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synced 2024-12-02 14:15:06 +01:00
Each "message" requiring a user confirmation has a unique `type` property. These `type` properties have all been added as enums, and the enum is now used wherever the literal string was used previously.
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import EventEmitter from 'events'
import ObservableStore from 'obs-store'
import ethUtil from 'ethereumjs-util'
import { ethErrors } from 'eth-json-rpc-errors'
import createId from './random-id'
import { MESSAGE_TYPE } from './enums'
const hexRe = /^[0-9A-Fa-f]+$/g
import log from 'loglevel'
* Represents, and contains data about, an 'personal_sign' type signature request. These are created when a
* signature for an personal_sign call is requested.
* @see {@link https://web3js.readthedocs.io/en/1.0/web3-eth-personal.html#sign}
* @typedef {Object} PersonalMessage
* @property {number} id An id to track and identify the message object
* @property {Object} msgParams The parameters to pass to the personal_sign method once the signature request is
* approved.
* @property {Object} msgParams.metamaskId Added to msgParams for tracking and identification within MetaMask.
* @property {string} msgParams.data A hex string conversion of the raw buffer data of the signature request
* @property {number} time The epoch time at which the this message was created
* @property {string} status Indicates whether the signature request is 'unapproved', 'approved', 'signed' or 'rejected'
* @property {string} type The json-prc signing method for which a signature request has been made. A 'Message' will
* always have a 'personal_sign' type.
export default class PersonalMessageManager extends EventEmitter {
* Controller in charge of managing - storing, adding, removing, updating - PersonalMessage.
* @typedef {Object} PersonalMessageManager
* @param {Object} opts @deprecated
* @property {Object} memStore The observable store where PersonalMessage are saved with persistance.
* @property {Object} memStore.unapprovedPersonalMsgs A collection of all PersonalMessages in the 'unapproved' state
* @property {number} memStore.unapprovedPersonalMsgCount The count of all PersonalMessages in this.memStore.unapprobedMsgs
* @property {array} messages Holds all messages that have been created by this PersonalMessageManager
constructor () {
this.memStore = new ObservableStore({
unapprovedPersonalMsgs: {},
unapprovedPersonalMsgCount: 0,
this.messages = []
* A getter for the number of 'unapproved' PersonalMessages in this.messages
* @returns {number} - The number of 'unapproved' PersonalMessages in this.messages
get unapprovedPersonalMsgCount () {
return Object.keys(this.getUnapprovedMsgs()).length
* A getter for the 'unapproved' PersonalMessages in this.messages
* @returns {Object} - An index of PersonalMessage ids to PersonalMessages, for all 'unapproved' PersonalMessages in
* this.messages
getUnapprovedMsgs () {
return this.messages.filter((msg) => msg.status === 'unapproved')
.reduce((result, msg) => {
result[msg.id] = msg; return result
}, {})
* Creates a new PersonalMessage with an 'unapproved' status using the passed msgParams. this.addMsg is called to add
* the new PersonalMessage to this.messages, and to save the unapproved PersonalMessages from that list to
* this.memStore.
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params for the eth_sign call to be made after the message is approved.
* @param {Object} req (optional) The original request object possibly containing the origin
* @returns {promise} - When the message has been signed or rejected
addUnapprovedMessageAsync (msgParams, req) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!msgParams.from) {
reject(new Error('MetaMask Message Signature: from field is required.'))
const msgId = this.addUnapprovedMessage(msgParams, req)
this.once(`${msgId}:finished`, (data) => {
switch (data.status) {
case 'signed':
return resolve(data.rawSig)
case 'rejected':
return reject(ethErrors.provider.userRejectedRequest('MetaMask Message Signature: User denied message signature.'))
return reject(new Error(`MetaMask Message Signature: Unknown problem: ${JSON.stringify(msgParams)}`))
* Creates a new PersonalMessage with an 'unapproved' status using the passed msgParams. this.addMsg is called to add
* the new PersonalMessage to this.messages, and to save the unapproved PersonalMessages from that list to
* this.memStore.
* @param {Object} msgParams - The params for the eth_sign call to be made after the message is approved.
* @param {Object} req (optional) The original request object possibly containing the origin
* @returns {number} - The id of the newly created PersonalMessage.
addUnapprovedMessage (msgParams, req) {
log.debug(`PersonalMessageManager addUnapprovedMessage: ${JSON.stringify(msgParams)}`)
// add origin from request
if (req) {
msgParams.origin = req.origin
msgParams.data = this.normalizeMsgData(msgParams.data)
// create txData obj with parameters and meta data
const time = (new Date()).getTime()
const msgId = createId()
const msgData = {
id: msgId,
msgParams: msgParams,
time: time,
status: 'unapproved',
// signal update
return msgId
* Adds a passed PersonalMessage to this.messages, and calls this._saveMsgList() to save the unapproved PersonalMessages from that
* list to this.memStore.
* @param {Message} msg - The PersonalMessage to add to this.messages
addMsg (msg) {
* Returns a specified PersonalMessage.
* @param {number} msgId - The id of the PersonalMessage to get
* @returns {PersonalMessage|undefined} - The PersonalMessage with the id that matches the passed msgId, or undefined
* if no PersonalMessage has that id.
getMsg (msgId) {
return this.messages.find((msg) => msg.id === msgId)
* Approves a PersonalMessage. Sets the message status via a call to this.setMsgStatusApproved, and returns a promise
* with any the message params modified for proper signing.
* @param {Object} msgParams - The msgParams to be used when eth_sign is called, plus data added by MetaMask.
* @param {Object} msgParams.metamaskId Added to msgParams for tracking and identification within MetaMask.
* @returns {Promise<object>} - Promises the msgParams object with metamaskId removed.
approveMessage (msgParams) {
return this.prepMsgForSigning(msgParams)
* Sets a PersonalMessage status to 'approved' via a call to this._setMsgStatus.
* @param {number} msgId - The id of the PersonalMessage to approve.
setMsgStatusApproved (msgId) {
this._setMsgStatus(msgId, 'approved')
* Sets a PersonalMessage status to 'signed' via a call to this._setMsgStatus and updates that PersonalMessage in
* this.messages by adding the raw signature data of the signature request to the PersonalMessage
* @param {number} msgId - The id of the PersonalMessage to sign.
* @param {buffer} rawSig - The raw data of the signature request
setMsgStatusSigned (msgId, rawSig) {
const msg = this.getMsg(msgId)
msg.rawSig = rawSig
this._setMsgStatus(msgId, 'signed')
* Removes the metamaskId property from passed msgParams and returns a promise which resolves the updated msgParams
* @param {Object} msgParams - The msgParams to modify
* @returns {Promise<object>} - Promises the msgParams with the metamaskId property removed
prepMsgForSigning (msgParams) {
delete msgParams.metamaskId
return Promise.resolve(msgParams)
* Sets a PersonalMessage status to 'rejected' via a call to this._setMsgStatus.
* @param {number} msgId - The id of the PersonalMessage to reject.
rejectMsg (msgId) {
this._setMsgStatus(msgId, 'rejected')
* Updates the status of a PersonalMessage in this.messages via a call to this._updateMsg
* @private
* @param {number} msgId - The id of the PersonalMessage to update.
* @param {string} status - The new status of the PersonalMessage.
* @throws A 'PersonalMessageManager - PersonalMessage not found for id: "${msgId}".' if there is no PersonalMessage
* in this.messages with an id equal to the passed msgId
* @fires An event with a name equal to `${msgId}:${status}`. The PersonalMessage is also fired.
* @fires If status is 'rejected' or 'signed', an event with a name equal to `${msgId}:finished` is fired along
* with the PersonalMessage
_setMsgStatus (msgId, status) {
const msg = this.getMsg(msgId)
if (!msg) {
throw new Error(`PersonalMessageManager - Message not found for id: "${msgId}".`)
msg.status = status
this.emit(`${msgId}:${status}`, msg)
if (status === 'rejected' || status === 'signed') {
this.emit(`${msgId}:finished`, msg)
* Sets a PersonalMessage in this.messages to the passed PersonalMessage if the ids are equal. Then saves the
* unapprovedPersonalMsgs index to storage via this._saveMsgList
* @private
* @param {msg} PersonalMessage - A PersonalMessage that will replace an existing PersonalMessage (with the same
* id) in this.messages
_updateMsg (msg) {
const index = this.messages.findIndex((message) => message.id === msg.id)
if (index !== -1) {
this.messages[index] = msg
* Saves the unapproved PersonalMessages, and their count, to this.memStore
* @private
* @fires 'updateBadge'
_saveMsgList () {
const unapprovedPersonalMsgs = this.getUnapprovedMsgs()
const unapprovedPersonalMsgCount = Object.keys(unapprovedPersonalMsgs).length
this.memStore.updateState({ unapprovedPersonalMsgs, unapprovedPersonalMsgCount })
* A helper function that converts raw buffer data to a hex, or just returns the data if it is already formatted as a hex.
* @param {any} data - The buffer data to convert to a hex
* @returns {string} - A hex string conversion of the buffer data
normalizeMsgData (data) {
try {
const stripped = ethUtil.stripHexPrefix(data)
if (stripped.match(hexRe)) {
return ethUtil.addHexPrefix(stripped)
} catch (e) {
log.debug(`Message was not hex encoded, interpreting as utf8.`)
return ethUtil.bufferToHex(Buffer.from(data, 'utf8'))