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synced 2024-12-23 09:52:26 +01:00
Refactor code and add unit tests for blocklist Add small fix for undefined Update property names Structural refactoring Refactor and improve unit tests Add comment that explains part of snaps blocking logic Refactor blocklist utility
75 lines
2.6 KiB
75 lines
2.6 KiB
module.exports = {
collectCoverageFrom: [
coverageDirectory: './jest-coverage/main',
coveragePathIgnorePatterns: ['.stories.js', '.snap'],
coverageReporters: ['html', 'text-summary', 'json-summary'],
coverageThreshold: {
global: {
branches: 44,
functions: 42,
lines: 52,
statements: 52,
'./app/scripts/controllers/permissions/**/*.js': {
branches: 100,
functions: 100,
lines: 100,
statements: 100,
'./app/scripts/lib/createRPCMethodTrackingMiddleware.js': {
branches: 95.65,
functions: 100,
lines: 100,
statements: 100,
reporters: [
outputDirectory: 'test/test-results/',
outputName: 'junit.xml',
// TODO: enable resetMocks
// resetMocks: true,
restoreMocks: true,
setupFiles: ['<rootDir>/test/setup.js', '<rootDir>/test/env.js'],
setupFilesAfterEnv: ['<rootDir>/test/jest/setup.js'],
testMatch: [
testTimeout: 2500,
// We have to specify the environment we are running in, which is jsdom. The
// default is 'node'. This can be modified *per file* using a comment at the
// head of the file. So it may be worth while to switch to 'node' in any
// background tests.
testEnvironment: 'jsdom',
// Our configuration somehow is calling into the esm folder / files of
// some modules. Jest supports ESM but our code is not set to emit ESM files
// so we are telling jest to use babel to transform the node_modules listed.
// Note: for some reason I could not hammer down to the node_modules
// installed in @metamask/controllers so I had to just blanket specify all
// of the @metamask/controllers folder.
transformIgnorePatterns: [
workerIdleMemoryLimit: '500MB',