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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
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212 lines
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diff --git a/dist/TokensController.js b/dist/TokensController.js
index 0e03b88e8a46dce73a5cc87fb432b0b2431b3797..fc8893fa6bad76d65aa34fa1bfb0b233b1259ae6 100644
--- a/dist/TokensController.js
+++ b/dist/TokensController.js
@@ -25,13 +25,6 @@ const base_controller_1 = require("@metamask/base-controller");
const controller_utils_1 = require("@metamask/controller-utils");
const assetsUtil_1 = require("./assetsUtil");
const token_service_1 = require("./token-service");
-var SuggestedAssetStatus;
-(function (SuggestedAssetStatus) {
- SuggestedAssetStatus["accepted"] = "accepted";
- SuggestedAssetStatus["failed"] = "failed";
- SuggestedAssetStatus["pending"] = "pending";
- SuggestedAssetStatus["rejected"] = "rejected";
-})(SuggestedAssetStatus || (SuggestedAssetStatus = {}));
* The name of the {@link TokensController}.
@@ -93,10 +86,6 @@ class TokensController extends base_controller_1.BaseController {
- failSuggestedAsset(suggestedAssetMeta, error) {
- const failedSuggestedAssetMeta = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, suggestedAssetMeta), { status: SuggestedAssetStatus.failed, error });
- this.hub.emit(`${suggestedAssetMeta.id}:finished`, failedSuggestedAssetMeta);
- }
* Fetch metadata for a token.
@@ -412,9 +401,10 @@ class TokensController extends base_controller_1.BaseController {
_generateRandomId() {
return (0, uuid_1.v1)();
+ // THIS PATCHED METHOD HAS ALREADY BEEN RELEASED IN VERSION 8.0.0 of @metamask/assets-controllers
- * Adds a new suggestedAsset to state. Parameters will be validated according to
- * asset type being watched. A `<suggestedAssetMeta.id>:pending` hub event will be emitted once added.
+ * Adds a new suggestedAsset to the list of watched assets.
+ * Parameters will be validated according to the asset type being watched.
* @param asset - The asset to be watched. For now only ERC20 tokens are accepted.
* @param type - The asset type.
@@ -423,103 +413,22 @@ class TokensController extends base_controller_1.BaseController {
watchAsset(asset, type, interactingAddress) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+ if (type !== controller_utils_1.ERC20) {
+ throw new Error(`Asset of type ${type} not supported`);
+ }
const { selectedAddress } = this.config;
const suggestedAssetMeta = {
id: this._generateRandomId(),
- status: SuggestedAssetStatus.pending,
time: Date.now(),
interactingAddress: interactingAddress || selectedAddress,
- try {
- switch (type) {
- case 'ERC20':
- (0, assetsUtil_1.validateTokenToWatch)(asset);
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error(`Asset of type ${type} not supported`);
- }
- }
- catch (error) {
- this.failSuggestedAsset(suggestedAssetMeta, error);
- return Promise.reject(error);
- }
- const result = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- this.hub.once(`${suggestedAssetMeta.id}:finished`, (meta) => {
- switch (meta.status) {
- case SuggestedAssetStatus.accepted:
- return resolve(meta.asset.address);
- case SuggestedAssetStatus.rejected:
- return reject(new Error('User rejected to watch the asset.'));
- case SuggestedAssetStatus.failed:
- return reject(new Error(meta.error.message));
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- default:
- return reject(new Error(`Unknown status: ${meta.status}`));
- }
- });
- });
- const { suggestedAssets } = this.state;
- suggestedAssets.push(suggestedAssetMeta);
- this.update({ suggestedAssets: [...suggestedAssets] });
- this._requestApproval(suggestedAssetMeta);
- return { result, suggestedAssetMeta };
- });
- }
- /**
- * Accepts to watch an asset and updates it's status and deletes the suggestedAsset from state,
- * adding the asset to corresponding asset state. In this case ERC20 tokens.
- * A `<suggestedAssetMeta.id>:finished` hub event is fired after accepted or failure.
- *
- * @param suggestedAssetID - The ID of the suggestedAsset to accept.
- */
- acceptWatchAsset(suggestedAssetID) {
- return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
- const { selectedAddress } = this.config;
- const { suggestedAssets } = this.state;
- const index = suggestedAssets.findIndex(({ id }) => suggestedAssetID === id);
- const suggestedAssetMeta = suggestedAssets[index];
- try {
- switch (suggestedAssetMeta.type) {
- case 'ERC20':
- const { address, symbol, decimals, image } = suggestedAssetMeta.asset;
- yield this.addToken(address, symbol, decimals, image, (suggestedAssetMeta === null || suggestedAssetMeta === void 0 ? void 0 : suggestedAssetMeta.interactingAddress) || selectedAddress);
- this._acceptApproval(suggestedAssetID);
- const acceptedSuggestedAssetMeta = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, suggestedAssetMeta), { status: SuggestedAssetStatus.accepted });
- this.hub.emit(`${suggestedAssetMeta.id}:finished`, acceptedSuggestedAssetMeta);
- break;
- default:
- throw new Error(`Asset of type ${suggestedAssetMeta.type} not supported`);
- }
- }
- catch (error) {
- this.failSuggestedAsset(suggestedAssetMeta, error);
- this._rejectApproval(suggestedAssetID);
- }
- const newSuggestedAssets = suggestedAssets.filter(({ id }) => id !== suggestedAssetID);
- this.update({ suggestedAssets: [...newSuggestedAssets] });
+ (0, assetsUtil_1.validateTokenToWatch)(asset);
+ yield this._requestApproval(suggestedAssetMeta);
+ yield this.addToken(asset.address, asset.symbol, asset.decimals, asset.image, suggestedAssetMeta.interactingAddress);
- /**
- * Rejects a watchAsset request based on its ID by setting its status to "rejected"
- * and emitting a `<suggestedAssetMeta.id>:finished` hub event.
- *
- * @param suggestedAssetID - The ID of the suggestedAsset to accept.
- */
- rejectWatchAsset(suggestedAssetID) {
- const { suggestedAssets } = this.state;
- const index = suggestedAssets.findIndex(({ id }) => suggestedAssetID === id);
- const suggestedAssetMeta = suggestedAssets[index];
- if (!suggestedAssetMeta) {
- return;
- }
- const rejectedSuggestedAssetMeta = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, suggestedAssetMeta), { status: SuggestedAssetStatus.rejected });
- this.hub.emit(`${suggestedAssetMeta.id}:finished`, rejectedSuggestedAssetMeta);
- const newSuggestedAssets = suggestedAssets.filter(({ id }) => id !== suggestedAssetID);
- this.update({ suggestedAssets: [...newSuggestedAssets] });
- this._rejectApproval(suggestedAssetID);
- }
* Takes a new tokens and ignoredTokens array for the current network/account combination
* and returns new allTokens and allIgnoredTokens state to update to.
@@ -576,43 +485,26 @@ class TokensController extends base_controller_1.BaseController {
clearIgnoredTokens() {
this.update({ ignoredTokens: [], allIgnoredTokens: {} });
+ // THIS PATCHED METHOD HAS ALREADY BEEN RELEASED IN VERSION 8.0.0 of @metamask/assets-controllers
_requestApproval(suggestedAssetMeta) {
- this.messagingSystem
- .call('ApprovalController:addRequest', {
- id: suggestedAssetMeta.id,
- origin: controller_utils_1.ORIGIN_METAMASK,
- type: controller_utils_1.ApprovalType.WatchAsset,
- requestData: {
+ return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
+ return this.messagingSystem.call('ApprovalController:addRequest', {
id: suggestedAssetMeta.id,
- interactingAddress: suggestedAssetMeta.interactingAddress,
- asset: {
- address: suggestedAssetMeta.asset.address,
- decimals: suggestedAssetMeta.asset.decimals,
- symbol: suggestedAssetMeta.asset.symbol,
- image: suggestedAssetMeta.asset.image || null,
+ origin: controller_utils_1.ORIGIN_METAMASK,
+ type: controller_utils_1.ApprovalType.WatchAsset,
+ requestData: {
+ id: suggestedAssetMeta.id,
+ interactingAddress: suggestedAssetMeta.interactingAddress,
+ asset: {
+ address: suggestedAssetMeta.asset.address,
+ decimals: suggestedAssetMeta.asset.decimals,
+ symbol: suggestedAssetMeta.asset.symbol,
+ image: suggestedAssetMeta.asset.image || null,
+ },
- },
- }, true)
- .catch(() => {
- // Intentionally ignored as promise not currently used
+ }, true);
- _acceptApproval(approvalRequestId) {
- try {
- this.messagingSystem.call('ApprovalController:acceptRequest', approvalRequestId);
- }
- catch (error) {
- console.error('Failed to accept token watch approval request', error);
- }
- }
- _rejectApproval(approvalRequestId) {
- try {
- this.messagingSystem.call('ApprovalController:rejectRequest', approvalRequestId, new Error('Rejected'));
- }
- catch (messageCallError) {
- console.error('Failed to reject token watch approval request', messageCallError);
- }
- }
exports.TokensController = TokensController;
exports.default = TokensController;