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import { Story, Canvas, ArgsTable } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
import { BannerBase } from './banner-base';

### This is a base component. It should not be used in your feature code directly but as a "base" for other UI components

# BannerBase

The `BannerBase` is the base component for banners

<Canvas style={{ background: 'var(--color-background-alternative)' }}>
  <Story id="ui-components-component-library-banner-base-banner-base-stories-js--default-story" />

## Props

The `BannerBase` accepts all props below as well as all [Box](/docs/ui-components-ui-box-box-stories-js--default-story#props) component props

<ArgsTable of={BannerBase} />

### Title

Use the `title` prop to pass a string that is sentence case no period. Use the `titleProps` prop to pass additional props to the `Text` component.

<Canvas style={{ background: 'var(--color-background-alternative)' }}>
  <Story id="ui-components-component-library-banner-base-banner-base-stories-js--title" />

import { BannerBase } from '../../component-library';

<BannerBase title="Title is sentence case no period">
  Pass only a string through the title prop

### Children

The `children` is the description area of the `BannerBase` that can be a text or react node. Description shouldn't repeat title and only 1-3 lines.

<Canvas style={{ background: 'var(--color-background-alternative)' }}>
  <Story id="ui-components-component-library-banner-base-banner-base-stories-js--children" />

import { SIZES } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system';
import { BannerBase } from '../../component-library';

  {`Description shouldn't repeat title. 1-3 lines. Can contain a `}
  <ButtonLink size={SIZES.AUTO} href="https://metamask.io/" target="_blank">

### Action Button Label, onClick, & Props

Use the `actionButtonLabel` prop to pass text, `actionButtonOnClick` prop to pass an onClick handler, and `actionButtonProps` prop to pass an object of [ButtonLink props](/docs/ui-components-component-library-button-link-button-link-stories-js--default-story) for the action

<Canvas style={{ background: 'var(--color-background-alternative)' }}>
  <Story id="ui-components-component-library-banner-base-banner-base-stories-js--action-button" />

import { BannerBase, ICON_NAMES } from '../../component-library';

  title="Action prop demo"
    icon: ICON_NAMES.ARROW_2_RIGHT, // TODO: change to iconName
    iconPositionRight: true,
  actionButtonOnClick={() => console.log('ButtonLink actionButtonOnClick demo')}
  Use actionButtonLabel for action text, actionButtonOnClick for the onClick
  handler, and actionButtonProps to pass any ButtonLink prop types such as

### On Close

Use the `onClose` prop to pass a function to the close button. The close button will appear when this prop is used.

Additional props can be passed to the close button with `closeButtonProps`

<Canvas style={{ background: 'var(--color-background-alternative)' }}>
  <Story id="ui-components-component-library-banner-base-banner-base-stories-js--on-close" />

import { BannerBase } from '../../component-library';

  title="onClose demo"
  onClose={() => console.log('close button clicked')}
  Click the close button icon to hide this notifcation

### Start Accessory

Use the `startAccessory` prop to add components such as icons or fox image to the start (default: left) of the `BannerBase` content

<Canvas style={{ background: 'var(--color-background-alternative)' }}>
  <Story id="ui-components-component-library-banner-base-banner-base-stories-js--start-accessory" />

import { SIZES } from '../../../helpers/constants/design-system';
import { BannerBase, Icon, ICON_NAMES } from '../../component-library';

  title="Start accessory demo"
  startAccessory={<Icon name={ICON_NAMES.INFO_FILLED} size={SIZES.LG} />}
  The info icon on the left is passed through the startAccessory prop