state.selectedAddress, 'test address')
it('sets select ', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.SET_SELECTED_TOKEN,
value: 'test token',
assert.equal(state.selectedTokenAddress, 'test token')
it('sets account label', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.SET_ACCOUNT_LABEL,
value: {
account: 'test account',
label: 'test label',
assert.deepEqual(state.identities, { 'test account': { name: 'test label' } })
it('sets current fiat', () => {
const value = {
currentCurrency: 'yen',
conversionRate: 3.14,
conversionDate: new Date(2018, 9),
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.SET_CURRENT_FIAT,
assert.equal(state.currentCurrency, value.currentCurrency)
assert.equal(state.conversionRate, value.conversionRate)
assert.equal(state.conversionDate, value.conversionDate)
it('updates tokens', () => {
const newTokens = {
'address': '0x617b3f8050a0bd94b6b1da02b4384ee5b4df13f4',
'decimals': 18,
'symbol': 'META',
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.UPDATE_TOKENS,
assert.deepEqual(state.tokens, newTokens)
it('updates send gas limit', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.UPDATE_GAS_LIMIT,
value: '0xGasLimit',
assert.equal(state.send.gasLimit, '0xGasLimit')
it('updates send gas price', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.UPDATE_GAS_PRICE,
value: '0xGasPrice',
assert.equal(state.send.gasPrice, '0xGasPrice')
it('toggles account menu ', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.TOGGLE_ACCOUNT_MENU,
assert.equal(state.isAccountMenuOpen, true)
it('updates gas total', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.UPDATE_GAS_TOTAL,
value: '0xGasTotal',
assert.equal(state.send.gasTotal, '0xGasTotal')
it('updates send token balance', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
value: '0xTokenBalance',
assert.equal(state.send.tokenBalance, '0xTokenBalance')
it('updates data', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.UPDATE_SEND_HEX_DATA,
value: '0xData',
assert.equal(state.send.data, '0xData')
it('updates send to', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.UPDATE_SEND_TO,
value: {
to: '0xAddress',
nickname: 'nickname',
assert.equal(state.send.to, '0xAddress')
assert.equal(state.send.toNickname, 'nickname')
it('update send from', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.UPDATE_SEND_FROM,
value: '0xAddress',
assert.equal(state.send.from, '0xAddress')
it('update send amount', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.UPDATE_SEND_AMOUNT,
value: '0xAmount',
assert.equal(state.send.amount, '0xAmount')
it('update send memo', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.UPDATE_SEND_MEMO,
value: '0xMemo',
assert.equal(state.send.memo, '0xMemo')
it('updates max mode', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.UPDATE_MAX_MODE,
value: true,
assert.equal(state.send.maxModeOn, true)
it('update send', () => {
const value = {
gasLimit: '0xGasLimit',
gasPrice: '0xGasPrice',
gasTotal: '0xGasTotal',
tokenBalance: '0xBalance',
from: '0xAddress',
to: '0xAddress',
toNickname: '',
maxModeOn: false,
amount: '0xAmount',
memo: '0xMemo',
errors: {},
editingTransactionId: 22,
forceGasMin: '0xGas',
const sendState = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.UPDATE_SEND,
assert.deepEqual(sendState.send, value)
it('clears send', () => {
const initStateSend = {
{ gasLimit: null,
gasPrice: null,
gasTotal: null,
tokenBalance: null,
from: '',
to: '',
amount: '0x0',
memo: '',
errors: {},
maxModeOn: false,
editingTransactionId: null,
forceGasMin: null,
toNickname: '' },
const sendState = {
send: {
gasLimit: '0xGasLimit',
gasPrice: '0xGasPrice',
gasTotal: '0xGasTotal',
tokenBalance: '0xBalance',
from: '0xAddress',
to: '0xAddress',
toNickname: '',
maxModeOn: false,
amount: '0xAmount',
memo: '0xMemo',
errors: {},
editingTransactionId: 22,
forceGasMin: '0xGas',
const state = reduceMetamask(sendState, {
type: actions.CLEAR_SEND,
assert.deepEqual(state.send, initStateSend.send)
it('updates value of tx by id', () => {
const oldState = {
metamask: {
selectedAddressTxList: [
id: 1,
txParams: 'foo',
const state = reduceMetamask(oldState, {
id: 1,
value: 'bar',
assert.equal(state.selectedAddressTxList[0].txParams, 'bar')
it('updates pair for shapeshift', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.PAIR_UPDATE,
value: {
marketinfo: {
pair: 'test pair',
foo: 'bar',
assert.equal(state.tokenExchangeRates['test pair'].pair, 'test pair')
it('upates pair and coin options for shapeshift subview', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
value: {
marketinfo: {
pair: 'test pair',
coinOptions: {
foo: 'bar',
assert.equal(state.coinOptions.foo, 'bar')
assert.equal(state.tokenExchangeRates['test pair'].pair, 'test pair')
it('sets blockies', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.SET_USE_BLOCKIE,
value: true,
assert.equal(state.useBlockie, true)
it('updates an arbitrary feature flag', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
value: {
foo: true,
assert.equal(state.featureFlags.foo, true)
it('updates network endpoint type', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
value: 'endpoint',
assert.equal(state.networkEndpointType, 'endpoint')
it('close welcome screen', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
assert.equal(state.welcomeScreenSeen, true)
it('sets current locale', () => {
const state = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.SET_CURRENT_LOCALE,
value: 'ge',
assert.equal(state.currentLocale, 'ge')
it('sets pending tokens ', () => {
const payload = {
'address': '0x617b3f8050a0bd94b6b1da02b4384ee5b4df13f4',
'decimals': 18,
'symbol': 'META',
const pendingTokensState = reduceMetamask({}, {
type: actions.SET_PENDING_TOKENS,
assert.deepEqual(pendingTokensState.pendingTokens, payload)
it('clears pending tokens', () => {
const payload = {
'address': '0x617b3f8050a0bd94b6b1da02b4384ee5b4df13f4',
'decimals': 18,
'symbol': 'META',
const pendingTokensState = {
pendingTokens: payload,
const state = reduceMetamask(pendingTokensState, {
assert.deepEqual(state.pendingTokens, {})